Friday, March 20, 2020

Let's Look At This Virus As An Opportunity

Covid19 the Chinese Flu smells like OPPORTUNITY!

These"intellectuals" believe they are better educated, smarter, better looking and of course superior to the rest of us solet's use the Covid19 Virus as an opportunity.

From here forward let's let Liberalshandle the "Chinese Flu" with their special skills.

1. Shut off all food, water and medical supplies to all Sanctuary Cities.
2. Station the National Guard outside each city to contain its population inside and protect them from deplorables sneaking in.
3. Move all Main Stream Media Talking heads into these cities and let them report on the successes.

We know that these Liberals will show us the way. After all they are superior. In addition, they have all those illegals who will care for their masters, right?

So, let's take this opportunty to see how these superior people care for themselves.

Remember, they love Open Borders, Globalization, Liberal Arts Degrees, Homosexuality, Transgenderism and Mass Transit.

So et's let them show us the way!