Thursday, December 12, 2019

Let's Spread The Word!


Democrats and Republicans decried Russian Interference in our Presidential Election Democrats claimed Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton and demanded an investigation.

The FBI opened Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016 (6 months before the election)

Andrew McCabe a Senior FBI Director selected 3 teams of 24 people to investigate. All 24 people were senior members of the FBI and DOJ.

8 months later another the Mueller Investigation is formed and it goes for 22 months, what did it find?

No proof of collusion by the Trump campaign, but it did find 10 instances where Trump resisted and objected to the instruction and investigation.

The Bureaucracy demands an investigation of the Mueller Investigation, this Horowitz Investigation finds what?

  • 51 Misconduct violations by these Senior FBI employees.
  • 17 "Serious Misconduct Violations" of these Senior FBI employees
  • 4 Individuals who were considered "Informants"
  • 1 "Unlawful Informant" that folks is a spy.

Let's look at Appendix 1 (Woods Process Review) of the Horowitz Report, it finds:

  • 23 instances of undocumented "fact" stated in the 4 FISA applications
  • 18 outright "lies" stated in the 4 FISA applications.

Folks what in taxpayer funds has this cost you and I?

  • Crossfire Hurricane – 8 month investigation $16.7 million dollars
  • Mueller Investigation – 22 month investigation $45 million dollars
  • Horowitz Investigation -12 months $24.5 million dollars.

The Democrats spend $86.2 million dollars to accomplish what?

  • 1.     No proof of collusion of President Trump or his people.
  • 2.     3 people arrested and convicted of Tax Evasion crimes that had NOTHING to do with the Investigation or the election.
  • 3.     3 people prosecuted for process lies of which they never would have been involved had this sham investigation not transpired.
  • 4.     34 Nebulous Russians accused of election interference who can never be prosecuted.
  • 5.     10 Senior FBI and DOJ employees, fired, demoted, resigned, retired or reassigned for misconduct.
  • 6.     51 Violations by Senior FBI employees during the Investigations
  • 7.     17 Serious Misconduct violations by Senior FBI and DOJ employees
  • 8.     4 FBI informants “spying” on American citizens
  • 9.     1 Illegal FBI informant spying on American citizens
  • 10.  HOW MANY WILL BE PROSECUTED, that remains to be seen.

All of this because a career bureaucrat, Hillary Clinton lost an election to a novice politician.

We the taxpayer and American voter must re-elect President Trump, give him a House and Senate who will help him purge the entrenched bureaucracy otherwise known as the Swamp, Deep State or just garbage in Washington DC. 

I have already sent this to several news papers, Senators and Congressmen, help spread it !