Monday, August 19, 2024

Democrats and the Hard Sell

Confidence is inspiring. The odds of you buying something from a salesman go up exponentially if the person is confident, even if they’re faking it. Someone trying to meet their end of month quota or light on commissions that week who spends their time pushing really hard to “close the deal” is more likely to turn you off than get your money. It’s no different in politics, and the people in fundraising in politics know it. So, when a party goes into panic mode, it’s a tactic that exposes something else entirely: that they don’t think much of the intelligence of their donors. 

On Sunday, I got an email from Chuck Schumer under the subject line, “What’s the reason, Derek?” I was expecting something about why I have never given anything to Democrats and some bogus “survey” about what issues I care about. But that’s not what it was, it was even dumber.

“Hi Derek, it's Chuck Schumer,” the email opened, “I'm sorry to be blunt, but I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important: Why haven't you donated today?”

Today? Seriously? Forget “ever” and “I wouldn’t if your life depended on it” as answers, the email was sent at 11:33 am eastern time, which would put it at 8:33 pacific time. Does Chucky expect people to wake up and dive for their computer to give money to the American equivalent of the Communist Party? 

Why the urgency? The email continues, “Your donation could be the one that ensures we defend our majority, so will you pitch in $5 or more to defeat Republicans and keep the Senate blue? I've unlocked a Triple-Impact Match, so it'll become $15 if you chip in before midnight.” 

Ah, the moron’s pitch: triple-match! The magical unicorn politicians have that can eat a $5 bill and poop out 3 of them. If only they’d use that creature to pay off the national debt. 

Of course, it’s a lie – no such creature or match exists. It’s simply an attempt to get dumb people to think they’re mattering. Brilliant manipulation, crooked as the day is long. Which is why Democrats use it all the time.

Nancy Pelosi is no better. As leader of the Democrats in the House (spare me the idea that Hakeem Jeffries is their leader, she’s unwilling to give up power, especially to a black man), she’s raising money left and right. Her pitch is even more hard sell. “I need to make things abundantly clear before our Democratic National Convention begins tomorrow morning,” she writes. “I told you far-right donors FLOODED Republicans’ war chest – with $216 MILLION!  I told you MAGA Republicans are embracing their dangerous PROJECT 2025 agenda – to raise even more! I told you the polls say we’re NECK-AND-NECK – and experts say this election is a complete toss-up! Now, I’m telling you we need a HISTORIC showing at our Democratic National Convention to build an INSURMOUNTABLE lead and restore our Democratic Trifecta.”

If you think about her push logically, this will be the last time she needs money, right? After all, the lead will be “INSURMOUNTABLE,” and she wouldn’t use caps lock if she weren’t telling the truth, right? Once something becomes “INSURMOUNTABLE” it’s over. 

The Harris/Walz campaign isn’t any better. They came out with one under the subject, “We’re specifically asking, Derek.” What is she asking? For $25. 

It opens, “$25, Derek.  That’s how much we’re asking grassroots supporters to give right now. If that’s all you need to hear, we’re tracking donations at this link: (deleted because screw them) Otherwise, let us explain.”

Don’t you love the “If that’s all you need to hear” bit? What kind of drone simply grabs their bank card the second a politician asks for cash like Pavlov’s dog when they hear a bell? 

Who would write such a thing? Someone with absolute contempt for their audience, that’s who. 

“As you read this, Kamala and Tim are starting to get pummeled with attacks from the MAGA Right,” the email continues. “They’re doing it on Fox News. They’re doing it online. They’re spreading lies and misinformation about our campaign and this election. And last quarter, the Trump campaign raised $331 MILLION. No joke. That’s why we’re asking for your help. Now, we know you might be wondering: Can one $25 donation really fight back against all of that? Yes. The answer is yes -- absolutely yes. Because by the time you read this, lots and lots of people have already given their $25. Now, they’re counting on you to do the same.”

I have to give $25 because other suckers gave $25 and they’re counting on me? I wouldn’t pee on those people if they were on fire, why would I have about their expectations for me? 

It’s all made up, of course, but my sentiment is real, especially the part about the fire. 

It’s a hard sell, a full-court press by the left to shove people into opening their wallets so their politicians don’t have to get real jobs, which we all know if difficult in the Biden/Harris economy.

But they don’t really have to worry about that stuff, there are a lot of very dumb people in the country who this stuff works on. Democrats will be flush with cash because, while confidence inspires, panic and pressure work too, at least on the weak-willed. 

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- August 19


Harris’s Kamunist Agenda Faces Harsh Reality

The socialists funneling ideas to Harris have put together an economic plan redolent of Venezuela or, indeed, the Soviet Union.

Don’t cry for me, Argentina.

Cry for Kamala the Kamunist.

It took them a while, it’s true, but at least Argentina has someone with a rudimentary knowledge of economics in charge.

Indeed, Javier Milei, one of my favorite leaders on the world stage today (along with Viktor OrbΓ‘n, Benjamin Netanyahu, Georgia Meloni, and Nayib Bukele) is a Trump-like dynamo.  If I had a more developed entrepreneurial bent, I would try marketing a line of Milei chainsaws in the United States.  Just as he took a chainsaw (sometimes literally) to excessive spending, regulation, and bureaucracy in Argentina, so my Milei Chainsaws could be employed against waste, fraud, and abuse here across the fruited plain. Milei’s robust policies have put Argentina on the runway to economic success. They have slashed inflation—some 200% when he took office—and his abolition of rent control—surprise, surprise—has sparked a 195% rise in available housing stock.

Meanwhile, the socialists funneling ideas to Harris have put together an economic plan redolent of Venezuela or, indeed, the Soviet Union.  Its centerpiece revolves around centrally promulgated and enforced wage and price controls—a recipe for shortages and inflation.

The plan itself has been ridiculed across the ideological spectrum, from CNN to The Wall Street Journal.  “Harris’ plan to stop price gouging,” quoth CNN in a masterpiece of understatement,  “could create more problems than it solves.”

The WSJ was a bit franker. For one thing, there is “no evidence that supermarkets or other food retailers are gouging anyone. Food prices are higher than they were before the Biden Presidency, but that is because of inflation.”

And who caused that inflation, Kemo Sabe? The man with the keys to the money duplicating machine, Joe Biden or his handlers.

Moreover, “fixing prices is a recipe for shortages, as controls would discourage grocery suppliers. VoilΓ , empty store shelves. Price controls have led to shortages everywhere they’ve been tried, from Moscow to Caracas.”

Some of the propaganda press—The New York Times, MSNBC, etc—have been working overtime to keep up a brave face. The low hum you hear is the hydrogen pumps shooting gas into the leaky balloon of the Democrat consortium.  As I have noted ever since Kamala was plucked out of the bin marked “ridiculous” and dusted off as the mannequin’s understudy, the intoxicating paroxysms of glee that convulsed the left-leaning media pundits was but a sugar-high. It induced feelings of giddiness but could not last.  I thought it would probably linger through the DNC convention next week, but the manic phase is already passing the stupor consequent on the sudden drop in energy has set in.

The depressive funk is not helped by the Harris campaign’s strategy of “out-of-sight-out-of-mind.” They concluded that it worked with Joe Biden in 2020, and so they thought they would try it again.  But there is no COVID emergency to shut the country down this time around and it is pretty clear that the Dems’ basement strategy cannot be successfully dusted off and applied to Kamala.  True, she is nearly as inarticulate as Biden, but the public will not put up with the Wizard of Oz gambit a second time.

Besides, Team Trump is wheeling out all sorts of embarrassing things that will destroy Harris if they are not effectively answered.  For example, a clip of Harris discussing her support of the government taking over private patents by fiat has surfaced and is being industriously circulated.

I will snatch their patents, so that we [the American government] will take over.

Yes we can do that!

The question is: ‘Do you have the will to do it’!?

I have the will to do it.


I almost feel sorry for Harris, emphasis on the adverb.  Reports are that 100,000 protestors are set to converge on Chicago next week to torch the city and torment Democrat convention-goers. Will it be a bigger, badder version of what happened in Chicago in 1968?  That time, golden boy Hubert Humphrey*  went in on a cloud of fairy dust and came out of the convention 20 points behind Nixon.

Efforts to paint Trump and JD as “weird” have failed miserably, as have the embarrassing efforts to gild the Harris-Walz socialist platform and history of failure by stealing various Trump ideas like exempting tips from federal income tax.

Even more damaging have been the mounting attacks by conservatives on the whole Harris-Walz concession.  Governor Walz has turned out to be a special kind of liability, a sick freak who orders schools to put tampons in boys’ bathrooms while sitting back and watching Minneapolis burn as the BLM rioters rampaged through the city. His patina of plaid, dad-like folksiness is completely belied by his sympathy for Communist China not to mention his personal inclinations.

Why was Walz picked as Harris’s running mate in the first place?  One midwestern friend might have hit upon the answer.  Tim Walz, he said, was what the coastal elites of this country believe a midwesterner looks and acts like.  He has all the “progressive” attitudes of the left, but he articulates them accoutered in a more string-tie, aw-shucks manner

I expected a certain amount of small-caliber fire by now, but it turns out that Trump supporters are already pounding Harris-Walz with heavy artillery.  For example, speaking on “The Five” just a few days ago, Greg Gutfeld utterly vaporized Harris’s record on the border, inflation, and other issues.

What’s coming will not be pretty. But I predict that it will be cathartic.  It’s hard to know just how much of a hose Trump’s victory will be for the rank Augean stables of Democrat incumbency. Doubtless, many clumps of ordure will remain.  Many, however, will be flushed into the impatient, rushing currents of change.  I am looking forward to it.

The Democrats Are Cackling Too Soon

The party will not be able to go all the way to the finish line hiding their candidate like a pheasant under glass and trying to pretend that she was not the co-captain of the Titanic.

Conrad Black

It must be said that the Democratic political and press apparatus rose like a Pacific Coast salmon (completely out of the water), in the swiftness and uniformity of their levitation in favor of the post-Biden presidential campaign.

Liberated from the impossible task of reelecting the seriously declining Joe Biden, lumbered as he was with failure on the economy and inflation, immigration, crime, the Green Terror, and an incoherent and at times disastrous foreign policy, and by scandals in his family that probably exceed any ethical taint that afflicted any previous American president, the Democrats rose at once and very professionally to meet the miraculously improved electoral opportunity.

President Obama and Speaker Pelosi appeared to have been the chief architects of de-Bidenization: an incumbent president expressing, however implausibly, confidence in his imminent reelection, suddenly disappeared through a trapdoor beneath him. Mr. Obama at least advocated an open convention in which Mr. Biden would release his delegates and a full-scale campaign for the nomination would take place on the compressed timetable of a month.

President Biden, presumably in his last act as the effective leader of the Democratic Party, purported to direct his delegates to vote for Vice President Harris, and had the pleasure of denying his assassins the choice of his successor. The entire mass of the Trump-hating, mindlessly Democratic legions in the press instantly set aside the banal and inarticulate vice president with whom the public has become tediously familiar in the last four years and replaced her with the refreshingly new face of the standard-bearer of contemporary women and wise reform.

Ms. Harris’s complete fiasco as the administration figure chiefly responsible for the southern border was addressed by the simple proclamation of the 180° departure from the truth: she was not responsible for the southern border. All the malapropisms about Venn diagrams and electric school buses and the importance of time and our “staunch ally North Korea” were forgotten.

The open border and free medical care and the instant right to vote for all illegal migrants, like the war on fracking, all this had become obsolete years ago and the vice president had “moved on” as she did on her former pledge of nationalized health insurance with all costs paid by the federal government. 

The Republicans seem to have been caught slightly off guard, even though President Trump had publicly predicted that Mr. Biden would quit the race and that Ms. Harris would be foisted upon the Democrats by the party bosses. What was difficult to foresee was that Democrats would instantaneously transform their bumbling, lackluster vice president whom nobody took seriously, into a silver bullet crisply reading banalities off the Teleprompter without the hesitations of the outgoing president.

There would be no hard questions, no real encounters with the press until sometime in the autumn. Everything was taped and scripted, and Ms. Harris has been a mechanical female candidate completely evading questioners as she barnstorms to the convention in Chicago this week.

Trump was slightly wrongfooted and was caught in the differing ambitions of those who travel hours to attend his rallies and want him to speak in a somewhat humorous way for 90 minutes, and those who watch him on television and want him to confine himself to the many authentic policy differences, almost all of which are in Trump’s favor in the polls, and to avoid attempted sarcasm about the vice president’s Christian name or the ancestry of her parents, or her father’s long-standing record as a Marxist professor. None of this has any relevance now. It is time to hammer the issues relentlessly.  

The good news for the Trump side is that, as usual when the Trump-haters see any likelihood that they have the upper hand, they make premature claims to victory, and this trait has been amplified by candidate Harris’s inexplicable lurch further to the left. 

Buckling to antisemitic pressures to pass over a moderate governor,  Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, as her vice presidential candidate choice for a far-left blowhard, Tim Walz, who has lied for decades about his military record and is best remembered for doing nothing as governor of Minnesota while Minneapolis burned after the death of George Floyd, and for establishing tampon dispensers in male washrooms in the public schools of the state.

He is for transgender surgery at an early age without regard to parents’ wishes and claims to oppose a southern border wall because it will simply be overwhelmed by an undiminished mass of migrants carrying 30-foot stepladders.

The Democrats frequently accuse the 45th president of hyperbole, and not without reason, but Mrs. Pelosi’s claim that Mr. Biden is a president of “Mount Rushmore accomplishments” is one of the greatest whoppers in American presidential campaign history. Even the Washington Post suggests that the economic plan, which includes fixing food prices, is vulnerable to the charge of “communist,” and it has been mistakenly compared to Richard Nixon’s wage and price regulation of 1970, which was only for 90 days and for a defined political objective.

We have also seen the return in strength of numbers of suspect polls: for CBS to be showing Ms. Harris ahead by three points nation-wide when Rasmussen has Trump ahead by four points leaves us in little doubt of which is more likely. Except for Trafalgar and Rasmussen, almost all the polls are operated by left-wing universities and press organizations and they traditionally underestimate Trump by three to four percent (but not seven percent).

While Ms. Harris’ own popularity has jumped to the mid-40’s from 34 percent, Trump’s has risen to 48 percent from 42 percent. The Democrats will not be able to go all the way to the finish line hiding their candidate like a pheasant under glass and trying to pretend that she was not the co-captain of the Titanic in all the failures of the Biden administration.

Trump needs to update his game and transfer his comedic and sarcastic talents to the issues that concern Americans. There is no reason to believe that the country will reelect the appalling administration of the last four years. Even if the Chicago convention goes fairly smoothly, if Trump and his vice-presidential candidate, Senator Vance, who is emerging as an excellent campaigner, stick to the facts and the policies that concern the voters most, they should be able to resume their glide path to victory. The left, in emulation of their candidate, are cackling too loudly and too soon.

Dem lawmakers encourage Kamala to take 'savvy strategy,' not lay out policy plans until after she's elected: report

"I don’t think there’s a real strong reason for her to try to weed out any points of view right now."

Democratic lawmakers hope their presidential nominee Kamala Harris will wait to lay out her policy plans until after the election is over, according to a new report from Politico. This comes amid criticism from pundits, economists and prognosticators on both the left and right who have laid into Harris for announcing plans for price controls on food and other goods as her first forray into a economic policy last week. She also hasn't sat for an interview or held a press conference.

According to the outlet, Democratic lawmakers are perfectly content with Harris holding her policy roll-out until after November, when the election has already taken place, and keeping voters in the dark about what she wants for the country until then. It has already been reported that many Democrat allies of the vice president have urged that she not give long-form media interviews or speak to press while CNN reported that she is "historically vulnerable" when it comes to speaking to press.

"But mostly," Politico writes, "she’s leaning into a general positive message that has wider appeal, specifically because it’s light on the details. Democratic lawmakers call it a savvy strategy. They’d rather lay out a specific plan post-November, when a potential President-elect Harris would have to staff up her administration and determine her governing priorities."

Rep. Ann McLane Kuster (D-NH), who is the chair of the centrist New Democrats, told reporters, “She doesn’t need to negotiate against herself. We’ve got the biggest possible tent right now," adding, “I don’t think there’s a real strong reason for her to try to weed out any points of view right now.”

Harris skipped the primary process and launched to the top of the Democrat Party ticket without winning a single state. Shortly after her boss Joe Biden was ousted, endorsing her on his way out, Democrats held a "virtual roll call" to seal up the nomination with Biden's delegates before the party convention in Chicago, happening this week. Now it turns out that her own party is hesitant to hear her speak about policy positions as it could reportedly "blunt her momentum."

Harris still has to deal with Republicans holding her to account for her far-left record and policy positions. When Harris was a senator, she was rated as “most liberal” by GovTrack in 2019 leading up to her 2020 presidential bid.

Since taking the nomination, she has flipped on multiple issues, such as banning fracking, which she was in favor of during the 2020 race. Additionally, Harris has claimed that she will be going tough on the border if elected president, despite previously likening the “perception” of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the Ku Klux Klan and posting in reference to immigration in 2017, “Say it loud, say it clear, everyone is welcome here.”

One battleground district Democrat told Politico that voters "have very little knowledge about who [Harris] is, what her job has actually been." The lawmaker added that voters "know Trump. They know what his policies are. They don’t know Kamala. And so Kamala has a ton of room right now to define herself.”

Much of that will take place at the DNC this week. The Democrats have already laid out their platform, which appears to call for the re-election of Joe Biden, sex changes for minors, and opens with a land acknowledgement.

Democrat Party platform references Biden's 'second term' 19 times

Harris' name is only mentioned 29 times in the platform, while Trump is mentioned on 62 pages, Biden on 76.

In a Democrat Party platform that backs child sex changes, opens with a land acknowledgment, promises gun control, fights climate change, advocates for federal abortion laws, student debt forgiveness, and addresses a host of other progressive talking points, President Joe Biden's "second term" is referenced 19 times. 

The only problem with that is he's not running—he's been replaced at the top of the ticket by his veep Kamala Harris. Her name is only mentioned 29 times in the platform, while Trump is mentioned on 62 pages, Biden on 76.

Any effort for the Kamala campaign to distance itself from her predecessor on the ticket Joe Biden would be difficult when the entire party platform is built around Biden, not Harris. Her recent, if scant, policy positions are not listed in the platform save for some reference to price gouging, which is an area on which she overlaps with Biden. 

Her announcement, days after Trump announced his initiative, that there would be no taxes on tips was not mentioned, nor any of her housing initiatives.

In fact, much of the language and tone of the document reflects Biden as well, with terms like "so everyone has a fair shot," which is something he's repeated at campaign events and in speeches over his term in office. Kamala's catchphrase, about seeing "what can be, unburdened by what might have been," does not appear once in the document. 

Full of falsehoods and repeated yet debunked hoaxes, the platform reads like a progressive playbook.

Many took note of the odd issuance of a platform that's more about the man leaving office than the woman who hopes to fill his shoes. Harris was nominated by the Democrat Party elite after the primary season was pretty much over and some 14 million Americans had cast their ballots for Biden. It was in the days after Biden dropped out, following an extremely poor debate performance against Trump in June, that Harris was put on the ticket and Biden erased from it.

The Harris campaign has said that they seek to set themselves apart from Biden, but the platform indicates that the two are as linked as ever. In the early days of the Biden administration, it was the White House that insisted that Harris' name be added to Biden's in every mention of his policy platforms and initiatives. As she looks for daylight between them, many are more intent than ever on holding her to the record of the White House in which she has served.

That includes Donald Trump, who said "In the JUST RELEASED Democrat Platform, they mention Crooked Joe Biden’s “second Term” over 20 times. It shows that the Platform is not that important to them when they won’t even make the change."

"The Democrat platform mentions 'Biden's second term' 19 times," Charlie Kirk said. "This isn't bad copyediting. It's the Democrats telling you exactly what a Kamala Harris presidency would be."

Harris is a bit of a mystery by design, it turns out, as allies and lawmakers in her party have encouraged her to steer clear of holding press conferences or doing long-form interviews. Some have even advised her to wait on releasing her own policy agenda until she's in the White House, which Democrats appear to hold to win on joy alone.

Harris/Walz: Mostly Peaceful

I saw a t-shirt design shortly after Kween Kamala selected Chinese Communist Party stooge Tim Walz to join her on the vote-free Dim-Dem ticket.  It showed the pernicious pair standing in front of a city on fire with this campaign slogan: Harris/Walz — Mostly Peaceful.  Boy did the anonymous creator get that one right.  

Walz lazily watched as Black Lives Matter and Antifa arsonists burned parts of Minneapolis and Saint Paul to the ground during 2020’s “summer of love” riots.  (His wife enjoyed the carnage so much that she spent her nights getting high from the smell of incinerated businesses.)  Not to be upstaged, Harris encouraged people to donate to sketchy groups bailing out criminals who had been arrested for vandalizing property, looting stores, torching police precincts, and attacking citizens unfortunate enough to reside within Walz’s Twin Cities.  This is what the Democrap Party sees as stand-up leadership these days: a couple of terrorist sympathizers willing to promote violence against Americans for personal political gain.

Call me crazy, but I don’t think politicians who fail to protect cities should be put in charge of protecting nations.  On the other hand, if the goal is to “let America burn,” Walz and Harris make perfect sense.  Walz is an out-and-proud Maoist who enjoys vacationing in China (including celebrating his nuptials in Tiananmen Square).  Harris not only supercharged inflation by casting the deciding vote for the Green New Deal boondoggle but also plans on using government force to further manipulate food, fuel, and housing markets.  If Tim and Kam get the chance, they will do everything they can to transform the United States into Maduro’s Venezuela.  They will light the whole country ablaze and leave America in “mostly peaceful” ashes.

What else would you expect from a political party that hates America?  That question is hardly hyperbole.  Can you imagine Tim Walz, Kamala Harris, or any other prominent Democrat saying, “I love America,” today?  Their voters would eat them alive.  How dare you love this patriarchal, imperialist, white supremacist, evil place!  Even Joe Biden — who has been in government for half-a-century and would surely be the poster boy for the so-called “white patriarchy” — has learned that he must start every speech by slandering America as irredeemably “racist.”  It’s lunacy.  Could Vladimir Putin lead Russia if he told Russians how awful they are every day?  Would Xi Jinping control China if he took every opportunity to complain about “Chinese supremacy”?  Yet here in the United States, Democrat Party leaders rise only by first expressing their antipathy for this place and its inhabitants. 

The propaganda press is right now obsessed with painting Tweedle-Harris and Tweedle-Walz as happy-go-lucky friends bursting with joy.  This contrived portrait is supposed to contrast with all the dark imagery those same propagandists use to disparage President Trump.  But if you’ve ever been to a Trump rally, you know the exact opposite is true.  MAGA voters are true patriots who love their country.  They are quick to welcome newcomers.  They are genuinely happy warriors who wish to include people from all walks of life.  When President Trump takes the stage, he speaks about what Americans can do together.  He talks about how Americans can turn their country around and build a better future.  He reminds Americans that they come from hardy stock.  He encourages listeners to honor heroes of the past while inspiring new heroes today. 

None of that would fly at a Harris/Walz rage-fest.  Any political party that runs on racial and cultural divisiveness must always have someone to blame.  Who that someone is doesn’t really matter; what matters is that Democrats have some new “oppressor” to vilify and some new class of “oppressed” to defend.  

To be sure, this kind of exploitative politicking means that Democrats are spasmodically shifting gears every few years.  In the 90s, Bill and Hillary Clinton called black men “super-predators” and defended mass incarceration.  Joe Biden, a defender of segregation earlier in his career, was still friends with at least one “Exalted Cyclops” of the KKK.  Thirty years later, and Democrats demand racial reparations, no-cash bail, the end of prisons, and amnesty for most misdemeanors.  Biden tells black audiences that Republicans want to put them in chains.  Similar flip-flops abound.  Democrats once supported Israel and warned about the threat of Islamic terrorists.  Now they support Islamic terrorists and warn about Israeli “occupation.”  They once supported women’s rights and women’s sports.  Now they support a man’s right to define what it means to be a woman.  They used to demand border security and protection for Americans’ blue-collar jobs.  Now they demand that illegal immigrants have all of America’s blue-collar jobs.  Today, Democrats rail against whitey.  Tomorrow, they’ll be railing against someone else.  

One thing will never change: Democrats will always isolate some unlucky group for expedient political gain.  What they will never do is acknowledge that their divide-and-conquer politics destroys everything.  A party that separates citizens into distinct categories of “oppressor” and “oppressed” depends on creating policies that exacerbate social misery.  Unity is its enemy.  When Democrat foot soldiers chant, “No justice, no peace,” those are two separate promises.

Right now people are wondering whether the Democrats will have a fiery but “mostly peaceful” convention in Chicago this week.  Will the Hamas-loving Jew-haters turn Kam-Kam’s coronation into a public relations nightmare?  Will Chicago’s army of illegal immigrants and collection of criminal gangs target the party’s well-to-do?  Will the “climate change” fanatics glue themselves to the United Center’s entrance doors?  Will the communists tolerate the oligarchs in their midst?  Will local cops defend “defund the police” agitators from security threats?

So many “oppressive” and “oppressed” clans forced to share the same space.  Democrats are a potpourri of adversarial misfits bound chiefly by two things: anger and hate.  That leaves Democrat leaders with one essential job: to make sure all that anger and hate are directed somewhere outside of the party.  It’s okay if America burns, so long as the party lives.  In fact, creating the conditions to ensure that only the party lives is the idea!

What happens if Democrats get their way?  They showed us during the COVID lockdowns of 2020.  We get a nation where politicians decide whether we may go to work, pray at church, or visit friends.  We get a closed society in which the Bill of Rights is suspended for every declared “emergency.”  We get Democrat mayors threatening to jail dissenters for their speech and Democrat governors siccing National Guard troops on communities that resist.  We get mass surveillance, civil fines, and quasi-martial law.  We get food and fuel shortages, business closures, and housing crises.  We get one-party totalitarianism that glorifies fraudulent “expertise.”  In other words, we get endless division, intimidation, misery, anger, and hate.

As governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz closed schools, shuttered small businesses, and isolated neighbors from each other.  He opened COVID snitch lines straight out of East Germany.  He threatened citizens for exercising free speech.  He ordered riot cops to shoot paintballs at residents standing just outside their homes.  Along with other Democrat tyrants, he caused irreparable economic and social harm.  Then he took advantage of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis to foment racial violence that caused a billion dollars worth of damage.  Not once has he apologized for all the destruction under his watch.  He believes he has done nothing wrong.  This is the person Kamala Harris wants for her second-in-command.

When Democrats tell us who they are, it’s best to believe them.  They are civil arsonists, plain and simple.  They cannot build a Kamunist State without first razing what’s left of America to the ground.

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Does Donald Trump Need to Reset?

Donald Trump has been a spectacular comet in American politics, the likes of which have never been seen. Most everyone, admirers and critics alike, is drawn to watch his bright light streak across the sky. 

In 2016, the veteran showman, rookie politician, and frequent Democrat donor had no business ousting 16 others, all career Republicans, to capture that party’s presidential nomination. 

And the brash, often crude, candidate had even less business tapping into the boiling discontent of the Heartland to defy polling that year to defeat the GOP establishment, the Deep State, media, and Hillary Clinton. They thought she was perfectly positioned and widely expected to inherit her husband’s Oval Office throne and become the first female commander in chief. 

So shocked was Clinton with the historic upset that she literally lost her ability to speak on Election Night. 

So shocked and enraged were her party’s puzzled politicians — and those hidden allied forces whose influence was severely threatened by the unorthodox outsider — that they’ve spent the past eight years plotting in innumerous subversive and legal ways to eliminate the Donald Trump who lives rent-free in their minds.

So far, unsuccessfully.

This historic marathon campaign has shown Americans very eager to vote. Despite an assassination attempt, Trump was coasting to a second term against a mentally baffled Joe Biden. 

Then Democrats, who’d claimed the president was sharp as a tack, simply dumped the old man as no longer politically useful, not because he was a genuine, shuffling threat to national security, which he was and is.

They dumped him because they accurately sensed losing their grip on political power, which is the most important reason for being in that moldering swamp of Washington.

Once again, without thought for the nation’s welfare or anything beyond grasping power, that party’s geriatric oligarchy, led by an even more ancient Nancy Pelosi, discarded the expressed wishes of 14 million gullible party primary voters. 

And those party old-timers installed, instead, the most marketable political persona at hand, Kamala Harris. 

She has all the attributes necessary for success in a modern U.S. political campaign that is brd on sounds and appearances and nothing resembling substance.

Harris seems a fresh face, a woman of color with immigrant parents, 22 years younger than the old guy and 19 years younger than her GOP opponent. She’s a California liberal in the most extreme way possible, even donating bail money and campaigning to release rioters in other states. 

Perhaps most importantly but intentionally hidden for now, Harris’ mind is an empty vacuum. She is mentally incapable of expressing an original thought, if she had one. Which she doesn’t. Like a chameleon, she melds into whatever political surroundings she’s in.

She’s a perfect-looking receptacle to enjoy the perqs of power in exchange for saying what the oligarchy tells her to say, even more loyally than the 81-year-old senile receptacle she replaces. And she can win with Trump’s help.

In a blinding instant, this craven political maneuver bizarrely turned the incumbent political party and its female figurehead into the agents of change in an election that’s perfectly suited for that after four years of disastrous policies from that very same Biden-Harris administration.

It’s like packaging an 0-17 NFL team as the Super Bowl champions. And media buys into it.

Here, according to the White House transcript, is what Harris read from her teleprompter unveiling the specifics of her Soviet-style price-control economic initiative Friday:

We will build what I call an “opportunity economy” -- (applause) -- “an opportunity economy” -- an economy where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed; everyone, regardless of who they are or where they start, has an opportunity to build wealth for themselves and their children; and where we remove the barriers to opportunity so anyone who wants to start a business or advance their career can access the tools and the resources that are necessary to do so. (Applause.)

An apparently shocked Harris, who lives with servants in government housing, shared a statistic with her North Carolina audience that shocked no one who buys their own foods: 

A lo- -- a loaf of bread costs 50 percent more today than it did before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50 percent.

According to Harris, everyone already knows the historically high rate of inflation during her time as Joe Biden’s vice president was caused by the pandemic. And not by flooding the country with $5 trillion in newly-printed money to cover their administration's wild spending.

“We all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed,” she continued reading.

If you’re confounded by this thinking and sudden turn of events, including the addition of Harris’ sidekick, fellow radical Tim Walz, imagine how it hit Donald Trump.