Thursday, July 18, 2024

Trump and the Fate of Western Civilization

Trump represents a movement. It is bigger than him, 
and it is bigger than MAGA.

Less than a week ago, a lone assassin’s bullet came within millimeters of killing Donald Trump. Had it succeeded, the unrest and polarization we already endure in America would have gotten significantly worse. There will be endless theories and explanations about how this near miss will affect the election, inspire more violence, or stimulate calls for unity and calm. But what is it about Trump that has made him a target of relentless and unified defamation, or worse, from every established American institution for nearly a decade?

Trump represents a movement. It is bigger than him, and it is bigger than MAGA. Trump and MAGA have counterparts all over the world, especially in Europe. The people in these movements all share at least two common grievances: they don’t want their national cultures destroyed, and they don’t want their standard of living destroyed. And in every country where these movements have arisen, that is exactly what is happening, and it’s happening fast.

In response to these reasonable concerns, voiced by people who can no longer afford homes, can no longer survive operating a small business, and no longer feel safe or welcome in their own countries, the established media—everywhere—refers to them as “far right.” It is tempting to digress and identify the political clowns, from Canada to Ireland and on dozens of other national stages, who regurgitate the approved disparagements. But we hear them all. To summarize: We’re too white, and the oceans are going to boil. If you object, you’re a racist and a “denier.”

But why is this happening? Why have western nations, just since 2000, admitted tens of millions of immigrants from some of the most desperate places on earth? It’s not to relieve population pressures in those nations. In 2000, the total population of Africa was 820 million. Today, it is 1.5 billion. By 2050, barely more than two decades from now, Africa’s population is projected to increase to 2.5 billion. Shall we invite a billion Africans to resettle in Europe? Or maybe there’s room in Ohio.

Again, it is tempting to be sidetracked by tales of “diversity” gone awry. But it shouldn’t surprise anyone. The European Left, just like its American counterpart, is doing everything it can to discourage assimilation. Bring in millions of people who have nothing in common with the legacy population, then teach them they are victims of racism while allowing them to overwhelm taxpayer-supported public services, and voila, there is tension.

To stick to the point, however, it is clear that mass migration from regions of the world where the population is exploding into developed westernized nations will do nothing to help the nations where these immigrants are coming from. There are simply too many of them. It doesn’t make a dent. So this migration must be in the interests of the European nations. Is that it?

It isn’t just mass migration that is disrupting western nations; it is also environmental edicts in the name of fighting climate change. These regulations, affecting most western nations but curiously diminished, if not nonexistent everywhere else, have been with us for decades. In recent years, catalyzed by the alleged climate crisis, they have expanded to reach into every aspect of our lives. And yet again, we must resist the temptation to enumerate the countless examples of environmentalist policies leading to shortages and high prices and, with irony that has by now become passé: environmental destruction. Offshore wind farms and the “cradle-to-cradle” impact of EVs come immediately to mind.

What bears discussion are the shared consequences of mass migration and extreme environmentalism. In both cases, the middle class of western nations is economically harmed, the aspiring low-income communities have their upward mobility taken away, more people become more dependent on the government, and the wealthiest people and the biggest corporations see their power and wealth increase. Last week, I attempted to explain these forces in more detail, using California as an example. But it’s everywhere, and it is the most powerful coalition of corrupt special interests the populations of modern western nations have ever faced.

Resistance to this upward/downward transfer of middle class wealth (mostly upward) can now be tagged by the establishment as racist and anti-environment, and hence stigmatized as selfish and immoral, and, of course, “far right.” To the extent this resistance has grown, it constitutes a threat to the agenda. This is why Trump, Orban, Wilders, Meloni, Le Pen, and dozens of other emerging leaders are either being relentlessly stigmatized, subjected to lawfare, politically outmaneuvered, co-opted, or killed.

The most outrageous, and very effective, tactic of the establishment has been to mobilize the political left to be their foot soldiers. Once again, this process is thick with irony. The consequences of government policies that harm the poor and benefit the rich are precisely the result of the machinations of those oligarchs and corporate globalists that the left traditionally despises. But the economic dead-end that everyone in the West now faces has been sold to the left as the last gasps of a racist and privileged white middle class sucking the life out of an exhausted planet. Their solution? Redistribution.

Although many leftist activists are naïve enough to think that Marxist redistribution is our solution, that’s not what they’re going to get. Nor is our solution to be found in neoliberal free trade, even though that would define the economic world view of many Never Trumpers, to the extent any of them have ever really thought about it. These two ideological polarities, in actual practice, are two sides of the same coin: they both facilitate the centralization of power and ownership. That’s the pragmatic ideology of the migrant-importing, climate crisis-mongering, stop the “far right” (at any cost) western elites who want to rule the world. For them, ideology is window dressing.

And so it is, as President Biden puts it when he’s lucid enough to spout these lies, that “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.” And from Ottawa to Dublin, the same wholly owned political puppets use the same playbook.

If “far right” populism is to have any chance to stop the established elites and their leftist foot soldiers from achieving absolute victory, there are a lot of things that have to happen. They have to recognize the meaning and curb the excesses of these pernicious variants of capitalism—casino capitalism, globalist capitalism, crony capitalism, monopoly capitalism—without losing an absolute commitment to competitive, decentralized capitalism as the only way to protect private property, upward mobility, and economic freedom. They have to recognize the value of environmentalism while throwing away the corrupt excesses being pushed by the climate lobby and powerful economic and political special interests. That’s a hard balance. And they have to make common cause with nationalist movements in developing nations that are not helped by outmigration and are, if anything, even more victimized by extreme environmental restrictions, while avoiding supporting the corrupt elites in those nations.

None of this is easy, but meanwhile, there is one more elephant in the room. Demographic implosion. Women in developed nations are not having children at anywhere near replacement rates.

Apart from flooding city after city with foreigners who have no intention of ever assimilating, there are solutions. Retain productivity in an aging society by automating industry. That’s going to happen anyway, and in some Asian nations, it is already the de facto strategy. Or, perhaps more life-affirmingly, stop the environmentalist extremism that has made everything scarce and expensive. Reduce excessive demand by stopping mass immigration, then increase supply by letting home builders, miners, loggers, farmers, ranchers, and manufacturers all work again without crippling restrictions on their efforts. Lower the cost of living so people can afford to purchase homes and start families.

This solution still might not work. We haven’t fully come to terms with the impact that a knowledge economy combined with universally available birth control has had on the decisions women make in their lives. If people could more easily afford to start families, would women choose to do so? Or would they still prefer their careers? And notwithstanding the intentional devaluation of masculinity over the last few decades, when women make more money than their potential male partners, does this make them less attracted to those men as potential fathers? There’s evidence to support that theory.

It is possible that only communities bound tightly together through faith or tribal roots can overcome these many obstacles to sufficient fertility. Which perhaps explains why Christianity itself has been identified, along with MAGA, as a “threat to democracy.”

When Trump says, “They’re not coming for me, they’re coming for you, and I’m just in the way,” this is what he’s referring to. Whether you love Trump or hate him, now is a good moment to reflect on what forces are at work in America and the West today. It’s complicated, and traditional labels and paradigms no longer apply. 

Mark Pincus: Biden Is Even Riskier Than Trump

 I’m a major donor to the Democratic Party. Only one strategy can rescue the Dems: an open convention. 

Being a large donor to the Democratic Party is like having elective surgery. You know it’s the right thing to do, but you also know it will be painful. You are often going to be thrown under the bus by the very candidates you support. 

I would know. I maxed out my giving in the last four presidential elections to the Democratic candidate: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Biden again, this cycle. 

Perhaps that makes me sound partisan, but I don’t align with either party. Like many of my peers in Silicon Valley, my views can be described as libertarian. I’m skeptical of big government, and both parties have recklessly printed money and spent the U.S. into a deep, dark debt hole. 

And unlike a lot of President Biden’s donors, I don’t think everything Donald Trump says or does is awful. I’ve been encouraged by the unwavering support for Israel he’s shown at the RNC this week. And looking back, I like that Trump was tough on China and Iran, and that he pushed European countries to contribute their fair share to NATO. 

I am also very scared of the extreme left, who seem to hate capitalism—a force I see as the engine of our exceptional country.

So why did I throw my support behind Biden?

Because throughout this campaign I have thought that a second Trump presidency is risky. In the past he has supported right-wing policies on abortion and climate. He’s also been oddly positive about dictators like Vladimir Putin. 

At this week’s RNC, the party of Trump sounds more mainstream. Who knows which Trump we will get? It’s a gamble. 

In December I attended a small lunch conversation with Biden. He was engaging and thoughtful. Our interactions gave me confidence that he still had enough drive to beat Trump a second time and be a reliable leader.

Seven months later, I have a radically different perspective. Biden looks even riskier than Trump. His debate performance made his age and competency the central issue in the 2024 election. And Biden and the Democratic Party seem to be moving further left by the day. 

Many of us are left wondering who is currently running the country. How else to explain the insane proposal he just put forward to put caps on grocery prices and rent increases?

Biden, in his current state, cannot beat Trump. Everyone knows this. Which is why, in the past few days, Schumer, Pelosi, and now Obama have called for Biden to step aside.

So what comes next? 

There are those who suggest that the ticket should automatically go to Kamala Harris. I strongly disagree.

Only one strategy has a chance for the party and the country: an open convention. There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Turning the convention into an open forum would be dramatic and exciting, and offer the best chance to produce a leader with a positive, mainstream agenda for our country. Someone we could trust more than Trump, but with a platform that is also about economic growth, secure borders, support for allies like Israel, and climate and civil liberties protection. Josh Shapiro, Gretchen Whitmer, and Cory Booker are strong contenders. There are also black swan outsiders who could energize this race.

Some Democratic insiders continue to insist on accepting fate and remaining unified behind Biden. That’s ridiculous. It’s time to get behind a candidate and platform that has a viable chance of winning and moving our country forward. Let’s find out who that is on August 19 in Chicago.

Mark Pincus is the founder of Zynga.

X22, And we Know, and more- July 18 (RNC Night 4)


The Secret Service Story is Starting to Stink

It’s beginning to look as if I was far too quick to give thanks that “the Secret Service is, apparently, not as corrupt as the FBI.”

We’re now learning, among other things, that Trump’s Secret Service detail was made up of second- and third-stringers, with more experienced agents having been pulled away to protect “Dr.” Jill Biden, and that even the Secret Service director is a “DEI” (“Diversity, Equity, Inclusion”) hire, put in place under a doctrine that amounts to “Affirmative Action on steroids,” replacing meritocracy with “qualifications” based on identity politics.

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, interviewed amid calls for her resignation, appears to be in full “CYA” mode in justifying her agency's failures. Her remarks suggest that she prioritized her agents’ safety to a ridiculous degree over the life of Donald Trump. Her claim is reminiscent of stories about police standing by out of concern for their own “health and safety” as people drown before them in shallow water. (Here’s just one such story.) This may be a distressing trend in modern policing.

Lots of information is now surfacing that points to negligence on the part of the Secret Service. But one must wonder if the people involved were negligent in allowing the attempt to occur or if there’s a much bigger, more insidious “Deep State” picture here, and their actual negligence was in the failure to ensure that the sniper’s mission was successfully completed.

Any number of aspects of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, as it’s being reported and “explained,” are beginning to stink. They stink at least as much as Joe Biden’s disingenuous lament (in which he still managed to include his favorite anti-Trump references, like the Jan. 6 “insurrection”).

Let me zero in on (and attempt to deconstruct) just one of them.

We are being told that a local Butler, PA, police officer confronted the sniper on the roof “just seconds before” the sniper opened fire on President Trump. We are being told that the sniper pointed his rifle at the officer, who “retreated and fell,” whereupon the sniper aimed his rifle back at the podium and began firing.

There used to be a joke about the difference in the way an LAPD cop confronts a suspicious person vs. the way an NYPD cop does. The LAPD cop draws his gun, assumes the Weaver stance, and says, “Freeze, Turkey!” The NYPD cop ambles over, with his hand resting on the butt of his holstered weapon, and conversationally inquires, “Hey, Numbnuts! Whadda youse t’ink yer doin’?”

Need I point out that the LAPD method makes far more sense when the suspicious person is a guy with a rifle on a roof overlooking a political rally? The very second that the rifleman began to swing his barrel in the officer’s direction, the officer would have been absolutely justified in firing his weapon, which should have already been in his hand.

In his tales about the NYPD Stakeout Unit, the late Jim Cirillo (a man who survived more gunfights than Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and Wild Bill Hickok combined!) told how he and his team would always call out (from their place of concealment in, say, a liquor store being robbed at gunpoint) a command such as “Police!”, “Don’t Move!” or “Drop the gun!”

The robber was not really expected to comply (although those who did were arrested without being shot). The purpose of the command was to make the robber instinctively swing around with his gun pointed at the officers, whereupon the very last thing the criminal saw might be the muzzle flash of a stakeout squad shotgun.

And this is how the confrontation atop that Butler, PA building should have gone. Except that it didn’t.

One must wonder what actually transpired on that rooftop. Perhaps the young rifleman looked the rural township flatfoot in the eye and declared, “I’m not the sniper you’re looking for,” the way Alec Guinness, as Obi-Wan Kenobefoiled the Stormtroopers in Star Wars, causing the local yokel to say, like the late Gilda Radner’s Emily Litella, “Never mind!”

(By the way, at the beginning of that Star Wars clip, Obi-Wan utters another line, “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” He might as well have been speaking of the Obama/Biden regime or the unholy alliance of the Democrat Party and the so-called Journalism Establishment!)

Instead, we’re being asked to believe that the gunman pointed his rifle at the cop, causing the local LEO to “retreat and fall” (or “flee and jump”), whereupon (in an even greater stretch of credulity, we are asked to believe that) the self-appointed (?) hitman re-acquired his original target within mere seconds and commenced firing, with time to get off multiple rounds before being “neutralized” by Secret Service snipers, who should have had him in their sights and should have neutralized him, long before he ever squeezed the trigger.

The UK’s Daily Mail provides more (and different) details about just how long the authorities were aware of the gunman on the roof and about the rooftop confrontation with the local LEO. Meanwhile, a report tells how the Fraternal Order of Police is bristling over the Secret Service apparently blaming local police for the agency’s own shortcomings.

We’re being told that, even once the Secret Service snipers saw the gunman on the roof, they had to determine if he was a threat before deciding to open fire. What a crock! Unless, of course, they had been instructed to allow him to complete his nefarious deed before eliminating him.

But that would be a wild-eyed, tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory, wouldn’t it? Sheesh. That’d be like believing that Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald bothworked for the CIA!

The only part of this story that doesn’t stink is the comment from a witness who, asked by a reporter what happened to the gunman on the roof, matter-of-factly replied, “Oh, they [government snipers] blew his head off.”

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t suppress a smile over that one.

The Real Reason Trump Chose JD Vance

Why did Donald Trump select JD Vance? Obviously, their current policy views are simpatico, but JD Vance was not supportive back in 2016. He was pretty harsh about Donald Trump the candidate. You know who else was? Me. Dig back through my columns and you’ll see. I was never a Never Trumper. I was always going to vote for the GOP nominee, and I did vote for the nominee. But I was a Ted Cruz guy because I didn’t think Donald Trump was actually going to do the things Donald Trump said he was going to do and I said so. In fact, CNN used to have me on as the conservative Trump-doubter…until I had it with Don Lemon’s nonsense. I was a traditional conservative, and I thought Donald Trump was a NYC liberal and that he would govern like one. But you know what? 

I was wrong.

So, I changed my mind about him. I’m now a ferocious Trump supporter. And so is JD.

Here’s the thing about opinions. You change them when they are proven wrong. I thought Donald Trump was going to govern as a liberal. He did not govern as a liberal. He did about 95 percent of the things I wanted him to do. My concern was never with what Donald Trump was saying. I always liked what he was saying. I just didn’t think he was actually going to do what he said. And then he went and did a lot of it. He probably would’ve done much more if he hadn’t been subject to an unprecedented tsunami of fake scandals and if he had had a Rolodex of reliable people to work with. JD Vance had the same experience. He didn’t think much of Trump at first. Then Trump proved himself. And then JD Vance began to support him.

That’s how this works – remember that the great Ronald Reagan himself started as a Democrat. He learned and changed. I’m not sure why we are supposed to accept the bizarre notion that once you have expressed an opinion, you are locked into it in perpetuity despite evidence that shows you are wrong. I don’t accept that, and JD Vance doesn’t accept that either.

JD Vance is a very interesting VP choice. He was not my first choice to be the nominee for vice-president because I thought that Glenn Youngkin might bring more to the table in terms of building an electoral coalition. JD was, however, my first choice for actually being the vice-president. If and when he wins, I’m going to be thrilled.

But now I’m rethinking my initial assessment of his strengths as a candidate. I may have underestimated them. How? First of all, I have grown to trust Donald Trump’s instincts when it comes to politics. After all, this guy came out of nowhere and beat all the geniuses and professionals in 2016. Worst case, he nearly beat them all in 2020. And right now, according to all the polls, he’s beating that desiccated corrupt old husk. So, he had to have a reason for choosing JD Vance and it was probably a good one. 

Dumb people will say it’s because JD Vance flatters Donald Trump. Again, that wasn’t always true, and Donald Trump has a long memory. But Donald Trump is not interested in flattery this time. He is clearly interested in winning. He has built a strong and effective campaign organization that dominated the primaries – I supported Ron DeSantis because I worried Trump was going to be hard to reelect and he just crushed my guy. Donald Trump has also shown incredible discipline by stepping out of the spotlight while Joe Biden staggered around on the verge of filling up his Depends to overflowing. And, of course, Donald Trump demonstrated his courage in his iconic response to the attempt to murder him. So, there’s no reason to believe Donald Trump picked JD Vance simply out of petty vanity. That’s silly. If you want to underestimate your opponent, feel free. But if you think Donald Trump is playing for anything but keeps this time, you are letting your own biases and prejudices cloud your judgment.

So, what did Donald Trump hope to gain from picking JD Vance? JD Vance is very smart and very effective in debate, but I’m not sure you really need that to beat Kamala Harris. She’s as dumb as a box of Arkansas rocks, no offense to Southern minerals. I think it’s something more. 

Pundits often reflexively opine, by rote, that JD Vance appeals to the working class based on his impoverished upbringing. I think they are onto something, but I don’t think they go deep enough in assessing how this dynamic works. Guys who sweat on the job are not going to vote for JD Vance just because his family was poor. In fact, I’m not sure the goal is to get them to vote for JD at all. Rather, perhaps JD Vance is on the ticket so that they vote against Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the whole elite power structure.

You see, JD Vance did everything right. He did everything we asked within the paradigm of the American Dream. This was a poor but smart kid who worked hard and rose out of poverty. He served his country in the Marine Corps. Then he applied to a prestigious college and he excelled there. He was next accepted into the heart of the elite training grounds, Yale Law School, where once again he excelled. He was the editor of the law review. After graduating, he became a high-tech entrepreneur and did well. He did everything right. With his brains and his sweat and his hard work, he checked all the elite boxes. He beat the elite at their own game.

And yet, they still want to deny him his reward. He’s still not good enough, and maybe it’s because he rejects the ruling class’s ideology and because he’s a man of deep faith and patriotism. Without submitting to their false gods, he’s always going to be one of them. He’s The Other. Even though he earned it through effort, the elite refuses to allow him to be part of their clique. He will always be an outsider because he will not conform. 

The message to the working-class men, and many women, of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota is that no matter what you do and no matter how hard you work, and no matter whether you play by the rules and whether you beat the elite at their own game, you will never be accepted unless you submit and repudiate your roots. You will never be allowed to win if you refuse to sign on to all the weird social pathologies of the left. DEI, trans, anti-Americanism – it’s not enough to pay the price of acceptance with hard work. You have to pay it with your soul.

No, JD Vance was picked not because the working class will necessarily love him but because the contempt rained down on him by the elite and its lapdog regime media will demonstrate that our ruling class will always hate working people who remain true to themselves. JD Vance is proof that the people who feed, fuel and fight for America will never be allowed to succeed. He is proof that they will always be second-class citizens. And that will motivate the people who build, run, and defend this country to vote against the drooling avatar of an elite that hates them.

Maybe I’m overthinking this, but maybe not. The hate that has come crashing down on JD Vance in the wake of his selection is undeniable. The elite cast him out, just as it cast Donald Trump out, for the crime of not bending the knee. Perhaps you can become part of the elite if you give up your self-respect, but the American Dream isn’t about debasing yourself. It’s about earning what’s yours while remaining true to yourself. And as the elites deny JD Vance what he has earned because he thinks for himself, those working-class men and women who will make the difference in the Rustbelt will be watching, and they will be voting.

Trudeau’s Labour Minister fleeing Liberal Party

 Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan is poised to announce that he will not seek re-election in the next federal race and will resign from his cabinet role, according to CTV.

Justin Trudeau's closest ally is resigning from his cabinet. He sees the writing on the wall, clearly, and doesn't want to fight Trudeau's losing battle any longer. 

Seamus O’Regan bounced around nearly every position in Trudeau's cabinet, and was even a member of Trudeau's wedding party. He has stood by the widely disliked Prime Minister through thick and thin, through marriage and divorce, through high and low polls, but now, he's done. 

The rats are jumping ship. 

This news is the worst of its kind for Trudeau, who alongside Joe Biden is facing constant calls for his resignation. While trying to put out a strong image, it is news like this takes him out at the knees. 

O’Regan, a long-time close friend of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who was part of his wedding party in 2005, was initially elected to the House of Commons in 2015 and was re-elected in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections.

The declaration would take place amid the Trudeau Liberals’ slide in public opinion polls and growing speculation about yet another possible cabinet reshuffle this summer. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet is scheduled to convene on Friday.

Joe Biden Falls Apart During Catastrophic BET Interview: “I , I named a, uh, the, uh, Secretary of Defense — The Black Man” (VIDEO)

 Perhaps the toxic combination of dementia and casual racism will serve as the impetus for Democrats to finally cast Old Joe aside.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Joe Biden sat down for an interview and announced that he had given an interview to BET News stating that he would reconsider his decision to run if a doctor diagnosed him with a “medical condition.”

“If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if doctors came to me and said, you got this problem and that problem,” Biden told interviewer Ed Gordon.

But the interview quickly turned into a total catastrophe as Biden turned into a rambling mess with him stumbling constantly, forgetting names, and making disturbing remarks.

The worst part, though, was when he forgot the name of HIS OWN SECRETARY DEFENSE, simply calling him “the Black man” while fumbling over his words in front of Martin, who is Black.

“And so it’s all about treating people with dignity…Look at the heat I’m getting because I, I named a, uh, the, uh, secretary of defense — the Black man,” Biden stated.

The Secretary of Defense, of course, is Lloyd Austin.


In addition to forgetting Austin’s name, Biden made other stupefying claims to Martin. For example, he stated that the reason his support amongst young Black voters has cratered is that young Black voters aren’t focused “until after Labor Day.”

Blacks have a short attention span according to Biden.

Biden elaborated further with more racist garbage in an attempt to excuse his lagging support with the Black community, saying he cannot “go through the projects” and “Black neighborhoods on foot” anymore. Perhaps this is because of his party’s pro-criminal policies that are victimizing innocent Blacks?

If Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Hakeem Jeffries do not take action now to force Biden off the ticket, when will it ever happen?

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Marsha Blackburn, GOP senators confront Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle as she oversees RNC security

 Blackburn told The Post Millennial, “It is appalling that the Secret Service Director refused to answer our questions. This is one of the greatest security failures in the history of the agency."

Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), John Barrasso (R-WY), James Lankford (R-OK), and Kevin Kramer (R-ND) confronted Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle during the Republican National Convention on Wednesday evening. The confrontation between the four senators and Cheatle comes as she has been called on to resign from her position following security failures that led to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Blackburn posted a video of the confrontation with her and Barrasso and said, "The American people deserve answers from the Secret Service." Lankford and Cramer had also been there during the confrontation, according to Politico.

Barrasso said that Cheatle was "stonewalling" about the assassination attempt on Trump while Blackburn said, "You owe the people answers."

After the confrontation, Barrasso and Blackburn posted a video online where they explained the interaction. Barrasso said, "Senator Blackburn and I just went face to face with the director of the Secret Service asking for specific answers about what happened with President Trump in Pennsylvania and how that shooter was able to get off a clear shot when the FBI, the Secret Service knew there was a suspicious person an hour in advance."

Blackburn told The Post Millennial, “It is appalling that the Secret Service Director refused to answer our questions. This is one of the greatest security failures in the history of the agency. She can run but she cannot hide. She is a failed leader and she needs to immediately step down from her position.” The Tennessee Senator said that the information given in a Senate conference call earlier in the day regarding the assassination attempt was not clear enough.

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) also posted on Wednesday evening, calling on Cheatle to resign, "Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle needs to step down immediately. Today’s (mostly) information-free briefing only confirmed that. What little information she gave us was at once deeply troubling and glaringly incomplete."

Cramer posted about the interaction, "What is she hiding? Her security detail protected her from Senators better than Donald Trump’s protected him from a shooter. She should be able to answer simple questions the world is asking. She must resign now!"