Sunday, October 27, 2019

James Comey Says He's Moving To New Zealand If Trump Wins Reelection (If He's Not In Prison)

Article by Bronson Stocking in "Townhall":

Former FBI Director James Comey says he will move to New Zeland if President Trump wins reelection. But depending on the report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz, Comey may not be traveling anywhere at all. The Department of Justice announced last week that it was opening a criminal investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation.  

At Politicon 2019 in Nashville on Saturday, during a "conversation" with Never Trumper MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, Comey said, "Our leaders must reflect the glue that holds us together. They can’t be people who lie all the time. They just can’t. And I hope people see that’s true whether they are Republicans or Democrats. Wallace then asked, "What if he wins again? Will you still believe that?" Comey said, "I will be, from my new home in New Zeland, I will still believe in America." 

Former FBI Director James Comey says he's moving to New Zealand if President Donald Trump wins re-election

 In an 83-page report, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that Comey improperly released FBI information in order to help launch the Mueller investigation of the 2016 presidential election. That report is different than the soon-to-be-released IG report on the origins of the Russia investigation and the possible abuse of FISA warrants. 

He’s moving to Rykers Island before the election

 Tons of celebrities also pledged to leave the country if Trump won back in 2016, and they are all still here. I'm looking at you Barbra Streisand. They stayed in America and cashed in on the strong economy.

Can we get this in writing? 

Jim Comey doing his best to supercharge Trump’s turnout. 

Tom Elliott @tomselliott
.@Comey says he’s moving to New Zealand if Trump wins agin

 Image result for james comey meme 'he broke me'