Thursday, September 5, 2024

Will Election-Riggers Wag the Dog Again?

How do we know that Washington, D.C. is the nerve center of a global empire and not the seat of a federal government with limited powers over the individual states and their citizens?  Every four years, people around the world wait with trepidation to see what new calamity might strike the human race, as the masters of mass destruction work to install the right globalist sock puppet inside the White House.

Economic crises and impromptu wars have a strange way of materializing during America’s election season.  Twenty-twenty gave us a genetically engineered pandemic, a planetary lockdown, and widespread crimes against humanity.  Disease, death, and suffering were the horrific costs required to shatter President Trump’s three years of peace and prosperity.  COVID was the poisonous smokescreen necessary to give Dementia Joe Biden a mail-in-ballot “victory.”

Foreign pundits often complain that it is deeply unfair that only American citizens get to vote for the U.S. president.  So great is this one official’s impact upon the rest of the world, they aver, that the whole planet should have a say.  Well, my foreign friends, the U.S. government agrees with you!  That’s why we have open borders and months-long mail-in-ballot elections with few voter identification requirements, drawn out vote-counting, and no transparency.  If D.C. wanted secure borders and secure elections, we would have both.  But the gangsters who run things over here can’t manipulate electoral outcomes unless they first flood the country with tens of millions of illegal aliens, print just as many untraceable postcard ballots, and discourage in-person voting and picture ID.  Foreigners have been robbing Americans of their votes for quite some time with the active assistance of the federal government.  As the lockdown lemmings used to sing in unison during the Reign of COVID Terror, rest assured: we’re all in this together!

Aside from all the fraudulent mail-in-ballots that will inevitably impact the 2024 election, though, the deranged powers that be still need their quadrennial smokescreen!  No act of sabotage or ruination is too sinister for those who manipulate world events to win American elections.  Bill Clinton’s sex scandals disappeared behind his wag-the-dog missile strikes during the Yugoslav Wars.  Barack Obama’s candidacy benefited from the housing crisis and Great Recession that almost sank the banking system on George Bush’s watch.  Hillary Clinton nearly succeeded in torpedoing Donald Trump’s election chances and later presidency with her Russia collusion hoax (and a great deal of help from both the American and British Intelligence Communities).  Trump’s Houdini-like ability to escape Deep State traps apparently led those dangerous goons to dynamite the global economy with an outbreak of COVID-1984.  Even then, American intelligence officers could drag Joe Biden’s carcass across the 2020 finish line only by fraudulently labeling his cocaine-addled son’s incriminating “laptop from Hell” as “Russian disinformation” and conspiring with corporate news outlets to censor the treasure trove of evidence documenting the Biden Crime Family’s half-century of quid-pro-quo corruption with foreign adversaries.  War, economic collapse, frame-ups, spy games, cover-ups, and other sordid Deep State plots — anything goes when it comes to putting a puppet in the White House!

What manner of grotesquery might we have coming our way over the next two months?  You can tell that the World Health Organization and America’s pharmaceutical Sith Lords have been salivating at the possibility of a new global pandemic that would add billions to their “vaccine” coffers and re-equip them with the authoritarian powers to lock down national economies, close schools, and imprison citizens in quarantine zones.  You can’t go a week without some government health official hyperventilating about avian flu, monkeypox, or an election-season strain of Kamala COVID.  (I hear that if you get that one, you start cackling at inappropriate times.) 

It’s easy to understand why the resurgence of a COVID election variant is so appealing.  By using the Wuhan Flu as a pretext for ignoring state election laws in 2020, courts opened the door to mass electoral fraud.  Widespread use of mail-in ballots devoid of (1) signature verification, (2) enforced chain-of-custody rules, (3) safeguards against coerced voting, and (4) confirmation that each person in possession of a ballot is legally entitled to vote fundamentally transformed American elections — especially in critical battleground states.  Although the corporate press ignores these salient facts, 2020 produced astonishing outcomes, including the addition of over twenty-five million more votes than the previous contentious election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and the unlikely result that Trump won almost every bellwether county by double-digits while still “losing” the election to an opponent who prevailed in a historically low number of American counties.  How to explain such anomalies?  Only mail-in-ballot magic can say. 

The pharmaceutical industry is dying to make more moolah and give its government pals another much-needed totalitarian assist.  But the people aren’t biting!  Every time some white-coat “expert” gets on the boob tube to warn about our imminent demise, the public responds with gusto: we will not comply!  Too many of 2020’s statutory violations have become permanent fixtures of local elections, but the absence of any declared medical emergency makes it more difficult for courts to ignore widespread fraud this year.

War seems like the ideal distraction to help rig the 2024 vote.  Ever since Commie-la Harris and Horse-Glue Joe Biden sacrificed the lives of thirteen U.S. service members in America’s disastrously conducted retreat from Afghanistan, D.C.’s war hawks have been itching for a fight with Russia.  After all, the military-industrial complex has a lot of hungry mouths to feed, and, like all vampires, its diet depends on a steady supply of blood.  It wasn’t enough for Barack Obama’s State Department (and the CIA spooks heading humanitarian NGOs) to overthrow Ukraine’s democratically elected president a decade ago — a textbook coup that ignited a civil war in Ukraine’s Russian-speaking eastern regions.  That turned out to be a mere appetizer for a rapacious U.S.-NATO Godzilla still looking to feast.  Mainstream media may entirely blame Russia for the war in Ukraine, but the West has been hell-bent on inflaming the region and rejecting any kind of negotiated peace.  Why bother calculating the tremendous cost in human lives when vassal state Ukraine serves as an ideal launching pad for wider attacks against America’s old Cold War enemy?  Besides, Russia is a country blessed with tremendous natural resources, and BlackRock — one of the multinational investment companies that largely dictate foreign policy decisions in the White House — would just love to lay claim to all those untapped energy stores.

Like its COVID kissing cousin, any outbreak of war creates emergency conditions that provide cover for all kinds of election mischief.  More valuably, it creates an opportunity for the craven Democrats in control of the White House to manufacture a rally round the flag effect among the American people that could shift support to the incumbent party.  No doubt this is exactly what Joe Bribe’em and his Dim-Dem posse had in mind by escalating tensions with Russia these last two years. 

There’s just one problem: Americans have no interest in WWIII.  It’s kind of difficult to convince voters to defend the homeland from harm when the political aristocracy occupying D.C. regularly denounce them as “deplorables” and “domestic terrorists.”  Still, if the Deep State has taught us anything, it is this: psychopaths have no qualms about destroying the world if doing so keeps Donald Trump from returning as president.  Raise a middle finger to our would-be rulers, and vote for Trump anyway.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- Sept 5


Another Dumb, New Rule We Nevertheless Need to Make Them Obey

So, Tim Walz’s family thinks he’s a schmuckjust like the troops he sort of served with until he abandoned them. We should encourage his family members to dish the dirt on him. Who knows what it is? Is he a liar and a scumbag around the Thanksgiving table, just like he is during this campaign on the rare occasions he speaks to somebody? The last time he ran as fast as he did when he got a question about how his Hamas friends murdered an American was when he found out he might have to go to Iraq. Maybe he stole inheritance money – after all, stealing is what communists do. Maybe they would tell us that he is some kind of pervert – I could see the guy in a Ford panel van idling outside an elementary school. Who knows?

Well, his family knows the truth about Tim Walz, and I’m hoping they tell us every embarrassing and disgusting detail.

I’m hoping they open the door and allow us all to see the truth about this guy, although most of us already suspect the truth. But coming from his brother and other relatives, that gives the dirt a whole different cast. After all, they’ve spent 60 years knowing this guy – yeah, he’s 60, not 85, if you can believe it. I guess all that cavorting with Chinese communists ages you. Hey, maybe the dirt is about that!

Now, this is the point where normal people say, “Wait, Kurt, hold on. I’m not sure this is how we want to go. I think it’s terrible. I don’t like politically opposed relatives turning on their family members over politics.” 

And you know what? I agree with you. I think it’s terrible form. I actively opposed normalizing this kind of behavior. But others disagreed. When some third cousin twice removed of Trump started talking about how he was horrible, I wondered why she was getting a platform. After all, she came off as a dumpy malcontent, as lonely leftist middle-aged cat women tend to be. Why would anyone let her waddle in front of a mic? But the regime media plastered her all over. She was the voice of reason, even though, apparently, she hadn’t seen Trump in forever. She was speaking from unequivocal moral authority because they shared a little bit of DNA. Quick, come on MSNBC and run your fat mouth!

I thought this was terrible. I thought it was ugly. The idea of coming out against someone in your own family over politics was just alien to me, but then again, I wasn’t raised by wolves, and I’m not a moral illiterate. I think normal people felt this way, too, although the liberals lapped it up. They loved it because it had everything they enjoyed. It trashed their political opponent, it demonstrated casual cruelty, and, as a bonus, it undermined the concept of the family, which they hate because the family sits in opposition to Marxist totalitarianism. So it’s pretty much a trifecta for the communists. For normal people, it’s just gross.

And I said so. I advocated keeping the Old Rule that you don’t publicize family squabbles about politics. I thought changing the rule was a terrible idea, not just because it was my guy who was being defamed, but because the whole idea of turning families against one another over politics is just completely repellent to any normal human being. I guess I forgot that I was dealing with leftists and not normal human beings.

We’ve seen this happen since then. There was a congressman in Arizona whose communist kin turned against him and made some ad about how terrible he allegedly was. He won. But what was remarkable was when RFK Jr. decided he had had enough of the anti-democratic shenanigans of the Democratic Party and came out in support of Donald Trump. Cue losers, weirdos, and hangers-on, including siblings, who publicly came out and trashed him. It wasn’t “Hey, my brother has his own views, and we disagree with him but love him” – which I would still find lame. These were even worse. These were direct attacks on their own blood. It was kind of sick.

Now, I don’t expect much from the Kennedys. This is a family where the grossest story is not the one about the patriarch getting hammered and leaving a gal pal to die in a submerged car.  The ultimate Kennedy tale is about lobotomizing one of the daughters because she might embarrass the family. It tells you a lot about the family when John F. Kennedy, with all his peccadillos, was one of the least creepy. So, nobody should have been surprised that these monsters acted like exactly what they are. They’re just terrible people.

And again, I thought this was awful. I don’t believe you should go against your family even if you disagree. What thought process would lead you to a place where you felt that was the morally correct course of action? It’s inconceivable.

But I will celebrate when the Walz family does it, and I hope they do it a lot. I hope they give it to their scumbag relative good and hard. Why? Because that is now the rule.

I didn’t want this to be the rule. I argued strongly against it. I still think it’s a terrible idea. But my objections were disregarded. Our opponents decided to go in a different direction, and now the new rule is that your relatives can trash you because of your politics. The Democrats took advantage of it with that fat niece of Donald Trump and with the cast of mediocrities that is the third generation of Kennedys, so we will take advantage of it with the normal, reasonable, and patriotic relatives of Tim Walz. At one time, I would’ve said, “Hey guys, just save it. I don’t need to hear it.” Now? Dish people. Come on, let’s hear it all. Spill.

I still think it’s ugly and gross. I want to go back to the Old Rule. There are a lot of Old Rules I’d like to go back to. I think that many of the New Rules will do incalculable damage to our culture, that the Old Rules were there for a reason, and that they shouldn’t just be disregarded because of the potential for short-term advantage. I’m open to going back to the Old Rules, but I’m not going alone. There can be one set of rules, not two. There’s no unilateral disarmament anymore – we’re not Romney/Bush wusses who feel morally obligated to be abused. If you communist bastards want to play horsey, well, this is horsey.

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Honolulu: Man Stops and Kills Mass Shooter, and Is Promptly Arrested...for Murder

Jim Thompson reporting for RedState 

"Magnum P.I." ran for 162 episodes — 1980 through 1988. Not all episodes had Magnum discharging his Colt MKIV/Series 70 Government Model 1911, but Magnum shot a lot of bad guys with it. I recall this Magnum episode — with Thomas dispensing justice by extinguishing the life of a very bad man.  

Although CBS reprised the series, I had no interest in watching it. Tom Selleck is Thomas Magnum. The reality is, if Magnum existed in present-day Oahu and discharged his weapon, even in self-defense, most of the series would have seen Magnum in jail or in court, because he would have been arrested by a bug-eyed police chief who seems to belong in New Zealand, not the USA. In 2024, if you discharge a gun defending yourself or those around you, you will be arrested. At least by this police chief.   

The police chief of Honolulu was happy to announce that it didn’t matter if you have “license” to carry a gun and you are defending yourself and, in fact, stop a mass shooting on your own property you will be arrested for murder. A few days ago the following happened:  

Three people were killed and two others injured in a shooting at a home stemming from a dispute between neighbors on Saturday night in Waianae, a west Oahu community. The shooter was also fatally shot by a resident, who was arrested on a second-degree murder charge, police said.  

Police Chief Arthur Logan (he wants you to call him “Joe”) told the local paper that in the state of Hawaii and in his city, you cannot defend yourself based on “stand your ground” principles. He said:  

“In Hawaii, we are a non ‘stand your ground’ state. Even if you have a license to carry, if you're an individual that discharges a firearm that is involved in injuring another person, ... you're going to be arrested.” 

Oh, ok Arthur. The Hawaii Penal Code begs to disagree with Mr. Logan:  

§703-304 Use of force in self-protection. (1) Subject to the provisions of this section and of section 703-308, the use of force upon or toward another person is justifiable when the actor believes that such force is immediately necessary for the purpose of protecting himself against the use of unlawful force by the other person on the present occasion. 

(2) The use of deadly force is justifiable under this section if the actor believes that deadly force is necessary to protect himself against death, serious bodily injury, kidnapping, rape, or forcible sodomy. 

(3) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (4) and (5) of this section, a person employing protective force may estimate the necessity thereof under the circumstances as he believes them to be when the force is used without retreating, surrendering possession, doing any other act which he has no legal duty to do, or abstaining from any lawful action. 

Logan had the man arrested although it seems pretty clear that he killed a would-be mass-murderer and was defending himself and others. Logan had the man who stopped a mass-shooting arrested for “second-degree murder." Logan seems like a man high on his own fumes. The days of "Magnum P.I." are over. To repeat, “In Hawaii, we are a non ‘stand your ground’ state,” he said. “Even if you have a license to carry, if you're an individual that discharges a firearm that is involved in injuring another person ... you're going to be arrested.” Arthur will have you handcuffed, perp-walked, booked, photographed for murder. Yes, the man who stopped a mass murder was eventually released, but he will forever be the guy "arrested for murder." 

Nothing like chilling a constitutional right, Arthur.  

Short story.  

My son had just returned from a deployment in Afghanistan. He and a buddy were with dates. It was 2:00 a.m. They crossed a street midstream and immediately were “lit up” by Honolulu cops for “jaywalking.” My son was rightfully incensed and asked why he and his buddy were being cited for jaywalking at 2:00 a.m. “It’s dangerous,” replied the overweight cop to the two combat vets. As the cop was writing the citations, two prostitutes jaywalked in front to the cops. My son asked if they were going to cite the women-of-the night for the same thing. The cop just smiled and went back to writing the citations.   

I’ve always thought that Hawaii was overrated. I have a choice where to spend my vacation dollars. Hawaii won’t be seeing any. 

US Navy Commander Relieved Over Viral Photo of His Firearms Incompetence

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

Last April, I reported on the embarrassing spectacle of a United States Navy officer, Commander Cameron Yaste of the USS John McCain, being photographed firing a rifle with the optical sight mounted backward. That officer has now been relieved of duty over the event, prompting the question, "What took you so long?"

The commander of U.S. Navy destroyer USS John McCain has been relieved of his duties months after the service branch faced ridicule on social media for posting a photo of him firing a rifle with its scope mounted backward. 

Cmdr. Cameron Yaste was recently let go from his position "due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command the guided-missile destroyer," the Navy announced in a statement, without elaborating. 

In April, the Navy posted an image of Yaste aiming the rifle with a backwards scope on its Instagram account with the caption, "From engaging in practice gun shoots, conducting maintenance, testing fuel purity and participating in sea and anchor details, the #USNavy is always ready to serve and protect," according to Stars and Stripes.

While the image showing Commander Yaste's embarrassing cluster-foulup has been removed from social media, the Marines are on record demonstrating how this is done correctly.

Some might wonder why this officer was relieved of duty for something that most would consider an embarrassing screwup, but there are good arguments for this action.

Embarrassing: US Navy Publicity Photo Reveals a Frightening Lack of Firearms Competence 

What Could Go Wrong? It's Possible US Navy Will Escort Philippine Ships in South China Sea

In April, I wrote:

Note that there is brass in the air. Commander Yast is actually firing the weapon while looking through an optical sight that is, embarrassingly, mounted backward. This begs the question: Has he ever even seen this sight before?

Anyone who is even remotely familiar with the use of a sight like this — no, strike that, anyone who is even remotely familiar with any kind of optical device at all — would immediately notice something is wrong here. But Commander Yast was either painfully unfamiliar with the U.S. Military's primary service rifle, or he realized something was wrong but proceeded anyway, to the embarrassment of himself, his ship, and the United States Navy.

This man is (or, more properly, was) the commander of a United States Navy warship. An optical sight of this nature is not usable when mounted in this fashion, leading one to wonder just what was going through this man's head. 

Every service member is required to maintain technical and tactical proficiency. That means an intimate familiarity with the primary service weapon and any accessories, like optical sights. And when in command, an officer sets the standard; he should maintain the very highest degree of technical and tactical proficiency. The highest level of command I ever served at was as a platoon leader, but I took great pride in outshooting all but one man in my platoon in rifle qualifications, and that one man was a competition service rifle match shooter. That proficiency inspires confidence in the commanding officer; this shocking lack of confidence would destroy that confidence.

This relieving of command was perfectly justified. Sadly, Commander Yaste's Navy career is, effectively, ended; military careers can turn sharply on such things. But there can be no room for unacceptable proficiency, especially in a commander.

Election 2024 – Battleground Pennsylvania

As you guys know, my current focus is research of the James Clyburn network of precinct level ballot scanner operations.  Previously we mapped the trip by Clyburn through Wisconsin (pre-Biden withdrawal). Next, we mapped the DNC/Clyburn travel through Michigan.  Currently we are looking deeply into Pennsylvania.

From what I can ascertain, the two regions where the Clyburn ballot operations [harvesting/scanning]in Pennsylvania seem focused are: (1) Philadelphia County (Philadelphia city and metro area) and Allegheny County (Pittsburgh city and metro area).  That’s it.  Those two areas are where most of the high velocity Democrat operations seem to be focused on Pennsylvania, Philly and Pittsburgh.

That being said, our ballot tracking research has hit an unexpected issue.  I am hearing reports on the ground about “regional” ballot printing operations where local (precinct level) mail-in ballots are being printed from software downloads.  I need help confirming information.

Normally I would not reach out until I could confirm or validate the details of what I am told.  However, on this issue I am against a timing deadline. The gist of what I am told, again – seeking to confirm this, is that a portion of potential mail-in-type ballots are not physically coming from the Secretary of States office, rather they are being printed locally.

If this is an accurate lead, localized printing may complicate the issue of address validation and challenges presented to local supervisors of elections as a result of fraudulent addresses (empty lots, Wal Marts, businesses, etc).  If precincts can print ballots, which are then later scanned, this could potentially be a vector for fraud.

My question is whether anyone has heard of this issue before? ….and/or does anyone have information about allowed ballot printing in any state where the printing of ballots has become very localized.  Who generates the voter registration rolls if absentee ballots are printed locally?

“I talked to two people today, Democrats who know the state very well. They both said that they thought Harris was not only behind in Pennsylvania, but they thought she was likely to lose the state.”

~ Mark Halperin

President Trump is holding a Townhall event in Pennsylvania today:

“Less than a week before Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump are set to meet on the debate stage, the race is shifting into high gear — with a particular focus on battleground states. Mr. Trump’s event in Pennsylvania, hosted by Sean Hannity, will air at 9 p.m. Eastern time on Fox News. Mr. Walz will spend a second day in Pennsylvania on Thursday, while Mr. Vance is set to continue campaigning in Arizona. Both states went to Mr. Trump in 2016, then to Joseph R. Biden Jr. in 2020.”


Catherine Englebrecht From True the Vote is Funding Livestream CCTV Cameras on Ballot Drop Boxes

In the information war era, the targeting mechanisms have moved away from content targeting to direct targeting of the voices who produce the content that is averse to the interests of the DC state.  This is where we see agencies like DHS and the FBI coming into the picture.

One of the first targets in this new era was Catherine Englebrecht of True The Vote.  Mrs. Englebrecht was targeted because her organization was essentially the first nation-wide effort focused on sanitizing the local voting rolls that generate voting ballots.  In the mail-in vote era where ballots are more valuable than actual people voting, the process of disqualifying ballots before they are printed is a problem for those who rely on fraudulent ballots existing.

Being relentless in their effort to find new and innovative ways to combat the ballot fraud, True The Vote is now partnering with willing Sheriff’s offices (the highest constitutional officer in every county).  The objective is to place CCTV Cameras on ballot drop boxes in the key areas where ballot fraud is most likely.  Catherine Englebrecht explains:

~ Visit True the Vote HERE ~

It’s not an end-all fix, and it certainly is only one component to combatting ballot fraud; however, the process of monitoring the inbound ballot delivery process is one part of a larger effort to stop/deter ballot fraud.

The First Ten Minutes – “The Illusion of Choice”

Watch the first 10 to 12 minutes.  Or watch more if you like, but from my position (having spent 15 years calling this out day-by-day as it takes place in real time) the first ten minutes are pretty cool to see being said eloquently and publicly.

Economist Eric Weinstein says he doesn’t know if Trump “will be allowed” to become president, says the goal of the World Order is to have two candidates who are both acceptable to them. “Democracy was the illusion of choice…” “You had two candidates that were both acceptable to the international order… We called that democracy. And so, democracy was the illusion of choice. That’s called magician’s choice.” “Magician’s choice in the primaries, and then you’d have the duopoly field, two candidates, either of which was acceptable, and you could actually afford to hold an election and the populace would vote.” “Donald Trump broke through the primary structure.” “They learned their lesson. You cannot afford to have candidates who are not acceptable to the international order.”

I disagree with the premise that Trump will not be allowed, because from my position I am watching the Deep State assemble insurance policies against a Trump victory actually taking place.  President Trump will be allowed to become president, but what happens from the election day forward is totally unknown.  WATCH:

CTH archives are full of the evidence for the “illusion of choice,” including the splitter strategy that Weinstein describes.  It’s the primary reason for our early and unwavering support of Donald J Trump.  There never has been any alternative.