Thursday, December 26, 2019

Everything Liz does makes me cringe

To promote their cover story on Liz Warren, Rolling Stone releases a promotional video that is so full of cringe, you could sue them for damages.

Jesse Kelly was right when he called Warren’s quest for the WH “the Campaign of Cringe.”

Everything Liz does makes me cringe.  And not a small, fleeting cringe either.

It’s one of those full-body cringes that starts at the corners of your mouth and quickly spreads all the way to the tips of your toes.

Case in point, this painfully awkward promotional video from Rolling Stone.

See, Rolling Stone is featuring Liz as their January 2020 cover story.  So they released a video of the photo shoot they did with her as a way to promote it.

And the cringe factor is off the charts.

Really, guys?  This is Liz Warren not Charlize Theron. Get real.

Good grief, the cringe.

And what the heck with that music?!

The whole porn-quality feel of the music made me cringe more than watching Liz pretend she’s a cover girl.

I mean, come on!  The fan!  They used a fan!

I half expected some buff repairman with a porn stache to enter stage right and give Liz that “forget that basement drainage problem, let’s get it on” look.

Okay. For that visual image, I’m sorry.  But I can’t be the only one with that mental picture.

Or this one.


I get it.

The corporate media want to give this inauthentic scold a little pop-culture mystique.

But honey.  That is one heck of a tall order.

No matter how much attention to hair and make-up Liz might get, she is still the “irritating middle school librarian” (hat tip Kurt Schlichter) with the “voice of a dying turkey” (hat tip Jesse Kelly).

All the soft-focus in the world can’t smooth out this scold’s hard edges.

And the fan blowing her page-boy hair, the embarrassing posing, the porn music – this is definitely not the way to go.

Unless of course the goal is to make us all cringe.

In which case, congrats, Rolling Stone! Mission accomplished.