Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trudeau warns Canadians against 'hypothetical virus' that would be worse than Covid, trigger even more restrictions

 The Trudeau government is again warning Canadians to be prepared for a potential new virus that could cause food and fuel shortages.

The Trudeau government is again warning Canadians to be prepared for a potential new virus that could cause food and fuel shortages.

The Centre for Occupational Health and Safety came out with a second edition of its Flu and Infectious Disease Outbreaks Business Continuity Plan Handbook in June. It focuses on a “hypothetical virus” that the center suggests could lead to lockdowns, food scarcity, and a public health crisis that accompanied Covid-19.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau severely restricted the lives of Canadians who refused to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. People could not travel, go to restaurants, or, in many cases, work without being vaccinated. The mandates were challenged by a massive trucker protest that forced change even though it was brutally suppressed by Trudeau.

The guide stated that “based on trends from past pandemic flu, there may be a higher average number of illness and deaths in age groups different than what we typically see during annual flu seasons.”

The handbook suggested that companies need to prepare for employees working from home: “If there is a pandemic, how many people will be off work? It is impossible to determine with certainty."

“Estimates vary because no one will know for sure how ill the new virus will make people, how fast it will spread, or how many people will not go to work, until it happens," it added.

This hypothetical pandemic can be expected to “come in two or three waves about three to nine months separating each outbreak” for about two years. The report further predicted problems in the supply chain, telecommunications, and banking while expecting scarcity of water, gasoline, medicine, and food.

While Canada quietly prepares for another pandemic, Former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci has again urged Americans to mask up because Covid-19 is apparently on the rise again. Besides giving varying advice about masks during the pandemic, Fauci initially denied that the Covid-19 virus could have resulted from a lab leak. He has since revised his opinion and admitted that it isn’t a “conspiracy theory” to believe so. However, he has also denied having anything to do with school closures.

Fauci said he came down with Covid-19 in early August. It was his third bout with the virus– even though he has been vaxxed and boosted with the “safe and effective” Covid vaccine on six occasions, the Daily Mail noted.

President Joe Biden is also preparing for hypothetical viruses, creating a “permanent” pandemic preparedness office. Health officials have been fretting about bird influenza for months even though the virus is unlikely to affect humans.

The World Health Organization is now calling monkeypox, or mpox, “a public health emergency of international concern,” even though the disease is largely transmitted by male same-sex activity.

“WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has determined that the upsurge of mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and a growing number of countries in Africa constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR),” the agency posted on its website Wednesday.