Thursday, July 18, 2024

Trudeau’s Labour Minister fleeing Liberal Party

 Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan is poised to announce that he will not seek re-election in the next federal race and will resign from his cabinet role, according to CTV.

Justin Trudeau's closest ally is resigning from his cabinet. He sees the writing on the wall, clearly, and doesn't want to fight Trudeau's losing battle any longer. 

Seamus O’Regan bounced around nearly every position in Trudeau's cabinet, and was even a member of Trudeau's wedding party. He has stood by the widely disliked Prime Minister through thick and thin, through marriage and divorce, through high and low polls, but now, he's done. 

The rats are jumping ship. 

This news is the worst of its kind for Trudeau, who alongside Joe Biden is facing constant calls for his resignation. While trying to put out a strong image, it is news like this takes him out at the knees. 

O’Regan, a long-time close friend of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who was part of his wedding party in 2005, was initially elected to the House of Commons in 2015 and was re-elected in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections.

The declaration would take place amid the Trudeau Liberals’ slide in public opinion polls and growing speculation about yet another possible cabinet reshuffle this summer. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet is scheduled to convene on Friday.