Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Trump is Going to Win

Liberals, get those passports ready. You have six months.

There is no master plan, no shadowy cabal in control, no clever Machiavellians pulling the strings. The liberal leadership class is epically stupid, hubristic, and arrogant. They are about to reap everything they’ve sown in the last four years and then some. 

Trump is going to win. 

Joe Biden’s meltdown in last week’s debate was always going to happen. Everyone who was paying attention has known for years that Biden’s cognitive health and vital energy were in profound decline. The regime was only able to ram him through in 2020 by using the COVID crisis as cover. All they did was delay the inevitable. 

When Biden finally stood mouth agape and slurring his words on national television, even DC insiders, the dumbest people in the country, finally had to admit the truth—Biden is obviously not in any state to be president right now, much less run again.

If Joe Biden applied for a job at the local Kroger to bag groceries, it would be cruel to hire him. He doesn’t have the stamina for that kind of work. He cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be president and Americans know it. 75%think he shouldn’t be running. 

The more cynical on the right like to imagine that the whole debate was staged and that the shadowy “they” scheduled the debate early in order to reveal Biden’s decline and then force him out.

This makes no sense, though. Displaying weakness is not a sign of power. Dumping Biden now would guarantee that Democrats would lose the election in a 45-state blowout. They can’t transfer Biden’s campaign war chest to another candidate; in some states (like Wisconsin), ballot access laws would prevent a new candidate from even getting on the ballot; and, to top it off, there is no mechanism to force Biden out without his consent, which he won’t give.

This is to say nothing of the complete lack of any alternative leading Democrat who can take Biden’s place. The Democrats have no one in reserve. There is simply no way they can change course now and still win. At this point, it seems clear that the coming election will be too big to rig… by a lot. 

Ballot harvesting and democracy “fortification” cost big bucks. Liberal donors are demoralized and depressed. Ramming Biden through now, when he is obviously senile and dying, will completely annihilate any shreds of legitimacy that the regime still clings to. If Biden “wins” in November, it will make it clear to even the most naïve citizens that American democracy is fundamentally rotten and broken. The next wave of the American Right will have no reason to even pretend to believe in our non-existent constitutional norms. 

Liberals have no good options. That is why they are panicking. Putting Trump in jail won’t work. For one, it will cause his fundraising to grow to absurd heights. Earlier this year, Biden had a $100 million edge over Trump; now he’s $20 million behind. Put him in jail and that financial lead will become insurmountable. Moreover, even if Trump is in jail, he will still be on the ballot. He is still going to win. 

Biden could try to have Trump assassinated. Maybe get one of the intelligence agencies to do it. But, again, the same crisis of legitimacy remains. Biden is obviously unfit for office and is in no position to exert meaningful control over the regime. Which gay bureaucrat would be willing to order Trump’s killing on a decrepit Biden’s behalf? Who will pull the trigger? There are only so many mentally ill psychopaths on the CIA’s MK Ultra rolls. Will liberals put the fate of “Our Sacred Democracy” into the hands of one of these clowns in hopes they will be able to successfully eliminate Trump? I doubt it. 

The time to kill Trump was in the summer of 2020, when the left’s communist thugs were on the verge of taking over DC. That moment passed and now the regime is stuck praying that Trump will have some kind of health episode and die—an outcome that, in light of Trump’s preternatural vitality, seems unlikely. 

The regime could try to cancel the election. Provoking a nuclear strike from the Russians would be the best avenue to try and make that happen. During the debate, Biden repeatedly brought up the prospect of war (including nuclear conflict) with the Russians under Article V of the NATO alliance. But that scenario—provoking the Russians to take a decisive step against the American heartland—again requires a level of willpower and insanity, along with Russian cooperation, that seems deeply unlikely to manifest. Liberals might earnestly believe that Donald Trump is the second coming of Adolf Hitler but that doesn’t mean they will have the sheer testicular fortitude to provoke a nuclear holocaust to keep him out of power. 

At this point, the regime has nothing. If they cheat, they lose all legitimacy. If they put Trump in jail, they lose all legitimacy. If they kill Trump, they lose legitimacy. If they provoke a nuclear strike or false flag, they will lose legitimacy AND set off a chain reaction of events that they will have no control over—to say nothing of all the dead bodies they would have to pile up.

In light of this situation, the left has no good options. Biden is cooked. There are no meaningful alternatives. Trump is strong and getting stronger. At this point, a blowout victory for the Teflon Don is the most likely outcome. 

Trump is a man of destiny. His victory this November has always felt inevitable. The arc of history is long, but it bends towards Orange Man, descending in triumph onto our decadent capital as the shrieks of libtards fill the air. 

Winning is going to feel so good. In fact, it already feels great. 

Liberals, get those passports ready. You have six months. 

X22, On the Fringe, and more- July 2nd


Unable To Blame White Conservatives For Surging Anti-Semitism Or The Attack On A Lesbian Couple In Halifax

 Justin Trudeau Has Simply Decided Not To Fight Hate At All. Turns away !

Trudeau’s worldview doesn’t allow him to acknowledge that people of all backgrounds can be racist. Thus, hate continues to spread on his watch.

North America has been by far the most successful part of the world when it comes to integrating newcomers and fostering a unifying sense of national identity among people of different races, religions, and backgrounds.

Compared to the rest of the world, both Canada and the United States stand out when it comes to getting a bunch of very different people to feel part of a broader national family.

But now, much of that progress is at risk, as we increasingly descend into divisive tribalism.

There are three key reasons this is happening.

First, the attempt to impose ‘post-nationalism’ on the populace has simply removed the highest level of national identification. Without a unifying Canadian identity, people will simply revert to the identity of their original homeland, race, religious group, or even their favoured political party – hence the rise in political division.

Second, ramping up immigration and lowering immigration standards, has led to far more tension, more economic damage, more opposition to immigration, and more tribalism as a result.

Third, the push by the far-left to encourage minority groups to focus heavily on race, alongside a demonization of Western Civilization has resulted in everyone – minority groups and the majority – increasingly thinking in racial terms, which is leading to escalating division.

This is the opposite of what we should be doing.

To keep a diverse country like Canada unified, and to ensure our country succeeds, we need to foster a values-based sense of national identity that can help a diverse group of people cohere into a national family.

We need immigration levels that are well-managed, focused on values-alignment and economic success, and finely-tuned to ensure that societal divisions are not exacerbated.

And we need to recognize that Canada owes much of our prosperity to institutions, values, and ways of thinking that originated in Europe. This doesn’t mean ignoring the contributions of others, but it does mean acknowledging that it is absurd to tell minority groups to be proud of their history while simultaneously saying European Canadians cannot do the same.

After all, human beings of all backgrounds have the ability to learn from each other, so one race of people can learn from another and values like individual freedom and limited government can spread and be embraced by people of all backgrounds.

Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau doesn’t understand this.

Justin Trudeau’s worldview – like the worldview of many on the far-left – is so race-obsessed that he simply can’t acknowledge racism unless it’s coming from White Conservatives. Because Trudeau sees the world through the ‘oppressed vs oppressor’ lens, and views Europeans as oppressors, he can’t comprehend that people of all races and backgrounds are capable of being both oppressors or the oppressed depending on the circumstance.

Consider the horrific incident that occurred last week. A Lesbian couple in Halifax was beaten up by a group of Middle Eastern men, men who are hateful and unwilling to accept Western ideas of individual freedom:

Where is Justin Trudeau’s outrage?

Where is the press conference denouncing this as “un-Canadian” behaviour?

Why has it gotten so little attention?

Because it wasn’t White Conservatives who did it.

Trudeau – and much of the left-leaning media – simply can’t accept the fact that Canada has imported tremendous numbers of hateful people, many of whom happen to be Brown.

Since Brown People are supposed to be the ‘oppressed,’ Trudeau and the media are unable to acknowledge that non-Western societies – and many non-Western People – are far more hateful, oppressive, and exclusionary than Western societies.

This is also how Trudeau has handled – or more accurately not handled – the surge in anti-Semitism. Since much of the anti-Semitic hate comes from Brown People, Trudeau has simply checked out of the fight against it. He issues mild statements once in a while, then goes back to playing both sides and leaving it to others.

And so, hate is allowed to spread in Trudeau’s Canada, because it’s not being driven by White Conservatives and doesn’t fit into Trudeau’s narrow worldview.

This is disastrous.

A diverse country like Canada cannot survive if we remain race-obsessed and give a free pass to some groups to undermine our values and spread hate just because of their skin colour.

We must hold everyone to the highest standard, we must demand that all Canadians embrace the values that built our country, and we must have zero tolerance for anti-Semitism, and zero tolerance for attacks like we saw in Halifax – regardless of the perpetrators.

Spencer Fernando


How TDS Destroyed the Democrats

These are troubled days for Democrats, with a disastrous debate on Thursday, some adverse court rulings on Friday, and now an immunity ruling that did not go their way at all. So this might be a good time to consider how they got into such a mess. I would say it all began with Hillary Clinton and Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

In 2016, Democrats were extremely confident that Hillary would demolish Trump in the presidential election. When she didn’t, the shock was huge, and many Democrats instantly lost their minds.

TDS became a widespread Democrat epidemic, and Hillary intensified the virus by funding the Russia peeing prostitute hoax. It was her way of deflecting blame for losing what should have been an easy victory. By the way, the Hillary campaign and the Democratic Party faced no criminal charges for the $1 million plus they gave to finance the dossier smears against Trump. They were merely fined by the FEC. Contrast that with Trump’s 34 felony convictions.

The deep state did its part by having the FBI spy on Trump campaign advisors Carter Page, George Papadopoulis, and Sam Clovis. In addition, FBI agent Kevin Clinesmith pled guilty to altering an email that facilitated renewal of the spy warrant. Later, Alexander Vindman, an advisor on the National Security Council, pompously testified about Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. Trump’s crime? Asking Zelenskyy to let our DoJ know of any corruption associated with Joe Biden’s threats concerning the Ukrainian prosecutor who had been investigating Burisma Holdings (and Hunter). I guess Vindman and the Democrats think an American president has no right to inquire about corruption.

The rest of Trump’s presidency was filled with media falsehoods designed to brand him as a stupid, racist, misogynist warmonger. According to CNN and MSNBC, Trump had dreams of being just like Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong Un. The evidence? There was none.

When it was time for Democrats to pick a candidate for the 2020 election, the leadership strong-armed the party faithful by picking the guy who had lost the first three primaries and/or caucuses. They did that because Bernie Sanders (who was leading at that point) was likely to lose against Trump, and Biden was the only other candidate widely known. A big name was needed to defeat the orange menace, so Representative Jim Clyburn strongly endorsed Biden in the South Carolina primary. He did that even though it was already known that Hunter had used Daddy’s VP status to obtain lucrative employment with a Ukrainian energy company. Once Biden won in South Carolina, he was on his way to winning the nomination.

To ensure victory in 2020, Democrats began planning for massive ballot harvesting in the swing states. Hundreds of lawsuits were filed -- each designed to chip away at the election controls that had been enacted by the state legislatures. The goal was to facilitate ballot harvesting, and make it less detectible. The harvesting plans were turbocharged by COVID, which was the excuse for extensive mass mailing of ballots, and even more dismantling of election controls.

We have a pretty good estimate of the magnitude of this cheating, thanks to True the Vote, the organization behind the 2000 Mules movie. Here are some of their estimates:

Ballot harvesting in the six key swing states was particularly easy because those states did not require the voter to provide ID. Nevertheless, Democrats worried that some of the phony ballots might be detected by means of signature matching (signatures on ballot envelopes are matched to those in registration records). To eliminate that problem, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania scrapped signature matching, although they did it in different ways.

  • In Michigan, the Secretary of State declared that employees were to “presume” signatures on ballot envelopes matched those in registration records. A few months after the 2020 election, a judge ruled that Secretary Jocelyn Benson acted illegally.
  • In Pennsylvanian, the state Supreme Court declared that a voter’s ballot could not be rejected simply because his signature didn’t match. The voter could sign as “Mickey Mouse.” It didn’t matter.
  • In Georgia, the largest county, Fulton, did not attempt to match signatures at all. Since the vast majority of Fulton voters are Democrats, the absence of signature matching in Fulton probably won the state for Biden.

In those three states there were millions of mail-in voters, with no ID, and no signature matching. Was that enough to ensure a Democrat victory? Not necessarily. To be certain of winning, Democrats in key counties took one more step: They prevented observation by Republican poll challengers. In Wayne County (Detroit) and Fulton County (Atlanta) they verbally and physically threatened the observers. In Philadelphia County the state Supreme Court ruled that observers could be kept at least 15 to 18 feet from the processing tables. That made observation impossible.

So, Biden “won,” if you want to call it winning, and Trump knew he had been defrauded. He filed many lawsuits, but judges wanted him to identify the specific fraudulent ballots. That was almost impossible because the standards needed to identify those phony ballots had been eliminated months before the election took place.

At that point, Joe Biden was in the driver’s seat. To be a successful president, all he needed to do was maintain the policies Trump had in place, and show people that he was nicer than the mean billionaire bully. However, that did not happen, thanks to TDS.

The hatred of Trump was so great that Biden felt the need to prove his disdain by dismantling any program associated with Trump -- even programs that were obviously important and working. As we all know, the results were disastrous, and this led to even more Dem insanity.

Joe’s approval rating fell so low that the party worried that Trump would beat him in 2024 -- no matter how many ballots were harvested, and no matter how much they claimed he was a “threat to Democracy.” Perhaps the Democrat leadership tried to talk Biden into leaving, but he refused. Or perhaps his puppet masters (Jill? Barack?) refused to let Joe Biden retire. In any event, Democrats rolled out a new strategy: lawfare.

It sounded like the perfect plan. Get a hired gun, Jack Smith, to indict and then convict Trump before the election. That would prove to the public that Trump was a very bad man and a true threat to Democracy. At the same time, use friendly county prosecutors in Democrat strongholds to produce similar charges against Trump and his supporters.

That brings us to the present day -- a sad one for Democrats. The lawfare has backfired spectacularly. People see through it, and many realize that the Democrats are the true threat to Democracy. The disillusioned include committed Democrats like Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, and thousands more. They seem to recognize that their party has lost its way, as well as its integrity. Perhaps they won’t become Republicans but I doubt they want to remain with a political party that has gone mad -- with TDS.

‘Beat these female dogs in heat with a stick’ – French rappers release ultra-violent music video threatening to assault Marine Le Pen, kill Jordan Bardella


Lyrics from tolerant leftist rappers: "Marine and Marion, the whores, beat these female dogs in heat with a stick" 

A new anti-National Rally rap video featuring a collective of 20 popular French rappers features ultra-violent lyrics directed at Marine Le Pen, her niece Marion Maréchal, and National Rally leader Jordan Bardella.

Some of the lines include, “Marine and Marion, the whores, beat these female dogs in heat with a stick,” and “Jordan, you’re dead.”

Other violent lines include, “If the fascists come by, I’m going with a big caliber,” referring to a firearm.  

The track was produced by 20 popular rappers, including Fianso, ISK, Alkpote, and Akhenaton. The song is called “No pasarán,” which translates to “They will not pass” in English, a reference to the slogan chanted by leftist Spaniards against the Franco government that ruled Spain in the 1930s.

Among the other lines are “They deserve the cane,” which is an open call to assault the French politicians along with a defense of those with deportation orders, many of whom have committed serious crimes. In addition, the rappers sing: “Fuck Bardella’s mother.”

“This is for my friends under QQTF (French deportation order),” sing the rappers.

The video also features images of Marine Le Pen, Jordan Bardella, and other right-wing political figures. 

The ultra-violent and misogynistic song has received glowing praise from the French press, which makes no mention of the song’s brutal lyrics.

Le Parisian, for instance, contacted Fianso, one of the rappers involved, and quoted him in a glowing manner.

“I participated in this piece because I grew up in the heritage of French rap, very sharp, committed and which inspired me a lot,” he said. “Culture has its say and is intended to express itself on this typology of subjects. It was very important for me to participate. I am from the generation where rap does not dissociate itself from the message.”

The article simply refers to “punchlines” directed at Le Pen and Bardella, without any reference to the incredibly violent calls to action and misogynistic comments. The song has nearly 400,000 views on Youtube.  

The rappers say that the money they earn from the song will go to the Abbé Pierre Foundation, which provides financial and legal resources to migrants.  


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No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

By ‘Democracy,’ Democrats Mean A Shadow Government Of Unelected Biden Aides

Joe Biden’s backers care not a whit about voters beyond whether they can manipulate them enough to retain power. 

Within a span of 24 hours, every sector of the American privileged class — from politics to punditry, from activism to academia — exposed their utter disdain for self-government.

The power-first reveal initially exploded on an Atlanta stage when in real time the country witnessed our commander-in-chief confirm through his cognitively impaired performance that he is not running our country and that a vote for Joe Biden will be tallied for some unnamed other.

All the talk about supposedly “saving democracy” means nothing: Joe Biden’s backers care not a whit about voters beyond whether they can manipulate the American people enough to retain power. 

For years, the evidence of President Biden’s serious cognitive decline was minimized and those raising questions ostracized. Even as proof of his current incompetence mounted, those pulling the strings pivoted to pushing a “cheap fake” narrative to paint the visual evidence as concocted.

For those Americans still relying on the propaganda press for their news, Thursday’s debate hit hard. Within minutes, Joe Biden’s incapacity was on full display for America … and her enemies. So obvious was the president’s impairment that even his most ardent advocates finally acknowledged Biden’s unfitness for office.

Yet those closest to the president — his cabinet, advisers, campaign staff, and Democrat-trusted members of the press — knew this reality for years. They were content to keep quiet so long as they could hide the truth from Americans: that they, not the commander-in-chief elected by voters, would run the country.

Pray tell, how is that defending “democracy”? We don’t even know who the “they” are to demand accountability.

Friday provided a hint, however, with former President Barack Obama publicly defending his former vice president, by framing Joe Biden’s senility as merely a “bad debate.” The Clintons likewise both pledged their backing of the current president. Key cabinet members, such as Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, also affirmed their support for Biden following Thursday’s fiasco, telling Fox News Digital they stood by their recent comments concerning the president’s supposed command of his faculties.

Merrick Garland’s actions spoke the loudest of all, with the attorney general remaining firm in his refusal to provide the House the audio tape of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview of Joe Biden — an interview that led the special counsel to conclude no charges should be brought against the president because he would “likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Yet those rushing to resurrect Joe Biden’s campaign know the jig is up: The whole country now realizes the president is non compos mentis. Thus, every phony defense of Biden’s dead-man-walking debate performance further justified a vote for the Democrat by claiming at least this president is a good and honest man. 

“But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit,” Obama pontificated on X. 

Biden’s handlers fed similar prose to the president’s teleprompter on Friday, when he appeared at a North Carolina campaign rally. “I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong,” the president told supporters distraught by his debate performance.

The portrayal of Biden as Thursday night’s truth teller is laughable. The Democrat dropped whoppers left and right between his vacant stares. From his lie that the Border Patrol union endorsed him — something fact-checked in real time by the union itself on X — to Biden’s fabrications about inflation and military deaths, to his continued lie that Trump had called Nazi’s very fine people, framing Biden as honest fares no better than portraying the president as of sound mind.

They don’t care, though. Biden and everyone else coming to his defense since Thursday’s debate have proved the president cannot govern and confirmed voters’ franchise means nothing. They know a ballot cast for Joe Biden is not a vote for the man, but a vote for the elitists running the country in his stead.

The ruling class has a problem, though, as the legacy media had a miscue on Thursday night and began running the “replace Biden on the ticket” narrative before Obama and his cadre intervened. And that schizophrenic messaging may prove even more fatal to Biden’s reelection than the president’s dementia-infused display at the first debate.

Justice Thomas Uses Presidential Immunity Case to Question the Legality of the Whole Trump Prosecution

streiff reporting for RedState 

Monday, the Supreme Court handed down a mixed bag of a ruling on presidential immunity. In my view, they took what could've been a straightforward and elegant decision — the president is immune from prosecution for acts committed in office unless he has been impeached for those acts — and turned it into a dog's breakfast of angels-on-the-head-of-a-pin litigation about what constitutes official and unofficial acts. Susie Moore has an excellent write-up on that case at BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules on Presidential Immunity.

What has passed with remarkably little notice is Justice Clarence Thomas's concurrence. Justice Thomas says the Court is putting the cart before the horse. The first question that needs to be answered is not whether acts were official or unofficial. The critical first question is whether this prosecution is legal at all. Thomas's comments begin on the 44th page of the linked document.

I write separately to highlight another way in which this prosecution may violate our constitutional structure. In this case, the Attorney General purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States. But, I am not sure that any office for the Special Counsel has been “established by Law,” as the Constitution requires. Art. II, §2, cl. 2. By requiring that Congress create federal offices “by Law,” the Constitution imposes an important check against the President—he cannot create offices at his pleasure. If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution. A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President. 

No former President has faced criminal prosecution for his acts while in office in the more than 200 years since the founding of our country. And, that is so despite numerous past Presidents taking actions that many would argue constitute crimes. If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people. The lower courts should thus answer these essential questions concerning the Special Counsel’s appointment before proceeding.


Even if the Special Counsel has a valid office, questions remain as to whether the Attorney General filled that office in compliance with the Appointments Clause. For example, it must be determined whether the Special Counsel is a principal or inferior officer. If the former, his appointment is invalid because the Special Counsel was not nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, as principal officers must be. Art. II, §2, cl. 2. Even if he is an inferior officer, the Attorney General could appoint him without Presidential nomination and senatorial confirmation only if “Congress . . . by law vest[ed] the Appointment” in the Attorney General as a “Hea[d] of Department.” Ibid. So, the Special Counsel’s appointment is invalid unless a statute created the Special Counsel’s office and gave the Attorney General the power to fill it “by Law.” 

Whether the Special Counsel’s office was “established by Law” is not a trifling technicality. If Congress has not reached a consensus that a particular office should exist, the Executive lacks the power to unilaterally create and then fill that office. Given that the Special Counsel purports to wield the Executive Branch’s power to prosecute, the consequences are weighty. Our Constitution’s separation of powers, including its separation of the powers to create and filled offices, is “the absolutely central guarantee of a just Government” and the liberty that it secures for us all. Morrison, 487 U. S., at 697 (Scalia, J., dissenting). There is no prosecution that can justify imperiling it. 

This is, in my very unlawerly view, nearly unprecedented. Thomas is using this case to strike at the very core of the indictment against Trump brought by Attorney General Merrick Garland's minion, Jack Smith. 

This is much the same as the argument that Trump's legal team made before Federal District Judge Aileen Cannon.

Former President Donald J. Trump’s defense team tried on Friday to persuade the judge overseeing the national security documents case to dismiss the indictment, pushing a long-shot argument that the special counsel, Jack Smith, was not properly appointed.

There is an ongoing campaign by Jack Smith and the media to gaslight you in thinking the argument is specious, but these are the same people who told you that Joe Biden's dementia and physical decrepitude were the product of "cheapfakes" by rightwing media and your lying eyes.

Don't believe them. Smith's case is particularly weak because the Senate never confirmed him to any position inside the federal government, and so even if the Justice Department's internal special counsel rule is legal, there is a huge question mark floating over Smith's ability to serve in that position.

Thomas has to be aware of the blowback he is going to get over using his concurrence to push an argument that Trump's legal team is making in court. But he has done a great service in pushing this issue to the forefront. The idea that the Attorney General can use an internal Justice Department regulation to choose some bearded rando off the street to carry out a politically charged prosecution of a former president is crap that belongs in Pakistan or Sudan, not in the United States.

Democrat Media Aren’t Upset Biden Is Senile, They’re Mad They Can’t Hide It Anymore

Had Democrats been honest about how obvious Biden’s condition was a year ago, they might have a winning candidate now.

Shortly after Biden’s disastrous debate ended Thursday, Ben Rhodes tweeted: “Just think about what that debate looked like to people and leaders around the world.” Rhodes, a loyal Democrat soldier, was careful not to say that everyone was far more concerned about how the current president came off than Donald Trump, but he didn’t have to.

Besides, the concern abroad over Biden’s mental state wasn’t exactly new. Just a few weeks ago, concern over Biden’s addled appearances at the G7 summit was reported on unsparingly by the foreign press without the repugnant “don’t believe your eyes and ears” qualifications applied by the turnspits in the American media.

The only reason anyone ever believed Biden was up to the job is that they were lied to, even though most Americans have always understood Biden has been exhibiting signs of dementia before he ever became president. At this point, it’s impossible to deny that Democrats and their media allies have betrayed and endangered America by spending the last few years lying to us about Biden’s age-related mental competency.

Of course, it’s only fitting that Rhodes would come around, however circumspectly, to admitting that as far as Biden’s concerned, the wheel’s turning but the hamster is dead. Rhodes, “the boy wonder of the Obama White House,” is chiefly famous for admitting in print that he openly manipulated reporters on behalf of the president to push Obama’s ill-advised Iran deal because the “average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.” Rhodes and his colleagues even bragged that certain reporters were so dedicated to helping them push their foreign policy narrative that they would just “find everything and retweet it.”

While this admission was briefly scandalous, it was only notable because Rhodes had merely said out loud what everyone knew to be true: The Beltway press corps will print whatever Democrat politicians tell them to, no matter how outrageous or even dangerous for America’s national security their policies are.

Indeed, in Thursday’s debate, Trump would rightfully hammer Biden for turning on the money spigot to the world’s leading state sponsor of terror after he turned it off during his presidency. Naturally, Iran was flowing money to Hamas, which helped trigger the current war in Israel, as well as the Houthis, whom Biden took off the terror watch list almost as soon as he took office as a sop to their paymasters in Tehran. The Houthis have now spent months attacking ships in the Red Sea, exacerbating America’s inflation woes as well as causing major environmental disasters.

But the media largely shrugged when Obama started flying planes to Iran with hundreds of millions in cash and Rhodes told them not to care about it. The media seemed to care even less when the Biden administration decided to give Iran access to $10 billion more a short time after they were responsible for killing American soldiers.

Yet the media narrative that has been landed on following the debate, which is more a matter of consolation than accuracy, is that while Biden appeared frail and incompetent, his character still shined through standing next to a serial liar like Donald Trump who lied throughout the debate. Oh and did we mention Donald Trump is a lying liar? He lies, you know.

One need not defend Trump’s aggrandizing rhetoric and personal peccadillos to acknowledge that it’s not obvious to most voters that Biden is the better or more honest person. Indeed, Biden’s own liesimmoral behaviorembrace of racists, and foreign corruption with his felonious, sex-trafficker of a son are plenty egregious even by Washington standards.

But for those who insist Biden is objectively more honest, particularly those in the media, here’s a question they should be forced to answer: What lie did Trump tell in Thursday’s debate more damnable than Biden’s claim that he’s “the only president this century” that did not have any troops “dying anywhere in the world”?

Just a few months ago, Biden’s State of the Union address was interrupted by the screaming of the anguished father of one of the 13 service members who were killed in Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Yet this prostest barely registered in the media, when we all know such a heartrending display would be used as a cudgel against any Republican. And that’s wholly aside from the fact that there’s a merit to the argument that the reckless nature of the Afghanistan withdrawal means Biden bears real responsibility for their deaths.

Of course, don’t expect anyone to acknowledge the real problem here. It’s not just that voters are upset about Biden’s debate performance or are rightfully concerned the nation is in peril under his addled leadership. It’s that they feel lied to. A week ago, The New York Times was regurgitating the White House spin that “Misleading Videos Are Trailing Biden As He Battles Age Doubts,” as if the voluminous number of videos of Biden stumbling over his words and wandering off on stage were all “cheap fakes” per the White House’s talking points.

Following the debate, at least three of their op-ed columnists called for Biden to withdraw, and the paper has run an official editorial telling him to bow out. The dwindling number of people who still trust legacy media outlets such as the Times will no doubt insist their willingness to call out Joe’s problems is a sign of their integrity. However, this would only be a sign of integrity if they called for him to drop out after it became obvious Biden was senile, and that happened years ago. The about-face occurred only after they started to panic that he couldn’t win reelection.

Besides, the fact that it’s nearly impossible to recall another time when any big elitist media institution diverged with a Democratic White House on such a big issue is the exception that proves the rule. Biden may yet withdraw, but if he doesn’t, he need not worry whether the media will line up behind him.

Following Biden’s debate catastrophe, on MSNBC Jen Psaki asked California Gov. Gavin Newsom, “What should people out there who have social media platforms and like President Biden be pushing out there that was damaging and terrible from Donald Trump tonight?”

To be clear on what’s happening in this exchange, a woman who went straight from being the current president’s press secretary to joining a major news network with no real objection from her peers is asking Biden’s official debate surrogate how to send out literal talking points to damage the incumbent Democrat’s opponent on live television.

It’s not just that the debate made it impossible to deny Biden’s cognitive decline, it’s that the media’s desperation to defend him is also laying bare the total moral and ethical collapse of journalism.

It’s tempting for Trump supporters to revel in schadenfreude over this mess because Trump, who’s been leading in the polls since September, just saw his odds of winning jump even more, and the downballot effects for Dems of a lopsided victory could be devastating. But the reality is that there’s no good outcome for the country.

Democrats have spent years insisting Trump and the Republican Party were a threat to Democracy because of Jan. 6, 2021. But that threat may pale in comparison to having a non compos mentis man in the White House with two separate wars raging involving nuclear powers. If distrust between voters and our leadership class was already a problem, it’s about to get a lot worse.

Even if Dems do try to hot-swap the candidate in the middle of the election, Kamala Harris has the lowest approval ratings of any vice president in modern history. And the process for substituting any other candidate would likely cause so much strife within the Democratic coalition and legal turmoil that it would swallow the election. You think 2020 was divisive because people questioned the results? Just imagine heading into this election with active litigation about whether it’s against state law to take Biden’s name off the ballot in crucial swing states a couple of months before the election.

It didn’t have to be this way. All Democrat leaders and the media had to do was not be so craven in their desire to cling to power. In fact, had they been honest about how obvious Biden’s condition was a year ago, they might have a candidate who is winning the election.

Instead, they sowed distrust with citizens, empowered enemies who are taking advantage of an enfeebled leader, and brought the country to the brink of domestic turmoil. And still, they have no intention of accepting responsibility for what they’ve done.

They’re not actually upset to have just discovered the man in charge of our nuclear weapons is senile — they’re upset they can’t continue to hide this fact from you any longer.