Friday, July 26, 2024

Obama Reluctantly Endorses Kamala After Butt-Dialing Her

Babylon Bee🐝

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Vice President's campaign for president received a highly sought-after boost this week, as former President Barack Obama reluctantly endorsed Kamala Harris after butt-dialing her.

The unintentional endorsement occurred yesterday while Obama was reportedly sitting down to enjoy some chips and salsa and inadvertently called the vice president. A source close to Obama confirmed that the former president improvised the endorsement as a way to cover the embarrassing butt dial.

"Ah, shoot, I accidentally called Kamala," Obama was heard whispering as he pulled his phone out of the pocket of his slacks. "What do I say now? How am I going to play this off? I don't know what to — Hey, there, Kamala! How are you? Barack and Michelle here!"

Insiders disclosed that Obama's cover for the butt dial was successful, with Harris coming away from the conversation proudly boasting about having the former president's blessing. "She was thrilled," said one source. "She was giggling uncontrollably and smiling from ear to ear like she was hopped up on something. Then again, I guess she's pretty much always like that, but still, you could tell she was relieved to have Obama's endorsement."

Sources within the Obama camp refused to comment on whether or not he would have endorsed Harris at some point anyway, conceding that his selection of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was also done by accident. "Sometimes things just work out," one insider said. "He's had a pretty good track record with his butt dials."

At publishing time, Obama was reportedly stuck making small talk with Joe Biden after yet another accidental butt dial.

Democracy is Under Attack, But Not By Trump

Joe Biden has officially withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race. Despite his persistent claims that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and that he would be the one to defeat him, Biden's withdrawal serves as proof that it is Biden and his party who are attacking democracy, not President Trump.

Despite President Trump taking many actions in his first term that made America safer and more prosperous, Democrats have relentlessly attempted to paint him as a tyrannical threat to democracy since he announced his 2024 bid for the White House. They cite issues such as “election denialism,” the January 6th “insurrection,” alleged “attacks on reproductive rights,” and his sarcastic comment about being a dictator for just one day as evidence that he is a dictator-in-waiting and a threat to democracy. However, keeping the definition of democracy in mind, these claims are categorically untrue.

What they refer to as “election denialism” is actually a manipulation of the accurate term, which is election integrity preservation. A president takes an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. When allegations of election fraud arise, as they did after the 2020 election, the president has an obligation to ensure nothing nefarious occurred and, if it did, to seek appropriate remedies. This alleged “election denialism” ties into January 6th, where they claim Trump “incited an insurrection.” The First Amendment enumerates s the right of Americans to peacefully protest. Trump’s calls for his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard” align perfectly with the Constitution and negate the insurrection label, which is defined as “a violent uprising against an authority or government.” As for reproductive rights, Trump’s appointment of conservative justices to the Supreme Court, who went on to overturn Roe v. Wade, sending the issue of abortion law back to state governments, is by definition an act of democracy. It grants states more power than the federal government, enabling each state to enact abortion laws that best represent the wishes of their people, rather than one broad law for the entire nation. These actions are clearly democracy-preserving. Regarding Trump’s comment about being a dictator for one day, it was a clear instance of trolling, playing into the fabricated concerns that he would be a dictator by emphasizing his determination to address two issues quickly. Anyone who saw the exchange, as the Democrats certainly did, could see this.

Ironically, many of the accusations Democrats have attributed to Trump apply far more to themselves. Take election denialism as the first example. Silencing and suppressing dissent or investigation in the wake of potential interference with America’s sacred elections is the most blatant attack on democracy there is. As a result, many peaceful protesters of the 2020 election who were in the crowd on January 6th have had their 8th Amendment rights, which protect Americans from cruel and unusual punishment, utterly violated, as many continue to rot in prisons to this day. In addition to his 'dictator for one day' comment, many claim that Trump will weaponize the powers of the presidency against his political opponents if he returns to the White House, citing this as further proof of their dictator claims. Yet his candidacy was immediately followed by indictments, which Democrats were undoubtedly involved with when looking at the movement of players involved from the DoJ to the New York attorney general’s office. The only one that has reached trial to this point resulted in a conviction, which Democrats used as a catapult to heighten their toxic Trump rhetoric. All this (among many other things we will hopefully find out some day) played some role in the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life, which, if successful, would have eliminated the ability for the American people to vote for the leading candidate for the presidency. In other words, a true threat to democracy.

Despite all this, none of their false categorizations of Trump can be attributed to themselves more accurately than insurrectionists now that Biden has withdrawn from the race. The Biden era began with a questionable election that was never properly investigated, raising serious concerns about whether those in power legitimately earned it. Now, the Biden era is ending with perhaps an even more obviously rigged election. Despite Democrat primary voters nominating Joe Biden to represent them on this November’s presidential ballot, a clear and organized public pressure campaign by members of the party was deployed to subvert the will of the voters and remove Biden. The initial outlook appears to point to Kamala Harris becoming the Democrat nominee. If this does happen, Kamala’s even lower popularity than Biden’s historically low one accentuates their overthrow. According to some statistical analyses, Biden is the least popular president in 70 years. Despite this, the party seems poised to replace him with somebody who, just four years ago, received a total of zero delegates during the 2020 primary. In other words, the least popular president in seven decades was significantly more popular than the candidate the party is most likely to coronate without receiving any input from their party's voters, or completely dismissing the input they gave four years ago if you want to use that as a measuring stick. This all during an election year the Democrat Party has deemed the most important in American history in order to save democracy.

While none of this should come as a surprise, it officially proves that the gaslighting Democrat rhetoric about threats to democracy was all a ploy to convince the masses Trump was a threat to their livelihood (it clearly didn’t work) before they carried out their actual attack on democracy.

We, as a nation, dangerously accepted long ago, without any noteworthy resistance, that it was too implausible for Joe Biden given his obvious mental incapacitation, to be calling the shots. While that conclusion was easy to draw, we should have never accepted anyone -- whether it be Barack Obama, confirmed as a key player and driving force behind Biden’s ouster, the Clinton-Soros duo who quickly endorsed Kamala and undoubtedly wield influence through their “charitable” foundations, or even a faceless shadow government -- to lead us from behind the scenes. Nowhere in the Constitution does it make room for such a mob-rule style agreement.

Despite, in theory, being the most powerful man on Earth, Joe Biden was just forced out of office, evidenced by his weeks-long insistence on remaining despite calls from all corners of the party. There is no clearer example of our democracy -- or, for accuracy purposes, our “Constitutional Republic” -- being under attack. And it certainly isn’t because of President Trump, who accurately stated this weekend that he took a bullet for democracy. Perhaps this coup becoming official, as opposed to being placed in the category of right-wing conspiracy theorizing, will allow for the long-overdue public dismantling of this baseless narrative.

Olympics Opening Ceremony Features Drag Queens Mocking Biblical ‘Last Supper’ Scene


OAN Staff James Meyers
4:06 PM – Friday, July 26, 2024

The opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France, turned heads while prompting backlash from some faith-based viewers.

The intro featured an eccentric performance that depicted a drag queen dressed as a blue smurf alongside other drag performers dancing on a runway, striving to build up excitement for the opening games. 

The ceremony also included a “headless Marie Antoinette,” the last queen consort of France prior to the French Revolution who was married to King Louis XVI. 

Antoinette was found guilty in a trial in 1793. She was famously sentenced to death and beheaded by a guillotine.   

Another featured scene in the opening ceremony was a drag performance that recreated “The Last Supper,” which is described in the Christian Bible and was depicted in the famous painting by Italian High Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci between 1495–1498.

The Last Supper visually represents the last time that Jesus broke bread with his twelve disciples before he was arrested and hung on a cross. 

Additionally, the Last Supper also marks the first-ever sacrament of Holy Communion, in which Christians are united with Jesus Christ (Yeshua), receiving his grace and forgiveness. 

“Queens everywhere! We couldn’t be happier about this huge moment for drag performers breaking through the mainstream and showing their talents to the entire world,” wrote Out Magazine, a publication for LGBTQ community.

An estimated 320,000 people are expected to be in Paris for the Summer Games.

X22, And we Know, and more- July 26


The Bloodless Coup of Joe Biden Will Not Work Out Well for Democrats

The Democratic Party ruling class's bloodless coup of their own democratically elected presidential nominee, who also happens to be the nominal sitting president of the United States, is one of the most astonishing political developments of my lifetime. Joe Biden, though clearly physically and mentally impaired, has sought the presidency for quite literally longer than I have been alive. Biden had been defiant ever since the June 27 presidential debate debacle that he was not going anywhere, despite overwhelming pressure from party elites and sycophantic media lapdogs demanding he do precisely that. He has a Lady Macbeth-like wife who craves power and a felonious son in desperate need of a presidential pardon.

Yet the coup succeeded. Biden became the first incumbent president to not seek reelection after his first term since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968. Biden made the much-anticipated announcement not with a solemn Oval Office address -- that came three days later, and he didn't even explain his decision. Instead, he issued a bedridden tweet -- from a personal, not even official, account. It's the equivalent of divorcing your wife over text messages. As if that weren't crazy enough, the announcement came smack in the middle of a five-day period in which Biden was not publicly seen and during which he apparently experienced an unspecified medical emergency. Suspicious much?

The Democrats' decision to coup their own president is a curious one on political merits.

Hold aside the galling hypocrisy of the purported party of "democracy" trying to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot under an outlandish constitutional theory while simultaneously attempting to bankrupt, prosecute, and incarcerate him on equally spurious grounds. Hold aside the self-proclaimed party of "democracy" feigning ignorance over how its overheated rhetoric laid the seeds for their political opponent's recent near-assassination and it's continuing to depict that opponent as an existential threat to the American constitutional order. And hold aside that purportedly "democratic" party deposing its own presumptive elected nominee -- a stark reversal from its presidential primary, when party poobahs worked hard to shut out all viable competition. Somewhere in Minnesota, Dean Phillips would like a word.

Hold all that aside. Because even on its own terms, the coup of Biden for cackler-in-chief Kamala Harris is going to spectacularly backfire on the Democrats.

Already, Democrats and the corporate media have been working hard to "define" Harris for the American people. At times, this has included some rather dubious retconning, such as magically pretending she wasn't the Biden administration's appointed "border czar." (She was.) However, the even bigger problem for Democrats is that Harris is not an unknown commodity. On the contrary, she is a very well-known commodity -- one who just happens to be about as popular with the American public as venereal disease.

Harris's current average approval rating is under 38%, and an NBC News poll last June found her to be the single least popular vice president in American history -- only 32% of Americans had a positive view of her, putting her 17 points underwater. Harris' 2020 presidential campaign was an absolute dud, self-imploding well before the first primary votes were cast. And as recently as a month or two ago, Democratic elites were openly discussing whether she could still be dropped as Biden's 2024 running mate. It's funny how quickly one can go from the weakest link to the great savior of "Our Democracy."

The path to winning 270 Electoral College votes still runs through the Rust Belt states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. It is frankly bizarre for Democrats to swap out the man who talks ceaselessly about his hardscrabble Scranton upbringing for a Californian who boasts the most left-wing voting record of any presidential nominee in modern history. Do Democrats really think Harris' support for the Green New Deal and a national fracking ban will play well in the Marcellus Shale of Pennsylvania or in the auto factories of Detroit? Will white working- and middle-class voters concerned about skyrocketing crime look favorably upon Harris' enthusiastic support for the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots, which racked up $2 billion worth of property damage?

It's not that Uncle Joe, seemingly about to keel over and die at any moment, found himself in much better political shape. But in addition to the gross hypocrisy of their coup that has dealt yet another fatal blow to their specious claim to "defend democracy," Democrats have also set themselves up for political failure. They would have been better off trying to limp across the finish line with their grievously wounded incumbent of a nominee rather than changing horses mid-race.

The 14 million people who voted for Biden in the Democratic primaries ought to be livid. Rust Belt voters ought to be bemused. But Trump and running mate J.D. Vance ought to be ecstatic.

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No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr Ben Carson

Wow, Dr Ben Carson completely understands the scripted and controlled “manufactured enthusiasm” behind Kamala Harris.  In this interview with Tucker Carlson the former HUD Secretary has exceptionally clear eyes about the ideology and plans.  He may be soft spoken, but there is no pretending in the words of Dr Carson.

You can tell that Carson’s deliberate insight and delivery style presents a challenge for Tucker who is more familiar with an interview where the person is in convince mode. Carson’s power is in his ability to communicate without any effort or attempt to convince the listener. Carson is steadfast, clear and makes no effort to convince anyone of anything. He speaks to what is, not to what people pretend it to be.  WATCH:


00:00 Intro
02:21 Kamala Harris
11:53 Donald Trump
26:36 Why the Black Community Loves Trump
32:34 Communism, Marxism, and the Left’s New Religion
44:59 Dr. Carson’s Success, Family, and Marriage Advice
01:05:36 Living Through the Detroit Riots
01:18:28 Why are American Men So Unhealthy?
01:29:24 Is There Any Hope of Getting Back to a System That People Trust?
01:33:01 Why the Swamp Is Afraid of Trump
01:36:53 The Evils of Abortion

SIDENOTE:  I just realized the perfect role for Dr. Ben Carson in the next Trump administration.

Sixteen years ago, the term “manufactured enthusiasm” took on an entire new meaning with the introduction of Teh One, Chicago Jesus, the bringer of all progressive enlightenment, Barack Obama. The intersection of Hollywood and a left-wing political media crowned their golden calf, and the outcome was ridiculous.

Many voices, not enough obviously, were shouting “wait, stop” and various warnings about what would come next. However, those warnings fell on deaf ears and the “fundamental change” was hoisted upon an electorate coping with a housing and financial crisis. The rest, as they say, is history.

Folks, we are about to witness the full 2007/2008 ego-driven madness packed into a short three-month period. The manufactured enthusiasm for Kamala Harris has begun, and the first 48 hours of the marketing blitz are exactly as we should expect.

The next few months are going to be ridiculous at a level beyond The Lightbringer.

Fortunately, a person who was perhaps not paying attention in ’07/’08 will now get to witness something they missed before, and the ears might not be as deaf as they were 16-years ago. We also have the ego of Teh One which might come into play if he feels slighted witnessing a higher level of adulation than he received. We’ll have to wait and see.

What we do know is that preparations have been long-underway to flip the switch for Kamala Harris, and despite her prior failure to launch with operation Jussie Smollett, Hollywood, Big Tech, the UniParty and the entirety of the left-wing political media apparatus are going to funnel all that Biden angst into Kamala worship.

As college students return for their fall semester, watch what they encounter.

Narrative Killer: NY Times Reports Show Kamala Harris Had Bigger Role Than 'Border Czar'

Brad Slager reporting for RedState 

This is the summer of media discontent. 

Ever since the debate debacle, which exposed Joe Biden as the shell of a man the press had been shielding from public exposure, journalists have been struggling. Beyond failed attempts to extricate themselves from that culpability quagmire, there was the way they covered the Trump assassination attempt, dealing with the GOP convention, Biden’s COVID disappearance, the turmoil in the Democratic Party, and then the ultimate departure of President Silveralert from the ticket.

This week, as they were eager to elevate Kamala Harris into the political stratosphere, we saw yet another attempt by the news outlets to set their already smoldering reputations on fire anew. The latest has the press attempting to claim that Kamala Harris was never Joseph Biden’s Border Czar, and this is due entirely to the recognition that the immigration crisis is an anchor on her campaign.

With this reality comes an attempt at rewriting not just the past but their publication history. There are dual efforts with this latest lie: Kamala was never given the job of Border Czar, and the claim that she was is a fiction created by Republicans. To dispel the second point first, here is a handy montage, courtesy of Newsbusters, showing the various press outlets that dubbed Harris as the Border Czar:

Now, this might dispel placing the blame on those on the right, but there is still some slithering room for the press, in a legal argument fashion. They may have been incorrect in the past, but they will likely say Biden never officially appointed Harris as Border Czar. This is a desperate effort to extract themselves but factors are showing this is a distinction (of a lie) without a difference.

First, you have Harris herself, in March of 2021, accepting the role in an official presser, declaring boldly her new role would be two-pronged; she would be in charge of both the border and outreach with the countries that are feeding the border surge.

“While we are clear that people should not come to the border now, we also understand that we will enforce the law,” Ms. Harris said before a White House meeting with top immigration officials. “We also — because we can chew gum and walk at the same time — must address the root causes that cause people to make the trek.”

More explanatory are not one but two reports from the New York Times that explain the highly significant level of Kamala's assignment. Now, regarding the official title of “Border Czar,” It is true, Kamala was never officially christened with that title. In fact, there was already a Border Czar, whom Joe Biden appointed to his cabinet--Roberta Jacobson--who previously served as Ambassador to Mexico.

The timeline spells it all out. Kamala Harris' appointment with border responsibility took place on March 24. Just about two weeks later, Ms. Jacobson announced she intended to step down. (emphasis below added.)

Ms. Jacobson, have argued that the increased flow of migration needs to be addressed at its source: primarily in Central American countries where violence, war, poverty, gangs and natural disasters are forcing people to flee their homes for refuge in the United States. But her role as one of the administration’s top border officials was eclipsed late last month when Mr. Biden announced that Vice President Kamala Harris would lead the government’s diplomatic efforts with that region.

Days later, we were given another report  (in the subsection titled: Kamala Harris will visit Mexico and Guatemala ‘as soon as possible.’) concerning these offices, and once again, the Times was rather clear that the duties of the Border Czar were being transferred to Kamala Harris. This was something that Jacobson, the acting Czar, commented on:

Ms. Harris will also soon be taking over work from a departing official with years of experience. Last week, Roberta S. Jacobson, the former ambassador to Mexico chosen as Mr. Biden’s “border czar,” said that she would retire from government. She said she was happy to see Ms. Harris assume the work of stemming migration from Central America.

This lays out the issue. If Kamala Harris was never technically called “Border Czar,” then it was only because her role was considered greater in scope. Otherwise, how does one describe her taking on the work of the previous Czar, and no new appointment followed Ms. Jacobson’s departure from that role?

Roberta Jacobson said at the time her job was only meant to last for 100 days, and she always intended to leave after April of 2021. Joe Biden was aware of this, and as such, he developed this new role for Harris, so she would be - as reported clearly - taking over the tasks and responsibilities of the Border Czar. If she was not christened with that job title, it was because her position superseded the scope of Czar. Hence, that position was not refilled.

This is such lame desperation by the press, and does nothing to dispel her responsibility in what has been nothing short of a fiasco at the southern border. Playing Devil’s advocate - saying Harris only had a diplomatic role in the immigration issue - still leads to the very fact we have been experiencing record amounts of illegal arrivals, criminal invaders, and unaccounted-for numbers of “gotaways” now in our interior, with no hope of being located. Harris is still facing tremendous job failure.

The only ones with a lower job performance than Kamala Harris these days-- the members of our national press complex.

Here's Where Voters Stand With Kamala Harris' Potential VP Picks

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

The devil works hard, but Kamala Harris works harder. 

Rumor has it that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is banking on being the next president and has even picked out a shortlist of potential vice presidents. 

With just two weeks until the Democratic National Convention (DNC), Harris is narrowing down her list of potential running mates. 

Harris reportedly reduced the number of possible candidates to eight, including Arizona Gov. Mark Kelly (D) and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D). 

Other Democrats on the list include North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

The Democratic Party forced President Joe Biden out of the race last week when they realized he would never recover from his lousy polling numbers and defeat GOP presidential nominee former President Donald Trump. This leaves the party just enough time to nominate Harris, or another candidate, in the virtual vote next month and confirm her running mate soon after.

According to an ABC News poll, voters aren’t thrilled about Shapiro (17.7 percent) making the cut and even less excited about Pritzker (10.4 percent). 

Only 22. 3 percent of respondents find Kelly to be a favorable vice presidential candidate, while just 31.3 percent favor Buttigieg. 

Meanwhile, 13.5 percent view Beshear as a favorable running mate for Harris, and only 24.9 percent want to see Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.) as the next VP. 

However, these candidates (and Harris) better not get too comfortable with the idea of moving into the White House, as several polls show Trump edging out Harris significantly. 

A new New York Times/Siena College states that Trump leads Harris (48 to 47 percent) among likely voters. 

A Rasmussen survey shows Trump leading Harris by seven percentage points, while a CNN poll found the former president ahead by three points. 

The Associated Press claimed that Harris wants to keep the process of her being nominated “drama-free, as she and Democrats try to project confidence after an extraordinarily tumultuous few weeks for the party.” 

But when you force your boss out of the White House just one week after a former president nearly gets assassinated, I’d say that has enough drama to write a movie script. 

Harris Portrays Herself As Law & Order, but She Helped Killers and Rapists

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

There's a line in the classic movie "Pretty Woman" where the Richard Gere character (super-rich guy) asks the Julia Roberts character (prostitute), "What's your name?" She replies: "What do you want it to be?"

Enter newly presumptive 2024 Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris

Here's Kamala on Tuesday:

As attorney general of California, I took on one of our country’s largest for-profit colleges that was scamming students. Donald Trump ran a for-profit college that scammed students. 

As a prosecutor, I specialized in cases involving sexual abuse. Well, Trump was found liable for committing sexual abuse. 

As attorney general in California, I took on the big Wall Street banks and held them accountable for fraud. Donald Trump was just found guilty of fraud on 34 counts.

Cute campaign shtick. Now, let's do reality.

Joe Gamaldi, the national vice president of the Fraternal Order of Police and an active Houston Police Department lieutenant, said on Wednesday that Harris's record of backing a bail fund for Black Lives Matter convicted rioters (and worse) is foremost in law enforcement minds as she seeks the presidency. 

Let's be clear about something: If Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States, she will be an unmitigated disaster for public safety in this country. 

She has loudly and proudly supported bail reform and has even donated and encouraged other people to donate to a fund that helped get murderers, rapists, people who were shooting people in the streets, out on bail. 

We're not talking about helping bail out the mom who stole a candy bar from the store to help feed her kids; we're talking about violent criminals.

Gamaldi brought the receipts, saying so-called "bail reform" hasn't worked in "any urban community."

It is what has led to 16 American cities experiencing the highest murder rate in recorded history back in 2020-2021. And we're still living with the fallout of that. Over the last three years in the United States, we've averaged over 20,000 homicides a year, and we haven't seen those numbers since the mid 1990s. 

And now we're going to have Vice President Harris, who is the presumptive nominee at this point, run on a platform of supporting bail reform after seeing the horrific consequences we've seen in our urban communities.

Care to respond, Kamala?

Of course Kamala would cackle in response to the facts because, like all "good" Democrats, she knows full well that facts don't matter to low-information Democrat voters or Democrat elites for whom rank-and-file Democrat voters are nothing more than useful idiots.

Think the Border Crisis Is Bad Now? Experts Say a Harris Presidency Would Make It Even Worse

Ten Reasons to Vote Against Kamala Harris

NYPD detective and founder of Blue Lives Matter NYC, Joseph Imperatrice, told Fox News Digital that America needs a president who will "put the bad guys behind bars."

America needs a leader that's going to keep bad guys behind bars, and unfortunately, Kamala Harris hasn't done that. It was proven during the riots by intentionally bailing out the bad guys. This isn't a Democrat or Republican issue, this is a humanitarian issue. This is an accountability issue.

Unfortunately for America, "accountability" is not on the Democrat to-do list. 

Democrat Admits ‘Reasonable Observer Could Interpret’ Law As Potentially Barring Harris From Biden Funds

Dem Rep. said FEC chair’s presentation of federal law might “sow misguided doubt and confusion about the state of the presidential election.”

A Democrat congressman acknowledged Tuesday that a “reasonable observer could interpret” a campaign finance statute posted by FEC Chairman Sean Cooksey “to imply that Vice President Harris may not be entitled” to President Biden’s war chest.

On Sunday, Cooksey posted language from a federal statute that reads, “If the candidate is not a candidate in the general election, all contributions made for the general election shall be either returned or refunded to the contributors or redesignated … or reattributed in accordance” with existing statutes “as appropriate.” Following President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, the Biden campaign recently transferred $91.5 million in campaign funds to his vice president, Kamala Harris. Biden’s team “renamed three of its fundraising entities” and “plac[ed] them in Harris’s name,” according to The Wall Street Journal.

In a Tuesday letter to the FEC, New York Rep. Joseph Morelle admitted that “a reasonable observer could interpret [Cooksey’s] post” — which was simply a verbatim quote from a federal campaign finance statute — “to imply that Vice President Harris may not be entitled to the finances from a campaign for which she has been a named candidate for almost four years.”

Morelle worried that Cooksey’s “recent social media activity” might “sow misguided doubt and confusion about the state of the presidential election and the Commission’s partiality.”

The Trump campaign filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Tuesday challenging the transfer of funds and reportedly calling it “the largest campaign finance violation in American history.”

In the complaint, Trump campaign General Counsel David Warrington reportedly contended that the $91.5 million in campaign funds originally raised by Biden’s presidential campaign cannot be transferred to Harris, who has yet to be named the official Democrat nominee.

Biden and Harris are “flagrantly violating the [Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) of 1971, as amended] by making and receiving an excessive contribution of nearly one hundred million dollars, and for filing fraudulent forms with the Commission purporting to repurpose one candidate’s principal campaign committee for the use of another candidate,” Warrington reportedly wrote in the complaint.

Some contend that this unprecedented transfer of tens of millions of dollars is legally fine because Harris’ name was listed on the original Biden-Harris campaign committee, Cooksey has said the situation is “really complicated,” noting the “unprecedented” nature of the situation in a Monday NPR interview.

“We have a presidential nominee or a presumptive nominee dropping out just weeks before his party convention. And he’s – what he’s attempting to do is to give his entire committee, the cash and all the assets … over to another person,” Cooksey said. “I think it’s going to have to go through a process through the FEC. I think I expect there’s going to be probably challenges to that at the agency and probably in the courts, as well.”

Morelle, in addition to bashing the chairman’s use of language from federal law, also wrote in the letter that Cooksey’s comments on NPR “seem[ed] to invite administrative challenges and litigation concerning this issue.”

Cooksey responded to Morelle on Tuesday afternoon, noting that “All I did was quote federal regulations.”

“Why are Democrats afraid of the law?” he asked.

Morelle did not respond by the time of publication to The Federalist’s request for comment on his observation that a “reasonable observer could interpret” the campaign finance statute posted by FEC Chairman Sean Cooksey “to imply that Vice President Harris may not be entitled” to Biden’s campaign funds.

The Trump campaign’s complaint also reportedly challenged the fund transfer’s legality by noting that Harris isn’t the official Democrat nominee until she’s been deemed as such during the Democratic National Convention next month. He also contended that, after the current president’s withdrawal from the 2024 race, the Biden campaign is not “in a position to keep the general-election contributions he has received,” according to the New York Times.

“To date, Biden for President has provided no indication that it will return or redesignate all of its general election contributions,” Warrington reportedly wrote. “Thus, each and every general election contribution received by Biden for President is an excessive contribution.”

Warrington also “accused the campaign’s treasurer and Ms. Harris of ‘attempted fraud’ of the F.E.C. by using their forms to ‘rename and repurpose’ the committee, seeking a Justice Department referral,” according to The New York Times.