Monday, September 30, 2019

Hate Hoax... again

Hate Hoax: 12-Year-Old Black Girl Admits She Fabricated Attack by White Students

The hate hoax claims continue to mount in the aftermath of the Jussie Smollett fiasco.  In the latest example the media heavily promoted the claims by a sixth-grade girl who accused three white students of holding her down and cutting her dreadlocks.  Today the girl admits she made it all up; her family “apologizes.”

In the advancement of the hoax the media emphasized the race of the students as the motive for the “attack”.  In the walk-back of the hoax, the media drop race completely.
(Via NBC) A 12-year-old girl who accused three sixth-grade boys of pinning her down and cutting her dreadlocks has admitted to school officials she was not attacked and cut her own hair, her family’s attorney and the school said.
A sixth-grade girl at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield, Virginia, said three white classmates ambushed her on the playground last week and used scissors to cut off some of her dreadlocks while telling her her hair was “nappy” and “ugly.”
She and her family met with school officials Monday morning to apologize.  (more)
The one similarity amid these continued hate hoaxes is that the accuser is never held accountable for the false claims.  One can reasonably argue if fake crime reports were prosecuted (criminal or civil) that might make people stop and think before making these false allegations.  Then again, democrats, the FBI, Mueller, Pelosi, Schiff and institutions writ large, are working diligently to make false allegations a part of common public debate.