Monday, September 30, 2019

Deep State Impeachment Team Racing Against Time, Durham and Barr

NY Times Aids With Australian Narrative

It is becoming clear the principals connected to the 2016 weaponization of the intelligence apparatus, DOJ and FBI are increasingly concerned about U.S. Attorney John Durham and Attorney General Bill Barr looking at the origins of “Spygate” and the Trump-Russia narrative.  Lawfare and their media outlets are leading their defensive-based offensive.

Remember, Stefan Halper (U.K.), Joseph Mifsud (Italy) and Alexander Downer (Australia) all played a key part in helping CIA Director John Brennan assemble his two-page Electronic Communication (EC) that initiated the FBI to start “Crossfire Hurricane.”
All of the Obama-era officials (specifically those who weaponized government in 2016 to target their political opposition) are using the “IC anonymous whistleblower” approach in an attempt to paint any current inquiry as Trump weaponizing the investigation of their coup effort.  Any effort by President Trump to expose the 2016 misconduct is now spun to be President Trump weaponizing his office to target his political opposition.

The latest visible example of the corrupt team anxiety surfaces via a counter-narrative in a New York Times article claiming President Trump asked Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to assist AG Bill Barr and his 2016 review.
WASHINGTON — President Trump pushed the Australian prime minister during a recent telephone call to help Attorney General William P. Barr gather information for a Justice Department inquiry that Mr. Trump hopes will discredit the Mueller investigation, according to two American officials with knowledge of the call.
The White House restricted access to the call’s transcript to a small group of the president’s aides, one of the officials said, an unusual decision that is similar to the handling of a July call with the Ukrainian president that is at the heart of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump.
Like that call, the discussion with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia shows the extent to which Mr. Trump sees the attorney general as a critical partner in his goal to show that the Mueller investigation had corrupt and partisan origins, and the extent that Mr. Trump sees the Justice Department inquiry as a potential way to gain leverage over America’s closest allies.
[…] President Trump initiated the discussion in recent weeks with Mr. Morrison explicitly for the purpose of requesting Australia’s help in the Justice Department review of the Russia investigation, according to the two people with knowledge of the discussion. Mr. Barr requested that Mr. Trump speak to Mr. Morrison, one of the people said.
[…] Mr. Barr flew to Italy last week and met with Italian government officials on Friday. The Justice Department spokeswoman would not say whether he discussed the election inquiry in those meetings, but former Justice Department officials said that Mr. Barr would need to ask foreign countries for cooperation in turning over documents pertaining to the 2016 election.
[…] The Justice Department said last week that it is exploring the extent to which other countries, including Ukraine, “played a role in the counterintelligence investigation directed at the Trump campaign.” At the very least, Mr. Barr has made it clear that he sees his work treading into sensitive territory: how the law enforcement and intelligence agencies of the United States’ closest allies share information with American officials. (read more)
It’s obvious the people who ran these spy operations into the Trump campaign are nervous now. After years of denying spying; and after months of apoplectic pearl-clutching over AG Barr’s use of the word “spy”; even the New York Times finally had to admit in early August there was direct spying happening.
It must be first noted that Devin Nunes outlined the two-page “Electronic Communication” or “EC” from CIA Director John Brennan to FBI Director James Comey was not from official intelligence channels. Meaning the intelligence used to originate Crossfire Hurricane did not come through officials Five-Eyes intelligence communication.

When we reviewed the documents released by the Australian government, there was a disparity between the dates of George Papadopoulos meeting Australia’s High Commissioner Alexander Downer. The Weissmann report seemed to put the meeting as May 6th, 2016, but Papadopoulos and Downer (Australian docs) put the London meeting on May 10th.

Here’s the excerpt from Special Counsel Weissmann/Mueller report that describes the events. Note Weissmann assigns a meeting date of May 6th, 2016:
The paragraphs and the footnote direct the reader to assume a meeting between Papadopoulos and Downer on May 6th, and later the communication from Downer on July 26th, as the impetus for Crossfire Hurricane. However, there’s some strategic conflation in the presentation because Downer and Papadopoulos didn’t meet until May 10th.

Andrew Weissmann and Robert Mueller carefully word the paragraphs because they don’t want the background of the May 6th, 2016, event attached to western intelligence.


When Weissmann/Mueller write: “On May 6th, 2016, 10 days after that meeting with Mifsud, Papadopoulos suggested to a representative of a foreign government“… they are not writing about Alexander Downer.

They are writing about an aide to Downer, Erika Thompson.
As noted in Papadopoulos’ book:
After meeting with Downer’s aide, Erika Thompson on May 6th, she sets up a meeting between George Papadopoulos and her boss for May 10th. The meeting is put on the official schedule for the Australian Ambassador to the U.K:
[Note in the meeting schedule the dates/times are listed in both Australian and U.K. time zones.] On May 10th, 2016, Ms Erika Thompson and Mr. Alexander Downer then meet with George Papadopoulos.
After the meeting, Ambassador Downer reports back to the Australian government on his conversation with Papadopoulos. [As noted in the recent document release]:
The details of the conversation, and how Alexander Downer viewed the information from Papadopoulos is heavily redacted. Essentially, he writes out what the Trump foreign policy seems to be from the perspective of George Papadopoulos. This would be typical for any government to assemble the views and perspectives of a potential presidential nominee.

Additionally, Downer was a major supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton; but in general terms, any personal bias is irrelevant for the purposes of outlining information from the Trump campaign that might be useful later on in understanding how the relationship between Australia and the U.S. might evolve.

As noted in the Weissmann/Mueller report, it is from this May 10th, 2016, meeting where later communication from Ambassador Downer, July 26th, 2016, is referenced as the origin of Crossfire Hurricane. However, here’s where it gets interesting. Notice how Mueller presents the May 6th conversation as confirmation of the information from Joseph Mifsud, and not May 10th.

Weissmann and Mueller are saying the information: “that the Trump campaign had received information from the Russian government that it could assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton”, came from Erika Thompson on May 6th, 2016.
Weissmann/Mueller are NOT saying that information came from Alexander Downer, despite the connection to the footnote that now appears to be intentionally conflating the origin of their claim. They are “technically” saying the information came from Erika Thompson.

This makes sense, because Downer has denied that Papadopoulos ever brought up anything about Clinton “dirt”, or Clinton emails with him in the May 10th meeting.
Now the origin of this set-up takes on a new understanding.

Remember, a large portion of the CIA’s foreign agents work overseas as members of various U.S. embassies. The U.S. State Department is the cover for a lot of CIA work; reference the “Benghazi Consulate” etc.

Rather than keep writing “U.S. intelligence officers”, and/or “U.S. intelligence assets”, let us just use the word “spies” to make things more honest and easier to understand.
Also consider “unofficial channels” as useful to a set-up; and “official channels” as part of a needed legitimacy for this operation.

George Papadopoulos was contacted by two members of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA),Terrence Dudley and Greg Baker, working out of the U.S. embassy in London. Two American spies working in London put Papadopoulos in contact with their ally/counterpart in the Australian Embassy, Erika Thompson. [ie. ‘unofficial channels’]
Erika Thompson takes it from there… and sets up the meeting with Alexander Downer which will later be used to take an ‘unofficial channel’ and turn it into an ‘official channel’.

Now, which one did the CIA/FBI use: “unofficial” or “official”? For the answer look at what Weissmann and Mueller say in their report.

The May 6th, 2016, Erika Thompson’s unofficial channel is cited for the quotation as to what Papadopoulos was claimed to have said…. as Papadopoulos is referencing information from Maltese Professor Joseph Mifsud, another unofficial channel.

See how that set-up was played?

And then there’s this:
The FBI Director of Counterintelligence, Bill Priestap, just happened to be in London on the exact same dates the ‘unofficial’ operation was happening… Now things really come into focus.

Remember, this is all happening in May, long before the official launch of the “official” FBI counterintelligence operation known as Crossfire Hurricane, July 31st, 2016.

What happens two days after Crossfire Hurricane is launched? …back to London: On August 2, 2016, Special Agent Peter Strzok and another agent at the Federal Bureau of Investigation met with Alexander Downer in London to discuss his conversation with Papadopoulos further. Strzok then received reading materials, which he texted about to Lisa Page.

Human Shield for...

September 30, 2019
Greta Thunberg: 
Human Shield for Climate Profiteers

I must disagree up front with the overt criticism and vilification of Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old actress (and daughter and granddaughter of actors) who looks as though she being manipulated — and fed her lines — by adult climate profiteers and alarmists who know full well what they are doing.

I watched her speech to the United Nations; her facial expressions and emotions come across as rehearsed and fabricated, much like those of an inexperienced thespian trying to play a difficult role.  Even experienced actors who lack special training cannot, for example, portray convincing villains because it is clear that their gestures and emotions are rehearsed as opposed to genuine.

A skilled actor who knows the story can often improvise a performance for a specific scene even if he has not been given a script for it.  "Greta Thunberg without a script to read from" suggests, on the other hand, that she does not really know the story and cannot play her role without a script.  She punts at the end by saying, "I think you should give some questions to the others as well."

Cui Bono: Who Benefits?

What motive would others have to use a teenage girl to support their agenda?  The usual motive is money, and a lot of it: a Green New Deal for investment banks and other climate profiteers and a raw deal for everybody else.  Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) wrote a 2009 opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal called "Cap and Trade Would be a Boon for New York" that bragged about how much money Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase were going to make from this agenda.  The late but unlamented Lehman Brothers was yet another company that hoped to profit from cap and trade.

David Vitter (R-La.) discussed this in "Legislative Hearing On S. 1733, Clean Energy Jobs And American Power Act":

Senator Gillibrand wrote an insightful op-ed last week in the Wall Street Journal titled 'Cap and Trade Could Be a Boon to New York.'  This article provided important insight into who will make money and how much.  The Senator from New York stated that 'carbon permits could quickly become the world's largest commodities market, growing to as much as $3 trillion by 2020.'  That is $3 trillion that has to be generated by the work of America's farmers, refiners, miners, small businesses and manufacturers and then redistributed to Wall Street.  It will perhaps be the greatest transfer of wealth in U.S. history.  And it may very well be the greatest scam ever thrust on the people of the United States.  This program would be the equivalent of TARP in perpetuity for a handful of financial institutions that have already been bailed out once.

Vitter added, "Senator Dorgan recently stated that 'I know the Wall Street crowd can't wait to sink their teeth into a new trillion-dollar trading market in which hedge funds and investment banks would trade and speculate on carbon credits and securities.  In no time they'll create derivatives, swaps and more in that new market.  In fact, most of the investment banks have already created carbon trading departments.  They are ready to go.  I'm not[.]"

Cui bono?  Investment banks that handle but do not produce wealth, the kind of speculators that gave us the Great Depression and the more recent financial failures of 2008, and United Nations denizens that would love nothing more than to leech off the productivity of the United States and other industrialized nations, and all at the expense of working people around the world.

The Climate Activists Talk but Don't Walk

Actions speak a lot more loudly than words, and those of the climate activists speak for themselves because they don't walk their talk.  Andrew Gilligan (2009)'s "Copenhagen climate summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges" states that the airport expected 140 private jets, each of which emits far more carbon dioxide per passenger than commercial aircraft.  "The top hotels — all fully booked at £650 a night — are readying their Climate Convention menus of (no doubt sustainable) scallops, foie gras and sculpted caviar wedges."

The British pound is currently worth about $1.25 U.S., but it was closer to $1.50 in 2009, which means that the hotel rooms in question were roughly $1,000 a night.  The December 2009 U.S. government per diem lodging reimbursement for Copenhagen was $290 per day, or roughly 30% of that, paid by the climate conference attendees.  Employees of the U.S. government, employees of corporations, and consultants and contractors whose customers pay for their lodging do not get to stay in $1,000 or even $500 hotel rooms, or fly in anything but coach on a commercial aircraft.
This is far from an isolated example.  Celebrities used private jets to attend Google's 2019 climate change summit in Sicily, thus reinforcing the perception that they do not really believe that greenhouse gas emissions are a problem, or, if they do, they simply do not care.

We Aren't Doing "Nothing"

Contrary to Thunberg's assertion "How dare you continue to look away and come here saying that you're doing enough, when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight," the world's makers (power, manufacturing, construction, chemical, and transportation industries) as opposed to the takers (climate profiteers and United Nations) have been acting to reduce the waste of energy, and therefore unnecessary carbon emissions, for years.  The U.S. Department of Energy promotes the ISO 50001 standard for energy management systems, which calls on organizations to identify significant energy uses and also gaps between current and potential (lower) energy consumption.  Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) promotes the design of energy-efficient and also water-efficient buildings that save money for their owners and tenants rather than climate profiteers.  The United States government has promoted Energy Star appliances for decades.

Engineers and scientists, as opposed to celebrities and U.N. delegates, also gave us the light-emitting diode (LED) bulb that costs less than a fifth as much as a traditional incandescent bulb to operate.  Indian engineers have meanwhile given us the Tuticorin coal-fired power plant that converts its carbon dioxide into a saleable byproduct, and at a profit.  Japan's setsuden (energy saving) campaign is yet another positive role model worthy of imitation.  We should continue to look to the world's producers, and the world itself, rather than its parasites for genuine energy-saving solutions that put money into the pockets of the world's makers rather than its takers.

Civis Americanus is the pen name of an American Thinker contributor who remembers the lessons of history and wants to ensure that our country never needs to learn those lessons again the hard way.

Hate Hoax... again

Hate Hoax: 12-Year-Old Black Girl Admits She Fabricated Attack by White Students

The hate hoax claims continue to mount in the aftermath of the Jussie Smollett fiasco.  In the latest example the media heavily promoted the claims by a sixth-grade girl who accused three white students of holding her down and cutting her dreadlocks.  Today the girl admits she made it all up; her family “apologizes.”

In the advancement of the hoax the media emphasized the race of the students as the motive for the “attack”.  In the walk-back of the hoax, the media drop race completely.
(Via NBC) A 12-year-old girl who accused three sixth-grade boys of pinning her down and cutting her dreadlocks has admitted to school officials she was not attacked and cut her own hair, her family’s attorney and the school said.
A sixth-grade girl at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield, Virginia, said three white classmates ambushed her on the playground last week and used scissors to cut off some of her dreadlocks while telling her her hair was “nappy” and “ugly.”
She and her family met with school officials Monday morning to apologize.  (more)
The one similarity amid these continued hate hoaxes is that the accuser is never held accountable for the false claims.  One can reasonably argue if fake crime reports were prosecuted (criminal or civil) that might make people stop and think before making these false allegations.  Then again, democrats, the FBI, Mueller, Pelosi, Schiff and institutions writ large, are working diligently to make false allegations a part of common public debate.

Team Biden is spontaneously combusting

Rather than send that strong-arm letter to the media, Team Biden should’ve saved themselves the trouble and just torched their campaign headquarters instead. 

Yesterday, Team Biden demanded that news outlets no longer bring Rudy Giuliani on their programs – claiming Giuliani is spreading “false, debunked conspiracy theories on behalf of Donald Trump.”

Because a sworn statement from the fired Ukrainian prosecutor saying Biden had him fired over his investigation into Burisma is “conspiracy theory.”

If only Team Biden had a billion dollars in aid to withhold from the media, this strong-arm tactic might have been a good idea.

Then again, it’s the American news media.  So the Biden campaign probably thinks it doesn’t need that kind of leverage over them.

On its face, this letter to the media tells me Team Biden is spontaneously combusting.

If you’re forced to demand the media not cover this scandal, then clearly you are not in control of the narrative.

This desperate attempt to bully the news media does not come from a position of strength. It stinks of panic and fear.

Team Biden can blame it on Rudy Giuliani all they want.  But the fact is, they have the House Democrats to thank for putting a spotlight on Joe’s Ukrainian dirty dealings.

As I said last week in my column “WhistleblowerGate detonates over the wrong target:”

This information makes WhistleblowerGate look less like a Trump scandal and more like another scandal from the supposed “scandal-free” Obama Administration.

Besides which, given the media’s willingness to peddle Schiff’s WhistleblowerGate, Americans are now hearing much more about Vice President Biden strong-arming the Ukrainians to shield his son Hunter from prosecution.

It’s the Democrats that made an issue out of Rudy Giuliani being involved.  So you can’t blame the news media for wanting to grill and cross-examine Giuliani in order to discredit him.  Can the media help it if Giuliani is getting the better of them in these interviews?

But that’s why Team Biden is so upset. Giuliani is making an effective case.

What choice do they have but to resort to Obama-era media intimidation tactics?

And that’s exactly what they’re doing with this letter.  Team Biden is pulling out the standard Obama Administration talking point that a plain-as-the-nose-on-your-face scandal is not a scandal, but a conspiracy theory that’s been “debunked.”

Clearly they’re expecting the media to do their bidding and shield idiot Joe the same way the media shielded God-King Barack.

But Joe Biden isn’t Barack Obama. And the mainstream media is nowhere near as devoted to Joe as they were to their guy-crush Barack.

In fact, from the breathless fan-girling over Elizabeth Warren and her selfie-lines, I think it’s safe to say a large portion of the media have already cast Joe aside for Shrill Lizzy.

So if Team Biden is expecting 100% obedience to their idiotic demands, they might be disappointed.

That’s not to say that nobody in the Democrat-controlled media will cave to Team Biden’s strong-arm tactics.  Some probably will.

But it isn’t a good look for a Presidential candidate’s campaign team to go on record making programming demands of the press.

In fact, it makes Team Biden look panicked and desperate.

If their defense of Joe was so rock-solid, they wouldn’t need to resort to strong-arming the press.

But it isn’t rock solid.

And they can blame Joe for that since he’s the one who thought it was a good idea to openly brag about his role in withholding aid to Ukraine in order to get a prosecutor fired.

The few times Joe has been asked about UkraineGate on the campaign trail, he’s become defensive and angry. Which may explain why in their strong-arm letter Team Biden didn’t offer to have Joe himself come on to make the case.

Well, that and Joe Biden is such a gaffe-tastic buffoon, even his campaign knows he’d make the situation worse.

Whatever the motivation, whatever the thinking process, sending this letter was a disastrous move both for Team Biden and the news media.

It makes Joe look nervous and guilty. And it only further confirms that Democrats believe the media works exclusively for them.

And in this day and age when so few Americans trust the media, this letter will only serve to deepen our distrust.

The last time Americans got a peek into the incestuous relationship between the press and a Democrat presidential campaign was when WikiLeaks released the Podesta emails.

And what Team Biden did yesterday was save WikiLeaks the time and trouble by simply voluntarily exposing their own incestuous footsie with the American press.

If this was supposed to be “damage control,” I think it backfired.

Sending this kind of letter is not the action of a campaign that is in control of the narrative or its candidate.

It is the desperate, scrambling action of a campaign that’s imploding in real time.

They Demand

Sheriff David Clarke(ret.) for Townhall

They Demand Our Respect, 

Yet Treat Us Like Fools

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent the views of

They Demand Our Respect, Yet Treat Us Like Fools
Source: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
Six months ago I wrote about the liberal media masquerading as journalists to scam the American people down a rabbit hole with their contrived high noon drama-filled fake news scandals. 

I called attention to the reality that “only in the Washington D.C. bubble can high drama and theater be manufactured by a topic the media elites and establishment politicians have wet their pants over in excited delirium that the general population have become bored with for some time now.” They make effective use of propaganda to convince or should I say fool the public that what they are doing is important.

Unfortunately, we are still bored with these manufactured scandals. These snake-oil salesmen Washington “insiders” have not figured us out yet. But we've figured them out. They are desperados who cannot survive without their ‘sky is falling’ narratives. As pathetic as these high-brow so-called intellectuals are, they are simply people who stayed in Washington long enough to drink the Potomac Kool-Aid, catch the fever, and delusively believe the universe centers on them—that all of America is riveted to their televisions and newspapers yearning to hear what these chatterboxes have to say. As much as these “insiders” loathed President Trump, what would they do without him? Instead of trying to get rid of him, they should thank him every day because without him as their whipping post, they have nothing to make themselves feel important.

The general population sees these manufactured scandals as blatant political attacks on President Trump to discredit the 2016 election. Yes, Democrats are still trying to undo the 2016 election—an election where Trump, an improbable outsider with no political experience crashed their party and has kept his foot on the accelerator running through their social elitist cocktail parties with the finesse of a bull in a China shop. And America loves it.

Before Trump took the oath of office, the word impeachment started rolling off every Democrat “insider's” lips. Remember that intellectually sharp-as-a-marble Rep. Maxine Waters obsessively repeating impeach 45, impeach 45, impeach 45? Trump’s presidency has triggered his opposition every day to a point that many have what is termed Trump Derangement Syndrome—an apparent psychosis that includes manufacturing front-page above-the-fold and breaking news scandal after scandal that intends to sink Trump’s presidency, but, as we have seen over and over, ends up in the trash heap. 

Russian collusion was first. We were shouted at constantly that Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Mrs. Bill Clinton. Democratic politicians undervalued our time, a commodity they too often waste, with over a year of Robert Mueller’s illegitimate leaking-like-a-sieve political investigation that filled every cable news and Sunday talk show with on-going breaking news and topics chirped by liberal parrots and a few so-called conservatives repeating the same talking points.

Then Stormy Daniels and her sleazy lawyer Michael Avenatti stole the headlines. Remember the media pointing fingers in our face telling us how this for sure was going to bring Trump down. The Michael Cohen saga captivated the opposition next. This built up to the release of the Mueller report that had Washington “insiders” on the edge of their seats for several weeks. The release was dragged out, providing the reckless media with weeks of speculation stories based on “sources” close to the investigation. Since the media has lost all credibility, I will not let them hide behind unnamed sources under the ruse that they have to protect their sources. Since 2016, I learned a valuable lesson when any time a New York Times, Washington Post, or USA Today story says, “sources tell us,” I replace those words with these three words: “it didn’t happen.” I know I am not alone with my thinking. After several years of fake news, we learn how to read through the nonsense. 

And our latest ‘sky is falling’ scandal that is intended to take down the president is Democrats threatening articles of impeachment. The D.C. swap is so predictable. Partisan-hack Adam Schiff’s impeachment inquiry started with the Russia collusion and has now failed to a point it has morphed into a phone call Trump had with the newly elected leader of Ukraine. What? Even though this Ukraine thing only broke several weeks ago, Schiff and his cackling Democrats and the liberal media say that this time they have the goods to impeach President Trump. Yeah, right.  

I read the written phone call transcript. When I finished, I went back to my printer, thinking I must have left another page behind or that maybe a portion of the transcript did not print. After hearing all of D.C. run around like chickens with their heads cut off over the president’s call, I said to myself there have to be pages I was missing because I couldn’t find the smoking the gun these Washington insiders told me would be there. 

I should have known better. All the noise going on in Washington over this phone call is another fake scandal made up by people who demand our respect but treat us as if we don’t have the capacity to think for ourselves. Some advice to the politicos in Washington: stop it, man, you’re embarrassing the country and you’re boring us.