Thursday, December 12, 2019

President Trump signs executive order targeting anti-Semitism

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:15 PM PT — Wednesday, December 11, 2019
During a Hanukkah reception at the White House on Wednesday, President Trump signed an executive order aimed at combating anti-Semitism. The White House said this executive order will make clear that Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act applies to anti-Semitic discrimination.
The move comes on the heels of Tuesday’s tragic shooting in Jersey City, where gunmen targeted a Jewish store in an alleged anti-Semitic act of violence. The president addressed the tragedy before signing the order.
Yesterday, two wicked murderers opened fire at a kosher supermarket and killed four innocent souls, including a brave police officer who faced down the shooter. With one heart, America weeps for the lives lost. With one voice, we vow to crush the monstrous evil of anti-Semitism whenever and wherever it appears.
– Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States

In a statement, the White House said the new order will “enshrine the definition from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance of anti-Semitism into an executive order and clarify that Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act applies to anti-Semitic acts.”
The executive order was originally intended to expand a section of the act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin. However, the president decided to add in the anti-Semitism element.
“This action makes clear that Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits the federal funding of universities and other institutions that engage in discrimination, applies to institutions that traffic in anti-Semitic hate,” said President Trump. “This is our message to universities: if you want to accept the tremendous amount of federal dollars that you get every year, you must reject anti-Semitism.”

While President Trump has often been portrayed as a promoter of anti-Semitic rhetoric, many in the Jewish community consider him the most anti-Semitic, pro-Israel president ever. Jewish proponents noted his support for Israel following the president’s recent decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem – something many presidents have promised to do, but did not for fear of global backlash.
Vice President Mike Pence praised the new order as an “important step in defense of Jewish students across America” and emphasized that the administration “will not tolerate anti-Semitism in any form.”