Tuesday, July 23, 2024

When Democrats Incite an Assassination

I monitor a lot of lefty chat rooms to see how the Marxist Borg is processing new information.  Wading through a sewer of fractured psyches is borderline torture, but it’s helpful to watch the commie hive mind in action.  The hogwash that self-described “smart people” claim to believe would make you cry for the sorry state of public education.

After the assassination attempt on President Trump, I tiptoed back over to Club Xanax to see how that hellscape was holding up.  By far, the great majority of leftists were flipping out that the gunman had been unsuccessful.  Reading through such hateful sludge masquerading as higher-order thinking is a chilling reminder that these terrorists-in-training have no qualms about putting us in shallow graves, so that they might build their rancid “Utopia” right atop our bones.  They are sick people with sick thoughts who express support for some very sick things.  But what else would one expect from a crowd of kooks who think pedophilia is no big deal but that meat-eaters should be hanged for heating the planet?

There’s no obvious way to reason with a bunch of psychologically damaged misfits who dress up in black hoodies and surgical masks before burning down churches in the name of “fighting fascism” because these yahoos abandoned reason a long time ago.  Case in point: the same sickos who spent two days hopped up on a rage bender after President Trump’s would-be assassin failed to fulfill their dark fantasies turned around and started complaining that conservatives were using “dangerous” language by implying that leftists are complicit.

What did they mean?  They didn’t like that Trump-supporters were saying, “They tried to bankrupt him; they tried to imprison him; and now they tried to kill him.”  “Who is this they,” the loony left collectively shrieked.  “It was totally a lone gunman with bad aim,” they continue to howl.  Democrats and their Antifa shock troops have been calling Donald Trump “Hitler” and demanding that he be “eliminated” for eight long years, and the moment someone listens to them, those verbal hitmen are downright offended that anyone might hold them personally responsible.  Sure, they’d gladly imprison anybody who dared to “mis-gender” a fifty-year-old creeper hanging around little girls, but to point an accusatory finger toward the leftist fifth column encouraging violence against conservatives is beyond the pale.  As I said, cuckoo commies abandoned reason long ago.

It does make you think.  Right now, lawfare assassin Jack Smith is arguing in front of black-robed tyrant Judge Chutkan that the once-and-future President Trump should be tossed in the hoosegow for daring to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election and “inciting” the so-called Capitol “insurrection” on January 6, 2021.  Anybody with a brain knows that there was never an insurrection, that President Trump never encouraged any criminality of any kind, and that trampling on a president’s right to free speech pretty much assures that the rest of us will soon be prosecuted for our political speech, too.  

Still, if the Department of (in)Justice is ready to throw away two and a half centuries of democratic norms by criminally prosecuting a president for the words that come out of his mouth, then surely (p)Resident Joe Biden should be held to the same standard.  That brain-dead reprobate has called Donald Trump a “dictator,” a “Nazi,” and a “threat to America” for years.  In speech after speech, the self-described “unifier” has condemned Trump and his hundred million MAGA supporters as “seditionists” and “insurrectionists” and falsely accused them of murdering multiple police officers on January 6 — all outrageous and reprehensible slanders.  

To an impressionable young man whose spiking hormones encourage insane risk-taking behaviors, Joe Biden’s words are an invitation for violence.  When the president of the United States compares someone to Hitler, gullible people listen.  When the president of the United States falsely accuses his predecessor of being a murderer and a Russian agent controlled by Vladimir Putin, suggestible minds get angry.  When the president of the United States argues that his political opponent could easily destroy not only America, but also the whole world, angry people hear a call to arms.  What did Joe Biden think would happen if he kept telling Americans that Donald Trump wants to put “kids in cages” and build some kind of KKK “white supremacist” dictatorship?  Biden’s false and inflammatory words were the proximate cause of the attempt on Trump’s life.  He may not have pulled the trigger, but his deranged rhetoric certainly tipped the gunman’s bullets with lethal hate.

I say, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.  If President Trump must sit in the dock for somehow “inciting an insurrection” with his words, then surely Vile Joe Biden should be in the dock for inciting an assassination with his words, too.  After all, Trump merely delivered a peaceful speech regarding the importance of free and fair elections and encouraged lawmakers to redress mail-in ballot fraud and other election irregularities.  Biden has been painting Trump as a deadly threat to American citizens for years.  Inevitably, someone was going to interpret his words (and those of so many other Democrats employing similarly incendiary language) as a demand for violent action.  PINO Joe and his commie coalition have made political assassination look like some twisted form of civil “justice.”

Unfortunately, the compromised DOJ targets only pro-life activists, parents who object to teachers “grooming” their children, patriotic veterans, devout Christians, and other “dangerous” conservatives.  Biden and his family of degenerates can take bribes from hostile foreign powers and still get off scot-free.  And even if someone were to suggest that Angry Joe’s bellicose language rendered him liable for the attempt on President Trump’s life, the DOJ has already adjudged him an “elderly man with a poor memory” — in other words, too mentally incompetent to stand trial.  It seems that the DOJ’s rampant corruption and Joe Biden’s obvious dementia have combined to provide Quid-Pro-Quo Joe with a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card for life — even if his extreme vitriol induced a political follower to commit murder (RIP, Corey Comperatore).

Consider the left’s rhetorical culpability in the assassination attempt on Trump a glaring reminder of how stupid Jack Smith’s J6 “incitement” case against the president really is.  A strong majority of the American people continue to believe that mail-in ballot fraud orchestrated in Democrat-controlled jurisdictions within crucial battleground states tilted the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s favor.  President Trump and his allies did everything they could to remedy this injustice. They filed lawsuits in state and federal courts, but judges refused to consider those cases on the merits.  Trump’s attorneys spoke publicly about the evidence for electoral misconduct and outright fraud, and for their efforts, they have been indicted on spurious criminal charges, sued for civil damages, and disbarred from the practice of law.  Hundreds of thousands of Trump voters showed up in D.C. on January 6, 2021 to petition the government for a redress of grievances — as is their First Amendment constitutional right — and they have been hunted down and jailed as “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists.”  Law-abiding and patriotic Americans who have tried to do the right thing have instead been treated like violent criminals.

Then there’s the nasty political left — whose Antifa foot soldiers burn down cities and endanger lives without fear of prosecution.  Joe Biden and his Democrats call Donald Trump “Hitler” and his supporters “Nazis” who must never be allowed to hold power.  And when a gunman executes their orders — taking one life, injuring two others, and nearly assassinating President Trump — those same leftists pretend that they’ve done nothing wrong.  That’s two-tiered “justice” in a nation void of reason.

X22, And we Know,a nd more- July 23


Democrats Are Owned By Rich Donors

If you’ve ever seen the classic “King Kong,” at the end when Kong is lying dead at the base of the Empire State Building, and the cop says, “The airplanes got him,” and Robert Armstrong famously replies, “Oh no, it wasn’t the airplanes. It was beauty killed the beast.” As we watched Joe Biden slink away into the pages of history, there are a lot people who will blame a lot of other people for the end of his administration, but make no mistake: it was the rich donors who killed Biden’s reelection campaign.

There will be talk of the polls being so bad that Biden realized he simply could not win, though he was swearing up and down just last week that the polls he was seeing were saying the exact opposite. Besides, bad polling for an incumbent 4 months before an election is nothing new, so the idea of dropping out because of them is like quitting at halftime of the Super Bowl because you’re down by 21 points. Sure, the odds of you making a comeback are long, but not impossible.

We’re supposed to believe a guy who lived his whole adult like on a quest to become President of the United States would walk away from that because the polls had him down? Why wouldn’t he use that as motivation to work harder, to campaign better, to overcome those polls? 

I get it, he’s old, but wouldn’t you rather go out swinging than, well, on a porch swing? 

There will also be talk of Biden’s heath being so bad that he had to quit. His health has been bad for a very long time, with his mind having been slipping for years. But remember: in addition to going senile, Joe Biden has always been stupid. There’s a possibility that he comes off as more senile than he is because of that. It’s impossible to tell.

Nevertheless, Camp Biden swore this wasn’t the case anyway. The entire line-up on MSNBC staked their reputations on the President having the brain power of a Jeopardy champion, not someone in need of Velcrow shoes because there’s a probability of choking himself to unconsciousness. 

I don’t know how far gone he is; how many steps (or flights of stairs) he has lost. That they tried so desperately to hide it does not bode well for Joe. 

But if the idea that he’s too far into dementia to hold the job is true, what does it say about all those people on MSNBC who knew this, yet were willing to help commit the cover-up to prevent Kamala Harris from ascending to the presidency? 

They still are, if it’s true, as they’re all content to let Joe finish the term rather than have her run as an incumbent. 

Hell, I would too. Kamala is awful.

That brings us to the other option, the one that is true regardless of whether or not the others are too: the Democratic Party is controlled by the rich and powerful donors. 

The money dried up after the horrible debate performance by Joe Biden. It was not new, his decline was obvious even though, considering where he started, he didn’t have that far to descend. But it couldn’t be covered up, it couldn’t be lied about. Too many people saw the 90-minute senior moment to brush it off with the political-spin equivalent of “swamp gas.” 

If there’s one thing rich people like to buy with their money it’s access. Lines are for suckers, waiting your turn is for the lesser-classes, and they damn well want political influence if they’re going to fund someone else’s ambitions. They all have their causes, whether benefit financially or it’s just an ego/pet project thing, they seek meaning for their otherwise empty lives externally. Their kids are probably horrible, so politics will be their legacy. 

While they’d ripped their pockets off to grab their wallets 4 years ago to be Donald Trump, they were less excited this time around. Even trust fund babies are feeling the failures of the Biden economy. 

After that debate, that was it. They were willing to try to polish a turd, but not one the whole country caught a whiff of. Besides, what’s the point of buying influence from someone who has none? From someone who likely wouldn’t be around long enough to make it worth their while? The 25th Amendment was looming, and sooner or later it would have to be invoked. Wallets ran dry. 

Money is the lifeblood of politics. Well, other people’s money is the lifeblood of politics – both in campaign contributions and spending it through the government. If the former dries up, the second gets out of reach. That’s why Democrats finally cared about getting rid of Joe Biden – their sugar-mommies and daddies threatened to cut them off if they didn’t break up with the guy they’d been seeing. And they did, quickly.

Democrats – the self-professed party of the working class – gave their rich masters exactly what they wanted, what they demanded, without a fight. They are the party of, for and by the rich and always have been. Like Joe Biden’s senility, they just used to be much better at hiding it. 

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A Looming Struggle Among Democrats Is Opened by Biden’s Decision To Stand Down

 Conrad Black: 

The president’s decision to stand down is no panacea for the party’s predicament.

Despite the strenuous efforts of Democrats, both Vice President Harris’ supporters, and those, led by President Obama and Speaker Pelosi, seeking a stronger candidate, to pretend the retirement of President Biden is an instant panacea for their party’s electoral prospects, they are not escaping their responsibilities for the debacle of the last four years that easily. 

Mr. Obama intervened in 2016 to ensure that Secretary Clinton and not Mr. Biden was his successor as Democratic presidential nominee. Mrs. Clinton was not the answer to the nation’s prayers but she is certainly a good deal more capable than Mr. Biden, and it was not possible for Mr. Obama and the other Democratic powers to realize that she would be a deficient candidate or to comprehend that the dissatisfaction of the lower half of American income earners was as profound as President Trump exposed it to be.

In 2020, all of the Democratic factions were able to unite on what they imagined to be an aggregation of brilliant maneuvers to assure the defeat of Trump, the hot pursuit of a far left “ultra-progressive” (though the progress has been backwards) program and the elevation of an un-frightening figurehead suitably rewarded for nearly 50 years as an amiable but increasingly spavined party wheel-horse. 

The perversion of the intelligence agencies and the FBI to insert the Steele dossier of defamatory lies into the media just before the 2016 election as authentic intelligence, and the subsequent spurious Mueller investigation failed to derail Trump. The nonsensical impeachment over Trump’s request of the president of Ukraine to let him know if the Biden family had committed financial improprieties in Ukraine, not, as was falsely alleged, to require inculpatory evidence of him on pain of losing American financial assistance from the United States, while unsuccessful, did effectively bury the issue of the Bidens’ intercontinental influence-peddling operation past the election.

Although Ms. Harris bombed so badly in 2020 that she canceled her candidacy even before the primaries began, and Mr. Biden was badly defeated and ran fifth in New Hampshire with only 11 percent of the vote, it was still within the gift of the party bosses, despite Mr. Obama’s warnings about Mr. Biden’s limitations, to deliver the nomination to him on Super Tuesday. 

With twice the money of the Trump campaign, thanks to the well-earned gratitude of Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood, and the continuing 95 percent support of the national political press, the Democrats were still not quite able to win the election so they had recourse to the ultimate weapon in their bag of tricks: invocation of the excuse of the pandemic to send out tens of millions of unsolicited ballots according to partially obsolete voters’ lists, raising concerns about unverifiable ballots and ballot harvesting by a largely unionized army of Democratic foot soldiers , and taking advantage of changes to voting and vote-counting rules whose constitutionality, despite 19 major lawsuits, was never adjudicated on the merits.                           

It worked; it was a brilliant plan, cemented by the instant reclassification of the antics of a small number of hooligans hiding amongst a vast crowd of Trump supporters on the Ellipse on January 6, 2021 as insurrectionists inspired and directed by Trump. With this and the further histrionic nonsense of a second unsuccessful impeachment designed to remove him from an office in which his ostensible successor had already been inaugurated, the Democrats assumed that they had driven a silver stake through the heart of the Trump political phenomenon. 

Then, it gradually all unraveled. The ten million illegal migrants, many of them shipped by the border states all around the country so that everyone could share the pleasure and the challenge of receiving such a large number of destitute and unskilled people — among whom are dangerous criminals,  terrorists, and fentanyl importers — have angered and dismayed the whole nation. 

The imposition of a green terror that has attacked the oil and gas industry and gravely financially inconvenienced half the entire country with needlessly increased energy costs and depressed conditions in parts of the American energy sector, has been a disaster. The insane extravagance triggered a wave of inflation, which was minimal during Trump’s presidency, and along with the related price increases and tax increases, has reduced the disposable income of the great majority of Americans. 

Permissive Democratic prosecutors and the misguided Democratic enthusiasm for defunding the police has caused skyrocketing urban crime. The departure from Afghanistan was a national disgrace and humiliation, the aid to Ukraine has been sensible and reasonably ample, but it is not accompanied by any strategy to bring the war to a satisfactory conclusion. 

And in one of the final disastrously inelegant attempts at artistic political cynicism, the Biden attempt to help Israel “defend itself” has been unconscionably curtailed by a lot of pompous hypocrisy about how not to destroy what the American government has long recognized to be a terrorist organization, Hamas. Its initial provocation of Israel last October was recognized by the whole world except a few Islamic militants in the Democratic Party as a casus belli that entitled Israel to destroy the Hamas terrorist organization.

All of Biden’s helpers and handlers and enablers knew that he was not up to this responsibility when he started, and all who have seen him at close quarters are aware of his steep decline in mental and physical capabilities. In their cynicism, this was not at all inconvenient as long as the public didn’t see the full proportions of it. In the June 27 debate, it became embarrassingly clear. The concern of the Democratic establishment was not the president’s condition but his inability to win reelection once his condition was known to the country. 

It was an inexpressibly shabby business from beginning to end and the Biden family is right to feel thoroughly betrayed by those for whom the president carried water on both shoulders for decades. Inadequate and duplicitous though he has been, Mr. Biden has the same entitlement to civilized treatment as everyone else. Nor should he resign now: getting through six months is not like four-and-a-half years, and people demanding it just want to be sure Harris is the candidate — Republicans and Democrats, for different reasons.

There will now follow a nasty struggle between the Biden-Harris faction and the Obama-Pelosi faction, with the Clintons yet to be heard from. They are all complicit in the dirty tricks and the incompetence of the Biden era.  In all of the circumstances, Trump’s reflections on the departure of Mr. Biden, though ungracious, are not unwarranted. It has been a severely incompetent and deeply corrupt administration that has swiftly collapsed after doing great damage to the country, and it will not enjoy a more ceremonious burial than it deserves.


Democrats Are Rigging Their Own Election. Does Anyone Still Think They Didn’t Rig 2020?

Democrats’ success in removing Biden from the ballot should serve as a wake-up call to normie America about the security of our elections.

If you need further proof that Democrats will go to extreme lengths to rig elections in their favor, look no further than the silent coup that occurred Sunday, when it was announced that Joe Biden would not seek reelection this November.

“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President,” read a letter posted by Biden’s X account. “And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

The whole episode resembles a storyline from a dystopian horror film. For years, Democrats and their legacy media allies pushed endless propaganda claiming a mentally-declining Biden possessed the rigorous stamina required to be president. Just last month, media hacks were parroting debunked talking points put out by the White House claiming videos showcasing Biden’s frailty were “cheap fakes.”

And then the June 27 debate against Donald Trump happened. Realizing they could no longer hide Sleepy Joe’s mental decline and worrying that his cratering approval rating could cost them the 2024 election, the Democrat political machine jumped into action.

These political forces suddenly acknowledged what the general public has known since before the Delaware Democrat assumed the presidency. In a seemingly coordinated campaign, left-wing media acolytesDemocrat politicos, and Hollywood snobs spent the following weeks feigning a newfound concern about Biden’s ailing health and demanding he drop his reelection bid to “protect democracy.”

While Biden initially resisted calls to step aside, the Democrat-led pressure campaign was too big to overcome. Biden — or whoever is running things in the White House — dropped his reelection bid, tossing the 2024 nomination to Vice President Kamala Harris (or whoever the leftist oligarchy controlling the nomination process ultimately decides is the candidate). Like clockwork, these same forces are now praising him for the decision.

For the party of “democracy,” it doesn’t matter that millions of Democrat primary voters are now disenfranchised. The machine got what it wanted.

A Repeat of Democrat Election Rigging

Much like their concentrated bid to remove Biden from the 2024 ticket, Democrats’ efforts to rig the 2020 contest involved participation from a variety of left-wing actors, both public and private.

Under the guise of Covid, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg poured hundreds of millions of dollars into left-wing nonprofits, which then siphoned the funds into local election offices. These “Zuckbucks” — which were heavily directed toward “blue” municipalities — were used to advance Democrat-backed voting policies, amounting to what was effectively a giant Democrat get-out-the-vote operation.

Around the same time, leftist election officials in battleground states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin circumvented their states’ respective legislatures by unilaterally changing election procedures regarding unsupervised practices such as mail-in balloting and the use of ballot drop boxes. Several of these actions were later determined to be illegal by state courts.

Democrats’ election rigging got even worse leading up to the November 2020 election.

The New York Post’s release of a bombshell report revealing potentially incriminating information about Joe Biden found on Hunter Biden’s laptop prompted one of the largest censorship campaigns in modern American history. Big Tech companies such as Facebook and Twitter suppressed the story with encouragement from the FBI, which had authenticated the laptop a year before the Post published its story.

Equally alarming were the efforts by 51 former intel officials to squash the laptop story by baselessly claiming it bore all the hallmarks of “Russian disinformation.” The CIA reportedly solicited signatures for the letter, which Biden used during a debate with Trump to dismiss criticisms about the laptop’s contents, which detailed the Biden family business. One of the letter’s signatories claimed under oath that a phone call he had with then-Biden campaign official Antony Blinken in the weeks before the election prompted the letter’s creation.

These actions don’t even include the Justice Department’s reported bid to delay an investigation into Hunter over concerns that it could impact the 2020 election.

Expect Nothing Less This November

Democrats’ 2020 and 2024 election-rigging schemes are two sides of the same coin.

Both cases show that there is no task the party of “democracy” won’t undertake to ensure its hold on state power. (In fact, Democrat efforts to rig the 2024 general election have been underway since Biden took office.)

[10 Ways Dems Are Already Rigging The 2024 Election]

Leftists’ success in removing Biden from the 2024 ballot should serve as a wake-up call to normie America about the security of our elections. The Democrat Party is a political force seeking total control over every facet of our government and society. Hoping they’ll play fair this November is a fool’s errand.

A Look at Kamala's Track Record As VP: Numerous Assignments and Just As Many 'Incompletes'

Brad Slager reporting for RedState 

As the Democrats “celebrate” the announcement that Joe Biden is stepping away from his reelection campaign, the need to put up the brave face that the default selection of Kamala Harris to take over the party ticket is a glorious moment. Just ignore that the party claiming to save democracy is violating that very concept, how the entirety of party leadership lied about the condition of the president, and that we may never know how many backroom deals have been struck with Biden’s inner circle as well as throughout the Dem environment. Seriously - the Democrats demand you ignore all of that.

Another detail that needs to be tuned out is the record of the woman ascending to the top of the ballot. Kamala has a record that is more empty than a Sears sales floor. To see one example of the bifurcated standards seen from the media, one needs to only note how her Dan Quayle level of performance has been entirely soft-pedaled in the press. Her verbal malaprops and lack of discernable accomplishments are on par with - if not exceeding - those of the former laughed-off VP.

To assess Kamala’s record we will look at the length of her assignments, but to start we’ll begin not with her tenure but with the days prior, in 2020. We had a perfect exemplar of what would be delivered by Harris as Biden’s wing-woman during a campaign stop in Miami, back when she was doing more PR as a result of Biden hiding from the press and frequently calling a lid on the trail.

In September of that year, Kamala made a publicity stop at Amaize Latin Flavors, a restaurant in the city of Doral. As she entered smiling and glad-handing patrons as cameras covered the visit, it was a muted affair. No huddled smiling voters served as a backdrop, as this was an impromptu visit, and quickly fallout was realized. Local social media roiled at her appearance, and the eatery received backlash.

This was in a Venezuelan enclave, and residents regarded Harris as emblematic of socialism, the political movement tearing down that nation. Many in the area, especially regular customers, pledged boycotts of the restaurant. Her visit was not cleared, the owners were never notified, and the campaign did not use an advance team to ascertain if there was a welcome atmosphere. Her afternoon visit was so opposed that by the 6:00 p.m. newscasts, it was reported the owners completely disavowed involvement. This was a clear display of political ineptitude, and it has carried over during the Biden term.

It has been enthusiastically reported over the years how Joe Biden has tabbed his vice president for specific duties to serve the administration. What has not been detailed with matching energy is how VP Harris has fared in carrying out these duties. A look at the rundown of these assignments delivers unimpressive results.


Inarguably the most noteworthy assignment Biden has given to Harris was to oversee the border crisis. It has been a laughable mess. She was tasked with this job after her boss stripped away numerous Trump-era border protections, and over the years, record amounts of illegal immigrants have flooded into the country with no indication of stemming that tide. As a result, the press strove to reinterpret her assignment, castigating the GOP who used the term “Border Czar” and diminishing the thrust of her job duties. 

The problem is that the administration had built her into that very role, declaring directly she was “placed in charge of the immigration crisis." Making this more of a failure was the length of time Harris spent without ever making it to the border to survey the crisis she was tasked with repairing. In a notably embarrassing interview with Lester Holt, she explained, “At some point, you know, we are going to the border. We’ve been to the border. So this whole thing about the border. We’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.

Abortion Rights

Kamala has always been a loud proponent of abortion, and the most notable development of the issue during her tenure was the rescinding of Roe v. Wade, which sent decisions back to the individual states. Harris was charged with taking on the issue after the Dobbs decision, but what has been accomplished is unseen, as states began instituting tougher restrictions on the procedure.  

Voting Rights

Back when it was claimed that Republican-led states were passing laws that limited the ability of minorities to vote (recall the “Jim Eagle” days?) Kamala was given the instructions to head the movement to counter these laws. Harris worked to push the Freedom To Vote John R. Lewis Act, legislation that Politico boasted was something Harris was using as a "chance to make her mark on a hugely important issue." This was among the stalled bills in Congress that led to widespread calls for the filibuster to be eliminated in order to force through Biden’s agenda.

Not only did this bill fail to pass, it was shown to be entirely unneeded. All of the claims of voting rights being trampled and minorities seeing their votes denied were swept aside when Georgia - the state held up as the example of the “racist” laws - saw record voter turnout for primaries and elections.

Black Maternal Health Issues

While a senator, Harris had proposed recognizing Black Maternal Health Week, and Joe Biden began recognizing it his first year in office, giving Harris a pet project. It…has not worked as designed.

The primary drive for this cause was that black women faced mortality rates that were three times higher than seen in white pregnancies. The CDC measure of these deaths by race shows that from 2019 to last year, that discrepancy has mostly held the same since she introduced this policy. At the same time, there has been a rise in the infant mortality rates of black infants in 2022. 

Broadband Access Expansion

Kamala has been frequently tabbed with being included/in charge of forging the availability of broadband internet. It is just unclear how successful the effort has been - and how much it is costing taxpayers to save money. 

It was in February of 2023 when she announced that 16 million homes were saving on their internet bills, something that was the result of $175 million spent on minority institutions. But by summer, she said there was still a problem with a lack of connectivity, so a $90 billion “investment” was made to connect more underserved homes. Then last November we heard that there were still too many unconnected – so another $65 billion was tabbed. We can only hope they ended up spending enough to actually achieve some results.

Women In The Workforce

One of the earlier missions for Kamala came in her first month in office when she pledged to get women back into the workforce. “This mass exodus of women from the workforce is a national emergency, and it demands a national solution.” The 2.5 million females leaving the employment rolls was a direct result of the pandemic, and the solution was rather straightforward; reopening the country from COVID closures. This is shown to be the case, as the female participation rate is back to the very point it was when the lengthy shutdowns took place. 


Racial and Gender Equity

This is an issue that had no-win built into it. Putting Harris into the position to take on the inequality of the races and sexes runs headlong into the liberal paradox: The need to have race and gender controversies to address means solving those problems puts you out of power. If you “solve” racial inequality then you lose that as an issue to campaign on down the road. Solving racial or sexist issues would mean you cannot accuse opponents of guilt on those subjects, and you lost that talking point. On top of that, the true man in power would just issue an executive order to claim to take on the issue, so any work by Kamala is eclipsed entirely.

This four-year track record of Harris is not too impressive if you look at the bottom line. What was accomplished? Which problems were solved? These are questions without answers. So her impending campaign will certainly consist of talking points, dutifully recanted by the journalists, consisting of claims like “I worked for years on abortion and voting rights,” etc. 

We are sure to see few making the distinction between the concept of “working on” and the reality of “accomplishing.”

What Would a Commander-in-Chief Harris Look Like?

The President of the United States, if you will allow me to belabor the obvious for a moment, is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States military. The Department of Defense is part of the Executive Branch. The purpose of the military, as I keep saying, is to safeguard the liberty and property of the citizens of the United States.

Our military forces do this (or did, until recently) by securing the best, most highly motivated, and capable troops, and training them, and equipping them to close with and destroy the enemy by fire, maneuver, and shock effect.

Anything that enhances that mission is good. Anything that is a detriment to that mission is bad. 

A President Kamala Harris would be a detriment to that mission. Let's look at a few specific positions she has taken.

During the 2020 Democratic primary campaign, where Harris was among the field of presidential hopefuls, her LGBTQ platform stood out for promising to appoint a White House chief advocate for LGBTQ affairs “to ensure that LGBTQ+ Americans are represented in hiring and policy priorities across the government.”

But during the primary, Harris, Biden and over a dozen other Democratic hopefuls were remarkably unified in their positions on many LGBTQ issues, which included ending the transgender military ban and religious exemptions to anti-discrimination laws, and reversing policies that discriminate against LGBTQ people in adoption and housing.

Let's focus on the removal of the transgender military ban. I've written on this issue several times. 

In summary, Kamala Harris favors not only allowing transgender people to serve in the military — people who are, by definition, non-deployable and therefore only marginally mission-supporting, if at all — but is also in favor of the Biden administration's policy requiring mandatory "transgender awareness" training of military members, and of taxpayer-funded "gender-affirming" treatments for those military members. This wastes taxpayer money and does nothing to enhance the military's primary mission of finding bad guys and un-aliving them.

Democrats are not good for the military. This isn't Harry Truman's or John F. Kennedy's Democratic Party. This is the Democratic Party of draft dodger Bill Clinton, of clock-watching Joe Biden, of LGBTQ+-pandering Kamala Harris. None of the Biden administration's policies regarding military matters have, in any way, enhanced readiness, cohesion, or warfighting ability. If anything, the opposite is the case.

But there's more to this than the LGBTQ+ issue. Kamala Harris has also signed on to the Biden-era policy of supporting Ukraine, "as long as it takes," no matter, presumably, what the cost to the American taxpayer. Billions of dollars have been poured into Ukraine, all from the American taxpayers, all coming from a nation that is, not to put too fine a point on it, broke. Ukraine, yes, was unfairly invaded. Russia, yes, was wrong in its act of aggression against Ukraine. But "as long as it takes?" Is there to be no end to this outpouring of U.S. dollars?

But Kamala Harris's worst failure during her tenure as vice president, the one failure that is most damning to the prospect of her as Commander-in-Chief, is the catastrophic failure of the United States' southern border, she being the recipient of President Bidens' designation as "Border Czar." Many thousands, even millions, have poured across our southern border, mostly unchecked, unscreened, unvetted. We have little or no idea where most of these people originated, why they are here, where they intend to go within the United States, or what they intend to do when they get there. If one out of a thousand of these people means to do the United States harm, then we have thousands of bad actors already here, within our borders.

Kamala Harris has not even seen the border. Her one visit — to El Paso — was a photo op.

While Harris has courted investments from the private sector to support communities in Central America, she has been criticized for what some see as a lack of engagement; as VP, she has traveled to the region only twice -- spending three days on a trip to Guatemala and Mexico in 2021 and spending a day in Honduras in 2022.

She visited the border city of El Paso, Texas, in June 2021.

The nation's armed forces cannot afford a Kamala Harris presidency. The United States of America cannot afford a Kamala Harris presidency. The free world cannot afford a Kamala Harris presidency. Virtually every policy she professes would be detrimental to our armed forces, our national security, the liberty and property of the citizens, and our republic.