Monday, August 19, 2024

Democrat Party platform references Biden's 'second term' 19 times

Harris' name is only mentioned 29 times in the platform, while Trump is mentioned on 62 pages, Biden on 76.

In a Democrat Party platform that backs child sex changes, opens with a land acknowledgment, promises gun control, fights climate change, advocates for federal abortion laws, student debt forgiveness, and addresses a host of other progressive talking points, President Joe Biden's "second term" is referenced 19 times. 

The only problem with that is he's not running—he's been replaced at the top of the ticket by his veep Kamala Harris. Her name is only mentioned 29 times in the platform, while Trump is mentioned on 62 pages, Biden on 76.

Any effort for the Kamala campaign to distance itself from her predecessor on the ticket Joe Biden would be difficult when the entire party platform is built around Biden, not Harris. Her recent, if scant, policy positions are not listed in the platform save for some reference to price gouging, which is an area on which she overlaps with Biden. 

Her announcement, days after Trump announced his initiative, that there would be no taxes on tips was not mentioned, nor any of her housing initiatives.

In fact, much of the language and tone of the document reflects Biden as well, with terms like "so everyone has a fair shot," which is something he's repeated at campaign events and in speeches over his term in office. Kamala's catchphrase, about seeing "what can be, unburdened by what might have been," does not appear once in the document. 

Full of falsehoods and repeated yet debunked hoaxes, the platform reads like a progressive playbook.

Many took note of the odd issuance of a platform that's more about the man leaving office than the woman who hopes to fill his shoes. Harris was nominated by the Democrat Party elite after the primary season was pretty much over and some 14 million Americans had cast their ballots for Biden. It was in the days after Biden dropped out, following an extremely poor debate performance against Trump in June, that Harris was put on the ticket and Biden erased from it.

The Harris campaign has said that they seek to set themselves apart from Biden, but the platform indicates that the two are as linked as ever. In the early days of the Biden administration, it was the White House that insisted that Harris' name be added to Biden's in every mention of his policy platforms and initiatives. As she looks for daylight between them, many are more intent than ever on holding her to the record of the White House in which she has served.

That includes Donald Trump, who said "In the JUST RELEASED Democrat Platform, they mention Crooked Joe Biden’s “second Term” over 20 times. It shows that the Platform is not that important to them when they won’t even make the change."

"The Democrat platform mentions 'Biden's second term' 19 times," Charlie Kirk said. "This isn't bad copyediting. It's the Democrats telling you exactly what a Kamala Harris presidency would be."

Harris is a bit of a mystery by design, it turns out, as allies and lawmakers in her party have encouraged her to steer clear of holding press conferences or doing long-form interviews. Some have even advised her to wait on releasing her own policy agenda until she's in the White House, which Democrats appear to hold to win on joy alone.