Sunday, June 23, 2024

Reject Myopic Thinking, Not Mr. Trump’s V.P. Choice

A vote against Mr. Trump based upon who he selects for his running mate, is a vote for the left’s radical, extreme, and dangerous “fundamental transformation” of America.

There has been much talk about whom presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump should choose for his running mate. It is right and proper for Mr. Trump’s supporters to engage in these oft-heated discussions, for it can help instruct the ultimate choice. Many fine individuals have been suggested for his prospective vice president: former Trump administration members; past and present U.S. senators, representatives, and governors; former primary opponents; and even some media figures.

While many potential running mates have been posited, not all have been positively received. Some in the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement have deemed some possible vice presidential candidates as deal-breakers regarding the entire GOP ticket—including the rejection of Mr. Trump himself.

Should Mr. Trump choose a running mate some in the MAGA movement find less than appealing, it is imperative to dispense with such myopic thinking, lest it sow the seeds of defeat.

The MAGA movement argues that this is the most important presidential election in a generation or more. Indeed, the movement believes this election could mark the end of the republic should the Democrats prevail in November. Whatever the degree, the movement and the bulk of the GOP believe a defeat would be disastrous for the future of our free republic.

Thus, the argument to reject Mr. Trump based upon who he chooses for his running mate is hypocritical and threatens everything the MAGA movement claims to cherish.

The hypocrisy is patent. Since he rode down the escalator and declared his candidacy in 2015, MAGA members have urged Republicans—especially those in the “never Trump” camp—to set aside their personal and policy qualms to support Mr. Trump. The argument was blunt: whatever his perceived faults, Mr. Trump would be a far better president and do far less harm to the country than anyone the Democrats would nominate; ergo, a vote for said Democrat or anyone else as a protest vote would constitute enabling and empowering the left’s radical, extreme, and dangerous “fundamental transformation” of America.

Consequently, in the debate over Mr. Trump’s potential GOP running mate, the same logic applies. If a MAGA supporter and/or grassroot Republican votes against Mr. Trump based upon who he selects for his running mate, said MAGA supporter or grassroot Republican is enabling and empowering the left’s radical, extreme, and dangerous “fundamental transformation” of America.

Further, for years, his supporters have avowed that Mr. Trump possesses the intelligence, vision, and courage to address the momentous policy challenges facing our nation. To now claim his political choice of a “disfavored” running mate suddenly renders Mr. Trump unworthy of one’s support is beyond absurd. There is no discernible difference between a “never Trump” voter and, say, a “never Veep” voter. Why? Because neither will vote for Mr. Trump, and both will help elect a Democrat.

In many ways, then, Mr. Trump’s selection for his 2024 vice presidential running mate is about him, but it is also about the movement and the party he heads as its presidential nominee.

Mr. Trump is charged with the responsibility of choosing a vice-presidential running mate who can further his electoral chances and, if successful, stand a heartbeat away from serving as the leader of our nation and the free world in a time of soul-trying tribulations and chaos.

The GOP and MAGA movement are tasked with grasping the totality of the stakes for our nation and the world in the pending election and in supporting Mr. Trump’s choice for vice president—be it with a big smile or through tightly clenched teeth.