Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Democrats, the Media and Prostitutes – But I Repeat Myself

What can you do when the enemy of your country is in your country? It’s a little late to keep them out, so what do you do? You have to defeat them, crush them, and get them the hell out of your house as quickly as possible in a way that there is no ambiguity about them never being welcome to return. That is what must be done to Democrats this November, as they are truly the enemy in our house.

It would’ve been easy to think I was talking about the border, Democrats have welcomed the invasion of the third world into our country, encouraging it and paying to fly many more in who can’t afford to walk in from Mexico. For that alone they should be impeached and tried for using government funds for their personal and professional gain. 

But that’s not the worst of it, not by a longshot. 

A week after a radical Democrat absolutely dedicated to dumping endless money into Ukraine plotted to murder Donald Trump, the Biden/Harris administration flew Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the swing state of Pennsylvania to “visit a weapons factory” so he could “thank” the workers there. 

There could be no clearer use of federal government resources for a presidential campaign than if Kamala Harris started renting out the Lincoln Bedroom like the Clintons did. Only in this case, both sides would be prostitutes. 

This is highly unethical and absolutely illegal, neither of which will matter to Democrats and their appendages in the media. They live by one simple rule: Does it help us politically? 

There is no concern about how it impacts the country. 

Remember how, during the Trump administration, every single day people like Mika and the gang of ladies on MSNBC would gasp and clutch their implants while what passes for men would pretend to be angry of the “norms” of old being swept aside by some tweet. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, in fact, were going to “restore the norms” Trump had destroyed with his refusing to conform to their wishes.

On this flying a US puppet to a swing state to campaign and complain about the Republican ticket: silence. 

Democrats impeached Trump for suggesting to Zelenskyy that if the Biden family were engaging in corrupt practices in Ukraine, we’d like to know about it in this country, but using him as a campaign tool is A-OK with the left.

Zelenskyy, likely reading talking points provided by the Harris campaign, complained to the New Yorker magazine about Trump and JD Vance, saying, “My feeling is that Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how. With this war, oftentimes, the deeper you look at it the less you understand.” 

Somehow, the people who empowered Putin – who has endorsed Kamala Harris – to invade in the first place have a magical understanding of how to end the war, they just haven’t managed to come remotely close to doing it.

Zelenskyy, who has canceled his own country’s elections this year in an attempt to preserve “democracy” in Ukraine, has been pretty worthless as leader of his country. He’s had more than his country’s GDP dumped into his lap in the form of cash and weapons, yet he can’t repel a feeble Russian military so bloated and corrupt it can barely function. Were it not for their nuclear weapons, Russia could easily be ignored by the world. Were it not for the Biden/Harris administration empowering Putin through European energy cash (money we could have earned by providing energy to them, he Harris/Biden not crippled US production), Vlad wouldn’t have the money necessary to keep his hold on power. 

So, the Democratic campaign of the sitting Vice President uses taxpayer dollars to fly a foreign leader, who leads the most financially corrupt country on the planet – one that has paid the son of the sitting President millions (and God knows how many other family members of Democrats) – to the United States to complain about the Republican nominee in the all-important swing state of Pennsylvania and the Democrat media reports it like it’s normal. 

It might not quite technically be treason, but it’s certainly in the neighborhood. And it’s miles away from where all of these people claimed to be when they were so upset over mean tweets and the “norms” of old. 

The prostitutes Hunter Biden paid to humiliate and abuse, many of whom were likely trafficked, under age Ukrainians and other eastern Europeans, had about as much dignity individually as the Democrats Party and media have collectively. Which makes sense, if you think about it, considering they’re all in the same business.