Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Trump Does Daytona and Media Melts Down

It is impossible to watch clips of the Daytona 500 and come away thinking, “Jeeze, there’s no way Trump can win reelection; nobody likes him.”
And that is why media is angry.

Yesterday President and Mrs. Trump attended the Daytona 500.
And it was quite an impressive spectacle.

Air Force One did a flyover.

The infamous POTUS limo “The Beast” did a lap around the track.

And, naturally, the media completely lost its marbles.

How dare Trump turn the Daytona 500 into a campaign rally?!

He’s politicizing this event!!!!!

Taxpayer money!!!

I wonder if Kelly O’Donnell was always so persnickety about this kind of thing.

“Big perk.”

Nope. I guess not.

This is to be expected.

Two years ago, in a column titled “The ‘Abnormalization’ of Trump,” Daniel Greenfield pointed out that, even if Trump does something other Presidents have done, the media will treat it as completely abnormal and beyond the pale.

Nothing existed before Trump. Nothing will exist after him. The left is caught in an endless moment of perpetual struggle, stretched out by the nanosecond pace of Twitter and amplified by endless media discourses, of how extraordinarily bad this moment is. In that moment, the left never grows or learns, it writhes in the hellish agonies of its own hatred at Trump’s continuing unnatural existence.

Most sentient human beings, upon seeing the President and FLOTUS at the Daytona 500, either thought, “Cool!” or they thought “Who cares?”

But not the media.  Not the Resistance😂.

When I saw the picture of Katie brushing her staffer’s hair while sitting naked in a chair, I literally didn’t know whether to laugh or cry or scream or just puke my guts out.

They have to turn themselves inside-out with indignation over everything President Trump does – especially when the crowds in attendance are excited/happy/delighted by him being there.

Suddenly, the thought of a President using “the official apparatus of government” to attend an event, is a scandal when it never was before.

As Twitchy pointed out last night, President Obama rode around in “the Beast” with comedian Jerry Seinfeld for the series “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.”

Nobody flipped out.  Everyone – including the media – either thought, “Cool!” or “Who cares?”

But that was different!!! It was Jerry Seinfeld!!! Trump went to Daytona to pander to those gap-tooth yokels!!!!

How many times did Barack Obama fly Air Force One to Los Angeles, then take “the Beast” to some studio so he could appear on “Ellen” or “Late Night” or “The Tonight Show?”

When Michelle Obama went to China in 2014 ostensibly for an official government trip, her two daughters and her mother came along.  They stayed in fancy 5-star hotels and played tourists for ten days – and we taxpayers got to foot the bill for their fancy-pants vacation.

Was Maggie Haberman upset by that?

Did Kelly O’Donnell have a cow?

Of course not.

But President Trump goes to an American city (other than LA) to participate in a very American pastime enjoyed by millions of Americans who don’t live in Hollywood, and these guys have a meltdown.

The reason the media is melting down over Trump at the Daytona 500 is obvious.

They need to convince the country that nobody likes Trump.

And the reaction from the crowd (and the drivers) made that impossible.

It isn’t just about abnormalizing Trump.

It’s about abnormalizing all the things normal, ordinary Americans love.

It’s about abnormalizing us.

They gave Obama a pass because he spent his time hobnobbing with celebrities.

Trump, on the other hand, spends his time mixing with the vulgars – we rags and tatters whom our media betters despise (and laugh at).

This is what infuriates them.

HoW DArE tHeY SMilE aND PoSE fOr PIctUReS!!!! TaXPaYer MOnEy!!!

It is impossible to watch clips from the Daytona 500 and come away thinking, “Jeeze, there’s no way Trump can win reelection; nobody likes him.”

And that is why the media is angry.

They can’t spin this as proof that Trump’s support among Americans is cratering. So they focus on persnickety BS while trying to blow it up into a scandal of never-before-seen proportions.

They don’t care that it makes them look petty and petulant.

They don’t care if it exposes their anti-Trump bias.

There’s a narrative to preserve.

And President Trump’s blockbuster appearance at the Daytona 500 blew past their narrative and left it in the dust.