Saturday, September 21, 2024

X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 21


A Target on His Back -- Trump as the New John Wick

So now we have the murmurings of a third possible assassination attempt on the life of former President Trump. Multiple attendees seated onstage at Trump’s Tucson rally experienced severe eye pain afterward, requiring emergency room treatment. The initial indication supports the premise that there was possibly some kind of agent released in the air that caused the malaise. Granted,  information is sparse at this point, but would anyone be surprised if it were true? You can almost feel it, the rising excitement in the lunatic fringe. The Secret Service and the FBI have shown themselves to be ineffective in protecting the former President -- whether through DEI-fomented incompetence or by Machiavellian design. Pure luck or divine intervention prevented Trump’s assassination in Pennsylvania when he providentially turned his head, so the bullet only struck his ear; stupidity prevented it in Florida when the assassin allowed the barrel of his rifle to be spotted by a member of Trump’s security detail. The repeated failures of the security agencies have sent a message to the crazies on the Left: go ahead and take your best shot.

You can practically hear the hundreds of lefty lunatics scrambling to gather guns, knives, bombs, poisons, deadly gas, and anything else they can think of to use in their efforts to ‘get Trump.’ Trump is now like John Wick in the movie John Wick 2. For the uninitiated, John Wick was a master assassin who violated the ‘code of ethics’ of his brotherhood. As punishment, the leaders of the brotherhood put out a contract on him and hundreds of professional assassins raced to be the first one to kill John Wick and collect millions in bounty.

Donald Trump ‘violated’ the rules of the brotherhood of political elites. They have employed every method they could think of to neutralize him through media lies and judicial lawfare. None of those tactics have worked. In fact, they’ve boomeranged and increased Trump’s popularity and appeal. After those failures, it’s not surprising that the Left would start sending covert messages to their fringe members that it’s time to employ drastic means. Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Hillary Clinton, and other Dems have called Trump the vilest names, claiming repeatedly that he’s an ‘existential threat to democracy,’ that he’s a ‘dictator’ who will ‘destroy the Constitution,’ that he will cause a ‘bloodbath’ if he’s elected. The legacy media have repeated these allegations ad nauseam. How many times have we heard Rachel Maddow say that the Dems must use ‘extreme measures’ to stop Donald Trump? These declarations could certainly be viewed as dog whistles to the crazies on the Left that it’s time to employ violence. (The Dems love to say that Trump is always issuing ‘dog whistles’ calling for violence. More projection on their part for what they are doing.)

The Left’s fringe lunatics aren’t going to be paid millions for assassinating Donald Trump -- not that we know of, at any rate -- but they will gain the fame and adulation of the Left (as they believe in their warped fantasies) by being the ‘hero’ that ‘saves democracy’.

Most incredibly, instead of calling for a moratorium on their incendiary verbiage, mind-numbed Democrat minions like Lester Holt of NBC News blamed Trump. Trump’s own rhetoric, he implied, inspired the assassination attempts on his life. Talk about shaming the victim. Tellingly, there have been no assassination attempts on the Democrat presidential nominee -- and thankfully so. But if Trump’s rhetoric was so violent, why haven’t there been similar assassination attempts from the fringe right on Kamala Harris or Tim Walz?

This is all deadly serious. Donald Trump has been attacked twice in two months -- and possibly a third time last week in Tucson. He has been fortunate so far, no thanks to the Secret Service. Yes, the Secret Service agent in Florida spotted the rifle barrel protruding from the bushes -- but the man wielding that weapon had been in hiding there for twelve hours. Yet another whistleblower has come forward to disclose that security checks for the golf course were not carried out according to protocol. The perimeter of that course should have been thoroughly inspected before Trump even started his round. If the shooter was there a full twelve hours before the game, then obviously that didn’t happen.

Already the naysayers are downplaying the event. “The only gunshots were from the Secret Service.” “The shooter was 300 to 500 yards away.” Thank God the only shots were from the Secret Service. That doesn’t lessen the danger this shooter presented; his rifle was poised and ready. And yes, the shooter was 300 to 500 yards away. He was stationed at the 6th hole; Trump was on the 5th. Eventually, Trump would have walked right up into point-blank range.

But the race is on and the crazies on the Left are scrambling to answer the call; more attempts on the former President’s life are highly likely, especially as election day draws nearer. The Dems are desperate. They’re ramping up their rhetoric and pulling no punches. They are inspiring hate and desperation in their minions -- and we can expect that desperate haters will do desperately hateful things to ‘save democracy’.

The Abortion Lies Kamala Will Spew In Atlanta Are The Ones That Killed Amber Thurman And Candi Miller

 Time and time again, Democrats have lied about abortion. As a result, women and babies have tragically died.

Vice President Kamala Harris will use her short appearance in Atlanta Friday afternoon to falsely blame Georgia’s lifesaving pro-life law for the deaths of at least two women. The untimely passings of Amber Thurman, Candi Miller, and their babies, however, had nothing to do with the Peach State’s protections and everything to do with Democrats and corporate media’s dangerous abortion rhetoric.

ProPublica, an outlet known for doing Democrats’ dirty work, resurfaced Thurman’s and Miller’s 2022 passings this week in an attempt to vilify pro-life laws ahead of the 2024 election. The women’s deaths were both the direct result of a drug regimen responsible for more than half of the nation’s abortions. Still, ProPublica skipped past the sometimes fatal complications and a significant number of emergency room visits associated with mifepristone and misoprostol to insist that the women lost their lives because they and the doctors responsible for treating them were scared out of it by pro-lifers.

Shortly after the articles’ publication, Harris posted a four-part statement to X falsely claiming “Trump Abortion Bans prevent doctors from providing basic medical care.”

“Women are bleeding out in parking lots, turned away from emergency rooms, losing their ability to ever have children again,” she wrote. “Survivors of rape and incest are being told they cannot make decisions about what happens next to their bodies. And now women are dying. These are the consequences of Donald Trump’s actions.”

According to an unnamed senior Harris campaign official, the Democrat will echo these accusations about Trump — many of which she lobbed at him unchecked during the Sept. 10 presidential debate — in her Friday speech.

States that limit when life in the womb can be ended do not criminalize treatments for spontaneous loss or complications like those experienced by Thurman and Miller. In fact, every single pro-life law — including the one in Georgia — contains carveouts for abortion procedures like dilation and curettage when they are deemed necessary to save the life of the woman. 

Yet, Democrats, with the help of their media allies like ProPublica, routinely assert that doctors are no longer permitted to treat complications, ectopic pregnancies, or miscarriages.

As SBA Pro-Life America’s State Policy Director Katie Daniel noted in a press conference Friday before Harris’ speech, the exceptions built into red-state legislation limiting abortion “rarely changed from the laws pre-Dobbs to the laws post-Dobbs.”

“The test used — reasonable medical judgment in most states, good faith judgment in others — is the test that was used before and is the test that’s used in many others,” she said, noting that physicians had no problems interpreting those exceptions for years, but “somehow, mysteriously two years ago, they stopped being familiar with that test.”

Harris, like many Democrats in recent years, has made abortion a hallmark of her 2024 campaign. She’s tried multiple times on her short time on the campaign trail to claim that Trump has deceived voters by, as ABC News put it, “flip-flopping” on signing federal abortion limits into law, even though the Republican’s 2024 abortion platform explicitly states decisions about ending life in the womb should be left “up to the states.”

It’s Harris’ extremism disguised as ambiguity, however, that is deceiving voters, who are more pro-life than politicians and the media credit them for.

She’s refused numerous times to say whether she supports abortion through all nine months of pregnancy and lied about the prevalence of late-term abortions. Harris has long lamented life-saving laws and even co-sponsored the original version of the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which seeks to codify abortion through birth. She’s even called the pills that caused Thurman and Miller’s deaths “safe and effective.”

Harris’ radical abortion rhetoric is tricking women everywhere into believing pro-lifers are gatekeeping maternal care. Because of her lies, women like Thurman and Miller believe the abortion pills made even more readily available to them under the Biden administration’s expansions will do them no harm. In reality, the pills can cost them their lives.

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Here’s a place to share cartoons, jokes, music, art, nature, 
man-made wonders, and whatever else you can think of. 

No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

LGBT Media Label Amy Coney Barrett A Villain And Joe Biden A Hero For Using The Same Term

‘Sexual preference’ became a defining term of Barrett’s confirmation hearing, but it’s just an innocent phrase when Biden says it.

For LGBT activists and media, what’s “offensive” can fluctuate based on the political season. Never shy to provide relevant examples, LGBT media demonstrated their dedication to hypocrisy and hierarchy just this week.

In a glowing interview with President Joe Biden, the Washington Blade, a legacy LGBT news source, gasped, “Writing about President Joe Biden’s legacy is difficult without the distance and time required to assess a leader of his stature, but what becomes clear from talking with him is the extent to which his views on LGBTQ rights come from the heart.”

From there it would seem Biden was the single greatest gift to LGBT-identifying Americans, honoring his administration as the most pro-LGBT in American history. Speaking of LGBT Americans, Biden said, “[M]ost of the openly gay people that have worked with me, that I’ve worked with, the one advantage they have is they tend to have more courage than most people have.”

Biden has the greatest “respect and admiration” for LGBT people. He argued, “[A]ll the LGBTQ+ people that have worked for me or with me have reinforced my view that it’s not what your sexual preference is, it’s what your intellectual capacity is and what your courage is.”

But wait a minute. Did Biden just refer to LGBT people as having a “sexual preference?” In 2020, when then-Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett innocently uttered the same phrase, it became a national controversy. LGBTQ Nation, using that quote as its subheading for an article praising the president, demanded in 2020, “Barrett used the offensive phrase ‘sexual preference,’ a right-wing dog-whistle that suggests that LGBTQ people can be cured.”

The use of this phrase, the site argued in its headline, “revealed how biased she is against LGBTQ people.” Barrett used the phrase when saying, “I have no agenda and I do want to be clear that I have never discriminated on the basis of sexual preference and would not ever discriminate on the basis of sexual preference.” Yet this was sufficient to generate outrage headlines in not only LGBT media but across all major news organizations.

Here was CNN’s headline: “Why Amy Coney Barrett’s use of the term ‘sexual preference’ at her hearing alarmed so many.”

Here’s The Washington Post: “Sen. Hirono grills Amy Coney Barrett for describing sexual orientation as a ‘preference.’

And this was from USA Today: “Judge Barrett, don’t use ‘sexual preference’ for LGBTQ people. It’s incorrect and alarming.”

The left’s need to vilify Barrett for using the phrase was so great that Merriam-Webster changed its definition of “sexual preference” to include that it was offensive to LGBT people.

USA Today described the event as Barrett stepping into a “queer hornet’s nest.” The author demanded, “That’s because Barrett used two words — sexual preference — that LGBTQ people find offensive, and which takes a blind eye to all the credible scientific research showing that sexual orientation is not a preference or a choice.”

At Barrett’s confirmation hearing, Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, argued, “It is used by anti-LGBTQ activists to suggest that sexual orientation is a choice.” Barrett was accused of using a homophobic “dog whistle” to signal her true feelings about LGBT-identifying people to her conservative and Republican supporters.

“Even though you didn’t give a direct answer I think your response did speak volumes,” Hirono continued. “Not once, but twice, you used the term sexual preference to describe those in the LGBTQ community. And let me make clear, sexual preference is an offensive and outdated term.”

The LGBT advocacy organization GLAAD stated, “The term ‘sexual preference’ is typically used to suggest that being lesbian, gay or bisexual is a choice and therefore can and should be ‘cured.’” The mere utterance of the phrase was argued to imply support for conversion therapy and other efforts to “harm young people” who identify as LGBT. LGBTQ Nation even pointed out that the Associated Press and The New York Times won’t allow the term to be used in their reporting due to this extremely negative connotation.

After Hirono scolded Barrett, Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, gave the nominee the chance to “clarify” her statement. Barrett apologized for using the term, saying, “I certainly didn’t mean and would never mean to use a term that would cause any offense in the LGBTQ community” — an apology LGBT activists dismissed as “condescending.”

Barrett even clarified that she was not indicating any disagreement with the controversial Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which essentially legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, the same position held by Biden. The only difference is, of course, that Barrett was portrayed as an anti-LGBT villain while Biden is portrayed as a pro-LGBT hero.

“Sexual preference” was not offensive then, and it isn’t offensive today. But according to LGBT activists, that all depends on who says it. What became a defining moment in Supreme Court Justice Barrett’s confirmation hearing is a passing, innocent phrase in an interview with President Biden. It isn’t as if the Washington Blade didn’t notice; they included it in their promotion of the interview. They know he said it, but they just don’t care this time. That should discredit their selective outrage toward political opponents in all future cases.

What we see is a politically motivated movement that uses its power to pressure, intimidate, and bully when convenient and gives grace and fawning admiration when it benefits them. Leftists care less about deeply offending LGBT people and more about achieving a particular outcome. Right now, they want to memorialize the Biden administration as a glowing example of LGBT “progress” to support Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign.

In 2020, they were solely interested in sabotaging President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee and were willing to say whatever was needed to accomplish that goal. As the Washington Blade included in its interview with Biden:

Meanwhile, conservative elected officials at the local, state, and national levels have led an all-out assault against LGBTQ Americans — especially those who are transgender, and especially transgender youth, who face an uncertain future with Donald Trump promising to strip them of their rights and reverse the gains of the past four years if he is elected in November.

It’s all politics, and it always was.

The Left Is at Its Weakest When You're Laughing at Them and They Know It

Comedy is the great societal disinfectant. If anything becomes too powerful, comedy will sweep in and minimize it in just a few lines. It makes every heavy problem lighter, and introduces levity to severity. 

Which is exactly why the left hates it. 

The left wants you to take it and everything related to it, very, very seriously. It's so adamant about that fact that cracking jokes is considered "insensitive" and they will do what they can to punish you for your egregious thought crime. They do it all the time, but you've witnessed more high-profile instances in recent memory, such as the left's attack on Dave Chappell over his jokes about transgenderism. 

Very recently, you saw the left go after AI-created deepfakes of Kamala Harris. 

These were obvious parody, which is protected by law (Hustler v Falwell (1983)), but California Governor Gavin Newsom decided to ban political deepfakes in his state, which resulted in the rest of America creating even more deepfakes and memes. The Babylon Bee even created one starring him. 

The left used to understand and respect free speech. They used to be very good at comedy, but that age has long passed. Now, you can't get a funny joke out of them. They have, for the most part, forgotten how to laugh. Even a lot of their "comedians" don't tell jokes, they rely on "clapter" to power their show, which is effectively just saying political things posed as a joke that people can clap at with minimal laughter, if any. 

If you've ever wondered why the left is so bad at memes, that's why. The concept of humor escapes them. Brevity is the soul of wit, but since they've forgotten how to be funny, their memes aren't short little pictures that make you chuckle, they're entire treatises on the subject in question that aren't funny at all. 

The bottom line here is that the left needs you to take them oh so seriously because if you really stand back and look at them and their beliefs, they are ridiculous people with horrible ideas. They're often control-obsessed, forcing you into certain behaviors that they themselves don't have to take part in. 

So long as you're not allowed to crack jokes at their expense and laugh at their corruption and ineptitude, they're well positioned to keep their power and influence. The moment the jokes start, they start looking smaller. Their influence diminishes. They no longer look all-powerful, they look like the proverbial naked emperor, exposed and stupid. 

Comedy is a solid way to highlight the absurdity in severe events. It's why J.D. Vance encouraged everyone to keep spreading the cat memes around. They were hilarious, but amid all the fun and laughter was a truth that the left did not want getting out. Over time, the left was finally forced to make a move on it, which ended up hurting them even further. It highlighted the real problem happening with our illegal immigration problem, even to people outside the realm of politics. Comedy was able to convey that problem far better than a news report ever could. 

In the case of Gavin Newsom, this new law is supposed to be a display of his power over emerging technologies. He's attempting to put his flag in the ground and say that government can control this kind of information output, and more accurately, that this kind of comedy is banned. The response of the people in mocking this law by using the very technology Newsom is trying to ban effectively laughs directly at his power and his efforts. It diminishes him in the eyes of the people. Instead of looking like an all-powerful dictator, he looks like a grown man baby throwing a temper tantrum. 

The people used comedy to pull back the curtain on what Newsom was trying to make into a display of strength, only to reveal that he's just some goofy dude who thinks he's more important than he actually is. 

I can't overstate this. Comedy is so powerful in the fight against authoritarianism. It neuters would-be dictators and strips influence from the corrupt. 

Keep making with the funny. 

"Above all else, the devil cannot stand to be mocked." - C.S. Lewis

TYRANNY: Biden-Harris Regime to Sanction Elon Musk in Their Baseless ‘Investigation’ Over His Lawful Purchase of X/Twitter

 As Jim Hoft previously reported, Biden-Harris’s Securities and Exchange Commission has been baselessly investigating Elon Musk’s lawful purchase of X/Twitter since 2022 and is suing him. Now, the Biden-Harris regime intends to levy the full force of the ‘law’ in an effort to punish one of their most formidable enemies.

Reuters reported Friday that the SEC said they would sanction Elon Musk after he refused to appear in court for testimony regarding his acquisition of X/Twitter. To make matters worse, they are making this decision even though his testimony had already been rescheduled for early October, demonstrating the Regime was looking for an excuse to harm the world’s richest man.

From Reuters:

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said on Friday it intends to seek sanctions against Elon Musk after he failed to appear for court-ordered testimony for the regulator’s probe into his $44 billion takeover of X/Twitter.

In a court filing, the SEC said the sanctions motion would seek an order to show cause for why Musk should not be held in civil contempt for waiting until just three hours before the scheduled Sept. 10 testimony to advise he would not appear.

Lawyers for Musk called sanctions “drastic” and unnecessary, saying his testimony has already been rescheduled for Oct. 3.

A spokesman for the SEC declined to comment.

The Gateway Pundit previously revealed last year that the Regime’s SEC had sued Musk because they subpoenaed him last September to show up in a San Francisco court and testify regarding his purchase of X/Twitter. He did not show up, likely assuming it was a trap.

This also fulfills a promise from Biden, who previously vowed to target Musk right after he purchased X/Twitter in 2022.

“There’s a lot of ways to get him,” Biden boasted.


REVIEW – Forsaken Warriors: How Trudeau Broke Canada’s Military


Take the time to watch Aaron Gunn’s latest film, and then share it with as many of your fellow Canadians as you can.

Film Linked in Comments...

Since the end of World War Two, Canadians – like many of our allies – have lived in relative peace and security.

This peace helped contribute to our prosperity, but it also made many of us naive.

We assumed peace was the natural course of things.

We assumed countries like China, Russia, and Iran would be fine with the spread of liberty and democracy when they were plotting long-term to dominate the world and plunge the planet into tyranny.

We have forgotten that peace is best secured through strength.

And we’ve forgotten that any nation that wishes to remain free must be able to muster up real military power.

This long-term ‘forgetting’ has not only left us vulnerable at a perilous moment, it has resulted in our nation forsaking those who put their lives on the line to defend us.

That is the overarching theme of Aaron Gunn’s latest documentary.

Titled “Forsaken Warriors: How Trudeau Broke Canada’s Military,” Gunn has done what he previously did with “Vancouver Is Dying” – bring attention to a severe national crisis in a way that can wake up our fellow citizens and turn things in a more positive direction.

To say Forsaken Warriors is an important film would be an understatement.

There is no more essential job for the federal government than to see to our national defence, especially at a time when threats from the Authoritarian Axis of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are escalating with each passing day.

By speaking to a wide range of Canadians, including former soldiers, military experts, politicians, and policy advisors, Gunn makes it abundantly clear that Canada’s military is facing a severe – even existential – crisis.

And watching the film, it’s undeniable that Justin Trudeau has played a significant role in bringing this crisis about.

It would be unfair to say Justin Trudeau is 100% to blame for Canada’s military crisis, and the film effectively conveys the nuances of the situation.

While Canada emerged from WW2 as one of the top military powers, our commitment to military strength has steadily withered. At certain moments, Prime Ministers like Paul Martin and Stephen Harper took steps to stop the erosion of our military strength, but the overall trend remained the same.

What Trudeau has done is to accelerate that trend at the worst possible time, while also infusing his own politics into the military in an unseemly way.

Forsaken Warriors goes into great detail on how the Canadian Armed Forces have been used as a testing ground for ideas that deviate significantly from the meritocratic and non-partisan ethos the military is supposed to have.

This has made recruitment even more difficult, as those most likely to join the military in the first place are often preemptively demonized and cast as villains.

When you add that to the fact that our military equipment is ancient, our allies see as completely unserious, the Prime Minister seems uninterest in the military, and our Veterans are often abandoned when they return home, is it any wonder that our military is in a recruiting “death spiral” according to the Minister of National Defence?

The difficulty in getting Canadians to focus on the collapse of our military is that – until now – there has not been one unified document or piece of media that brings everything together.

But now there is.

Now, every Canadian who wants to learn about how dire things are for the CAF can watch Forsaken Warriors and when they’re done watching, they will have a deep understanding of the crisis.

That makes Forsaken Warriors an incredibly important film, making Aaron Gunn one of the most important filmmakers in Canada today.

You can watch Forsaken Warriors below, and I encourage you to share the film with as many people as you possibly can. We must help our fellow Canadians understand how desperately our nation needs to rebuild our military strength.

Mike Benz Discusses the Motives and Intents of the Western Information Control System

Mike Benz walks through the history of how the USA industrial information control complex came to life as an outcome of specific intent created through the ideology of those behind Barack Obama.

It’s a long and granular discussion; however, some may find some of the insight on the history of the current information war to be beneficial to understanding the current dynamic. WATCH:


00:00 – Introduction
13:11 – The Blob
19:07 – 2014 Censorship & the Ukraine connection
29:00 – Influencing international censorship policy
32:35 – The power of ‘The Blob’
48:06 – Elon/X free speech proxy war
55:43 – DHS censorship threats
1:30:17 – Headway in Congress
1:42:20 – How do we gain powerr over tech companies?
1:51:24 – Tim Walz China connection
1:56:38 – Burisma & why we’re in Ukraine
2:29:14 – Free speech on the internet
2:37:21 – World War 3

How You Know Kamala Isn't Really a Gun Owner

Matt Vespa reporting for Townhall 

It might be one of the most glaring lies she’s told, and there are many of them. During the ABC News debate on September 10, she tried to pivot her position on Second Amendment rights, for which there is a record of her endorsing mandatory buybacks and door-to-door police actions vis-Γ -vis the enforcement of safe storage laws, by claiming she’s a gun owner. That doesn’t mean anything, lady. There are plenty of brain-dead gun owners who vote for and support anti-gun Democrats and their policies. Just check the 2013 exit polls for the Virginia gubernatorial race—33 percent of Virginia gun owners voted for Terry McAuliffe.

Also, during her trainwreck livestream event with Oprah Winfrey, Harris repeated her ‘I have a gun’ schtick, adding that if someone breaks into her home, she’s coming out blasting. First, what type of firearm does she own? Cap guns don’t count. Second, as Katie noted, actual gun owners aren’t looking for nor are they wishing for any situation in which they need to fire their weapon. Like police officers, their best days on the job are when they never find themselves in a situation where they need to use their service weapon. No one is jonesing for a life-altering event that could come with severe legal ramifications. What a clown:

Over at CNN, this panel blew up when her pro-gun confiscation positions were brought up, and they think voters are dumb enough to fall for their linguistic gymnastics. Mandatory buybacks, assault weapons bans, and universal background checks are all building blocks to a national registry for total confiscation. Mandatory buyback alone is forced requisition of private property. It’s like when the media tried paint tax increases under Obama was a ‘revenue enhancer.’  The Russian invasion and annexation of Ukraine was an ‘uncontested arrival.’  

 But now she’s too busy to conduct anymore interviews.