Monday, September 30, 2019

Team Biden is spontaneously combusting

Rather than send that strong-arm letter to the media, Team Biden should’ve saved themselves the trouble and just torched their campaign headquarters instead. 

Yesterday, Team Biden demanded that news outlets no longer bring Rudy Giuliani on their programs – claiming Giuliani is spreading “false, debunked conspiracy theories on behalf of Donald Trump.”

Because a sworn statement from the fired Ukrainian prosecutor saying Biden had him fired over his investigation into Burisma is “conspiracy theory.”

If only Team Biden had a billion dollars in aid to withhold from the media, this strong-arm tactic might have been a good idea.

Then again, it’s the American news media.  So the Biden campaign probably thinks it doesn’t need that kind of leverage over them.

On its face, this letter to the media tells me Team Biden is spontaneously combusting.

If you’re forced to demand the media not cover this scandal, then clearly you are not in control of the narrative.

This desperate attempt to bully the news media does not come from a position of strength. It stinks of panic and fear.

Team Biden can blame it on Rudy Giuliani all they want.  But the fact is, they have the House Democrats to thank for putting a spotlight on Joe’s Ukrainian dirty dealings.

As I said last week in my column “WhistleblowerGate detonates over the wrong target:”

This information makes WhistleblowerGate look less like a Trump scandal and more like another scandal from the supposed “scandal-free” Obama Administration.

Besides which, given the media’s willingness to peddle Schiff’s WhistleblowerGate, Americans are now hearing much more about Vice President Biden strong-arming the Ukrainians to shield his son Hunter from prosecution.

It’s the Democrats that made an issue out of Rudy Giuliani being involved.  So you can’t blame the news media for wanting to grill and cross-examine Giuliani in order to discredit him.  Can the media help it if Giuliani is getting the better of them in these interviews?

But that’s why Team Biden is so upset. Giuliani is making an effective case.

What choice do they have but to resort to Obama-era media intimidation tactics?

And that’s exactly what they’re doing with this letter.  Team Biden is pulling out the standard Obama Administration talking point that a plain-as-the-nose-on-your-face scandal is not a scandal, but a conspiracy theory that’s been “debunked.”

Clearly they’re expecting the media to do their bidding and shield idiot Joe the same way the media shielded God-King Barack.

But Joe Biden isn’t Barack Obama. And the mainstream media is nowhere near as devoted to Joe as they were to their guy-crush Barack.

In fact, from the breathless fan-girling over Elizabeth Warren and her selfie-lines, I think it’s safe to say a large portion of the media have already cast Joe aside for Shrill Lizzy.

So if Team Biden is expecting 100% obedience to their idiotic demands, they might be disappointed.

That’s not to say that nobody in the Democrat-controlled media will cave to Team Biden’s strong-arm tactics.  Some probably will.

But it isn’t a good look for a Presidential candidate’s campaign team to go on record making programming demands of the press.

In fact, it makes Team Biden look panicked and desperate.

If their defense of Joe was so rock-solid, they wouldn’t need to resort to strong-arming the press.

But it isn’t rock solid.

And they can blame Joe for that since he’s the one who thought it was a good idea to openly brag about his role in withholding aid to Ukraine in order to get a prosecutor fired.

The few times Joe has been asked about UkraineGate on the campaign trail, he’s become defensive and angry. Which may explain why in their strong-arm letter Team Biden didn’t offer to have Joe himself come on to make the case.

Well, that and Joe Biden is such a gaffe-tastic buffoon, even his campaign knows he’d make the situation worse.

Whatever the motivation, whatever the thinking process, sending this letter was a disastrous move both for Team Biden and the news media.

It makes Joe look nervous and guilty. And it only further confirms that Democrats believe the media works exclusively for them.

And in this day and age when so few Americans trust the media, this letter will only serve to deepen our distrust.

The last time Americans got a peek into the incestuous relationship between the press and a Democrat presidential campaign was when WikiLeaks released the Podesta emails.

And what Team Biden did yesterday was save WikiLeaks the time and trouble by simply voluntarily exposing their own incestuous footsie with the American press.

If this was supposed to be “damage control,” I think it backfired.

Sending this kind of letter is not the action of a campaign that is in control of the narrative or its candidate.

It is the desperate, scrambling action of a campaign that’s imploding in real time.