Sunday, October 27, 2019

Flynn’s attorney: If there’s any integrity left in the DOJ, they will move to dismiss ‘outrageous case’

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, is confident that the new evidence she presented to the courts this week ought to be more than enough to convince the Department of Justice to dismiss all charges against her client.

“I think if there’s any integrity left in the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice, that they will themselves move to dismiss the outrageous case against Gen. Flynn before Nov. 7,” she confidently asserted Friday evening to Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs.

The discussion primarily concerned the evidence she presented in a court filing earlier in the week. The evidence consists of documents and text messages that allegedly show how corrupt officials within the FBI used lies and deception to engineer a false case against Flynn.

“We found a text message that the government has not disclosed to us at all in which Agent Strzok admits a pretext for going to talk to Gen. Flynn,” she said to Dobbs.
“He also admits in statements he’s given to the FBI earlier that he and [then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew] McCabe had a number of meetings deciding whether and when to try to interview Gen. Flynn on this pretext.”

Powell claims that disgraced former FBI special agent Peter Strzok and disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe worked with other senior officials to trick Flynn into allowing them to interview him without an attorney present.

“Then there was a high-level, small-group meeting of the FBI the very day before the Flynn interview to make strategic decisions about how to interview him, to keep him relaxed and unaware of the regular full meaning of the interview he was about to participate in,” she explained to Dobbs.

“Then, of course, McCabe makes the call to him to encourage him to have it uncounseled and proceed to just talk to the agents as if nothing was going on at all. He had no idea he was under criminal investigation when he had the interview. And then they come out of it, they know he didn’t lie — that’s his firm belief.”

The interview concerned allegations that Flynn had spoken with then-Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak in late 2016 about removing sanctions against Russia once then-President-elect Donald Trump stepped into office.

Flynn told Strzok and his colleague that he didn’t recall ever speaking with Kislyak about sanctions. According to documents obtained by Powell, both Strzok and his colleague left the meeting feeling that Flynn had told them the truth.
This claim is backed by further proof:

But then something odd happened. A reporter with The Washington Post broke a story on Feb. 10, 2017, claiming via “senior intelligence officials” that Flynn had indeed spoken with Kislyak about removing sanctions overnight.

According to Powell’s court filing, immediately after this happened, corrupt officials in the FBI edited their interview notes to change the wording of Flynn’s replies so as to make him look guilty of lying.

“Overnight, the most important substantive changes were made to the Flynn 302,” the filing reads. “Those changes added an unequivocal statement that ‘FLYNN stated he did not’ — in response to whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote. This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on this issue. He had talked to dozens of countries.”

“Second, they added: ‘or if KISLYAK described any Russian response to a request by FLYNN.’ That question and answer do not appear in the notes, yet it was made into a criminal offense. The typed version of the highly unusual ‘deliberative’ 302 by that date already included an entire section from whole cloth that also serves as a criminal charge in the Information and purported factual basis regarding ‘Russia’s response’ to any request by Flynn. The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.”

If these allegations hold true, then it demonstrates just how “perverted” America’s brand of “justice” became under the tutelage of former President Barack Obama and disgraced former FBI Director James Comey, Powell said Friday.

“The Obama Administration and the Comey FBI completely perverted any sense of justice here with the assistance of the Department of Injustice as we shall call it for the time being,” she said.

“That has got to be rectified,” she continued, adding that she’s confident that the judge presiding over the case, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, will side with Flynn as he starts “to see the real facts in this case.”

“He didn’t know any of this until I filed it yesterday,” she said of her most recent findings. “And the first glimpse he saw of it was when I first came into the case in the summer. So this is all new to him. We have a hearing on November 7th in which he will decide something on the basis of the motions that we just filed.”

While it’s unclear how the judge will ultimately proceed, Dobbs expressed his belief that the American people side with  Flynn.

“The American people, I have to believe, are so frustrated with this entire process that I think there would be a forgivable view that justice is lost in America,” he said. “We are watching people of money and stature and standing leading our government, who are being torn to pieces by a justice system that is supposed to presume innocence, not guilt, and certainly not conspire to destroy but rather bring justice to those accused.”