Thursday, September 5, 2024

Election 2024 – Battleground Pennsylvania

As you guys know, my current focus is research of the James Clyburn network of precinct level ballot scanner operations.  Previously we mapped the trip by Clyburn through Wisconsin (pre-Biden withdrawal). Next, we mapped the DNC/Clyburn travel through Michigan.  Currently we are looking deeply into Pennsylvania.

From what I can ascertain, the two regions where the Clyburn ballot operations [harvesting/scanning]in Pennsylvania seem focused are: (1) Philadelphia County (Philadelphia city and metro area) and Allegheny County (Pittsburgh city and metro area).  That’s it.  Those two areas are where most of the high velocity Democrat operations seem to be focused on Pennsylvania, Philly and Pittsburgh.

That being said, our ballot tracking research has hit an unexpected issue.  I am hearing reports on the ground about “regional” ballot printing operations where local (precinct level) mail-in ballots are being printed from software downloads.  I need help confirming information.

Normally I would not reach out until I could confirm or validate the details of what I am told.  However, on this issue I am against a timing deadline. The gist of what I am told, again – seeking to confirm this, is that a portion of potential mail-in-type ballots are not physically coming from the Secretary of States office, rather they are being printed locally.

If this is an accurate lead, localized printing may complicate the issue of address validation and challenges presented to local supervisors of elections as a result of fraudulent addresses (empty lots, Wal Marts, businesses, etc).  If precincts can print ballots, which are then later scanned, this could potentially be a vector for fraud.

My question is whether anyone has heard of this issue before? ….and/or does anyone have information about allowed ballot printing in any state where the printing of ballots has become very localized.  Who generates the voter registration rolls if absentee ballots are printed locally?

“I talked to two people today, Democrats who know the state very well. They both said that they thought Harris was not only behind in Pennsylvania, but they thought she was likely to lose the state.”

~ Mark Halperin

President Trump is holding a Townhall event in Pennsylvania today:

“Less than a week before Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump are set to meet on the debate stage, the race is shifting into high gear — with a particular focus on battleground states. Mr. Trump’s event in Pennsylvania, hosted by Sean Hannity, will air at 9 p.m. Eastern time on Fox News. Mr. Walz will spend a second day in Pennsylvania on Thursday, while Mr. Vance is set to continue campaigning in Arizona. Both states went to Mr. Trump in 2016, then to Joseph R. Biden Jr. in 2020.”
