Friday, March 20, 2020

Playing Censor for the ChiComs

Can we all stop pretending Elizabeth Warren is a serious person?

It isn’t just the American news media that is carrying water for the ChiComs. Democrat politicians are getting in on the act as well.

But while most of the Democrats are satisfied with simply parroting the “THAT’S RACIST!” Talking Point, Elizabeth Warren has taken Useful Idiot for the ChiComs to a whole new level.


Take a look:

Yeah. Rather than simply quote-tweeting the President, she took a screen capture of the tweet so that she could censor out the word “Chinese.”

But don’t worry. It’s totally normal for a United States Senator to play Censor for the ChiComs.

Nothing creepy and totalitarian about it.

And here I thought we dodged a bullet when Hillary lost.

Thank God this awful woman is never going to be President of the United States.

The last thing we need is a sitting President who plays lapdog to the ChiComs.

Say, wasn’t Liz one of those people who believed President Trump was doing the bidding of Russia and Putin?

And here she is doing the bidding of China.

But she’s such an insufferable scold it probably never even entered her pea brain that playing censor for the ChiComs was a bad look.

The fact that she didn’t stop to consider how it would look to have a US Senator censoring a word in a tweet from her official Twitter account tells me all I need to know about what kind of a president Warren would have been.

This is not a serious person.

This is a Useful Idiot – willingly censoring the President in order to keep the ChiComs happy.

Honestly, I loathe this woman.