Saturday, August 17, 2024

Ominous Signs of What US Middle East Policy Might Be Under a Harris Presidency

A Harris regime would likely implement a Middle East policy that would be openly hostile to Israel and even more willing to appease Iran than the Biden regime.

During his recent discussion with Elon Musk on X, Donald Trump said Kamala Harris would be even worse for Israel and the Jewish community than Joe Biden. Although there are many unknowns about what Kamala Harris’s positions would be as president on Middle East security if she wins the 2024 presidential election, several disturbing signs support President Trump’s belief.

Harris’s foreign policy record has been roundly criticized. She was ridiculed in 2022 for a pollyannish explanation of the Ukraine War when she said, “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”

Harris was strongly condemned in Ukraine and the U.S. for laughing and appearing clueless during a 2022 press conference in Poland when a reporter asked her a question about Ukrainian refugees. This response led Senator Marsha Blackburn to tweet, “It seems the only thing Kamala Harris knows how to do is laugh off her responsibilities.”

Harris praised Biden for an “extraordinary amount of courage” concerning his disastrous decision to abruptly withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2021. She has argued that increasing nuclear deterrence is “dangerous” and called for reducing the defense budget and redirecting military funding to domestic programs. In dealing with Russia, China, Iran, and Yemen’s Houthi rebels, Harris usually favored appeasement over tough policies and American strength.

These and other indications of Harris’s foreign policy incompetence raise questions as to whether she can handle the complex security issues America faces in the Middle East.

There are already two indicators of this.

The first are pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel statements by Harris during her career driven by the thinking of the progressive left. She has consistently portrayed the Palestinians as victims, voted against legislation supporting Israel’s security, and voted in support of the anti-Semitic BDS movement.

Harris has sometimes pledged support for Israel. She told an AIPAC conference in 2017 that she was a strong supporter of the Jewish State and recognized Israel’s right to self-defense. She spoke out in support of the Israeli people several times since the October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorist attack and called for the release of Israeli hostages held in Gaza by Hamas.

However, most of Harris’s statements about Israel and the Israel-Hamas War have been very troubling and led experts like Caroline Glick to call her “the most outspokenly anti-Israel member of the administration.”  Harris implied during a speech last December that the Israel Defense Forces were violating international law in Gaza and called Israel’s blockade of Gaza a “humanitarian disaster” directed at Palestinian civilians. Harris has called on the Biden Administration to be tougher on Israel’s government on the war and advocated for a supposed “balanced” approach to this conflict.

Like President Biden, Harris has called for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas War and a permanent peace agreement based on the “two-state solution.” Also like Biden, Harris has often criticized Israel for the war in Gaza but has leveled very little criticism at Hamas for continuing the conflict and refusing to release its hostages.

Israeli officials were concerned about statements Harris made after she met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in July, which they thought were hostile to Israel and could harm negotiations to reach a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal.

Harris has given mixed signals about whether she would support an arms embargo on Israel as president. In a brief comment on August 8 to anti-Israel activists, the vice president reportedly expressed her openness to meeting with them to discuss an embargo. The next day, however, blowback from this remark forced the Harris campaign to back away from it and state her strong opposition to an arms embargo on Israel.

However, contradicting this reversal was another comment Harris made in March on a possible Israeli military operation to take Rafah, the last Hamas-held city in Gaza. Harris warned that there would be “consequences” if Prime Minister Netanyahu went forward with an operation to take Rafah and said, “I am ruling out nothing.”

A second indicator of what Kamala Harris’s Middle East policy would be as president concerns who she might select as her top foreign policy advisers.

Although little is known about who Harris would name to her national security team, Harris appears likely to retain her current—and controversial—National Security Adviser, Philip Gordon, and could nominate him to be her Secretary of State. Gordon held national security posts in the Obama administration and is a strong proponent of the deeply flawed 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, the JCPOA. He has expressed hostility toward Israel and sympathy for Islamist terrorists. Congressional Republicans have accused him of being an apologist for Iran and connections to an Iranian influence operation in the United States known as the Iran Experts Initiative. Congressional Republicans are investigating Gordon’s association with this group and for “blatantly promoting the Iranian regime’s perspective and interests.”

Harris recently named her former adviser on Middle East issues, Ilan Goldenberg, as her liaison to the Jewish community and probably plans to give him a senior foreign policy job if she wins the election. Goldenberg worked on Middle East issues for the Obama administration and the 2016 presidential campaign of Elizabeth Warren. He is known as a far-left critic of Israel with ties to the anti-Israel group J Street and has been a sharp critic of Netanyahu and Trump’s Israel policy. Goldenberg has also been accused of being an apologist for Iran. He strongly supports the JCPOA and opposed President Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. According to Hudson Institute senior fellow Michael Doran, Goldenberg led a Biden administration effort to hunt and target Israelis for sanctions while Israel was at war against Hamas terrorists.

At the same time Harris was promoting well-known anti-Israel leftists for her campaign’s foreign policy team, as I wrote in American Greatness last week, she caved to the “darker side” of the Democratic Party in not choosing popular Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro to be her running mate because he is a pro-Israel Jew.

In a recent Front Page Magazine article, Daniel Greenfield summed up what a Harris administration’s Middle East policy would be like if it included anti-Israel radicals like Gordon and Goldenberg:

Philip Gordon and Ilan Goldenberg are two anti-Israel figures from the Obama administration whose fingerprints are all over the policies that empowered Iran…  What would Kamala’s foreign policy look like? The presence of Gordon and Goldenberg as her close advisors on the region shows that it would be the Obama administration on steroids.

Kamala Harris’s foreign policy incompetence, coupled with her tendency to side with far-left anti-Israel activists and to hire them as her advisers, likely means a Harris administration’s Middle East policy would be openly hostile to Israel and even more willing to appease Iran than the Biden administration.

A Harris administration probably would promote initiatives such as an arms embargo on Israel, sanctions on Israeli officials, and a demand to Israel to allow the U.S. to reopen a consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem.  The U.S. also probably would quickly rejoin the JCPOA and offer huge concessions to Iran while Iran continues its nuclear weapons program.

I believe there would be threats by a Harris administration against Israel to agree to an immediate cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas War, a two-state solution, and putting the Palestinian Authority in charge of running Gaza.  A Harris administration would ignore how these initiatives would severely threaten Israel’s security by preventing the elimination of Hamas and instead allow it to rebuild and plan another deadly terrorist attack against Israel.

Most disturbingly, I believe it is very likely that a Harris administration’s Middle East policies would be so radical that it would recognize Palestine as an independent state with full UN membership and name a U.S. ambassador to “Palestine.”  This would be a huge blow to Israel’s security and prestige.

What I have written above is speculation at this point. If Harris wins the election, hopefully, pro-Israel Americans will pressure her to implement moderate Middle East policies to stand strongly with Israel and take a tough approach to Iran for its pursuit of nuclear weapons, destabilizing the Middle East, and sponsoring terrorism. Hopefully, moderate members of Congress would convince Harris to name competent, pro-Israel officials to her national security team who will reverse the damage done to Middle East security and the U.S.-Israel relationship by the Biden administration.

Although I sincerely hope that if Kamala Harris wins the 2024 presidential election, there will be moderation in her approach to the Middle East, Israel, and Iran, there are growing indications that Donald Trump is right that a Kamala Harris presidency would be even worse for Israel and the Jewish community than the Biden administration. If this happens, there likely will be similar incompetent and far-left Harris policies that would undermine global security and America’s leadership as a great power. This means Harris’s overall foreign policy as president likely would result in a world much more unstable and dangerous than it is today.

Donald Trump was heavily criticized when he recently said, “Any Jewish voter who casts his ballot for Harris “should have his head examined.” Given growing indications of the likely radical and destabilizing Middle East and national security policies in a Harris presidency, Trump makes a good point that Jewish and non-Jewish voters must consider when making their choice for the next president of the United States.

In Shadow of the Presidential Campaign, Competition for the Senate Rages, With Democrats on Their Heels

 Republicans only need to flip one seat beside West Virginia to win control of the upper chamber.

While the presidential election takes center stage, Senate races across America are heating up — with Democrats on the defensive and Republicans hoping to win at least one of six competitive races in November.

This year has one of the least favorable Senate maps for Democrats in recent memory, with Democrats defending incumbents in West Virginia, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

In order to take the Senate majority. Republicans need to flip two of these seats or, if they also win the White House, one. When Senator Manchin announced his retirement it all but guaranteed that Republicans would win his seat, meaning Democrats need to run the table in competitive races and win the presidency to hold a bare 50-seat Senate majority, with the tie-breaking vote going to the vice president.

As it stands, the most likely tipping-point state for a GOP Senate majority appears to be Montana, where Senator Tester is defending his seat against the GOP challenger, Tim Sheehy.

Most surveys this summer have have shown Mr. Sheehy either tied with or leading Mr. Tester, though a recent RMG Research and Napolitan Institute survey found that Mr. Tester is leading Mr. Sheehy by 5 points, the first survey to show him leading since March.

“If Montana voters knew that their vote would determine control of the U.S. Senate (it might), 57 percent would vote for the Republican, and just 39 percent would vote for the Democrat,” the president of RMG research, Scott Rasmussen, said of the poll. “Seventeen percent of Tester’s voters would prefer GOP control of the Senate.”

Mr. Tester is one of three Democratic incumbent senators defending seats this year expected to skip the Democratic National Convention next week. Senator Brown of Ohio and Senator Rosen of Nevada are also expected to not attend.

Aside from Mr. Tester, though, Democrats appear to be outrunning the top of the ticket in their Senate races, at least for now.

In Ohio, a recent ActiVote survey found Mr. Brown led businessman Bernie Moreno by 5 points, 53 percent to 48 percent. In neighboring Pennsylvania, an Emerson College survey found Senator Casey leads businessman David McCormick by 5 points. 

In both of these states the Democratic incumbent has maintained consistent polling leads this cycle.

In Nevada, a recent survey from Redfield and Wilton Strategies and the Telegraph found Ms. Rosen leads the GOP nominee, Sam Brown, by 3 points in a multi-candidate field.

In Michigan, a survey by Fabrizio, Lee and Associates, Impact Research, and AARP found Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin leading the GOP nominee, Mike Rogers, by 3 points.

In Wisconsin a TIPP Insights and American Greatness survey found Senator Baldwin with a 7-point lead over the GOP nominee, Eric Hovde.

In a recent analysis by political scientist Jackson Hamilton, writing at Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia Center for Politics, two Senate races in particular stand out for Democrats: Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. That’s because in both these races the Democratic incumbent is polling above 47 percent on average.

“This is notable because, in the competitive senate elections from 2010 to 2022, not a single incumbent who received at least 47 percent in the Aug. 1 polling average lost reelection,” Mr. Hamilton wrote. “While it is certainly still possible that the standing of Casey and Baldwin could weaken between now and Election Day, historical precedent suggests that they are in a strong position to win reelection.”

Mr. Hamilton also notes that Senator Cruz is also polling above 47 percent support on average in Texas, suggesting that he will likely win re-election. Mr. Brown and Ms. Rosen are also polling at nearly 47 percent support.

As it stands, polling suggests an unexpectedly optimistic picture for Democrats heading into the final stretch of campaign season, given the map. 

According to a political spending watchdog, AdImpact, Democrats have also outspent Republicans in every competitive Senate race this year, with the parties spending a combined $973 million. In total, Democrats have dedicated $570 million to their Senate efforts across seven states, while Republicans have dedicated $403 million.

Rally coverage, On the Fringe, and more- August 17


Kamala’s Last Walz?

Kamala’s got one chance to take the presidency, and if Democrat operatives can’t fill out enough mail-in ballots to get her across the finish line, she’ll never be invited back for a second shot.  For the next two-plus months, she inherits what Biden called “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”  This operation catapulted Dementia Joe — who struggled to earn more than single-digit support in previous presidential campaigns — into the White House with the highest number of recorded votes for any politician in American history.  Kind of makes you wonder why Democrats would feel compelled to ditch their incumbent if the guy actually won 25% more votes than their Marxist demigod, Barack Obama.

We know the answer: public perception of Biden’s cognitive decline makes it just too darn difficult for the ballot fraudsters to pull off what they need to do.  To be sure, lots of Democrats would vote for an edible mushroom, so long as it could magically shower them with “free stuff” and the promise of abortion right up to the moment of birth (and sometimes later, if no one’s looking).  For a few weeks after Biden’s disastrous debate performance — in which he proved himself unfit to form complete sentences, let alone to make life-and-death decisions in the Situation Room — his handlers tried to brand him the magic mushroom candidate.  You’re not really voting for the old guy whose brain is stuck in 1992, they promised.  You’re voting for another “hope and change” psychedelic trip!  Turns out even Meathead Rob Reiner wasn’t buying that one (and that guy lives in a constant state of hallucination!).

Well, when the lead clown in the circus croaks, the show must go on!  Kamala put on her funny red nose, honked her big horn, and told the bozos in her party to get in line.  And just like that, the Democrats had a new presidential candidate.  It’s almost as if the “swap” had been in the works all along. 

How could it have not been?  Joe Biden’s sell-by date passed long ago, and the whole world can smell Washington’s spoiled milk.  As the 2020 election proved, Kamala is too dumb and uninteresting to win a single Democrat primary.  If the plan is to replace one buffoon with another, then the only option is to disenfranchise the voters and condense Kamala’s campaign to a theatrical release shorter than a Game of Thrones season.  Here we thought “winter was coming” when Hillary screeched at us in 2016, but that turned out just to be another plot twist before eight long years of Deep State “red weddings.”

Is there actual enthusiasm for Ka-blah-blah Harris among the voters?  If there is, I haven’t seen it.  Even the slow learners out there who wore cheap surgical masks alone in their cars well into 2022 and attached tiny Ukraine flags to their mailboxes in support of nuclear war in Europe are staying quiet these days.  Where are all the “I’m with Her” signs that Hildebeest’s astroturfing army placarded everywhere two election cycles ago?  Have Democrats become skittish about playing the woman card when so many of their voters struggle to define what a woman is?  Nah, that can’t be it.  Sexual and racial grievances are the quintessential ingredients of the Democrats’ political platform.  Without those, their campaign promises would consist of nothing more than higher taxes, open borders, more censorship, and rampant criminality.  (Right now a Democrat operative at Facebook is reading that last sentence and thinking, “What’s wrong with that?  Arg, I’d better censor Shurk anyway.”)

What else can Kamala run on besides her sex and genetic heritage?  As vice president, she was put in charge of securing the border, lowering inflation, and promoting European peace.  In turn, more foreign nationals have entered America in the last three years than ever before.  Green New Deal–induced inflation has made basic groceries unaffordable.  And Ukraine is a powder keg that could ignite a nuclear WWIII.  Good job, Kam-Kam!  Time for you to be promoted!

D’oh!-Joe chose Kamala as his running mate because Democrat power brokers (the usual culprits: Obama, Pelosi, and Clyburn) insisted that he select a black woman as vice president.  By channeling the Democrats’ “soft bigotry of low expectations,” Biden settled on Harris.  It didn’t seem to matter that Harris had spent the majority of her life identifying as part Indian and part Jamaican.  Just as it didn’t seem to matter when Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren climbed the career ladder by fraudulently claiming to be part Cherokee.  Just as it doesn’t seem to matter today that presumptive Democrat V.P. nominee, Tim Walz, has been outed as a coward who betrayed his military unit and a fraud who should have been prosecuted for profiting from other service members’ valor in combat.  For Democrats, stealing other people’s identities, experiences, or achievements is par for the course.  

Try finding a video of Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris speaking to a rural audience in which they aren’t attempting some wretched variation of a Southern accent.  That impulse to pretend to be something they are not seems ingrained in their being.  I have never walked into a country club and affected a hoity-toity-haughty-snooty enunciation just to fit in, but whenever Hill and Kam reach a dirt road on their electioneering travels, their voices become miraculously saturated with drawl, twang, extra syllables, and all manner of aw-shucks euphemisms those stuck in big cities rarely hear.  Trouble is, those two charlatans can’t speak deplorable.  They sneer at us and call us, “deplorable.”  We know the difference.  

Honest people know a fake when they see it, and just like Hillary Clinton before her, Kamala Harris is as fake as they come.  That explains why all the corporate news propagandists are working so hard to sell some version of Ka-blah-blah that might be appealing to the broader electorate.  Look at her long, shiny hair, America!  Watch her dazzle photographers with multicolored pantsuits galore!  Listen to that joyful laugh!  The world’s most powerful multinational media companies are desperate to make Kam-Kam an Oval Office star.  

The problem is that those same media companies have spent the last two years trying to nudge her into resigning the vice presidency.  Why?  Because she’s a political liability!  The original plan was almost certainly to bump Biden out after the 2022 midterms, move V.P. Barbie into the top job, and let her play puppet president for ten years.  But her approval ratings with the American public have always been much lower than Dementia Joe’s.  Americans see right through her.  They know she has a paper-thin intellect, a phony demeanor, and a delusional sense of self-worth.  So Plan B was to make Kam-Kam an offer she couldn’t refuse and replace her with Hildebeest or Gruesome Newsom or some other Dim-Dem with higher polling numbers.  Kamala did what she does best — she refused to let anybody take what she feels she deserves.  And Democrats, having built their entire party around the fetishization of racism and sexism, got hoist with their own petard.

Now the corporate news spin-meisters are trying furiously to get voters to forget what everyone knew only four weeks ago: nobody likes Kamala.  They’ll doctor the polls, put her on the most glamorous magazine covers, and surround her with fawning celebrities eager to sing her praises.  But they can’t fix fake.  And if they can’t manufacture enough enthusiasm for Ka-blah-blah, any “victory” she claims in November will look as fraudulent as Maduro’s in Venezuela. 

This is Kamala’s last dance.  And Tim Walz makes the perfect dance partner.  Together, they have given America nothing of value and stolen everything they have.

The Dangerous Campaign of 'Joy'

"Joyful." That's the way the newly minted Kamala Harris-Tim Walz presidential ticket is attempting to sell itself to the American people. Their allies in the leftist media have also endorsed the descriptor as their favorite presidential candidate continues to hide from their cameras, microphones and questions. 

"Harris Used to Worry About Laughing. Now Joy Is Fueling Her Campaign," The New York Times shamelessly published. "Democrats are smiling again, and so is a vice president who once weighed the political risks of cheerfulness. The high spirits are also providing air cover for scathing attacks on Republicans."

"Bringing back the joy, one selfie at a time," the Harris-Walz campaign touts on social media. 

But a quick look at the records of Harris and Walz shows their past positions and plans for the future of America won’t induce elation or economic relief. 

During his time as Minnesota's governor, Tim Walz issued some of the most tyrannical and restrictive COVID-19 lockdown measures in the country. He enforced harsh penalties on everyday Americans, especially those who defied lockdown orders in hopes of paying their employees and savings their livelihoods from demise. 

"Lisa Hanson, a former wine and coffee bistro owner thrown into jail for violating Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s lockdown orders, told Fox News Digital that the now-Democrat vice presidential candidate essentially 'shut down and destroyed' her small business," Fox Digital reports. 

Hanson was charged with a misdemeanor and sent to jail for 60 days. She also paid a hefty fine for opening her business while Walz allowed strip clubs and liquor stores to remain open. 

"This is the story that America needs to hear, that Tim Walz is not some cuddly, joyful coach, like all the things that the MSMs are calling him," Hanson told Fox. "That is not who this man is. This man would like to take your rights away. He will take your rights away. Because what happened to me could have happened to anybody. What happened to me will happen to you." 

While Walz purposely allowed rioters to burn down entire blocks of businesses in Minneapolis and a police precinct during the summer of 2020, causing longterm damage to the local community and law enforcement, he was more than happy to punish people like Hanson for questioning his power and defying arbitrary government orders. 

Does this kind of punishment spark joy? It should spark fear and say a lot about Vice President Harris' decision to put him on the ticket. 

Speaking of Harris, do her plans "spark joy"? 

"Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday will unveil a proposed ban on ‘price gouging’ in the grocery and food industries, embracing a strikingly populist proposal in her most significant economic policy announcement since becoming the Democratic Party’s nominee," the Washington Post reported this week. "In a statement released late Wednesday night, the Harris campaign said that if elected, she would push for the 'first-ever federal ban' on food price hikes, with sweeping new powers for federal authorities. Harris on Friday will also announce plans to lower prescription drug and housing costs." 

"When I am President, it will be a day one priority to bring down prices," Harris posted on X. "I'll take on big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging and corporate landlords that unfairly raise rents on working families."

Last year, grocery stores squeaked out a 1.2 percent average profit margin. That isn't price gouging, it's barely surviving under Bidenomics and Harris-induced inflation. 

These are communist price controls, the very same policies that resulted in the killing of 100 million people over the past century through executions and starvation. Price controls sound like a good solution until you do a quick review of history and quickly realize what happened when past governments around the world implemented them for the sake of "joy." The results were catastrophic and will be for America if Harris has her way. 

Government control of private industry and meddling in the economy doesn't bring joy. Instead, it induces misery. Americans should be wary of the Democratic ticket's flowery language and blame shifting away from the spending in Washington – which caused inflation – to the private business sector. This is a play for government control, not to make the lives of Americans easier. 

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Details Surface: USSS Counter Snipers Did Not Stop Assassin Crooks, Butler SWAT Did

Representative Clay Higgins is a member of the congressional investigative task force looking into the assassination attempt by Thomas Matthew Crooks against President Trump.  Rep Higgins was also doing independent research prior to his appointment to the congressional committee, and he released his preliminary report findings today [SEE HERE pdf].

There are some remarkable revelations in the 6-page pdf.  One detail outlines how it was a Butler County SWAT officer who fired the initial shot that stopped Matthew Crooks after 8 shots fired.  The Feds did not initially stop the assassin, the locals did. Another detail highlights how the Butler County coroner was not aware the FBI quickly released the body of Crooks for immediate cremation.

♦ […] “The 9th shot fired on J13 was from a Butler SWAT operator from the ground about 100 yards away from the AGR building. Shot 9 hit Crooks’ rifle stock and fragged his face/neck/right shoulder area from the stock breaking up. The SWAT operator who took this shot was a total badass; when he had sighted the shooter Crooks as a mostly obscured by foliage moving target on the AGR rooftop, he immediately left his assigned post and ran towards the threat, running to a clear shot position directly into the line of fire while Crooks was firing 8 rounds. On his own, this ESU SWAT operator took a very hard shot, one shot. He stopped Crooks and importantly, I believe the shot damaged the buffer tube on Crooks’ AR. I won’t be certain of this until I can examine Crooks’ rifle, but I’m 99% sure based upon reliable eye-witness ESU tactical officers who observed Crooks’ rifle before the FBI harvested it as evidence. This means that if his AR buffer tube was damaged, Crooks’ rifle wouldn’t fire after his 8th shot.” [Clay Higgins Report, pdf – page 4]

[SOURCE – page, 5, Higgins Report]

Why Are Democrats Acting So Silly Over JD Vance?

I can’t tell if this is a sign of the Democrats’ desperation or if they are truly as clueless as they seem. In recent weeks, folks on the left have been using some rather questionable messaging tactics against former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH).

For some reason, much of their ire has been directed at Vance. But their criticism has spanned from weak sauce to simply bizarre, which is what inspired this article.

Lately, folks on the left have been digging into Vance’s younger years to find damning or embarrassing information. Apparently, they have hit pay dirt – or so they think.

The first example exposes the awful reality that Vance used to be a young man who did young man things. An old picture posted on social media in 2007 showing Vance supposedly passed out after drinking. That’s right, folks, Vance tied one on 17 years ago, which means he is clearly not qualified to be the vice president.

Next, we have another picture from Vance’s high school days in which he poses with three female schoolmates in front of urinals in the restroom. You know, because it took place at a time when everyone knew that women couldn’t use urinals, which made it funny.

The Daily Mail published an article about the picture and even reached out to some of his other classmates.

No explanation was given in the yearbook itself as to why the three girls were in the bathroom, nor why they should be pictured with Vance.

But now, one of the three has explained to the meaning behind the surprising shot.

It was to show the power of girls in that year's student government, one of the women who asked that her name not be used, said.

‘We thought it would be funny,’ she added.

'Usually it was all male officers, and we were an even split, and so it was sort of the opposite.'

The picture showed the four top student council officers – president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.

Ironically Vance was vice-president, the position he is now seeking in federal government.

Nikki May, who was treasurer, told she admires her former classmate.

'He was a great student and guy,' said May.

'I am very proud to say I went to high school with JD and [am] very impressed of the man he has become.'

For some reason, the authors of the piece seem to believe this photograph could be damaging. “It was taken in jest – and has a real meaning behind it – but, still, it is not a good look considering the other claims leveled at Donald Trump's pick for his Number Two,” they wrote.

So, let’s get this straight.

Sen. JD Vance did some drinking back in the day and posed for a funny picture. This is somehow supposed to turn voters off to the Trump/Vance ticket, thereby ensuring that Black Hillary and her liar of a running mate end up occupying the Oval Office after the 2024 election.

If the Democrats truly think this will work, they had better get back to that drawing board. If anything, these revelations only make him more relatable to those who aren’t already gung-ho about supporting Harris.

After all, Vance isn't the only person who's ever passed out after a night of too much drinking in their youth. Who hasn’t taken silly pictures in high school? Most people can relate to these things, a reality that might make Vance moreattractive to voters, not less.

But again, this could be simple desperation on the Democrats’ part. Perhaps they are just throwing whatever they can against the wall, hoping it will stick. But they are going to need a lot of glue to make something of this particular strategy.

Trudeau warns Canadians against 'hypothetical virus' that would be worse than Covid, trigger even more restrictions

 The Trudeau government is again warning Canadians to be prepared for a potential new virus that could cause food and fuel shortages.

The Trudeau government is again warning Canadians to be prepared for a potential new virus that could cause food and fuel shortages.

The Centre for Occupational Health and Safety came out with a second edition of its Flu and Infectious Disease Outbreaks Business Continuity Plan Handbook in June. It focuses on a “hypothetical virus” that the center suggests could lead to lockdowns, food scarcity, and a public health crisis that accompanied Covid-19.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau severely restricted the lives of Canadians who refused to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. People could not travel, go to restaurants, or, in many cases, work without being vaccinated. The mandates were challenged by a massive trucker protest that forced change even though it was brutally suppressed by Trudeau.

The guide stated that “based on trends from past pandemic flu, there may be a higher average number of illness and deaths in age groups different than what we typically see during annual flu seasons.”

The handbook suggested that companies need to prepare for employees working from home: “If there is a pandemic, how many people will be off work? It is impossible to determine with certainty."

“Estimates vary because no one will know for sure how ill the new virus will make people, how fast it will spread, or how many people will not go to work, until it happens," it added.

This hypothetical pandemic can be expected to “come in two or three waves about three to nine months separating each outbreak” for about two years. The report further predicted problems in the supply chain, telecommunications, and banking while expecting scarcity of water, gasoline, medicine, and food.

While Canada quietly prepares for another pandemic, Former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci has again urged Americans to mask up because Covid-19 is apparently on the rise again. Besides giving varying advice about masks during the pandemic, Fauci initially denied that the Covid-19 virus could have resulted from a lab leak. He has since revised his opinion and admitted that it isn’t a “conspiracy theory” to believe so. However, he has also denied having anything to do with school closures.

Fauci said he came down with Covid-19 in early August. It was his third bout with the virus– even though he has been vaxxed and boosted with the “safe and effective” Covid vaccine on six occasions, the Daily Mail noted.

President Joe Biden is also preparing for hypothetical viruses, creating a “permanent” pandemic preparedness office. Health officials have been fretting about bird influenza for months even though the virus is unlikely to affect humans.

The World Health Organization is now calling monkeypox, or mpox, “a public health emergency of international concern,” even though the disease is largely transmitted by male same-sex activity.

“WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has determined that the upsurge of mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and a growing number of countries in Africa constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR),” the agency posted on its website Wednesday.