Friday, December 20, 2019

Final Freakshow for 2019

Now, I will admit I did not watch the debate, of course I also don't pull my finger nails out for fun, so there is that. But, let's see what one tales away from this debate.

1. "I Love Stalin Bernie Sanders" notes there are no African Americans on the stage", so he essentially says Democrats are Racists.

2. "Creepy Uncle Joe Biden" says the economy isn't working, has he noticed the Stock Market? Has he noticed the Unemployment Numbers? Does he know where he is?

By the way, look closely at his right eye, it looks bloody, is he getting ready to blow out?  

3. "Liawatha Lizzy Warren" accusses "Petey Buttdigger" of sucking up to billionaires in a Wine Cave"  Huh?

4. "Petey Buttdigger" smacked Liawatha down pretty well with his Whiny little cry about "being the only poor guy on stage"

5. "Andy I'll give you a hundred bucks for your Vote Yang" essentially told everyone on TV, "I am running for President, Vote for a Woman" Huh?

6."Amy look At Me" Klobachar" tried but really, did anyone know she was on stage?

7. "Tom Impeach Trump Steyer" was on stage but for the life of me, I am not sure if he had anything to say.

OK, now you can watch the sound bites on Fox, MSNBC or You Tube to form your own opinion, me, all I saw was a Freak Show with a  bunch of candidates Trump will evicerate.

However, if you watch the NPR video, you will see these two goofy young women tell us about how enlightened the debaters were.

I missed that too.

So, get a strong cup of Java and laugh through the video.