Sunday, October 27, 2019

New Zealand? Not a non-extradition country?

James Comey vows to move to New Zealand if President Trump is reelected.

Yesterday, that bloviating, self-important clown James Comey declared that should Donald Trump win reelection 2020, he would move to New Zealand.

You notice how these folks who hate WhiteSupremacistRacistNazi Donald Trump always choose to make their escape to a majority white country?

Funny how that happens.

Say, didn’t Ruth Bader Ginsberg vow to move to New Zealand too?

I’m sure New Zealand is a nice place. Especially if you like sheep. But for Comey it doesn’t seem like the smartest place to go.

Surely old Lumbering Jim knows that New Zealand has an extradition treaty with the US.  If he really wants to stay safe, perhaps he would be better off picking a non-extradition country.

Maybe Cuba or Vietnam.

Though it is rather comical to hear this insufferable prat echo the histrionics of bubbleheaded celebrities.  You gotta admit.

From Director of the FBI to a Lena Dunham wannabe.

My, how the mighty have fallen.

I’m thinking Comey is just belching out hot air.  Which, to be fair, is his primary mode of communication.

He won’t move to New Zealand.  Or Canada.  Or the Costa del Sol.  Or even to a non-extradition country.

Why would he?

His only claim to fame (and the merry buckets of cash that go with it) is appearing in front of ResistanceLOL audiences and whining about the President while sanctimoniously pontificating in that irritating up-talking speaking style of his.

Like all the nudniks in Hollywood who, despite their promises to leave in 2016 are still here, Comey ain’t going anywhere.

Except maybe to prison.