Sunday, October 27, 2019

Baghdadi is dead and our garbage media goes full-on self-parody

Despite the big win of taking out Baghdadi, 
the idiots in the news media are finding plenty to gripe about.

You know the joke: Trump could cure cancer and the media would find a reason to complain.  Turns out it isn’t a joke after all.  Since President Trump announced that a US operation to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was a success, the media has found endless reasons to complain.

“Trump’s address was callous and cruel!  He mocked Baghdadi for dying like a coward!”

“This won’t resonate the way the killing of bin Laden did.  Americans just don’t care!”

“Oh my Lord!  Trump thanked Russia first!!!!”

Think I’m kidding?

But what really got these idiots’ knickers in a twist was this:

“HOW DARE TRUMP NOT NOTIFY PELOSI AND SCHIFF!!!! HOW DARE HE EVEN IMPLY THAT THE DEMOCRATS CAN’T BE TRUSTED WITH KEEPING A COVERT OPERATION A SECRET!!!  Now, if you’ll excuse me. Adam Schiff is on the other line with another super-secret leak from his Star Chamber Shampeachment.”

Seriously, you cannot parody our garbage media anymore. At this point they have become self-parody.

And trust me, the self-parody is even worse.

Here’s the headline from the Washington Post:


There’s a reason the American people think our media is garbage.

By killing Baghdadi, the United States just cut the head off the snake.

It’s a tremendous thing.

And yet all the people who just last week were telling us that Trump made it possible for ISIS to reconstitute itself can’t just take the loss and accept the fact they were wrong.

They can’t even acknowledge that getting Baghdadi was a big F-ing deal.

All because President Trump was the one who ordered the operation.

But wait!  There’s more!

Last night Saturday Night Live decided to mock Trump for “making ISIS great again.”

And while SNL was yucking it up about Trump reconstituting ISIS, Baghdadi was already “reconstituted” into teeny tiny pieces.

Taking out Baghdadi is a two-fer.

We got the son of a bitch AND our garbage media once again made complete idiots of themselves.

It’s a win/win!