Sunday, May 19, 2024

Trump Indictments Have Ignited a Juggernaut of a Presidential Campaign

President Trump just can’t stop winning, as the many indictments levied against him by his political opponents continue to earn him billions of dollars worth of press coverage. In fact, these indictments and the resulting media storm are doing a better job of convincing doubters of the authenticity of his agenda than President Trump and his team could likely do on their own!

Suburban moderates and independents, the type of gilded voters most likely to be offended by Trump’s rhetorical bombast or otherwise buy into the anti-Trump propaganda blitz, are seeing a sort of coordinated, repellent injustice against Trump previously unfathomable within their narrow worldview. 

As such, millions of Americans are now thinking: If so many prominent elected officials, judges, prosecutors, district attorneys, media talking heads, academics, faceless bureaucrats, and other influential figures throughout “respectable” society are willing to collude in broad daylight to railroad President Trump in such a brazenly dishonest manner, then could have they rigged the 2020 election? Could they have faked the Russia conspiracy? Could they be lying about absolutely everything?

Of course, every Trump supporter and American patriot knows the answers to these questions all too well. Now, the broader public is being forced to contemplate them as they confront the contradictions between the official truth and the apparent reality. These everyday Americans are being told that everything is fine as they are mugged by extreme inflation, as dangerous sectarian conflicts pop up each day, as ethnic hate and gender-bending pornography invade the schools, and as America disintegrates before their very eyes. Even the most incurious and oblivious of Americans thereby have begun to introspect about their future under the Biden Regime.

The globalist elite severely miscalculated by declaring Total War against Trump; their arrogance and lust for vengeance got the better of them. The globalists were frankly successful in ousting President Trump with a coup on Jan. 6, shutting him off from mainstream social media, siloing his supporters in echo chambers, instituting a domestic crackdown on so-called dissidents, and reclaiming power (at least temporarily) over the system. The tactically intelligent move by the globalists would have been to freeze Trump out, refusing to give him any more oxygen that he needs to set the grassroots brush fires required to achieve victory.

But by waging politically motivated prosecutions that resemble the show trials of Soviet Russia and the struggle sessions of Mao’s Chinese Cultural Revolution, the globalists have given Trump all the fuel he needs to reinforce every point he has been making for years. It is now abundantly clear that a deep state exists and is intent on destroying Trump, making a cruel example of him to keep others from rising and challenging its absolute authority. There is, in fact, a multi-tiered justice system for the preferred class that outsiders do not receive, even if they are as wealthy and influential as Trump unless they follow the regime’s orders to the letter. This criminal system transcends the traditional political divide, demonstrating that the Republican-Democrat dichotomy is little more than a smokescreen to create a false debate perpetrated by mountebanks in tow of vicious transnational corporate interests.

The cases against Trump allow him to make every point he needs to make, and his ability to frustrate and compound those manipulating the levers of power adds to his aura and strength. The masterstroke of being able to orchestrate one of his most excellent Wall Street deals, showing the immense market value of his revolutionary Truth Social platform, to become more prosperous than ever right at the moment when he is most threatened with being bankrupted by lawfare, reminders the world what a world-class tycoon President Trump is. Watching the privileged, DEI, low-IQ girl bosses in unearned positions of esteem flail and humiliate themselves with gaffes and scandals aplenty and seeing them trot out Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels for the umpteenth time shows that the system is growing desperate and that Trump alone is the man of our age to confound and defeat these menaces. 

From visiting a Harlem bodega where a clerk stabbed an assailant in self-defense to delivering a dozen pizzas to FDNY heroes at their firehouse to his evasion of ridiculous gag orders and daring a slimy judge to throw him in jail, it is just power move after power move for President Trump. (Sick of winning yet?) The elitists, in their hubris, believing that forcing Trump to endure these ridiculous trials would wear him down, are finding that the exact opposite is coming to fruition. Trump is reinvigorated by the animating contest facing him, doing his best work under immense pressure with the intent to overcome every obstacle in an atmosphere that is becoming as raucous as the legendary 2016 presidential race.

All of the holier-than-thou True Conservatives™ who claimed that Trump’s campaign would be adversely impacted by his many indictments have been proven laughably incorrect. Not only is the spectacle of the court proceedings a hallmark of his surging campaign, but Trump’s rallies are only growing in popularity as a direct result. Trump’s recent New Jersey event was perhaps his most significant to date, and the many foils emerging for Trump to skewer are invigorating the man and helping him hone his material heading into the general election. Remember back in 2016 when Trump took down over a dozen of the supposed best the Republican Party had to over? He grew more powerful with every competitor vanquished. The thrill of the kill motivates Trump, and he will have many fat carcasses to feast upon by the time Biden is on the hit list in November.

And we Know, On the Fringe, and more- May 19


Borderline Ideology Disorder

The events of 2020 proved disruptive to the worldviews of a substantial fraction of the American public.  Constitutional protections that seemed foundational to the country’s identity were discarded with widespread alacrity, and with nary a whimper from what was at least a plurality of the public.

The implications of the 2020 Crisis for the Progressive Left were particularly astonishing.  During the Obama Years, the left abandoned its antiwar plank for crude political expediency, but it was still difficult to process the left abandoning any shred of commitment to bodily autonomy, to free speech, and to the prosperity of the working class as they were dispossessed mercilessly through a series of unconstitutional lockdowns and later through riotous pillaging.

The political whiplash from these Ribbentrop-tier reversals arises from the fact that ultimately, Progressivism adheres not to any stable set of principles, but rather to a particular Conception of the Ethical.  The Progressive conceives of ethics as a process of emancipation from tradition.  He rejects any appeal to any particular tradition as grounds for enforceable normative claims in furtherance of a determinate vision of the good society.  The Progressive proposition is to eliminate the purview of tradition upon state-enforced value claims and bring forth a polity of morally autonomous beings, whose relations among themselves are governed not by publicly binding moral codes — which are allegedly archaic and oppressive — but by universally feasible dictates of Reason, and Compassion, which, by virtue of their demonstrability (among “reasonable and compassionate” individuals, of course) can be codified into law.  In the meantime, normative claims that are not determinately demonstrable through pure reason are left to private conscience. 

The flaws in the Progressive proposition manifest clearly in real questions of politics, where actors are presented with choices between conflicting goods.  Progressive discourse is notorious for its tendency toward Manichean grandstanding, presenting political conflict as contests between unmitigated Good and Evil.  This is not so much due to the sanctimony of its individual adherents (though there’s no shortage of that) as to the impossibility within the Progressive framework of dealing with moral tradeoffs between conflicting values.

Successfully navigating a moral tradeoff requires access to a moral hierarchy that establishes a coherent structure to what are otherwise a chaotic panoply of competing value claims.  Such structure is required to generate distinctions between higher- and lower-order values, beginning with matters of prudence, through the righteous, and culminating with the sacred.  Such a hierarchy manifests only through a determinate vision of the good.  The classic tradeoffs between liberty and equality, the tension between independence and security, and the proper distribution of social responsibility among the individual, family, community, and state, cannot be settled merely by appeal to uninstructed, culturally neutered “Reason and Compassion,” as the proposed solutions would encompass every conceivable combination of human preference.

Such conflicts can be arbitrated coherently only within a broad consensus within such a collective consciousness — call it an ethos — not so much as to the exact solution points of these dilemmas as to where the reasonable limits of such discourses lie.  One can dispute whether a burglar should receive two years in prison or twenty, but when the alternatives range from offering said burglar reparations (for being deprived to the extent that he would even consider such rash action) to chopping off his hand, there is no longer an arena for fruitful rational discourse.  The competing values at stake — justice, mercy, moral responsibility, the rejection vs. sanctioning vs. sanctity of private property, retribution, and public safety — are simply structured irreconcilably in different ethical frames.

What the COVID response demonstrated was the extremities raw human preference could reach when our deracinated, culturally neutered faculties of “Reason and Compassion” are beset with a relentless campaign of saturation propaganda.   More than any other faction, Progressives advocated for harsh restrictions, family separation,  authoritarian lockdowns, information censorship, and mandated therapies, in direct violation of their once-vaunted commitments to principles of bodily autonomy, free speech, and due process.  

This is the inevitable consequence of “emancipation” from a prescriptive public ethos.  Absent a determinate vision of the good society, Progressives default to vague Utopian delusions, seeking a world of perfect safety, perfect liberty, perfect equality, and so forth, all at the same time.  Further, the Progressive disavowal of the sacred frees Progressives from any obligation to sustain any moral commitment through any kind of adverse circumstance.  The absence of foundational strictures that must be upheld or at least remembered in all circumstances, regardless of the cost, renders all values negotiable, contingent, and ultimately relative.  In practice, these two dynamics reinforce each other to engender a sort of Borderline Ideology Disorder, wherein Progressives lurch from one absolutist phantasm to another, minimizing their degradation of competing values as “breaking a few eggs” — an arch-Leninist phrase that translates, in Covidian, to “forsaking haircuts.” 

This pattern was vividly on display when Progressives, mere months after thoughtlessly discarding foundational American principles in a fanatical pursuit of perfect insulation from risk, discarded their obsession with safety just as thoughtlessly upon encountering a media-sanctioned Covidian outdoor activity.  Without recourse to a determinate moral vision, one that could harmonize and structure competing values, Progressives had no recourse by which to resolve the conflicts between their commitments to Civil Rights “advocacy” and public health “awareness” and were thus forced to resort to claiming an absurd ad hoc exception to their previous hysteria to indulge their latest one. 

The borderline pattern of itinerantly exalting and degrading any given ethical stricture comes from the need to protect the fundamental Progressive proposition.  If “Reason and Compassion” alone is sufficient to generate all enforceable normative claims, then rival normative claims must be presented as unreasonable and malevolent.  To concede any validity to any rival claim would be to undermine the Progressives’ one sacred postulate: that which privileges their particular claims — even as they change from day to day — by identifying them with “Reason and Compassion,” or, in short, with Progress itself.

It was up to the Non-Progressives to think through how the tradeoffs between liberty and safety should be managed in the prevailing circumstances, to consider what checks the Executive Branch should be subject to when unilaterally arrogating powers not constitutionally invested in itself; to determine to what degree the young should be made to bear burdens to protect the old; to decide what risks should be reasonably incurred so that American society did not collapse into a totalitarian sinkhole.

Non-Progressives, what we might call civic Americans, could do this by virtue of their collective respect for the articulated hierarchy of values embodied in the tradition of civic Americanism.  Echoes, however faint, of Ben Franklin’s “those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” lingered in their collective subconscious, as did perhaps Hamilton’s “the nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master and deserves one,” and a thousand other cultural signposts indicating that this was far more than a technical controversy best left to the discretion of a class of “experts.”  Rather, there were sacred matters at stake.

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This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

The Problem Is... They Can't Get Rid of Kamala Harris

Joe Cunningham reporting for RedState 

The news this week has brought on a lot of speculation as to what it might actually mean for Joe Biden and the Democratic presidential ticket as a whole. Could Joe Biden still be replaced? Who would be at the top of the ticket? Would they actually skip over Kamala Harris if they swapped Biden out?

First of all, I still find it highly unlikely that Joe Biden won't be on the ticket, barring (God forbid) natural causes. The stubborn old man has no reason to step aside, especially when he thinks he's doing such a great job. He doesn't see any problems, unlike Republicans and even some within his own party.

Plus, why step aside when he and his team are so convinced they are actually winning, polls be damned?

Biden Genuinely Believes He's Beating Trump Right Now (Polls Be Damned)

But, even if he were to do so, the question remains: Who would replace him?

I've heard names like Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama. Privately, there is actually very little love for the Obamas. Many in Biden's orbit blame Obama for convincing Biden not to run in 2016 and paving the way for Hillary Clinton, believing that is why Trump won. Other Democrats look at the absolute devastation that happened to the party's ranks during the Obama years, noting that Barack Obama was far more focused on himself than his party, and the Democratic Party as a whole suffered for it.

Democrats are also concerned that Newsom is too far left to be the party's figurehead, and that a country that still relies on moderates to determine political outcomes would never elect him.

But, even more than all that, Biden himself has made it impossible for the Democrats to get rid of Harris were Biden to no longer run. 

There is currently a lot of polling data out there showing Biden losing black voters. They aren't switching to the GOP in large numbers (though some are), but it seems incredibly likely that many of them could stay home. Among black voters, black female voters are one of the most reliably Democrat voting groups. If the party were to skip over the first black female vice president to look for another candidate for president, that would have disastrous consequences.

There is also the fact that Biden has tied himself so closely to Harris in rhetoric. It's not the "Biden Administration," it's the "Biden-Harris Administration." They've branded themselves that way, and to dump Harris right before she could assume the role of first black female presidential nominee would effectively end her political career and destroy Biden's reputation.

And then there's the convention itself. It would be utter chaos for the Democrats if Biden were to step aside and the party skip over Kamala Harris. Biden would have to release all of his delegates and then there would be mini-campaigns jockeying for those delegates at the last minute. It would throw the entire production into mass hysteria. Democrats know they can't afford that.

I know a lot of people think the fix is in, and I've talked to a lot who are sure that someone like Michelle Obama has been picked. After all, why hold the party convention in Chicago if not to coronate the former first lady? But there is not enough time left, and Biden would have needed to step down long before now to make any of that feasible.

Could it happen? Sure. Is it likely? I don't think so.

Covid Fearmongering Worked So Well, The Government Is Now Creating A Poultry Panic

As avian flu is making headlines, fears that
 ‘they’re coming for your chickens’ are being realized.

In 2020, the supply chain experienced disruptions that no one in my generation had ever seen. It became even more apparent to those who believe in the power of self-reliance that it is up to us to take care of ourselves. Backyard farming began booming, along with an increased interest in raising chickens.

Since then, efforts to balance self-sustainable lifestyles have been threatened. Government interference in normal healthy practices continues to grow amid concerns over “public safety.”

During the pandemic, my family added fruit trees to our already-growing vegetable garden and discussed getting chickens. It offered a sense of peace in a time of unprecedented government overreach.

The years to come offered plenty of related concerns. In 2022, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) unveiled its “People’s Garden Initiative.” This encouraged Americans to register their backyard, school, and community gardens and is still being presented as a beneficial collaboration.

But if you read the full breakdown, it advances “equity” and other “DEI” and Green New Deal initiatives that reek of a government takeover. I, like many other Americans who value their freedoms, have not registered my garden because my food belongs to me and is no one else’s business.

Now as avian flu is making headlines, fears that “they’re coming for your chickens” are being realized.

Although the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admits that “the current public health risk is low,” it also posted that more than 90 million detections have been found in wild birds and backyard and commercial flocks across 48 states.

Yet, in the fine print, they note that this number was compiled over a two-year period and offer no information on how the testing was administered, how deadly the virus is, or how many birds have recovered.

So once again, the numbers are being stacked to breed fear. Why?

A Need for Poultry

In 2022, Iowa State University cited the rising cost of eggs as one of the determining factors that increased interest in raising backyard chickens. By 2023, The New York Times was calling these flocks “inflation chickens.”

Bidenflation has continued to drive up the cost of all necessities to the point that backyard chicken farming has become essential for some families. Like mine.

My husband and I finally ventured to start our own flock this spring. We have five kids, and ensuring that they have clean, healthy protein is a must. We’ve worked tirelessly to properly care for our birds, and they have become an extremely rewarding addition to our family.

Just having the prospect of free eggs releases the pressure. We have hope. We’re looking forward to the future without fear or frustration.

I have plenty of experience having worked as a bird specialist and veterinary assistant in the past. But our peace of mind is slowly being chipped away as headline after headline screams about bird flu.

The Big, Bad Bird Scare

We should all be suspicious of why the big, bad bird scare keeps getting pushed.

While constant death-toll counters were used to scare people about Covid, despite the fact that Covid was never as deadly as predicted and mostly affected senior citizens who are usually at risk for all illnesses, there have only been two cases of avian flu reported in the U.S., with no fatalities.

Two. Total. Out of hundreds of millions of people. Still there is a push for more testing, and even the development of two vaccines in the works — for an illness that has done virtually nothing.

The situation is laughable. CBS recently reported that dozens of dairy farm workers were being monitored to see if they maybe, possibly, could sort of develop some kind of symptoms after being allegedly exposed to the virus, yet no one has reported any symptoms.

It’s as if the corporate media and their string pullers are hoping for another pandemic. A poultry pandemic.

Chicken Tyranny

In the United Kingdom, they’ve already implemented a bird registry. Poultry papers, please. 

This new rule requires anyone with 50 chickens or more to register their birds. As crazy as this may seem to most Americans, it’s already happening in some areas of the U.S.

The state of Maryland requires residents to register their poultry. Why? For the sake of safety, of course. In case of “disease.” No need to allow poultry owners and their veterinarians to monitor that.

In Wisconsin there is no chicken registry, just a requirement that anyone who owns them register their land.

Premises registration was developed in that state back in 2003. This is required for even backyard chicken flocks and hobby farms. So while chicken registries aren’t the norm for Americans, they do exist, and the recent fearmongering regarding avian flu is likely to expand the passage of other similar policies.

Ulterior Motives

In addition, the latest bird flu scare happens to coincide with climate alarmists’ movement to prevent people from eating meat.

The globalist oligarchy, the World Economic Forum, claims that eating “lots of meat” is bad for the environment, and Bloomberg noted that the 2023 Paris climate agreement is slated to curb our “excessive appetite for meat.”

Although the narrative surrounding meat consumption focuses on the human carbon footprint, very few outlets are willing to report on the catastrophic effects of malnourishment, often developed due to a lack of meat consumption.

According to Saint Luke’s, a 2022 review of meatless diets published in the medical journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases found that veganism can lead to a bevy of deficiencies in vitamin B12, omega-3, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and high-quality protein.

The report also concluded that these issues lead to cancer, stroke, bone fractures, preterm birth,  hair loss, weak bones, muscle wasting, skin rashes, hypothyroidism, and anemia as well as an increased potential for depression and anxiety.

These kinds of deficiencies in vegans and also vegetarians have been recorded for years.

Yet the “war on meat” continues in the corporate media without differentiating between factory farm meat and meat obtained from family farmers or backyard chickens.

The Truth

The latest attack on our chickens is based on the American media’s obsession with half-truths.

Vox just put out a piece claiming that the latest avian flu outbreak is “the worst bird flu outbreak in US history,” yet their source, the USDA, notes that out of the 378.5 million chickens in the United States, 2.73 million have supposedly been exposed.

That’s not even 1 percent of chickens, and the numbers are highly questionable being that the USDA also claims (as of writing this article) that only eight commercial flocks and eight backyard flocks have tested positive for bird flu.

I don’t know how millions of chickens across the nation have been exposed when only 16 flocks have tested positive. I would also like to know the status of those flocks.

Unfortunately, the infected birds were probably destroyed due to hysteria because it’s easier to worry about an illness than accept that we are mortal beings who can take care of ourselves without Mommy and Daddy Government telling us what to fear.

Our leaders know that. They weaponize our fear all the time. They used it against us in 2020, and they will continue using it against us until we rely on ourselves and refuse to accept their manipulation.

Self-reliance takes power away from those who seek control. That’s why they don’t want us facilitating our own food sources.

We witnessed just how many of our “leaders” only care about control in 2020, and the latest bird flu narrative cannot be used to repeat the mistakes of our past.

Why These Voters Say the Trump Trial Is Backfiring on Democrats

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

Democrats have pulled out all the stops to get former President Donald Trump out of the 2024 presidential race. However, it may be backfiring. 

Swing state voters explained why the contentious Trump’s “hush-hush money” trial won’t cause them to vote for President Joe Biden despite the left’s desperate attempt to paint the GOP frontrunner as a bad guy. 

Georgia and Michigan voters told MSNBC that the criminal trial against Trump will not paint Biden in a better light— saying the opposite actually

“It’s actually making people more angry,” a Georgia voter told NBC News correspondent Blayne Alexander. “They know that this is a guy that he’s a billionaire. And he doesn’t need to run for president. But he’s doing it for us. He has a heart of gold.”

Another Georgia voter said that charges against Trump are not deterring them from voting for him in November. 

According to a New York Times/Siena College, Trump leads Biden in Georgia— a crucial swing state that the Democrat won in 2020. 

Other polls found that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s politically motivated case against Trump has no impact on whether they will vote for him. 

A recent Emerson College poll suggested that a potential Trump conviction would not deter most swing-state voters in Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania from still supporting the former president. 

Meanwhile, a Michigan voter, who is between voting for Trump or not voting at all, told the outlet that if the GOP candidate were to be found guilty, it would not impact her views about him. 

“I feel like he’s been hunted down,” they said. 

Georgia voters also told the outlet that Trump’s legal battles make them want to vote for Trump even more. 

“It’s actually caused me to support him more,” a voter told MSNBC. “I just don’t believe that it’s a coincidence we have a trial happening in Atlanta, we have one happening in New York, so the question people are beginning to ask themselves like I did, is like, why now?”

Another said that he respects Trump for continuing to fight for what’s right despite being repeatedly beaten down by the left. 

State Department Issues Worldwide Caution for Americans Traveling Abroad


The world seems to be turning into a dangerous place. Americans have always been at risk in many parts of the globe, particularly the Middle East, and things are now getting bad enough (possibly due to a vacuum in leadership in the United States?) that the government is warning Americans who are contemplating overseas travel. On Friday, the United States State Department issued a worldwide caution alert for Americans traveling abroad, noting the possibility of terrorist attacks and violence in general

Americans traveling abroad are being urged to exercise caution worldwide, the State Department said Friday. 

The agency issued a security alert because of the "potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations, or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests."

"The Department of State is aware of the increased potential for foreign terrorist organization-inspired violence against LGBTQI+ persons and events and advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution," the alert states. 

Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich posted the warning on X:

Americans are warned to avoid nations with ongoing conflicts - Russia, Ukraine, and Syria - as well as nations that are known sponsors of terror, like Iran, Somalia, and Sudan.

National Security Nightmare - Suspected Terrorists Entering US Illegally Up 2,500 Percent Under Biden

In my previous career, I had occasion to travel a lot, including to some unpleasant places like South Africa - although that wasn't as unpleasant as some other places I had visited while wearing Uncle Sam's colors. I've spent a fair amount of time in Japan, as I've noted here, and that's probably still a pretty safe place for Americans; my experience as a gaijin in the Land of the Rising Sun has been pretty positive.

But Japan, these days, seems to be an outlier. It seems to be belaboring the obvious for the State Department to point out that travel to places like Syria or Iran is ill-advised, especially with much of the Middle East on the brink of exploding.

The State Department's issuance of such a warning isn't unusual:

The State Department often issues alerts and travel advisories for Americans overseas. The travel advisories range from "exercise normal precaution" to "Do Not Travel," which is reserved for parts of the world where there is ongoing conflict, ethnic or religious discrimination or where U.S. citizens are generally not welcome. Other reasons for alerts include crime rates, health concerns and piracy in some parts of the world.

Friday's warning may be a tad more dire than just a warning about crime rates or religious discrimination, given the events of Oct. 7th in Israel.

Houthis Attack Oil Tanker in Red Sea With Missile After Biden Just Begged Iran to Make Them Stop

Becca Lower reporting for RedState 

There's been another report of Iran-backed Houthis from Yemen launching missile attacks on foreign vessels in the Red Sea. They've been less frequent recently, but the provocations certainly have not stopped, as we saw in Nov. 2023.

US Navy Rescues Hijacked Tanker, Captures Houthi Pirates

via the Hill:

The latest attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels in the Red Sea struck a Greek-owned and operated oil tanker with a ballistic missile early Saturday, according to U.S. officials. 

The Iranian-backed group hit the oil tanker Wind at around 1 a.m. local time, with one anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM). Wind, a Panamanian-flagged ship, was most recently docked in Russia and was on its way to China. 


The officials said the tanker crew was able to restore steering and propulsion. There were no casualties and the ship “resumed its course under its own power.” 

Warning that "[t]his continued malign and reckless behavior by the Iranian-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden," U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM)'s statement continued:

"The missile caused “flooding which resulted in the of loss propulsion and steering. A coalition vessel immediately responded to the distress call by M/T Wind, but no assistance was needed.”

My colleague Bob Hoge wrote about a slightly different, Iran-related attack in April—the take-over of a ship by Iran's special forces.

Iran Pirates Israeli Container Ship in International Waters

This latest attack by Houthi rebels comes amid "indirect talks" this week between the U.S. and Iran, first reported Friday by Axios, with the Biden administration apparently begging them to stop the Houthis and Hezbollah (and similar militia groups in Iraq and Syria) from continuing attacks just like this one. Seems to be working out well.