Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Ghost of White House Christmas Past

Granny just can’t stop playing “Pretend I’m President.”
Patriot Retort

Since she isn’t able to pose for a current White House Christmas photo, Granny Clinton is doing the next best thing. This week Hillary tweeted out a holiday message accompanied by an old White House Christmas portrait of her and Bill from over twenty years ago.

The Ghost of White House Christmas Past

Anybody else wondering if she was seated at a replica of the Resolute desk when she tweeted this?

Okay. I get it.

Hillary’s bitter.  But that’s no reason to become the ghost of White House Christmas past.

Besides, Hillary is more like Ebenezer Scrooge than one of the three ghosts.

Okay, she’s kinda like the last ghost – all haunting and creepy.

But Hillary isn’t just the ghost of White House Christmas past.  She’s also the ghost of White House Hanukkah past:

You don’t need to be a trained psychiatrist to understand what’s going on here.

The poor thing just can’t stop playing “Pretend I’m President.”

Fact is, outside of a Lifetime movie, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so deeply obsessed.

When it comes to Trump Derangement Syndrome, Hillary Clinton is Patient Zero.

And three years after her humiliating defeat, she is giving no signs that she’s letting go of this obsession anytime soon.

We used to joke that by 2015 Hillary already had curtains ordered for the Oval Office and was meeting with designers for her inaugural gown.

Now I’m wondering if those jokes were actually jokes.

It’s like when I wrote my satirical Wildly Inaccurate Dianny News Service piece from the 2016 election on what it was like behind the scenes when Hillary learned she lost.

I thought I was making it up.

But then a report came out on how Hillary reacted to losing to Trump, and I realized my joke account wasn’t very jokey after all.

While many suspect Hillary will make a third attempt at the White House in 2020, I just don’t see how she could maintain a semblance of sanity long enough to run a campaign.  Grandma is too far gone – devoured by her bitter obsession over Trump ending her lifelong dream.

And, really?  Why bother running for President when you can simply pretend you’ve been president all along?

Oh, and Merry Christmas everybody!