Sunday, June 23, 2024

Anthony Fauci Is A Garbage Person

That Anthony Fauci became the face of COVID-19 is a testament to how bureaucrats, especially liberal ones, fail up. Not that being the face of a pandemic is a good thing, but that he became “THE expert” on a virus he likely helped create after only being known for his work on an HIV vaccine shows how there is no room in government for success. 

If you’re saying to yourself, “Hey, there is an HIV vaccine,” you would be right. The only thing Anthony Fauci was known for before COVID was failing miserably in his biggest assignment. He wanted a vaccine (it’s like a fetish with him) and we ended up with a drug treatment that works pretty well. When COVID struck, Fauci snapped into the same old mode – develop a vaccine and any and all costs, nothing else matters.

How’d that work out again?

To hear him tell it, great. 

His whole career has been great, and he saved the world from the coronavirus. Just ask him.

At least, that’s the point of his new book. 

It’s not often someone fails miserably to write a book that is anything other than a cautionary tale, but Tony hopes to write the first draft of history and cement his name on top of the hero column. This would be impossible under every single other circumstance than one where the alternative is Donald Trump. In that equation, anyone across from him wins.

Because of Trump, MSNBC, The View, CNN, you name it, will hoist this hypocritical dwarf on their heads and pretend he was the only thing standing between civilization and destruction.

The truth about this man, as is often the case with garbage people, is the opposite of what he portrays.

On The View this week, Fauci listened intently as racist co-host Sonny Hostin blamed Donald Trump for the death of her mother- and father-in-law from COVID. She told Fauci, “We remember those pandemic briefings. I remember the injection of bleach, perhaps, the hydroxychloroquine, dangerous recommendations. You were particularly disturbed, I read, by [Trump’s] refusal to wear a mask. What was this time like for you, having to contradict the President of the United States? And what should everyone know about how he handled the crisis because I blame him for my in-laws’ death.” 

To this, Fauci only replied, “Yeah,” then moved on to talk about other things.

Fauci knows Trump isn’t responsible for their deaths. Sonny knows he’s not. 

Maybe they listened to Fauci and wore masks, thinking they’d been made safe by them and made stupid moves that put them at risk? Or maybe they just got it because there wasn’t really any way to avoid getting it? 

Whatever the case, it wasn’t Trump’s fault. 

As for the, “I remember the injection of bleach, perhaps, the Hydroxychloroquine, dangerous recommendations,” bit, where were her in-laws morons? I have to ask because no one suggested injecting bleach except liberals trying to mock Trump. Did they die that way?

Or did they take Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin? These are the favorite boogeymen of the left. “He took horse paste!” They scream like teenage girls at a Beatles concert in 1964. They never mention how those medicines have been around for decades without killing people and, most importantly, they don’t talk about how the alternative to trying those drugs was nothing. 

There was nothing else at the time. Doctors told people to take a pain reliever and hope symptoms don’t get any worse, but if they do and they can’t breathe, go to the hospital and get on a ventilator while they get their affairs in order and prepare to die. It was Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, or nothing. Since people don’t die from taking those drugs for other things, it’s unlikely they harmed Sonny’s family. 

Fauci knows this. Fauci said nothing. 

Only a garbage person would sit silently as someone smeared the President with an allegation they know is untrue; while a panel of people smeared the President with lies. 

Fauci let it all slide because he wants to sell books, but more importantly, he wants every bit of blame to be directed at anyone who isn’t him. He’s making a play for history, for his legacy.

Tony Fauci’s true legacy is one of failure, lies, and self-aggrandizement. That his perverted version of events now sits in the pages of a book doesn’t make it any truer than when he was lying from the podium at the White House. That is ultimately what history will remember. 

Have Some Self-Respect, Man.


When will enough be enough?

For a while, I’ve thought about what to say regarding Liberal MP Anthony Housefather and the way he’s being treated by his party.

On the one hand, Housefather is largely responsible for putting himself in such an untenable situation. He chose to stay in the Liberal Party, despite his well-publicized concerns over Justin Trudeau’s ‘equivocation’ when it comes to Israel and Hamas.

Trudeau has tried to have it both ways, repeatedly drawing a false moral equivalence between Israel – a democratic state – and Hamas – a genocidal terrorist organization.

Trudeau, along with other top officials like Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly – have also repeated false Hamas propaganda and then failed to remove/retract their Tweets and statements based on that propaganda, thus allowing lies to linger and spread.

They’ve done all of this at a time of surging anti-Semitism, a surge which has been worsened by the very same equivocation and false moral equivalencies that Housefather has been understandably concerned about.

Housefather watched all of this happen – while speaking out against it – yet still decided the Liberal Party was the best place for him.

And so, Housefather is indeed largely responsible for the place he finds himself in, and I can understand why some would feel no sympathy for him.

That said, consider what it would be like to give years of your life to working within a political party, only to have that party – at the most crucial moment – completely surrender to anti-Semitism and pander to those who despise the Western world.

Imagine being betrayed by your party leader – someone who surely told you everything you wanted to hear behind the scenes.

Imagine watching the shocking rise of anti-Semitism in Canada, a surge pushed in large part by Islamists who are promoting one of the most regressive and anti-freedom ideologies in the world, only to have your ‘progressive’ Prime Minister decide that even though standing with the Jewish community is the only choice consistent with Canadian values and Western values, there is more short-term political gain to be found in abandoning the Jewish community.

That would be incredibly difficult, and, understandably, Housefather has struggled with what to do.

And yet, at some point, it comes down to this:

Have some self-respect, man.

If it wasn’t obvious before, it should be obvious now that people like Housefather – Canadians who actually believe in Western values and believe in standing against the barbaric and backwards hatred of radical Islamists – are simply not welcome in the Liberal Party:

“A proposal to appoint Liberal MP Anthony Housefather to a new role fighting antisemitism — which has been in the works for weeks — has been held up by concerns about divisions in the government caucus over the Israel-Hamas war, CBC News has learned.

And sources who spoke to CBC News — including one caucus member — are asking how Housefather’s role would differ from the work of Deborah Lyons, the special envoy on preserving Holocaust remembrance and combating antisemitism.”

Trudeau could have prevented this latest humiliation of Housefather by simply appointing him to the role immediately. The fact that he didn’t, the fact that he’s letting it linger, the fact that he’s letting Housefather’s ‘colleagues’ publicly undermine him, tells you that Trudeau wants the humiliation and undermining to happen.

Trudeau is either too complicit or too weak to stand up to surging anti-Semitism.

Either way, Anthony Housefather should finally conclude that it’s time to leave the Liberal Party.

At some point, enough has to be enough.

Spencer Fernando

X22, And we Know, and more- June 23


Reject Myopic Thinking, Not Mr. Trump’s V.P. Choice

A vote against Mr. Trump based upon who he selects for his running mate, is a vote for the left’s radical, extreme, and dangerous “fundamental transformation” of America.

There has been much talk about whom presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump should choose for his running mate. It is right and proper for Mr. Trump’s supporters to engage in these oft-heated discussions, for it can help instruct the ultimate choice. Many fine individuals have been suggested for his prospective vice president: former Trump administration members; past and present U.S. senators, representatives, and governors; former primary opponents; and even some media figures.

While many potential running mates have been posited, not all have been positively received. Some in the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement have deemed some possible vice presidential candidates as deal-breakers regarding the entire GOP ticket—including the rejection of Mr. Trump himself.

Should Mr. Trump choose a running mate some in the MAGA movement find less than appealing, it is imperative to dispense with such myopic thinking, lest it sow the seeds of defeat.

The MAGA movement argues that this is the most important presidential election in a generation or more. Indeed, the movement believes this election could mark the end of the republic should the Democrats prevail in November. Whatever the degree, the movement and the bulk of the GOP believe a defeat would be disastrous for the future of our free republic.

Thus, the argument to reject Mr. Trump based upon who he chooses for his running mate is hypocritical and threatens everything the MAGA movement claims to cherish.

The hypocrisy is patent. Since he rode down the escalator and declared his candidacy in 2015, MAGA members have urged Republicans—especially those in the “never Trump” camp—to set aside their personal and policy qualms to support Mr. Trump. The argument was blunt: whatever his perceived faults, Mr. Trump would be a far better president and do far less harm to the country than anyone the Democrats would nominate; ergo, a vote for said Democrat or anyone else as a protest vote would constitute enabling and empowering the left’s radical, extreme, and dangerous “fundamental transformation” of America.

Consequently, in the debate over Mr. Trump’s potential GOP running mate, the same logic applies. If a MAGA supporter and/or grassroot Republican votes against Mr. Trump based upon who he selects for his running mate, said MAGA supporter or grassroot Republican is enabling and empowering the left’s radical, extreme, and dangerous “fundamental transformation” of America.

Further, for years, his supporters have avowed that Mr. Trump possesses the intelligence, vision, and courage to address the momentous policy challenges facing our nation. To now claim his political choice of a “disfavored” running mate suddenly renders Mr. Trump unworthy of one’s support is beyond absurd. There is no discernible difference between a “never Trump” voter and, say, a “never Veep” voter. Why? Because neither will vote for Mr. Trump, and both will help elect a Democrat.

In many ways, then, Mr. Trump’s selection for his 2024 vice presidential running mate is about him, but it is also about the movement and the party he heads as its presidential nominee.

Mr. Trump is charged with the responsibility of choosing a vice-presidential running mate who can further his electoral chances and, if successful, stand a heartbeat away from serving as the leader of our nation and the free world in a time of soul-trying tribulations and chaos.

The GOP and MAGA movement are tasked with grasping the totality of the stakes for our nation and the world in the pending election and in supporting Mr. Trump’s choice for vice president—be it with a big smile or through tightly clenched teeth.

Deadly attacks on Dagestan synagogue and churches 55 minutes ago By Henri Astier, BBC News

A synagogue, two churches and a police checkpoint were targeted in the cities of Derbent and Makhachkala. Twelve other officers were wounded.

A Russian Orthodox priest has also been killed and four attackers shot dead, state media report. The hunt for more gunmen is still ongoing.

The assailants have not been identified, but Dagestan has in the past been the scene of Islamist attacks.

Footage on social media shows buildings on fire in both cities.

In another video, people wearing dark clothes are seen shooting at police cars, before a convoy of emergency service vehicles, sirens blaring, arrive at the scene in Makhachkala, Dagestan's largest city.

In Derbent - home to an ancient Jewish community - gunmen attacked a synagogue and a church. Local security officials say both buildings were set ablaze.

An unofficial channel on the Telegram messaging app, Mash, said gunmen were barricaded in a building in Derbent.

Russia's Investigative Committee said it had launched an investigation over "acts of terror", AFP news agency reported.

In April Russia's FSB security service arrested four people in Dagestan suspected of involvement in the attack on Moscow's Crocus City Hall venue the previous month.

More than 140 people were killed in that attack, which was claimed by the Islamic State group.

Between 2007 and 2017, a jihadist organisation called the Caucasus Emirate, and later the Islamic Emirate of the Caucasus, staged attacks in Dagestan and the neighbouring Russian Republics of Chechnya, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Reuters A building on fire after shootings in DerbentReuters
One building is on fire in Derbent

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DHS Group Called Being ‘Religious’ An ‘Indicator’ Of Domestic Terrorism

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) brainstormed about infiltrating local communities to spy on Americans, and suggested being “religious” or “in the military” was an “indicator of extremists and terrorism,” excerpts of documents obtained by America First Legal (AFL) purportedly show.

These excerpts, released Thursday by AFL, purport to show how in 2023, the DHS’s newly created “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group” looked for ways to expand their spying on American citizens, including by trying to “get into local communities in a non-threatening way” to get fellow Americans to tattle tale on their neighbors.

The committee, on which John Brennan and James Clapper — both notorious for their participation in the Russia-collusion hoax as well as for falsely claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation — sat, also suggested religious Americans, members of the military, and Trump supporters were possible security threats, according to segments of the documents released by AFL.

“If you ask researchers to dive into indicators of extremists and terrorism, they might indicate being in the military or religious,” one segment states. “This being identified as an indicator suggests we should be more worried about these. We need the space to talk about it honestly.”

According to the released excerpts, the group appeared to acknowledge a “political advantage” to having the “political backdrop” be tied to Trump.

“There is a political backdrop to all of this. It seems that most of the Domestic Terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president,” the segment states. “It is not like you want a political advantage, but people have attacked the government and its institutions for the last six years.”

While the Biden administration agreed to disband the “Experts Group” in May after an AFL lawsuit, other federal agencies under Biden have ramped up their efforts to criminalize “opposition to the regime,” as my colleague Jordan Boyd pointed out.

The FBI has targeted Trump supporters under the auspices of fighting domestic terrorism, as a report from Newsweek explained in October, citing “a dozen current or former government officials who specialize in terrorism.”

Not only did the FBI expand its “anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists” (AGAAVE) classification to include the “furtherance of political and/or social agendas,” but it also created a new terrorism category, “AGAAVE-Other,” in October of 2022.

“[Y]es, in practical terms, it refers to MAGA, though the carefully constructed language is wholly nonpartisan,” an FBI officer told Newsweek.

This is a top-down ideology, exemplified by Biden himself espousing the baseless yet inflammatory claim that “MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.”

But the real threat is Democrats’ unabashed use of law enforcement agencies to target political dissidents. The FBI, for example, used a document from the left-wing extremist group, Southern Poverty Law Center, to target Catholics for beliefs like opposing abortion and holding orthodox views on sex. The FBI labeled these individuals as “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists,” as reported by The Daily Signal.

What This Big-Time Democrat Donor Had to Say About Trump Is Stunning

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

Big-time Democrat donor is so fed up with the Left and President Joe Biden’s blatant lack of care for the United States, that she’s doing a complete 180 in regards to her 2024 support. 

Former Obama fundraiser Allison Huynh announced that she is pulling her support (and money) from the Democratic Party and investing it into former President Donald Trump’s campaign. 

The co-creator of Willow Garage, a company that created robotics and AI systems, said she was “divorcing” the Democratic Party, citing several reasons that have added to her final decision to vote for Trump this November. 

“Like any divorce, there’s not just one thing, there’s a series of things that led up to it," Huynh said on "Jesse Watters Primetime.”

Since Biden took office four years ago, the U.S. has seen unprecedented levels of crime, inflation, and illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, resulting in Americans— even Democrats— abandoning the president. 

Huynh lives with her family in San Francisco, where crime and looting have been a significant problem for years in the city. She said that Democrats police the wrong things and instead should focus on policing violent criminals. 

“The things that we need to police are violent criminals that are scattered throughout the streets of San Francisco, people defecating, shooting up heroin in front of me and my kids, and allowing criminals to go in and steal from our grocery stores, shutting down grocery stores," she said.

“He’s asleep at the wheel,” Huynh said of Biden. 

On the contrary, Huynh spoke highly of Trump when she met him for the first time at a fundraising event at Mar-a-Lago.

“He was light and funny and intelligent,” she said. “The people there were down-to-earth. I was happy with how knowledgeable Trump is about what is going on with the country and the economy. He had the information. He is all there with the things that matter: education — his kids are well-educated -— fighting crime, immigration, and business.” 

She also spoke highly of Trump’s 2016 Jobs Act, saying it was a good policy that “encourages investment, which helps to sustain this country.”

RFK Jr. Warns of the Danger of a Potential Nuclear War, If Joe Biden Is in the White House

Levon Satamian reporting for RedState 

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (I) joined the "Impact Theory Podcast" hosted by Tom Bilyeu, in an interview taped on Thursday, where they spoke about various topics, including President Biden, the 2024 election, and a potential nuclear war. A preview clip of the interview has been released (see the end of the article).

Kennedy had this to say about Biden:

You look at President Biden, I worry. Every time I see him on TV, I think of all of us; it's like watching your five-year-old play on a jungle gym for the first time. You're like, oh my God, I hope he doesn't fall or something.

He later shifted the conversation and began speaking about a potential nuclear war:

But the bad part of it is if you look at this man, and we're right, closer now to nuclear exchange than at any time since 1962. The Russians today fired, I think, two or three missiles off the shore of Cuba, and they're talking about nuclear war. The Russians have 2,500 more weapons than we do, they have better defense weapons than we do.

The latest Pentagon report showed that if in a nuclear exchange, that we would lose 90 million Americans within the first 24 hours and 90 million over six months after nuclear exchange. And you don't have anybody in the White House who seems to be thinking this through.

These statements by Kennedy are exactly why the DNC is suing to keep him and vice presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan off state ballots. It's also why Biden and the Democrats did everything possible to keep him off the debate stage. 

Kennedy shifted his attention to the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken:

It's Tony Blinken, who was on stage in Kyiv the other night playing a guitar at a concert, while 500,000 kids are dying down the street, and he's in a rock concert. In the end, he stands up like the hero and says we will never abandon Ukraine.

Whether you agree with Kennedy's stance on the issues or not, he speaks his mind, which frightens the Democrats. 

Kennedy continued criticizing the Biden administration on its ability to answer that "3 a.m. phone call":

There are no adults in the room, and you say President Biden is the guy who has the [nuclear] football; he has to make the call. They wake him up at 3 o'clock in the morning; you have six minutes to make the call. 

Six minutes to decide whether to retaliate, to send the missiles up. And during that six minutes, he's being pushed by six Secret Servicemen through a hallway as fast as he can go, through one of the tunnels below the White House, which I've been in, and they're pushing him to the bunker.

Kennedy did not hold back on criticizing Biden's weaknesses on foreign policy: 

So he has to make a call that's going to affect all of our children, all of humanity. 

And you know, don't want somebody who's on the ball and who's thinking this through, and who's just not cognitively impaired to do that?

Former President Trump has the opportunity to mention these points during the first presidential debate with Biden, and open undecided voters' eyes to the danger that Biden and his administration pose for the nation's future. 

Former Biden Opponents Dish on How to Debate Him, What Will Set Him Off, and How He's Declined

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

There's been a lot of speculation about the upcoming debate between Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump next Friday. Biden is purportedly going to be hunkering down at Camp David preparing until then. 

There have been all kind of leaks about from the Biden team and I don't think they've been good for them, saying to expect "surprises" about his "content and physical performance" as well as other reports suggesting he was going to be more aggressive and call Trump a "convicted felon," likely hoping that would trigger Trump. 

As I said, I don't think that's going to work or trigger Trump, and he should just flip it back to Biden's failures. There were even reports he was practicing mock debates and standing for 90 minutes. 

When you have to practice standing for 90 minutes, there just may be a problem. 

But the thing that is true is that Biden doesn't like being challenged and is very easily triggered. We've seen it many times including him even flipping out on voters and calling them names when he doesn't like what they have to say to him. He's cursed out voters, calling one "fat," and even called one a "dog faced pony soldier." And he doesn't think he works for us as he revealed in this March 10, 2020 video. 

Warning for graphic language: 

CBS Teases 'Surprises' From Joe Biden for the Debate

More Tips on What Biden May Do in Debate, As His Walk to Marine One Raises Questions

Now former opponents of Joe Biden are dishing about what they think and what Trump can do. 

“What I tried to do was to get him upset. He has a short fuse. And that was our whole strategy,” said John M. Burris, a former majority leader of the Delaware House of Representatives who lost to Biden in his 1984 US Senate campaign. [...]

“Somebody like Trump coming at you can really make Joe very mad and upset,” added Burris, 78.

Burris is friendly with Biden and said he didn't think he should be running. 

“I don’t want Joe to run, because I care about him. I want him to go home and enjoy his legacy rather than take four more years. It’s just such a draining job,” Burris said. “He is the same guy, but not quite as quick.

“It’s not going to be very pleasant to watch,” Burris sighed. “I think Trump is going to try and make Joe look old, and not be able to handle the facts and pressures.”

Wow, a Democrat who is actually honest, and caring about Biden. Too bad there aren't others like this. And now that he's admitting that Biden is "not quite as quick," watch him be frozen out of the Biden orbit if he's still in it. 

Then there was M. Jane Brady, a former prosecutor and later Delaware’s attorney general, who Biden faced in 1990.  She is a Republican and she thinks that he's gone downhill. 

“I watched a piece of the debate he had with Trump four years ago and you don’t even see the same person you had four years ago. That’s pretty clear to people,” Brady said.

Brady suggested that Trump should be patient, let Biden speak and try to explain himself. 

“I think he will find it difficult to provide clarity to the issues he is talking about.” That's a great point too, that the more Biden speaks the more the confusion will be to come out. They've so prepared him, I expect it's likely to all be a jumble in his head. 

Both points are great, about letting him rambling and challenging him in a way guaranteed to set him off. The more he talks, the more unhinged he's likely to be and the more people who may not watch him as much as we do are likely to see it. 

♦️𝐖³𝐏 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝


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