Tuesday, September 24, 2024

University Suspends Law Professor for Inviting White Nationalist to Speak to Her Class

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

Just in case anyone is under the illusion that free speech is not under attack, this story is one of many showing that our right to freely express our views is in peril.

The University of Pennsylvania has decided to suspend law professor Amy Wax after a series of statements and actions the school’s leadership deemed to be controversial, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.

The university made the announcement on Monday, saying she will face a year-long suspension at half pay and lose her named chair position. The proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back appears to be related to Wax’s decision to invite white nationalist Jared Taylor to speak to her class.

This follows controversies regarding comments Wax made about black students and Asian immigrants. During an interview with black conservative Brown University professor Glenn Loury, Wax claimed black students generally performed at levels lower than other Penn Law students. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Black student graduate in the top quarter of the class and rarely, rarely in the top half,” she said.

Loury pushed back, asking: “So you’re telling me that students of color who have served on law reviews are pretty much in the bottom half of their law classes at Penn?”

Law schools usually only invite students performing at high levels to be on the law review. Wax admitted she did not have evidence to support her argument and had never done a systematic study on the grades of black students.

During the same interview, Wax also suggested that America would be “better off” with fewer Asian immigrants.

It all started with the Dec. 20 episode of The Glenn Show, during which Wax discussed U.S. immigration, insisting that it’s difficult to welcome people into Western societies if they do not share the same values—an idea she also shared in a recent speech.

“It’s just harder to assimilate those people or to have confidence that our way of life will continue if we bring a lot of people in who are not familiar with it. These are not original ideas on the [political] right,” Wax told Loury. “This might result in a shift in the racial profile of people who come in. Obviously, we’ll have fewer people from Africa. We’ll have fewer people of some parts of Asia, and it’ll be more white—not that many white people want to come to the United States.”

Specifically, Wax referred to South Asian elites migrating to the U.S., whom she differentiated from migrants traveling from Latin America.

“[We] have to distinguish mass-immigration, which we’re getting from the Hispanics, south of the border, which I think poses different questions and challenges from the Asian elites that we’re getting,” she said. “It doesn’t mean that the influx of Asian elites is unproblematic. I actually think it’s problematic. …I think it’s because there’s this…danger of the dominance of an Asian elite in this country, and what does that mean? What is that going to mean to change the culture?

“Does the spirit of liberty beat in their breast?” she continued.

Wax also argued that “wokeness” is a dominant ideology and that “Asians tend to be more conformist to whatever the dominant ethos is.”

“As long as most Asians support Democrats and help to advance their positions, I think the United States is better off with fewer Asians and less Asian immigration,” Wax said.

So far, it might seem to some that the university made the right call, right?

After all, Wax has clearly expressed some racist views, and she did invite one of the nation’s most prominent white nationalists to speak to her class. Her motivation for wanting Jared Taylor to address her students isn’t clear. But regardless of what prompted her to extend the invitation, the school’s decision will do more harm than good.

For starters, academia is supposed to equip students to think critically and debate ideas. Sheltering them from any ideas – even reprehensible ones – robs them of the opportunity to understand what reprehensible people believe. One cannot effectively refute these individuals if they do not understand their positions.

Moreover, stifling the views of folks like Taylor doesn’t get rid of them. It only pushes them further underground, where they can fester unopposed. This could lead to even more people embracing these viewpoints – and acting on them.

It is also worth noting that authoritarian leftists running these schools could, and will, expand the definition of what is unacceptable for students to hear. Yes, Jared Taylor is a bonafide white nationalist. But to folks on the left, you and I could easily be considered to be in the same realm as these people for espousing perspectives that conflict with progressivism.

Too many universities have become less about fostering robust dialogue and debate and more about enforcing a specific set of beliefs. It is not about opposing vile views; it is about selecting which vile views students are allowed to hear. If Wax had invited a Hamas supporter to her classroom, there likely would have been no fuss, right?

But that’s not even the scary part.

In the end, Penn’s decision not only does a disservice to its young students, it also instills the idea that authoritarianism is preferable to the free expression of ideas. Instead of showing students how to defeat bad ideas with better ideas, it teaches them to rely on authority to suppress disgusting opinions, which will inevitably translate to appealing to another authority, namely, the government, to suppress even mainstream ideas with which they disagree.

Of course, this is the point, isn’t it? Leftists running many of these institutions are not concerned with the idea of debating ideas that contradict theirs. Instead, they are hellbent on ensuring that progressive ideas maintain supremacy over public discourse. What better way to do this than to teach young Americans that suppression is more desirable than dialogue?

ClimateHysteria and the End of Hope

Climate Hysteria and the End of Hope

We are a civilization embracing suicide.

Recently the reliably Left-wing rag The Los Angeles Times published an opinion piece that wrestled with a question no one in history ever thought to ask themselves until our own time, when it has become a common refrain among young generations: Is it morally right to bring children into a world so fraught with dangerous uncertainty?

Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question” is an excerpt from a new book by Jade S. Sasser, an associate professor in the – wait for it – Department of Gender & Sexuality Studies at UC Riverside. The book is called Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question: Deciding Whether to Have Children in an Uncertain Future.

Yes, climate anxiety is a thing. Psychotherapist Natacha Duke describes it thusly: “Also known as ‘eco-anxiety,’ ‘eco-guilt’ and ‘eco-grief,’ climate anxiety is characterized by a chronic fear of environmental doom that’s often paralyzing and debilitating.” It is one of the most effective and widespread psyops of our time, having traumatized an entire couple of generations into believing that we must take immediate, radical action to completely dismantle the capitalist, systemically racist, heteronormative, fossil-fueled power structures and exploitative mentality that purportedly have driven us to the brink of planetary annihilation.

The Times excerpt centers on a series of interviews Sasser conducted in 2021 and 2022 with millennials and members of Generation Z, “all of them people of color. Some of them identify as queer… which shapes their sensitivity to discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.” All were college-educated, most having taken environmental studies classes. At least two of them have degrees in sustainability, whatever that means.

“American society feels more socially and politically polarized than ever,” Sasser begins, and it’s hard to argue with her. She wonders, “Is it right to bring another person into that?”

Among her interview subjects is Bobby, 22, whose degree in sustainability studies scored him a job in a restaurant where he is “unhappily employed.” He is open to adopting an already existing kid but not having one of his own. “The environment is really the deciding factor for me,” he tells Sasser.

Victoriawho also got a degree in sustainability, has “always questioned bringing people into an environment [where] so much is going on politically, socially, health-wise, all of that.” She worries about the future of healthcare access and “wealth inequality.”

A 22-year-old named Elena declares“Me being interested in environmental policy cemented my decision to not have kids.” Her environmental studies classes prompted her to feel that “having kids is definitely not a sustainable thing to do… I don’t want them to grow up and have to leave their home because of sea level rise. Or be worried because of really weird weather patterns.”

She continues: “I know that things aren’t going to get better. So why would I want to put a child through that? Even when my sister gave birth to my nephew, I was like, Why? They’re gonna go through so much.”

Mexican American Juliana, 23, just graduated from art school. She and her friends – “mainly composed of queer and transgender, anti-establishment artists” – don’t want children. Again, environmental concerns are at the heart of their rejection of kids.

A Native American woman named Melanie, 26, wants children but “with all of the things we see going on in the world, it seems unfair to bring someone into all of this against their will.” She adds, “With climate change, we’re the driving force of things breaking down, but then also, the planet’s going to do what the planet’s going to do… So… it almost feels, like, kind of shameful to want to have children.”

A significant part of the damage done by the environmental hysteria cranked up in college classes and in our cultural messaging is this hopelessness, guilt, and anxiety it engenders in young people who have little real-world experience and who are especially susceptible to the gas-lighting of virtue-signaling celebrities and far-Left activists posing as educators. Climate-change fear-mongers like Al “The electricity to heat my Olympic-size swimming pool would power six homes for a year” Gore have been predicting imminent apocalypse for more than half a century.

This hysteria is part of a toxic “safetyism” infecting our culture. Safetyism, as defined in Lukianoff and Haidt’s book The Coddling of the American Mind, is “the cult of safety–an obsession with eliminating threats (both real and imagined) to the point at which people become unwilling to make reasonable trade-offs demanded by other practical and moral concerns.” Add to that the guilt that we are hurtling toward an environmental doom which we believe we brought on ourselves, and the tragic result is the end of hope, the loss of an optimism that the future will be better for our children, and the self-loathing sense that the planet can only be saved if our destructive species commits suicide.

Yes, the world is fraught with danger of innumerable kinds – but it always has been. People have always been at the mercy of natural disasters and harsh weather conditions, not to mention disease, famine, conquering armies, and just plain poverty, which was the dominant condition for humankind for all of history until our own time. In short, there has never been a time when things didn’t look bad.

Why did anyone bring children into those circumstances? Because prior to our own time, even if you were born into royalty, everyone accepted the reality that life was hard and dangerous and unfair and always would be. At the risk of romanticizing it too much: hope and faith made life worth living, and children generally were seen as a blessing; people didn’t agonize over whether their offspring would be bad for the planet or whether they might have to deal with “really weird weather patterns.” Life today is still hard and dangerous and unfair, but not nearly so much as even in the recent past. Thanks to technological and medical advances, as well as civilizational stability in the West, there has never been a safer time in history to have children than today.

No, today is different! panicked young people with sustainability degrees would argue. Things aren’t just normal-bad; they’re super-bad, and not in the James Brown way! We’re facing the manmade end of the world! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Greta Thunberg say we have less than ten years left! Or is that “fewer” than ten years…? The point is, we don’t have much time! Bringing more children into that doomsday scenario is cruel to them and will only increase our carbon footprint and hasten the end!

This kind of panic is mushrooming into a human tragedy of enormous proportions in terms of the number of young people who will never become mothers and fathers. It is not just a personal tragedy, but a civilizational one, as the Western world – America included – is already suffering an unprecedented drop in the birth rate.

I firmly believe people who don’t want children shouldn’t have them, even though I also believe many of those people will end up regretting that choice. I was childless until unusually late in life; prior to that I was largely just thoughtlessly indifferent to the idea of kids and family. But I wised up just at the time I fortuitously met the woman who would become my wife, and realized that if I never had children I would regret it deeply. We now have five kids and it’s impossible to express what a joyful transformation they have wrought on my life, a transformation I could not have imagined beforehand. I believe also that in their small way, over the course of their lives my children will carry that joyful transformation to others and out into the world at large.

Do I worry about their future in this uncertain world? Of course. As the saying goes, having children is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. But if you want to make the world a better place, you cannot do better in the long run than to give birth to the next generation and raise it to be and to do better than yours.

Environmental alarmism is stealing that hope and optimism and joy from an entire generation.

Kamala Is Begging For Another Debate Because She Knows She’s Losing

If Kamala Harris were truly running away with this race, as public polls purport, there’s no way she would be clamoring for another debate.

Latest public polling shows Kamala Harris — yes, her — to be more popular with voters than a free massage, water in the desert, and even group sex at P. Diddy’s house. Which is why it remains confounding that she’s clamoring for yet another debate with Donald Trump.

The only reasonable explanation is that her campaign managers have told her she’s on track to lose, probably decisively.

CNN on Saturday announced that the vice president accepted a second debate proposed by the channel for late next month. Kamala “is ready for another opportunity to share a stage with Donald Trump,” campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said in a statement. “Donald Trump should have no problem agreeing to this debate.”

The channel’s reliable propagandist Brian Stelter then crawled into the daylight to antagonize Trump on behalf of the Kamala campaign, writing that it would be unbecoming for the election’s final debate to be between the two candidates’ running-mates, J.D. Vance and Tim “Stolen Valor” Walz. “[I]t sure would seem anticlimactic,” wrote Stelter, “to have Walz and Vance helm the last debate of the cycle.”


Kamala and her handlers have been crying out for a debate less than an hour after the first one two weeks ago was even over. Recall that debate as the one where, according to all of her friends in the national news media, Kamala flew past expectations, provoked Trump into a foaming drool, and deftly parried all incoming fire with surgical precision. After weeks of adulation from the press, the result is effectively no change in public polling. The race was a dead heat before, and it’s a dead heat now, though Trump maintains an advantage in the swing-state races, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average.

Polls are useful, but in the age of Trump, they only go so far — and it’s not that far. More important are the specific issues, events, and circumstances that change the campaign’s course and bring attention to the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses. If you remove the ongoing lawfare against Trump brought by the Kamala-Biden administration and local Democrat governments along the East Coast, everything else has gone in Trump’s direction.

The president has survived another Democrat-inspired assassination attempt. High prices brought by Kamala and the president have stuck. (The New York Times: “Prices remain sharply elevated compared with their prepandemic levels, and many families are still struggling to adjust.”) Job numbers are getting weaker and recession fears are growing stronger.

The southern border remains a wreck, and communities continue to see their public resources drained by the flood of migrants dumped on them by Kamala’s administration. Illegal border crossings were up by more than 3,000 in August, the most recent month on record. The reliably Democrat Teamsters worker union declined to endorse either candidate because its members, by its own public polling, preferred Trump to Kamala by a hilarious margin.

I’m not done. High-profile billionaires who previously supported Democrats have been lining up behind Trump, and they’re doing it publicly, which would have been unfathomable before this year. All levels of crime remain higher than before Democrats hyped up Covid, lockdowns, and BLM rioting in the 2020 election year. The Middle East continues to collapse, and low-income American minorities are watching billions move with haste to Ukraine while their own finances deteriorate, with no answer for the discord.

It’s not so much that the polls are fake, but they’re off. The media know that they’re wrong, while refusing to acknowledge even the possibility. They publish the results with fanfare and then explain that it’s because Kamala is “reintroducing” herself (another way of saying, “We in the media are permitting the vice president to abandon every unpopular position she held up until now because it benefits her campaign.”)

If Kamala were in fact running away with this race, with every poll showing she is the preferred candidate and with a stellar debate under her belt, there would be absolutely no incentive for her to seek another one. With all the help she got from the Democrat ABC moderators at the first debate, she would naturally feel comfortable assuming she’d get the same at a second one with CNN, but there would be no need for it. After all, we’re told she’s on track to win.

She’s not. She knows it.

Voting Minds Decided – Politico Admits No Movement in Presidential Polling Following Debate

Everyone is just waiting to vote now; that’s the rub of it.  That’s the core and basic message that keeps repeating from inside the signal.  Everyone has made up their mind, there are no more undecideds; we are all just waiting to vote now. Everything else is just, well, noise.

[…] “surveys point to just a slight Harris bump, with national polls showing the Democrat’s lead has grown by about 1 percentage point since the day of the debate — even including national polls from NBC News and CBS News on Sunday giving Harris a mid-single-digit lead.”…  ~Politico

The 2016 and 2020 MSM narrative engineering polls were wrong by an average margin of 8 points.

According to the underlying data of most polls, affluent, college indoctrinated, white women between 30 and 50-years-old are the strongest Kamala Harris supporters.

I would strongly encourage all men married to this demographic to stop accepting emasculation, set down the purses, stop drinking nut milks and counteract Karen’s vote.  It’s ok, you don’t have to tell anyone.  Glance over to the power tools section and we’ll give you a ‘sup nod of support.

Biden Sure Had a Creepy Moment Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud About What His Staff Doesn't Want Him Doing

Rebecca Downs reporting for Townhall 

As his term comes to an end, President Joe Biden has had a habit lately of saying the quiet part out loud. Just earlier this month he made quite the admission about the woefully misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), for instance. On Monday, the president welcomed little giels he acknowledged were "young kids" to the stage, saying he was going to "do it anyway" despite being told not to by his staff. Biden was in the East Room honoring Gotham FC, the 2023 National Women's Soccer League champions. 

"You know, I thought when I got to be president, I’d get to do things that I want to do. But my staff tells me what I can’t do," Biden shared, adding "but I'm going to do it anyway." The audience could be heard laughing at such remarks. "All the young women, young kids out there--that are out there, come on up and do this one. Stand behind me, would do. Just come on," he continued, "And the guys." As The New York Post mentioned, he came to the podium with Ali Krieger, the team's 40-year-old star player.

A clip then shows Biden shaking the hands of young girls who are welcomed to the stage to join older women and men. He spends a few minutes with one girl in particular, with their remarks inaudible. 

Biden inviting "young kids" to join him has since become a trending topic over X, with our sister sites of Twitchy and RedState also covering such a moment

This is something of a habit from the president on a few fronts. As Biden appears to be less and less in control of his faculties, he's making such admissions. But, he's also talked about his staff in such ways before. Especially since his fellow Democrats forced him out of the race less than a month after the disastrous June 27 debate against former and potentially future President Donald Trump, comments about staff directives certainly lead to some raised eyebrows.

Those weeks in between Biden's debate performance and when he actually did exit the race on July 21 were indeed a harried time for staff.

Then there's how Biden has had a habit of making people uncomfortable with how he approaches women, including young women, thus earning him the nickname "Creepy Joe."

 "The president did not say why his staff barred such interactions, but Republicans in the past have circulated footage of Biden appearing to make both children and adult women uncomfortable by touching or sniffing them at public events — with his political adversaries dubbing him 'Creepy Joe,'" the Post also mentioned.

The Left Wants You to Believe That Conspiracy Theories Only Come From the Right. Not So Fast.

The Left Wants You to Believe That Conspiracy Theories Only Come From the Right. Not So Fast.

Image Generated by the Author Using Grok

The left loves to smear conservatives as conspiracy theorists. The so-called guardians of “misinformation” and “disinformation” are quick to label things that go against the left-wing narrative as conspiracy. If it’s not beneficial to the left — from the Hunter Biden laptop to failed pandemic protocols — it’s a conspiracy theory.

Lord knows we have our share of conspiracy theories on the right, but the left isn’t immune to them. On the contrary, the left has plenty of conspiracy theories that are as outlandish as some of the worst conspiracies on the right. The term BlueAnon has come to represent those left-wing rumors.

“BlueAnon is a blanket term coined by some conservatives to describe liberal and left-wing conspiracy theories,” writes Amber Duke at Spectator World. “It intentionally rhymes with QAnon, the arguably better-known right-wing conspiracy, and mostly arose in response to what many regard as the Russian collusion hoax, the idea that Trump colluded with the Russian government to win the 2016 presidential election.”

“Russia! Russia! Russia!” is probably one of the most egregious and long-lasting conspiracy theories on the left. Democrats and members of the mainstream press continually characterize Donald Trump as a Russian asset or operative. This narrative has popped up in 2024, even though Vladimir Putin has said he wants Kamala Harris to win. None of this has stopped the left from running with the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory.

“Several stories stemming from the Russian collusion hoax were outlandish and unverified yet embraced by prominent members of the media and people in high-level positions within the national security state and the Democratic Party,” Duke writes. “The claims were also the subject of a special counsel investigation into President Trump.”

Other BlueAnon ideas take hold, and the media will run with those narratives every time. The left has manufactured other conspiracies about Trump, all designed to smear him. How can we forget about the “very fine people” quote from the aftermath of the Charlottesville, Va., violence that the media took out of context? What about how Trump allegedly said that Putin could do whatever he wanted if Trump won reelection? Or how about Trump’s statement that a Democrat victory in November would be a “bloodbath” for the auto industry? The left took that as a threat of violence.

All the left has to do is quote Trump out of context (see the rumor that Trump advised people to inject bleach to treat COVID-19) or attribute false motives to his statements (see Charlottesville), and they become a narrative. Harris used some of those lies in the debate with impunity.

BlueAnon isn’t just going after Trump. Maybe this isn’t a conspiracy theory per se, but Democrats latched onto the notion that Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill didn’t allow teachers to use the word “gay.” Voilà! “Don’t Say Gay” became the narrative, and leftists had a convenient smear against Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.).

A more recent example is the smear against Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio). This summer, some left-wing rando on X started a rumor that the GOP vice-presidential candidate had his way with a sofa, even supposedly referring to page numbers in Vance’s memoir “Hillbilly Elegy.” The Associated Press fact-checked the false rumor, but it later retracted the fact-check.

Last night, the AP published a “fact-check” of utterly unknown nobodies who alleged that JD Vance fornicated a couch, not because anyone believed that but because it introduces that nonsense into the bloodstream. Today, it’s gone. So sleazy. https://t.co/puoojLI6WY

— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) July 25, 2024

Bringing the focus back to Trump, BlueAnon gave us possibly the worst conspiracy theory yet when some leftists surmised that the Trump campaign staged the July 13 assassination attempt, Democratic Party advisor Dmitri Mehlhorn emailed supporters complaining that “NOT ONE NEWSPAPER OR OPINION LEADER IN AMERICA IS WILLING TO OPENLY CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY THAT TRUMP AND PUTIN STAGED THIS ON PURPOSE” (all caps in the original). A Morning Consult poll shortly after the shooting found that a third of Biden supporters thought the assassination attempt was fake.

Yet the left is always quick to paint the right as crawling with conspiracy theorists. Duke writes:

Disinformation experts and media outlets have routinely placed the bulk of the blame for “misinformation” and “disinformation” online on right-wing sources. But they have mostly failed to acknowledge the breadth and impact of the Russian collusion hoax, plus other popular BlueAnon fake stories: that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was involved in a gang rape; that actor Jussie Smollett was attacked by two Trump supporters; that Trump failed to condemn white supremacists in Charlottesville in summer 2017; that Trump told people to inject bleach during the pandemic and other stories that were shared — or are still peddled to this day — at levels as high as the presidency. Most also ignore the stories and ideas that were deemed right-wing misinformation but ended up being correct: the Hunter Biden laptop story; that Covid-19 likely came from a laboratory leak; that there were undercover federal agents at the January 6 riot; or that President Joe Biden was suffering obvious cognitive decline. All were labeled conspiracy theories; all turned out to be true.

“It’s a lot easier to convince people that their political opponents are crypto-Putin assets hell-bent on instituting ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ than it is to debate them,” said columnist David Harsanyi, who has written a forthcoming book about BlueAnon.

He’s right. As long as Democrats can easily throw out wild accusations and the mainstream media willingly follows, BlueAnon won’t just survive — it’ll thrive. That’s why it’s important to those who will stand up for the truth, like all of the talented writers here at PJ Media. One way you can do that is by becoming a VIP member. PJ Media VIPs get deeper dives into important issues as well as podcasts, commenting capability, and an ad-free experience.

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W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Welcome to the W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Post whatever you got in the comments section below.

This feature will post every day at 6:30am Mountain time. 

Our So-called ‘Experts’ and their Silly Group-speak Letters

 As a general rule, anytime we read an election-cycle solicited letter from retired functionaries, replete with their grandiose former titles, we should completely discount it.

One of the most preposterous recent trends has been the political use of supposed expert letters and declarations of support from so-called “authorities.”

These pretentious testimonies of purported professionalism are different from the usual inane candidate endorsements from celebrities and politicos.

Instead, they are used by politicians to impress and persuade the public to follow the “expertise,” “science,” or “authorities” to support all sorts of injurious initiatives and policies—of dubious value and otherwise without much political support.

Think of all the health experts who collectively swore to us that the COVID mRNA vaccinations would give us ironclad and lasting protection from being either infectious or infected and were without any side effects.

Other “authorities” assured us the first nationwide lockdown in U.S. history would stop COVID without hurting the social or economic life of the country.

Ditto testimonies about the pangolin-bat origins of COVID or the authenticity of the bogus Steele dossier.

Do we still remember the 1,200 healthcare “professionals” who in June 2020 told us that hitting the streets in mass numbers to protest during the post-George Floyd riots was a legitimate exemption from their own prior insistence on a complete nationwide quarantine? Or as these ideologues lectured us as “experts”:

“We wanted to present a narrative that prioritizes opposition to racism as vital to the public health, including the epidemic response. We believe that the way forward is not to suppress protests in the name of public health but to respond to protesters demands in the name of public health.”

To convince the public to get behind the agendas of politicians—increasingly on the left—ideologues round up groups of politically kindred professors, researchers, retired officials, and former bureaucrats to show off their supposed expertise and convince the public by means of their “authority”.

Perhaps one of the most notorious examples was the “70 arms control and nuclear experts,” who in 2015 were gathered together by Obama subordinates to persuade Americans to support the administration’s bankrupt Iran Deal—the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

It was clearly a treaty designed to appease and empower Iran on empty promises that the theocracy would slow down its nuclear bomb program. And it was railroaded, illegally, through Congress without the constitutionally required two-thirds treaty vote of the Senate.

But what followed from the deal was an empowered Iran. Freed from the burden of embargoes, it subsequently raked in billions of dollars in oil revenues—to lavish upon its terrorist appendages Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis.

Trump withdrew from the farce in 2018. His actions quickly bankrupted the terrorist state with embargoes and sanctions—only to see Biden-Harris beg Iran, in vain, to reenter the deal in 2021.

What followed was a second round of U.S. appeasement and the greatest Iranian-fueled terrorist wave in the Middle East since the 1980 theocratic Iranian revolution.

None of those Iran-Deal experts have weighed in since.

Do we remember Joe Biden’s disastrous “Build Back Better” and related huge spending packages? Coupled with additional borrowing, they contributed to well over a combined $4 trillion deficit from 2021 to 2022.

The public at least knew well enough that the economy was beginning to boom after the gradual decline of COVID. Pent-up consumer demand was starting to skyrocket. Still low interest rates encouraged reckless borrowing. Supply chains were still backed up and had not recovered from the national quarantines.

Stuff that the now cash-laden public wanted was often in short supply.

In other words, people wished to splurge on things that were scarce—just as Biden printed $4 trillion of new “stimulus” to boil an already overheating economy.

The result would soon be hyperinflation topping out at a 9% percent annual inflation rate. During the Biden-Harris administration’s four years, the price surge would leave key staple costs some 20-30 percent higher than in 2021.

Yet to ensure such madness, in 2021, we were assured there would be no such inflation. To convince us of the unconvincing, Team Biden rounded up “Seventeen recipients of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences” to sign an implausible letter to reassure the public that the massive spending (called “investments”) was “long overdue.”

Worse still, the illustrious left-wing economists blindly doubled down on public fears of what soon would be crippling price hikes due to the massive borrowing: “Some, however, have invoked fears of inflation as a reason to not undertake these investments. This view is shortsighted.”

None of the seventeen Noble Prize winners ever apologized for their wrongheaded predictions and assessments that greenlighted destructive inflation.

In 2024, the academic economists were back at it again, this time manifested in media speak as “sixteen of the world’s most notable economists—all Nobel Prize winners.”

They were now signing another letter for the very opposite agenda: warning that a putative President Trump’s second term would spur inflation by way of his supposedly reckless spending proposals!

In other words, when Biden wished to print trillions of dollars, partisan Nobel Prize winners in advance discounted the crippling hyperinflation that followed. But now, given their dislike of Trump, they reversed course, warning the country that Trump’s likely deficit spending was “irresponsible.”

Would that such suddenly tight-fisted, inflation-hawk Nobel laureates had earlier warned us of their concerns in 2021, before the inevitable Biden inflation emasculated the middle class.

Yet the worst groupthink letter of supposed authorities was the now infamous and abject lie spread by the supposedly illustrious “51 former intelligence officials.” In weaselly language, they pontificated that Hunter Biden’s laptop had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation”—an emphatic assertion designed, however, by the word “earmarks” to shield them from the charge of lying, which, in fact, they knew that they were.

The signees were supposedly our best and brightest—headed by former CIA directors John Brennan (who previously had confessed to lying twice to Congress) and Leon Panetta, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (who previously also confessed he had lied once to Congress).

The point of the letter, like the aim of all such disingenuous politicking masked by supposed academic credentials and past government expertise, was political: to help Joe Biden’s evasions in his last 2020 debate on the eve of the election.

Armed with the fraudulent letter, Biden on the stage trashed Trump’s charge of Biden family corruption by citing the letter’s professional authentication that his son’s incriminating laptop was cooked up in Moscow.

The charge of “Russian disinformation” was, of course, a blatant lie—given the FBI already had taken possession of the laptop and knew it was genuine.

Everything about the letter stunk.

It was cooked up by then-Biden campaign aide Antony Blinken (later rewarded by becoming our current Secretary of State). He wrote Michael Morrell, a past interim CIA director, asking him to round up supposedly retired intelligence grandees to thwart Trump’s plausible accusations that the authentic laptop’s contents proved the corruption and tax evasion of the Biden family.

In a close election, the purpose was to prevent a Biden debate disaster and thus the perception that the Biden family was crooked. Such convincing charges might have lost him the election.

Many of the supposed disinterested “retired” authorities were actually still employed as contractors by the CIA.

In the end, none of the experts apologized for their misinformation, even when one post-election poll revealed that their deliberate efforts to mislead the voting public had affected the outcome of the 2020 election. Our experts’ charge of “Russian disinformation” turned out to be classic “American election interference.”

More recently, we saw another such letter with the same-old, same-old boilerplate. Lots of names (100!) of supposedly “retired” Republican “national security figures” emphatically endorsed Kamala Harris.

Given the predictably corrupt genre, almost anyone could have anticipated the letter’s contents. The list of “former” national security signees broadcast their bloated titles (but did not disclose whether any are now still contracting for the government) to assure us of their exalted expertise.

Like all such letters, the public has no idea who these obscure supposed expert national security figures are or even who they were when they worked for past Republican administrations. The point is simply to scare the public into voting for Democrat Harris because supposed experts, who have titles and were once insider Republicans, now despise Donald Trump and want to use their former positions and supposedly conservative credentials to convince us he’s dangerous. But it does not take a Ph.D. or J.D. to fathom that Afghanistan, Gaza, Israel, the wider Middle East in general, Ukraine, North Korea, and Iran were all quiet during the Trump administration. And all have blown up during the derelict Harris-Biden tenure. In the case of Russia, Vladimir Putin invaded other countries on his border in three of the last four administrations—except Donald Trump’s.

We no longer have a southern border, given the directorship of Border Czar Kamala Harris. We have no idea where or who some 10 million illegal aliens are who entered the country under Harris—after she and Joe Biden blew up an inherited 2020 secure border from Trump.

No matter. Our Republican experts nevertheless assure us that Trump “is unfit to serve again as President, or indeed in any office of public trust,” while Harris, they insist, has “consistently championed the rule of law, democracy, and our constitutional principles.”

In such Orwellian language, destroying the border and federal immigration law with it, helping to unleash an unprecedented lawfare at election time to ruin a presidential rival, or urging court packing, an end to the electoral college and the senate filibuster are all championing “the rule of law, democracy, and our constitutional principles.”

In sum, as a general rule, anytime we read an election-cycle solicited letter from retired functionaries, replete with their grandiose former titles, we should completely discount it.

They inevitably were rounded up by politicos. The signees in many cases are likely angling for a return to government; in others, they are loudly virtue-signaling—and in nearly all instances, are usually wrong but will never issue a second letter of apology when their concocted expertise and pretentiousness are thoroughly discredited by subsequent events.
