Saturday, September 21, 2024

REVIEW – Forsaken Warriors: How Trudeau Broke Canada’s Military


Take the time to watch Aaron Gunn’s latest film, and then share it with as many of your fellow Canadians as you can.

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Since the end of World War Two, Canadians – like many of our allies – have lived in relative peace and security.

This peace helped contribute to our prosperity, but it also made many of us naive.

We assumed peace was the natural course of things.

We assumed countries like China, Russia, and Iran would be fine with the spread of liberty and democracy when they were plotting long-term to dominate the world and plunge the planet into tyranny.

We have forgotten that peace is best secured through strength.

And we’ve forgotten that any nation that wishes to remain free must be able to muster up real military power.

This long-term ‘forgetting’ has not only left us vulnerable at a perilous moment, it has resulted in our nation forsaking those who put their lives on the line to defend us.

That is the overarching theme of Aaron Gunn’s latest documentary.

Titled “Forsaken Warriors: How Trudeau Broke Canada’s Military,” Gunn has done what he previously did with “Vancouver Is Dying” – bring attention to a severe national crisis in a way that can wake up our fellow citizens and turn things in a more positive direction.

To say Forsaken Warriors is an important film would be an understatement.

There is no more essential job for the federal government than to see to our national defence, especially at a time when threats from the Authoritarian Axis of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are escalating with each passing day.

By speaking to a wide range of Canadians, including former soldiers, military experts, politicians, and policy advisors, Gunn makes it abundantly clear that Canada’s military is facing a severe – even existential – crisis.

And watching the film, it’s undeniable that Justin Trudeau has played a significant role in bringing this crisis about.

It would be unfair to say Justin Trudeau is 100% to blame for Canada’s military crisis, and the film effectively conveys the nuances of the situation.

While Canada emerged from WW2 as one of the top military powers, our commitment to military strength has steadily withered. At certain moments, Prime Ministers like Paul Martin and Stephen Harper took steps to stop the erosion of our military strength, but the overall trend remained the same.

What Trudeau has done is to accelerate that trend at the worst possible time, while also infusing his own politics into the military in an unseemly way.

Forsaken Warriors goes into great detail on how the Canadian Armed Forces have been used as a testing ground for ideas that deviate significantly from the meritocratic and non-partisan ethos the military is supposed to have.

This has made recruitment even more difficult, as those most likely to join the military in the first place are often preemptively demonized and cast as villains.

When you add that to the fact that our military equipment is ancient, our allies see as completely unserious, the Prime Minister seems uninterest in the military, and our Veterans are often abandoned when they return home, is it any wonder that our military is in a recruiting “death spiral” according to the Minister of National Defence?

The difficulty in getting Canadians to focus on the collapse of our military is that – until now – there has not been one unified document or piece of media that brings everything together.

But now there is.

Now, every Canadian who wants to learn about how dire things are for the CAF can watch Forsaken Warriors and when they’re done watching, they will have a deep understanding of the crisis.

That makes Forsaken Warriors an incredibly important film, making Aaron Gunn one of the most important filmmakers in Canada today.

You can watch Forsaken Warriors below, and I encourage you to share the film with as many people as you possibly can. We must help our fellow Canadians understand how desperately our nation needs to rebuild our military strength.