Tuesday, July 23, 2024

What Would a Commander-in-Chief Harris Look Like?

The President of the United States, if you will allow me to belabor the obvious for a moment, is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States military. The Department of Defense is part of the Executive Branch. The purpose of the military, as I keep saying, is to safeguard the liberty and property of the citizens of the United States.

Our military forces do this (or did, until recently) by securing the best, most highly motivated, and capable troops, and training them, and equipping them to close with and destroy the enemy by fire, maneuver, and shock effect.

Anything that enhances that mission is good. Anything that is a detriment to that mission is bad. 

A President Kamala Harris would be a detriment to that mission. Let's look at a few specific positions she has taken.

During the 2020 Democratic primary campaign, where Harris was among the field of presidential hopefuls, her LGBTQ platform stood out for promising to appoint a White House chief advocate for LGBTQ affairs “to ensure that LGBTQ+ Americans are represented in hiring and policy priorities across the government.”

But during the primary, Harris, Biden and over a dozen other Democratic hopefuls were remarkably unified in their positions on many LGBTQ issues, which included ending the transgender military ban and religious exemptions to anti-discrimination laws, and reversing policies that discriminate against LGBTQ people in adoption and housing.

Let's focus on the removal of the transgender military ban. I've written on this issue several times. 

In summary, Kamala Harris favors not only allowing transgender people to serve in the military — people who are, by definition, non-deployable and therefore only marginally mission-supporting, if at all — but is also in favor of the Biden administration's policy requiring mandatory "transgender awareness" training of military members, and of taxpayer-funded "gender-affirming" treatments for those military members. This wastes taxpayer money and does nothing to enhance the military's primary mission of finding bad guys and un-aliving them.

Democrats are not good for the military. This isn't Harry Truman's or John F. Kennedy's Democratic Party. This is the Democratic Party of draft dodger Bill Clinton, of clock-watching Joe Biden, of LGBTQ+-pandering Kamala Harris. None of the Biden administration's policies regarding military matters have, in any way, enhanced readiness, cohesion, or warfighting ability. If anything, the opposite is the case.

But there's more to this than the LGBTQ+ issue. Kamala Harris has also signed on to the Biden-era policy of supporting Ukraine, "as long as it takes," no matter, presumably, what the cost to the American taxpayer. Billions of dollars have been poured into Ukraine, all from the American taxpayers, all coming from a nation that is, not to put too fine a point on it, broke. Ukraine, yes, was unfairly invaded. Russia, yes, was wrong in its act of aggression against Ukraine. But "as long as it takes?" Is there to be no end to this outpouring of U.S. dollars?

But Kamala Harris's worst failure during her tenure as vice president, the one failure that is most damning to the prospect of her as Commander-in-Chief, is the catastrophic failure of the United States' southern border, she being the recipient of President Bidens' designation as "Border Czar." Many thousands, even millions, have poured across our southern border, mostly unchecked, unscreened, unvetted. We have little or no idea where most of these people originated, why they are here, where they intend to go within the United States, or what they intend to do when they get there. If one out of a thousand of these people means to do the United States harm, then we have thousands of bad actors already here, within our borders.

Kamala Harris has not even seen the border. Her one visit — to El Paso — was a photo op.

While Harris has courted investments from the private sector to support communities in Central America, she has been criticized for what some see as a lack of engagement; as VP, she has traveled to the region only twice -- spending three days on a trip to Guatemala and Mexico in 2021 and spending a day in Honduras in 2022.

She visited the border city of El Paso, Texas, in June 2021.

The nation's armed forces cannot afford a Kamala Harris presidency. The United States of America cannot afford a Kamala Harris presidency. The free world cannot afford a Kamala Harris presidency. Virtually every policy she professes would be detrimental to our armed forces, our national security, the liberty and property of the citizens, and our republic.