Friday, December 20, 2019

Happy Trump is Still the President Day!

Nancy let the Democrats commit political suicide and for what? Donald Trump is still the President, and thanks to her, will likely stay that way until 2025.

Apparently yesterday was Happy Impeachment Day.  And along partisan lines, every Democrat except three (or four) voted for the weakest impeachment articles in the history of the universe.  Well, whoopie!

But if yesterday was Happy Impeachment Day,
today is Happy Trump is Still the President Day.

Actually, thanks to Happy Impeachment Day, the next one thousand, four hundred and ninety-four days will be Happy Trump is Still the President Day.

So thanks, Nancy!

mentioned yesterday that quite a few members of the Twitter Resistance😄 seem to be under the misguided notion that the Democrats impeaching Trump would mean an end to his presidency.

So soak up the shell-shocked tears when these nudniks wake up on the first of 1,494 Happy Trump is Still the President days.

They actually think this show trial matters.

Yes, Alyssa.  You will be heartbroken because Trump is still the President.

Nothing changed.

Well, that’s not entirely true.

Thanks to Nancy Pelosi barreling ahead with this clown show, it is now more likely that next November, Alyssa will be even more heartbroken when Trump wins reelection and her precious Democrats lose the House.

This shampeachment has been the biggest boon to the Republicans since Nancy shoved Obamacare through.

During the month of November, the Republican National Committee raked in $20.6 million.  That’s the biggest November fundraising haul in the history of the RNC.

And yesterday, while Nancy and her compatriots staged their pseudo-somber Kabuki theater, the Trump campaign took in more than five million dollars. In just one day.

(You make your donation to Trump’s reelection HERE.)

Sure, the Resistance😆 is celebrating.  But their gleeful cheers will curdle in their mouths like rancid milk when they realize that Trump is still the President, and Nancy Pelosi handed the Republicans the greatest Get Out the Vote campaign in the history of the country.

And, yes, the so-called Free Press is toasting its success.

WaPo tweet

But voter distrust of the news media just grew a hell of a lot larger, while the media’s influence on public opinion just got much smaller.

The only “black mark” that will appear because of this purely partisan hit-job will be squarely over the Democrat Party and their handmaids in the media.

This was a political suicide broadcast live on cable news but watched by virtually nobody outside of the DC/Media bubble.

Because we all knew it was a sham. Nancy Pelosi destroyed her party’s chances in 2020 for not other reason than to appease the frothing, raging ResistanceLOL and the biased, hateful media.

In the end, Donald Trump is still the President of the United States. And from where I’m standing, it looks like he will be for another four more years.