Saturday, April 27, 2024

POLL: After Nearly Nine Years Of Trudeau’s Horrendous ‘Leadership,’ 80% Of Canadians Say Owning A Home Is “Now Only For The Rich”

by Spencer Fernando


More and more Canadians are giving up on ever owning a home.

In a country with as much space, natural resources, and potential wealth as ours, this is an absolute travesty.

And it’s a total indictment of Justin Trudeau’s time in office.

He can spew all the lies he wants, but nothing changes the facts on the ground:

He and his cronies have wrecked this nation.

Now, a new poll shows the extent to which a huge majority of Canadians believe home ownership is out of reach:

“Owning a home in Canada is now only for the rich”

Agree: 80%
Disagree: 20%

18-34 Year Olds:
Agree: 89%
Disagree: 11%

35-54 Year Olds:
Agree: 78%
Disagree: 22%

Ipsos / April 18, 2024 / n=1001 / Online

“I have given up on ever owning a home”

Agree: 72%
Disagree: 28%

18-34 Year Olds:
Agree: 65%
Disagree: 35%

35-54 Year Olds:
Agree: 73%
Disagree: 27%

Ipsos / April 18, 2024 / n=447 / Online

Total failure

Nobody likes to admit their contribution to society has been entirely negative, but that’s the conclusion we must reach when assessing Trudeau and the Liberals’ time in office.

Their nearly nine years in power has done nothing except make our nation worse in every possible way. Their contribution is indeed entirely negative, and the only good thing they can do for the nation is to call an election so we can vote them out.