Saturday, April 27, 2024

What's in a Hat? MAGA Hats and Pansies

Long before he ran for president, Donald Trump received numerous awards from the NAACP and other such groups. At one point, he had a black girlfriend for two years. Yet, the nanosecond that he circulated his MAGA hats, standing for “Make America Great Again,” those on the left called him a racist. 

Always the Worst Interpretation

Congress representatives such as AOC said that America was never great. Making America great again was attacked by the Left as referring to when white people ruled, and black people were subservient. MAGA suddenly meant ‘make the white majority supreme and keep minorities down.’ Do everything you can to return to the days of Jim Crow, redlining, and prejudice!

Trump had no inkling that anyone would stumble over the phrase, “Make America Great Again.” It was his vision that every citizen who wanted to participate could be part of a glorious future.

Leftists would have none of that. From inauguration day on January 20, 2017, and then beyond, women on the Left protested the Trump administration and G.O.P. policy by wearing what some have called “pussy” hats. Perhaps the protesters who wore these hats, in the shape of female genitalia, thought that somehow they brought appropriate attention to their cause.

The Wrong Kind of Attention

Whatever attention it does bring, is not the sort that they necessarily seek. Where is the gravitas in wearing a pussy hat? Can you take someone seriously who dons a hat that symbolizes the middle part of the female body? 

Suppose that men were marching to generate greater attention on, say, prostate cancer. Would they gain advocates by wearing hats that appeared to be symbolic of male genitalia? Would people regard them in earnest? Would their message have a strong impact? Or would their hats be a distraction? 

Clearly, people wear hats intended to invoke a particular reaction. If one accepts that symbology has an impact, then any fool with any kind of hat only needs to wear it. If the D.C. pussy hat wearers thought that they were making an impact, they had only to look to history to see that the hats were both inappropriate and unnecessary. 

Some of the most effective messages in our history occurred in Washington, D.C. Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1963 didn't resort to props as he appealed to the nation. His words were powerful, his logic was simple, and his emotional impact was strong.

A Unified Message

If the D.C. pussy hat wearers had had a unified, coherent message, then donning such hats did not help. Their hats spoke louder than their words. Other than Madonna dreaming about blowing up the White House, can anyone recall their words? 

Can anyone recite any selected verses uttered that day? Were any messages of eloquence included in any editions of Vital Speeches or other speech compilations? Did any speech make it into textbooks? Did anything say get taught in classrooms? Will speech coaches employ the words spoken that day to demonstrate rhetoric skills? Do students in debate clubs reflect on such words? 

The answer in all these cases is no.

Suppose a speaker is coming to your group to deliver a message. You're not sure of the content, but you know it will be political. You're eager to attend. The speaker shows up and as she's introduced and delivers her message she's wearing a pussy hat. Honestly, can you say that her impact is as great as it would have been without the ridiculous adornment?

Simple Hats 

The vital difference between MAGA hats and pussy hats is that MAGA hats are baseball caps with lettering that make a statement. Both men and women wear them. There are no sexual organs or innuendos involved.

The same is true for those wearing baseball caps with other messages. “Let's Go Brandon,” which is meant to mock Joe Biden, offers a message on the front of the cap. If you remove the lettering or cover it, you have an everyday baseball cap.

The only message that lasts from the protest on January 20, 2017, is that a large gathering of women who sought to make an impact beclowned themselves. What symbology will they employ for the 2024 election?

NEWS Sotomayor’s ‘slam dunk’ backfires: Trump’s team torches her ‘fraudulent electors’ talking point…

Sotomayor found herself left holding her crumpled bag of useless talking points once Trump’s lawyers were done with her.

 Justice Sotomayor is not the brightest bulb in the box, so when she thought she had Team Trump by the you-know-what with her “fraudulent elector” theory, she must’ve felt pretty proud of herself. However, her victory was short-lived because Team Trump flipped the script on her and turned her talking points into ash during the back-and-forth over President Trump’s claim that he has “presidential immunity.”

Kyle Becker:

Trump Lawyer NUKES Sotomayor’s “Fraudulent Electors” Talking Point at SCOTUS

“Apply it to the allegations here. What is plausible about the president assisting in creating a fraudulent slate of electoral candidates, assuming you accept the facts of the complaint on their face, is that plausible that that would be within his right to do?” Sotomayor asked.

“Absolutely, your honor,” Trump attorney John Sauer responded. “We have the historical precedent we cite in the lower courts of President Grant sending federal troops to Louisiana and Mississippi in 1876 to make sure that the Republican electors got certified in those two cases, which delivered the election to Rutherford Hayes.”

“The notion that is completely implausible, I think, just can’t be supported based on the faces of this indictment or even…” he continued.

“Knowing that the slate is fake, knowing that the slate is fake, that they weren’t actually elected, that they weren’t certified by the state. He knows all those things…” Sotomayor objected.

“The indictment itself alleges, I dispute that characterization. The indictment affixes the word label to the so-called fraudulent lectures. It fixes the word fraudulent, but that’s a complete mischaracterization,” he replied.

“On the face of the indictment, it appears that there was NO DECEIT about who had emerged from the relevant state conventions, and this was being done as an alternative basis,” he concluded.

Thus buries a dishonest partisan Democrat talking point about the “fake electors” plot. It is a Constitutionally authorized process contingent upon the results of Electoral College votes.

This is what the Democrat-controlled media does: Twist the language to promote their political agenda in defiance of the law and the U.S. Constitution.

You need to watch this one:

Of course, the drama queens over at CNN acted as if they needed a fainting couch after Trump’s lawyer made his point about “fraudulent electors.”


Trump ‘absolutely’ had a right to put forward fake electors, his lawyer says
Underscoring the sweep of Trump’s claims, Sauer said that his client “absolutely” had a right to put forward Republican electors in states that he lost in 2020, commonly called “fake electors.”

He made these comments under questioning from liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who asked if “it’s plausible” that a president might have the right to help create a “fraudulent slate” of electors, which would mean that it would be an official government act that might be covered by immunity.

In response, Sauer said there was historical precedent for presidents to get involved with these matters, pointing to the contested presidential election of 1876, where there were well-founded claims of fraud, and multiple slates of electors in several key states. (Sauer used the term “so-called fraudulent electors.”)

These comments were a remarkable embrace of a plot that many see as a corrupt scheme to overturn the will of the voters. And it’s clear that federal and state prosecutors clearly disagree with Sauer – they consider the Trump campaign’s seven-state ploy to be a criminal scheme.

What the divas over at CNN fails to tell you is this historical fun fact:

Not only that, but CNN’s own Van Jones explained rather eloquently that alternate electors are not illegal.

In addition, there are no such things as “fake electors,” only alternates. Perhaps someone should send this to Justice Sotomayor:

Justice Sotomayor needs to read this:

Charlie Kirk: There is no such thing as a “fake elector.”

There are ALTERNATE electors.
There are COMPETING SLATES of electors.

It’s a Democrat precedent from 1960. CNN’s Van Jones advocated for them in 2020. Harvard Professor Larry Lessig advocated for them in 2020.

Democrats and their media flacks are attempting to criminalize a concept they themselves invented and have utilized with impunity.

New: Trump 2020 Alternate Electors Indicted in Arizona in Democrat AG Mayes’ Witch Hunt – Trump Listed as Unindicted Co-Conspirator!

The bottom line is that nobody should be arrested over political processes like this. Lord knows our government is filled with bizarre, absurd rules and loopholes that are twisted, manipulated, and turned upside down all the time. Don’t get us started on how Congress uses insider trading to become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Politics can get really ugly, and the US has had many battles throughout history, but nobody went to jail for it until President Trump came along. Suddenly, all bets are off, and everything is fair play. Do the Dems not realize that this tyranny will most certainly come back and bite them? Contrary to what they might think, they will not be in charge this way forever. All dictatorships eventually fall.

Just in: Explosive allegations that the CIA is operating Ukrainian online anti-Trump ‘troll farms’ to influence American voters and the 2024 election…

 If you’ve spent any time online, you’ve probably stumbled upon those fervent pro-Ukraine accounts that go by the name “NAFO” and sport cute little animated animal photos as their avatars.

As a matter of fact, disgraced former Congressman Adam “Cry Baby” Kinzinger is a proud “fella” of this NAFO online movement. Mr. NAFO! Adam Kinzinger has quite the reputation for spreading loads of fake news and pro-Ukraine propaganda. Remember when he got totally punked and fell for that hilariously phony “Ghost of Kiev” meme?

The memes that followed and mocked Kinzinger were pure gold.

Well, all laughs aside, it seems there may be more to this group of NAFO misfits than just a bunch of societal dropkicks cheering for corrupt Ukraine. A whistleblower has come forward, alleging that what’s really happening is a massive “troll farm” operation owned and operated by the CIA to influence American voters and the 2024 election. It doesn’t seem so far-fetched, does it? Not in today’s politically weaponized America. We’re starting to look and feel more like North Korea every single day.

Let freedom ring!

The explosive, yet-to-be-confirmed allegations are as follows.

I Meme Therefore I am:

⚠️🚨BREAKING: CIA Operates Troll Farms in Kyiv to Influence American Voters and To Assure Biden’s 2024 Win.

A former employee of one of the Kyiv troll factories owned by the head of Zelensky’s office, Andriy Yermak, spoke about how the interference in the upcoming American elections is taking place in Ukraine with the help of the CIA. According to the source, the purpose of the interference is to ensure Biden’s victory over Trump. A former employee showed a video taken inside a troll factory, as well as several photos, guidelines and a list of accounts that trolls use to influence the American voters.

“Long story short we were asked to do everything to prevent Donald Trump from winning the elections. So basically, this topic was added to our main lines of work.

Since then, each of us had to post at least 3 to 5 posts daily posing as the Americas and Europeans, criticizing Donald Trump and praising Biden.

The Americans have even organized a few lectures for us to get a better understanding of American politics, the American mindset the main social and political issues.

Then we were occupied with the topics for the job which sounded like this:

1.Unlike Trump, Biden is a smart and experienced politician.

2. Unlike Trump, Biden will never betray NATO partners. Trump will alienate our partners.

3. Biden will not abandon Ukraine. Biden will protect democracy, while Trump is Putin’s puppet.

I honestly tried to convince myself it’s Okay since Biden is clearly a better option for Ukraine, but it was just too much for me… One thing is to work for the best interests of my country, but interfering in US politics is a whole other thing.”

This is a pro-Ukraine activist account that is mentioned in the video. ‘I Meme Therefore I Am’ goes on to say that the owner’s location says ‘Nevada’ but her posts suggest the speaker is talking from outside the United States directly to Americans. It’s a bit of a head-scratcher, isn’t it?

Did she intentionally use “Area 51 Nevada” as some kind of internet joke, or was it just a case of some low-level, unsavvy CIA agent getting stuck with the lamest job on the planet and accidentally using their real location? We may never know for sure. One thing that is glaringly obvious to anyone is that this is some seriously blatant propaganda-posting. Kim Jong-Un would be proud.

In addition, ‘I Meme Therefore I Am’ revealed that these reported “trolls” are also posting extreme anti-Trump propaganda as well.

Take a look:

It’s a bit sad, isn’t it? Even with professional US government assistance, these lefties still can’t meme. However, if this turns out to be true, it would mean that American taxpayers are footing the bill to help Ukraine meddle in another US election. It really makes you wonder if 2016 was the only election in recent memory that wasn’t tampered with, which might explain why the Deep State is so pissed off. How dare the American people choose their own leader? Outrageous!

On the Fringe, Red Pill News, and more- April 27


POLL: After Nearly Nine Years Of Trudeau’s Horrendous ‘Leadership,’ 80% Of Canadians Say Owning A Home Is “Now Only For The Rich”

by Spencer Fernando


More and more Canadians are giving up on ever owning a home.

In a country with as much space, natural resources, and potential wealth as ours, this is an absolute travesty.

And it’s a total indictment of Justin Trudeau’s time in office.

He can spew all the lies he wants, but nothing changes the facts on the ground:

He and his cronies have wrecked this nation.

Now, a new poll shows the extent to which a huge majority of Canadians believe home ownership is out of reach:

“Owning a home in Canada is now only for the rich”

Agree: 80%
Disagree: 20%

18-34 Year Olds:
Agree: 89%
Disagree: 11%

35-54 Year Olds:
Agree: 78%
Disagree: 22%

Ipsos / April 18, 2024 / n=1001 / Online

“I have given up on ever owning a home”

Agree: 72%
Disagree: 28%

18-34 Year Olds:
Agree: 65%
Disagree: 35%

35-54 Year Olds:
Agree: 73%
Disagree: 27%

Ipsos / April 18, 2024 / n=447 / Online

Total failure

Nobody likes to admit their contribution to society has been entirely negative, but that’s the conclusion we must reach when assessing Trudeau and the Liberals’ time in office.

Their nearly nine years in power has done nothing except make our nation worse in every possible way. Their contribution is indeed entirely negative, and the only good thing they can do for the nation is to call an election so we can vote them out.

Democrats Have Deliberately Shattered The Ties Binding America

There has never been a more dangerous time in the world than right now. Moreover, great empires can end quickly, as the Soviet Union’s abrupt collapse showed. The lesson we should take away from this monumental historical moment is that nothing is assured and countries must be held together by more than the brute force of government power. In America, under Democrat leadership, we are intentionally splintering ourselves along artificially created fault lines, whether cultural or financial. That must change if we are to survive.

We Americans require leaders who can communicate a simple, understandable, and compelling message that strikes at the heart of our primary divisions and challenges us, much as President Kennedy did in his famous “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You speech. Our leaders must stop pandering to the partisan interests that are so prevalent today.

Our country is shot through with millions of people who do not wish our nation well or, even worse, do not understand what is in their best interest or that of the country. With shouts of “Death to America“ echoing on American campuses, we can no longer be patient with those elements that seek to destroy us and show no loyalty to their mother country.

Rampant illegal immigration also destroys American cohesion. A gold rush is going on, with illegal immigrants rushing to stake a claim before the border closes. Many, if not most, of the people coming here, have no interest or understanding of what it means to be an American and the responsibilities that go with it. They come here for the freebies. Dedication to the rule of law is an afterthought or goes out the window entirely when they storm our borders with no thought of doing it the right way. It is all downhill from there.

America is imperfect, but we do not expect perfection from any human institution. Still, America has done so much good in this world, especially because of its extraordinary contributions to winning WWII and preventing the spread of communism in the decades after. Those accomplishments saved the world and led to the most extraordinary drop in world poverty in history. We can’t continue helping the world prosper if we are overrun!

To continue the good we’ve done to date, America must return to its creative roots in engineering, computer science, infrastructure, medicine, agriculture, manufacturing, and most importantly, financial discipline. Consumerism, by itself, does not make an economy. One also needs a government with fiscal discipline, which America completely lacks.

Did you know that America creates a trillion dollars in debt every 100 days? It’s not that we don’t pay enough taxes; our country collects more taxes than any other nation. It’s how we spend it that is broken and must be reformed.

You must now ask yourself what allowed this disconnect between expectations and available resources. The Founders understood that there would be a day when the electorate would figure out they could vote themselves other peoples’ money. That day has arrived and expanded to include border crossers.

The current path is not sustainable and ends badly. Good leadership lays out essential priorities, making decisions less politically and more pragmatically.

To start America’s recovery, here’s an excellent first step: Have the President regularly talk to the American people about the realities of unlimited wants versus limited resources. It may take a while, but eventually, the argument’s logic can convince enough people that the nation’s living within its means is in everyone’s best interest. It is only through enlarging the pie that great accomplishments (now scarce) will once again become common.

The Democrats, with their hard left base, see squeezing the rich as the appropriate and/or populist path. However, if you confiscated the wealth of the top 1%, you would be back to where we are today in about ten years, and then what? Remember that a substantial portion of the wealth of the top 1% is invested. Spend it, and there would be little investment, leading to a likely even shorter period before we are broke again!

Two generations of leftist media, a broken education system, and a corrupt government that protects itself at all costs have brought us to this day. By and large, our youth have lost their ability to look rationally at what is required of them to shape their own future. They feel simultaneously entitled and angry.

Ask them, and they’ll tell you that the Baby Boomers were the last generation to make it. They feel justified to malinger and complain about the remaining scraps. Biden told them they were entitled to abandon their student debt obligations.

15% of Americans want to leave our country. Never before have so many been so disenchanted that they effectively see the American Dream as dead.

The clock is ticking down our remaining time, however much that is. There is time left to make a difference. How many of my readers and millions more understand that their future is tied to a thriving America?

The time to dither is over. There are too many ways to step wrong and fail or wind up in a defensive war we are unprepared to fight. We must have better leaders. We must stop destroying the best of us and promote them to leadership positions instead. Everyone is legally equal, but those who wage war on us using Equity as their weapon will only succeed in destroying everything and everybody.

Who will fight for the values that our forefathers fought so valiantly for, risking everything in the process? If not you, then who? The blood of an untold number of patriots waits for your answer.

God Bless America.