Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Unable To Blame White Conservatives For Surging Anti-Semitism Or The Attack On A Lesbian Couple In Halifax

 Justin Trudeau Has Simply Decided Not To Fight Hate At All. Turns away !

Trudeau’s worldview doesn’t allow him to acknowledge that people of all backgrounds can be racist. Thus, hate continues to spread on his watch.

North America has been by far the most successful part of the world when it comes to integrating newcomers and fostering a unifying sense of national identity among people of different races, religions, and backgrounds.

Compared to the rest of the world, both Canada and the United States stand out when it comes to getting a bunch of very different people to feel part of a broader national family.

But now, much of that progress is at risk, as we increasingly descend into divisive tribalism.

There are three key reasons this is happening.

First, the attempt to impose ‘post-nationalism’ on the populace has simply removed the highest level of national identification. Without a unifying Canadian identity, people will simply revert to the identity of their original homeland, race, religious group, or even their favoured political party – hence the rise in political division.

Second, ramping up immigration and lowering immigration standards, has led to far more tension, more economic damage, more opposition to immigration, and more tribalism as a result.

Third, the push by the far-left to encourage minority groups to focus heavily on race, alongside a demonization of Western Civilization has resulted in everyone – minority groups and the majority – increasingly thinking in racial terms, which is leading to escalating division.

This is the opposite of what we should be doing.

To keep a diverse country like Canada unified, and to ensure our country succeeds, we need to foster a values-based sense of national identity that can help a diverse group of people cohere into a national family.

We need immigration levels that are well-managed, focused on values-alignment and economic success, and finely-tuned to ensure that societal divisions are not exacerbated.

And we need to recognize that Canada owes much of our prosperity to institutions, values, and ways of thinking that originated in Europe. This doesn’t mean ignoring the contributions of others, but it does mean acknowledging that it is absurd to tell minority groups to be proud of their history while simultaneously saying European Canadians cannot do the same.

After all, human beings of all backgrounds have the ability to learn from each other, so one race of people can learn from another and values like individual freedom and limited government can spread and be embraced by people of all backgrounds.

Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau doesn’t understand this.

Justin Trudeau’s worldview – like the worldview of many on the far-left – is so race-obsessed that he simply can’t acknowledge racism unless it’s coming from White Conservatives. Because Trudeau sees the world through the ‘oppressed vs oppressor’ lens, and views Europeans as oppressors, he can’t comprehend that people of all races and backgrounds are capable of being both oppressors or the oppressed depending on the circumstance.

Consider the horrific incident that occurred last week. A Lesbian couple in Halifax was beaten up by a group of Middle Eastern men, men who are hateful and unwilling to accept Western ideas of individual freedom:

Where is Justin Trudeau’s outrage?

Where is the press conference denouncing this as “un-Canadian” behaviour?

Why has it gotten so little attention?

Because it wasn’t White Conservatives who did it.

Trudeau – and much of the left-leaning media – simply can’t accept the fact that Canada has imported tremendous numbers of hateful people, many of whom happen to be Brown.

Since Brown People are supposed to be the ‘oppressed,’ Trudeau and the media are unable to acknowledge that non-Western societies – and many non-Western People – are far more hateful, oppressive, and exclusionary than Western societies.

This is also how Trudeau has handled – or more accurately not handled – the surge in anti-Semitism. Since much of the anti-Semitic hate comes from Brown People, Trudeau has simply checked out of the fight against it. He issues mild statements once in a while, then goes back to playing both sides and leaving it to others.

And so, hate is allowed to spread in Trudeau’s Canada, because it’s not being driven by White Conservatives and doesn’t fit into Trudeau’s narrow worldview.

This is disastrous.

A diverse country like Canada cannot survive if we remain race-obsessed and give a free pass to some groups to undermine our values and spread hate just because of their skin colour.

We must hold everyone to the highest standard, we must demand that all Canadians embrace the values that built our country, and we must have zero tolerance for anti-Semitism, and zero tolerance for attacks like we saw in Halifax – regardless of the perpetrators.

Spencer Fernando
