Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Hunter Biden Claims Coronavirus Threat Should Allow Him to Avoid Paternity Deposition Until After Election

Good grief the Biden family is slimy and corrupt.  In the latest development of Hunter Biden’s efforts to avoid responsibility in a paternity and financial support lawsuit the son of the presidential candidate is now claiming the risk of contracting the coronavirus should excuse him from a court-ordered deposition.

Ms. Lunden Alexis Roberts was forced to sue Hunter Biden to establish he was the father of Roberts’ baby.  Roberts had argued that Biden was essentially an absent father, and the younger Biden had repeatedly denied paternity until the DNA test proved he was the father.

Keep in mind Hunter Biden is making these statements and avoidance claims while living in a luxury home in Beverly Hills, California:

(Via Fox News) Hunter Biden’s attorneys have abruptly asked the Arkansas judge in his ongoing paternity case to postpone his scheduled March 11 deposition until after Election Day, saying the coronavirus outbreak, his wife’s “imminent due date” and “intense media scrutiny” all pose a risk of “personal endangerment” for the former vice president’s son.
Additionally, Biden’s legal team argues he should not be held in contempt for failing to turn over a slew of financial documents related to child support. Republicans have said the information could contain damaging evidence of the younger Biden’s overseas business dealings and possible corruption.
“Defendant’s wife’s due date is imminent,” Biden’s request for continuance reads. “Defendant will supplement this motion as soon as possible with an affidavit of his wife’s treating physician.”
Additionally, “it is unsafe for the Defendant to travel, as travel restrictions have been implemented both domestically and internationally, particularly on airlines, due to the Coronavirus. Setting aside personal endangerment, Defendant reasonably believes that such travel unnecessarily exposes his wife and unborn child to this virus.”
[…] Last Friday, a blistering new filing from the mother of Biden’s child in the paternity case argued that Biden should be held in contempt for continuing to defy a court order to turn over his financial information, flaunting his lack of “respect” for the legal process and undermining the interests of the child he has previously refused to support or even acknowledge.
[…] As something of an olive branch, Biden’s team notes in its new motion that it “has no objection to entry of an order continuing the temporary support for another nine months and rescheduling the deposition and hearing at the end of that period” — this would be after the 2020 presidential election. (read more)