Tuesday, February 18, 2020

If Liberals Ideas Are So Great...........

<i><b>“Right now, we are ignoring natural climate solutions. We spend 1000 times more on global fossil fuel subsidies than on natural based solutions. This is your money, it is your taxes, and your savings.”</b></i> - Greta Thunberg

Liberals tell us everyday, they are smarter than us, they have better ideas than us and they care more than us, so why............ Notice in California the Liberals who control the Governorship, Senate and House in their state, have veto proof majorities have yet fail to enact the following legislation they demand all America follow: 1. Free College for all. 2. Free Healthcare for all 3. Open Borders for all. 4. No food allowed in the city produced using fossil power methods. 5. No power allowed in the city produced by using fossil power methods. 6. No water allowed in the city produced by using fossil power methods. 7. No fossil powered vehicles. 8. Living wagefor all 9. Affordable Housing for all. 10. Pass necessary taxes to pay for all these great ideas. Hmm......

I really can't understand why these enlightened Liberals have Homelessness, crime and drug abuse. All of these issues can be cured by the above 10 great Liberal ideas.

If you have a Liberal friend, ask them, show them this OP andlet me know what their reposnse is.

I can tell you what Liberals I know say......... LOL!