Friday, October 11, 2024

Obama Gets Honest About Kamala's Big Problem, Shows How Desperate Dems Are

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

How do you know the Democrats are worried and desperate? They're now pulling out the only "big guns" they have left including Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. 

Obama was in Pittsburgh for a Black Voters for Harris event. He spoke to about 40 people and he identified a big problem that Kamala Harris faces: that she isn't generating much enthusiasm for her. What's the problem, according to Barack Obama? It's on the "brothas." 

"We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters in our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running," Obama said, frowning. 

"Now, I also want to say that seems to be more pronounced with the brothas. So if you don't mind, just for a second, I'm going to speak to y'all for a minute."

Then what he offered was a typical blatant appeal to race, defining why they should vote for Harris not by what she has done or what she would do to help the country, but by she grew up like them and "understands" the same struggles. 

I don't know about you think, but it sounds to me like he's struggling to whip up enthusiasm. 

He sounds pretty nervous to me, and he'd be right to be, given all the signs and polls. It sounds like he knows he can't even be convinced of the people in the room who are already supposed to be the "convinced." The responses on X from many black people were also not receptive to being talked to like that by Obama.

Yes, Harris is struggling with black men. But she's struggling with all men, as even MSNBC has acknowledged. And that's just one demo group. She's also lost people from the far left, union members, Hispanics, even young people 18-29 that you would think would be normally rock solid for Democrats. It's a big change from both Obama and Biden. 

CNN's Harry Enten Has Very Bad Union News for Harris, Polling Shows How Much Trouble She's In

Even MSNBC Admits That Kamala Has a Big Problem With Male Voters - Their Solution Is Truly Funny

Fresh Panic at Kamala HQ After Just-Released Poll of Latino Voters Shows Big Warning Signs

They can come up with all manner of excuses but that's the reality and it's showing up in all the polls and it's going to particularly hurt her in places like Pittsburgh and in the other Rust Belt areas. Doesn't sound like she's generating a lot of "joy."

The problem is a simple one. Men and the other people fleeing Harris know they had it better under Trump, they've seen the failure that Kamala has been a big part of, indeed she can't or wouldn't even say what she would do differently. So why should they buy into this again, after how harmful the last few years have been? Why would they be convinced by Obama trying to scold them? 

Biden-Harris Administration Has No Clue How Many Unvetted Aliens It Let In

Biden-Harris Administration Has No Clue How Many Unvetted Aliens It Let In


The IG report is the latest evidence that America’s illegal immigration crisis is the direct result of Biden and Harris’ policies.

The inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security issued a new report revealing that the Biden-Harris administration has endangered Americans’ safety by intentionally welcoming millions of illegal immigrants into the U.S. without properly vetting them. The importance of these findings cannot be ignored, as they directly affect our personal and national security.

The redacted report’s long title is also its conclusion: “CBP, ICE, and TSA Did Not Fully Assess Risks Associated with Releasing Noncitizens without Identification into the United States and Allowing Them to Travel on Domestic Flights.” Among the three agencies, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are entrusted with verifying the identity of noncitizens seeking entry into the United States, and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is responsible for screening all individuals intending to fly domestically and ensuring the safety of air travel.

The Immigration and Nationality Act prohibits noncitizens without identification from entering the country, and CBP and ICE are supposed to check the identity of migrants and detain those without proper identification, such as an unexpired visa or a valid passport. However, the IG’s investigation found that under the Biden-Harris administration, CBP and ICE have released noncitizens without identification into the U.S. under at least two scenarios.

First, if the noncitizens do not have identification but “indicate they either intend to apply for asylum or express a fear of persecution in their home country, an immigration officer will refer them for a credible fear interview. If asylum officers determine those claims are credible, these noncitizens may be released into the country to await further hearings or reviews of their claims to admission.” 

Second, CBP and ICE agents can “parole noncitizens into the United States temporarily for ‘urgent humanitarian reasons’ or ‘significant public benefit.’” Before releasing illegal migrants into the U.S., CBP and ICE agents typically issue paperwork such as Form I-862 and Form I-220A with information collected from migrants’ legal identifications. However, when illegal migrants do not have legal identification, CBP and ICE immigration officers accept their “self-reported biographical information and use this information to populate the forms.”

Essentially, the Biden–Harris administration has accepted illegal aliens’ word for who they are and uploaded what could be false information on official documents and databases, including the CBP One mobile application. Other government agencies, such as TSA, will later use the CBP- and ICE-generated documents to “screen” illegal migrants. 

TSA requires that all passengers provide a TSA-acceptable form of identification, such as a government-issued driver’s license or passport, before boarding an aircraft in the United States. However, the IG’s report has revealed a concerning practice under the Biden-Harris administration: Illegal migrants without identifications have been allowed to fly around the country. These individuals have been “validated” using the CBP One mobile application and other documents generated by CBP and ICE, which have accepted migrants’ self-reported information. This raises serious questions about the reliability of the vetting process and the potential consequences of such actions on national security. 

When the IG requested data on the number of noncitizens who did not have identification and were released into the United States from 2021 through 2023, neither CBP nor ICE had any idea because their “immigration officers are not required to document whether a noncitizen presented identification in the databases.” Furthermore, both agencies claimed limited resources and legislative constraints have hindered their ability to vet and detain noncitizens without identification. For example, ICE officials declared that “their currently funded detention capacity of approximately 41,500 beds does not allow them to detain every noncitizen without proper and valid identification documents.”

Given the unknown number of noncitizens without identification released into the United States, the IG’s office conducted its own investigation by observing the processing of a small sample of 53 noncitizens at various facilities. It found that “7 of the 53 noncitizens (13 percent) did not have identification.”

This small sample, when extrapolated to the 8 million-plus illegal migrant encounters under the Biden-Harris administration, suggests that more than 1 million of them are without identification. This is not a trivial concern. The potential threat to our personal and national security is significant. As one House report found, “294 illegal aliens on the terrorist watchlist have been apprehended at the Southwest border between ports of entry since the beginning of FY 2021 — and those are only the individuals Border Patrol agents have caught.”

The IG report concludes:

Under current processes, CBP and ICE cannot ensure they are keeping high-risk noncitizens without identification from entering the country. Additionally, TSA cannot ensure its vetting and screening procedures prevent high-risk noncitizens who may pose a threat to the flying public from boarding domestic flights.

Byron York, a well-known political analyst, wrote in the Washington Examiner: “What government official would let so many people who entered the country illegally remain in the U.S. without even knowing who they are? That would be crazy.” Yet that’s exactly what the Biden-Harris administration has done.

Since 2021, the administration has created a vicious cycle. Its open-border policies have led to a record number of illegal border crossings, a situation that has overwhelmed the CBP and ICE, straining these agencies’ resources. This strain has then become the administration’s excuse not to enforce existing border security policies and procedures and let even “unvetted” illegal migrants stay. Of course, illegal migrants interpreted the administration’s lack of enforcement of existing laws as rolling out the welcome mat for more illegal border crossings. The cycle goes on. 

Harris Supporters Panicking Over Lack of a Coherent Message Before Election Day: 'Scared to Death'

Rusty Weiss reporting for RedState 

Democrat strategist James Carville and radio host Charlamagne tha God, two prominent supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris, are expressing concerns over her campaign’s lack of a message for the American people.

With less than a month until polls open, they’re getting a little antsy.

Charlamagne, who previously praised Harris as a candidate with “'super main character energy,” now feels all of the energy has shifted to the Trump campaign when it comes to relating to the people.

“You'll listen to a lot of reporters and they'll be talking to Trump or JD Vance and they'll be talking to them about things that are happening right here in America, because it is an election season right here in America."

“America first,” the Breakfast Club radio show co-host believes, is a winning message.

"So it’s always America first. But then you go to Tim Walz and they’re asking him about geopolitical politics, and I think a lot of times that makes them sound, you know, very out of touch. That makes them sound very out of touch to what’s going on right here in America," he continued.

Carville, meanwhile, appears to be in full-blown panic mode about the election and the lack of messaging coming out of the Harris camp.

Carville, at one point former President Bill Clinton’s closest advisor, told MSNBC host Ali Melber that he was “scared to death” of the coming election.

Part of that fear is a lack of a tangible message and not a whole lot of time to produce one.

Citing time restraints due to disaster recovery needs and other factors, Carville suggests the Democrat nominee “probably (has) under 20 days” to “really get a message out.”

That implies she hasn’t produced a message at all as of yet.

“They need to be sharp. They need to be aggressive. They need to stop answering questions and start asking questions,” he insisted.

It’s ironic to hear him suggest Harris needs to start talking more when Carville previously suggested the biggest problem in the Democrat party is “too many preachy females.”

By contrast, Charlamagne believes the messaging coming from the Trump-Vance campaign is striking a chord with the American people.

“When you hear, you know, the Vances and Trumps talking about what’s happening here at home and saying things like ‘America First’ and ‘Make America Great Again,’ that messaging sometimes resonates a lot more,” he said. “Not sometimes, it does resonate a lot more."

These complaints from supporters of Harris come as she struggles to convince the American people that she has a plan to competently serve as president.

She’s done herself no favors in changing the narrative in recent days.

During the Hurricane Milton disaster, Harris produced cringeworthy staged phone calls with local officials, held Zoom meetings where she got caught needing help from her handlers, and faked sharing a beer with Stephen Colbert while a vast swath of Florida was evacuating.

Maybe that’s the message people are taking away right now. That Harris is completely out of touch, has no coherent plan to lead, and is so cringe that she makes Hillary Clinton look relatable.

A new Gallup poll reveals that a strong majority of voters believe Trump (60-48%) is a stronger and more decisive leader.

No wonder Harris’s surrogates are scared to death.

Democrats Claim Public Schools Mostly Run By Democrats Are Deeply Racist

Democrats Claim Public Schools Mostly Run By Democrats Are Deeply Racist


The knee-jerk reaction that disparities are caused by discrimination is an all-too-common political argument. And in this case, it is not supported by the evidence.

Black girls have a big problem: racist discipline policies in our public schools. At least, that’s the narrative pushed by Democrats in Congress, who are calling for a radical overhaul of public school discipline to address racial disparities among K-12 students.

According to a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), black girls are 5.2 times more likely to be suspended from school compared to white girls. Representing only 15 percent of all girls enrolled in public schools, black girls receive almost half of exclusionary discipline: suspensions, expulsions, and referrals to law enforcement. They are, the report concludes, “overrepresented among girls disciplined compared to their representation in the overall population of girls.”

The cause? Racism, of course.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., lauded the report, stating that it “push[es] back on the harmful narrative that Black girls are disciplined more because they misbehave more.” In her press release, Pressley asserted that the GAO report proves that the disparity is caused by “biases such as adultification and colorism.” She also argued that black girls are punished more because of “a lack of understanding of the historical, social, and economic inequities such as poverty, trauma, hunger, and violence that often impact student behavior.”

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi attributed the disparity to “the unacceptable discrimination that Black and brown girls face in K-12 schools every day.” Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., said that in her deep-blue district in Minneapolis, black girls are discriminated against every day because of “discriminatory hair and dress policies.” In other words, our public schools, according to Democrats, are racist.

The cure? Pressley is pushing the “Ending PUSHOUT Act.” The proposal would prohibit a laundry list of punishments, like suspensions and expulsions. Under the act, schools — in exchange for federal money — would vow to eliminate disparities, create new discipline systems as “alternatives to suspension or expulsion,” and “create awareness of implicit and explicit bias and use culturally sustaining practices.” The Act appropriates $500 million every year for grants, which may not be used for police officers, surveillance equipment, or metal detectors.

This knee-jerk reaction — that disparities are caused by discrimination — is an all-too-common political argument. And in this case, it is not supported by the evidence.

According to the GAO report, significant differences in the rate of exclusionary discipline for black and white girls were found using 2017-18 data. But there are problems with this analysis. To begin, the GAO only found significant differences in four types of misbehavior. But 12 types of misbehavior were under study — meaning a difference was found only one-third of the time. If schools are engaged in discrimination, one would imagine this disparity would exist in defiant behavior (where a disparity was found) as well as for dress code violations (where no disparity was found).

Despite drilling down on specific types of misbehavior, the categories in the report simply remain too broad to reach the sensationalized conclusions reported. To agree with the Democrats, you would have to believe that school administrators exhibit racial bias only in response to a fraction of bad behaviors, but not the vast majority.

Even if disparities exist, of course, they are not always caused by discrimination, biases, or bigotry. According to a report from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, there are a host of other causes of disparity that should be considered before jumping to the conclusion that discrimination is the cause. These include student family structure, income, and disability status. 

Buried in the appendix, the GAO report admits that their sample of schools is “biased” on some of these dimensions. They attempt to account for this bias through a complex weighting process that, suffice it to say, is questionable from a social science perspective.

The PUSHOUT Act is a continuation and expansion of the Biden administration’s push to water down school discipline policies, even though surveys consistently show students and teachers are feeling less safe. In formal guidance, the Biden administration subtly threatened school districts with investigations and sanctions unless racial disparities were erased.

Last week, the administration made good on this threat in Kentucky, forcing Jefferson County Public Schools to sign an agreement committing to significant changes, even though no compelling evidence of discrimination was found. School officials were even forced to provide “compensatory services” to black students who had been disciplined differently than white students, without any real evidence that the disparity was caused by discrimination or other racial bias.

Discrimination has no place in our public schools. If black girls are the victims of discrimination by school officials, then those discriminators should be punished. But Democrats are not actually claiming black girls are the victims of intentional race discrimination by school officials. It is, as they say, “the system.”

Blaming “the system” is not evidence. It’s faith in the religion of anti-racism, which is perpetually hoisted upon the American public by those in the corporate, political, and media ruling class. Under this belief system, all disparate outcomes are evidence of racism, and the only solution is to impose equal results among all racial groups.

Facts, though, demand a different result. School discipline should punish students who disrupt school and hurt others. Otherwise, the true victims — other students — will feel less safe and have worse academic outcomes. And that fact is supported by the data.

DNA study confirms Christopher Columbus’s remains are entombed in Seville

 Scientists have ‘definitively’ proved identity of remains – with navigator’s precise origins to be revealed  

Scientists in Spain claim to have solved the two lingering mysteries that cling to Christopher Columbus more than five centuries after the explorer died: are the much-travelled remains buried in a magnificent tomb in Seville Cathedral really his? And was the navigator who changed the course of world history really from Genoa – as history has long claimed – or was he actually Basque, Catalan, Galician, Greek, Jewish or Portuguese?    

The answer to the first question is yes. The answer to the second is … wait until Saturday.

The long-running and often competitive theorising has not been helped by his corpse’s posthumous voyages. Although Columbus died in the Spanish city of Valladolid in 1506, he wanted to be buried on the island of Hispaniola, which is today divided into Haiti and the Dominican Republic. His remains were taken there in 1542, moved to Cuba in 1795, and then brought to Seville in 1898 when Spain lost control of Cuba after the Spanish-American war.

On Thursday, after two decades of DNA testing and research, the forensic medical expert José Antonio Lorente said the incomplete set of remains in Seville Cathedral were indeed those of Columbus.  

“Today, thanks to new technology, the previous partial theory that the remains in Seville are those of Christopher Columbus has been definitively confirmed,” said the expert, who led the study at the University of Granada. The conclusion followed comparisons of DNA samples from the tomb with others taken from one of Columbus’s brothers, Diego, and his son Fernando.

The knottier question of the explorer’s precise origins will be revealed in Columbus DNA: His True Origin, a special TV programme shown on Saturday 12 October, the date when Spain celebrates its national day and commemorates Columbus’s arrival in the New World.

While myriad claims have been made about where the navigator was from – the theories include Italy, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, France, Greece, Scotland and a handful of different Spanish regions – the programme-makers insist they now have the answer.

“Twenty-five possible origins and eight finalists but there can be only one,” Spain’s state broadcaster, RTVE, said in a statement.  

Lorente, who described the investigation as “very complicated”, remained tight-lipped about its conclusions. “There are some really important results – results that will help us in multiple studies and analyses that should be evaluated by historians,” he told reporters on Thursday.

He has, however, been previously quite blunt that he believed Columbus was Genoese, saying in 2021: “There is no doubt on our part [about his Italian origin], but we can provide objective data that can … close a series of existing theories.”

The scientist has also pointed out that parts of Columbus could still be in the Caribbean. In 1877, an excavation of Santo Domingo Cathedral in the Dominican Republic unearthed a small lead box of bone fragments marked: “Illustrious and distinguished male, Christopher Columbus.” Those remains are now buried at the Faro a Colón monument (Columbus Lighthouse) in Santo Domingo Este.  

Lorente said that as both sets of bones were incomplete, both could belong to the explorer.

If, as the programme and the attendant hype suggest, the fascination with Columbus remains undimmed, so, increasingly, does the controversy over his legacy.

In 2015, Ada Colau, then the mayor of Barcelona, joined many on the Spanish left in decrying the 12 October celebrations. “Shame that a nation celebrates a genocide and, on top of that, with a military parade that costs 800,000 euros,” she tweeted.

José María González Santos, the then mayor of Cádiz, agreed. “We never discovered America, we massacred and suppressed a continent and its cultures in the name of God,” he said. “Nothing to celebrate.”

Four years ago, a statue of Columbus in Richmond, Virginia, was torn down, set ablaze and thrown into a lake. A sign reading “Columbus represents genocide” was then placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the figure.

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