Friday, March 22, 2024

Vice President J.D. Vance

Donald Trump has locked up the necessary delegates for the Republican presidential nomination, which means it's time for every political junkie's favorite quadrennial game: Veepstakes!

Every four years, commentators, political consultants and elected officials all chime in with their takes on who a presidential candidate's running mate should be. Perhaps the candidate ought to select a veep from a swing state. Perhaps the candidate ought to select someone who fits a certain demographic box. Maybe the candidate ought to pick someone with a very similar political philosophy -- or perhaps someone whose ideological bona fides assuage any lingering concerns that party loyalists might harbor about the man at the top of the ticket. Or maybe it's really as easy as picking someone who the presidential nominee simply likes and vibes with on a personal level.

There is no shortage of factors to consider. In 2024, the conversation really only pertains to former (and perhaps future) President Donald Trump; Democrats and their doddering Delawarean dolt at the top of the ticket, President Joe Biden, are stuck with cackler-in-chief Kamala Harris. Democrats are hemorrhaging minority voter support at breakneck pace, and they cannot afford to risk a greater exodus of Black voters by unceremoniously dumping a Black woman from their ticket.

Ultimately, the vice presidential pick should be selected by paying some consideration to the above factors, but above all it is imperative to assess the contenders a little less robotically. We're talking about human beings, after all. As dumbed down as it may seem, it actually is crucial to select someone who has the right "vibe" -- or, to put it a little more technically, best captures the prevailing zeitgeist.

All of that is why Trump should select as his running mate the precocious freshman U.S. senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance.

Let's start with demographics. As a 39-year-old millennial, Vance presents a stark generational contrast with either of the two parties' presidential nominees. The fact that he is so young, so well-spoken, and so willing and eager to criticize the many mistakes of his decadent predecessors is inspiring. Vance speaks for the broader frustration so many young, disaffected Americans have with the baby boomers: They spent like drunken sailors, sold out American manufacturing to China, and wasted tremendous blood and treasure with their failed nation-building boondoggles. Vance doesn't just believe all this -- he physically embodies it.

Next, consider geography and the political map. Vance is from Ohio, an increasingly red state. But Vance's fellow Buckeye State senator, the highly vulnerable Democrat Sherrod Brown, is on the ballot this November. Putting Vance on the ticket would assuredly boost Ohio Republican turnout in general, thereby helping propel Bernie Moreno, Brown's opponent, in a race that could be crucial for flipping the Senate to Republican control. More generally, Vance, the author of the critically acclaimed memoir "Hillbilly Elegy," represents the white working class that is the GOP's backbone. He would do more than anyone else pick to help replicate Trump's Rust Belt romp of 2016, where he won Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, and nearly pulled off a shocking upset in Minnesota.

In terms of political philosophy, one would be hard-pressed to find a better spokesman and practitioner of MAGA-style nationalist populist conservatism than J.D. Vance. But whereas Trump can sometimes go wobbly on his own professed agenda -- see the First Step Act jailbreak of 2018, or his unfortunate recent flip on TikTok -- Vance is a sturdier proponent. He has been a formidable champion of a national conservative agenda since he arrived in the Senate, taking the lead on railway safety legislation after the East Palestine derailment disaster and penning an unusually erudite Washington Post op-ed explaining why U.S. Steel must remain in American hands -- both stances that offended delicate libertarian sensibilities. Vance is a clarion voice for a realist, national interest-based foreign policy, shrewdly opposing escalation in eastern Ukraine while simultaneously backing Israel in its war against a shared enemy.

And yes, Trump is said to genuinely enjoy Vance's personal company. Simply put, Trump likes hanging out with the guy. That could never really have been said about Trump's relationship with former Vice President Mike Pence.

There are certainly other intriguing possibilities: Trump is said to be considering Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), possible constitutional problems arising from their mutual Florida residency notwithstanding. But if he really wants to hit a home run, and if he wants to pick the man most in touch with this American moment, then it has to be J.D. Vance.

Disagree with Joe Biden? He might send drones to your house.

If you're reading this email, the chances are you're probably not a revolutionary black nationalist.

That said, if you care about the idea of freedom in America, then you should be concerned about what the Biden administration is doing to members of that niche group.

Last spring, dozens of federal agents armed with drones, automatic weapons, and grenades raided an 82-year-old man named Omali Yeshitela's home in Florida. Did Yeshitela, the leader of the African People's Socialist Party, commit a legitimate crime to warrant that raid? No. Yeshitela's "grave offense" was having unfavorable opinions about Russia. And now he's being charged as some sort of Russian agent. 

Even if you're not a member of the African People's Socialist Party, it's easy to see why this is one of this century's most important criminal cases. Omali Yeshitela joined today's Tucker Carlson Uncensored to share his perspective on what’s happening and what it means for our country. 

Omali Yeshitela tells Tucker:

“The attack on my right to speak is also an attack on the right of the people to hear. So I have something to say. People may, as you said, agree or not agree with it, but at least they can have opinions that are informed opinions about agreeing or not agreeing with me. But when they use grenades and battering rams and armored vehicles and assault weapons and things like that to keep me from talking, and when they talk about putting me in prison for fifteen years, which is the equivalent of a life sentence for me, this is designed to keep the people from hearing what I have to say."

Click the link below to watch.

Debate: Should the U.S. Ban TikTok?

A bill to force the sale of TikTok is heading to the Senate. Is it a national security must? Or a dangerous overreaction?

What, if anything, should we do about TikTok? Is the forced sale of the fastest-growing social media platform in the world a commonsense step to protect America from the influence of the Chinese Communist Party? Or is legislation that would mandate the app’s sale or ban a threat to free speech? 

That’s the passionate debate we’re having at The Free Press right now.

Not least because we respect people on both sides of the issue. Congressman Mike Gallagher, the lawmaker behind the bill that passed the House overwhelmingly last week and is on its way to the Senate, has written persuasively for us about the way in which TikTok has poisoned our politics. On the other side, Matt Taibbi—someone we always listen to when it comes to all things First Amendment—warns the legislation risks becoming a second Patriot Act, which gave the government sweeping new powers well beyond its stated purpose of catching terrorists after 9/11. 

To help us—and you—think through this important issue, we invited two more people we respect, and who disagree about the TikTok bill, to thrash it out in a debate hosted by Michael Moynihan. 

Geoffrey Cain is the author of The Perfect Police State and senior fellow at the National Security Institute of George Mason University. He says the TikTok bill is a logical extension of our current laws—and a necessary countermeasure to authoritarian meddling. 

Walter Kirn is a novelist, Free Press contributor, editor-at-large of County Highway, and co-host of the podcast America This Week. He argues the bill is a dangerous overreach justified by flimsy evidence of an alleged threat. 

You can watch their conversation here and find an edited transcript of the conversation below

On the danger of Chinese influence in American politics:

Geoffrey Cain: Historically, America has always had controls over ownership by foreign adversaries. We’re just updating these measures for the social media age. 

Look at the Founding Fathers, like Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. They were deeply worried about foreign interference in our political process. Move forward to the Radio Act a century ago, and the Communications Act of 1934. There are all kinds of laws in place restricting foreign ownership of communication networks, media, and infrastructure. Even Rupert Murdoch had to become a U.S. citizen in the 1980s to purchase American news media. 

It’s not an affront to our civil liberties or the First Amendment to simply place a cap on what foreign adversaries can do in America. We are a free and open market, but authoritarian foreign adversaries like Xi Jinping aim to meddle in our democracy. They want ownership over communications networks that are extremely influential. 

Walter Kirn: Geoff asserted a threat but gave no evidence. That’s common in this debate. You criticize China and suggest a specific threat, but we never hear about what it is. Only that it’s a deep, dark bogeyman. And for that, we should surrender our ability to speak. 

You mention Rupert Murdoch, but let’s remember Section 230, which offers online platforms protection from liability for their users’ content. These platforms aren’t publishers, they’re websites covered by this bill. It’s not limited to TikTok. The bill extends to an infinity of websites, applications, potentially influenced by foreign adversaries. 

There’s been an almost unbroken trend of framing foreign threats as quasi-domestic ones. A recent New York Times story highlighted how laws meant to combat foreign misinformation have “evolved” to target domestic content somehow influenced by them. In the text of this bill, the president can unilaterally ban or demand divestiture of platforms deemed to be directed by a foreign entity, often an individual. It’s a huge, scattershot attempt to solve a problem which hasn’t even been clearly defined. 

What exactly is this alleged algorithmic mind control or brainwashing? No one can tell me. Is it the dance videos? Pro-Palestinian sentiment? What exactly? American creators produce this content en masse—and their speech is being restricted en masse.

On tolerating foreign propaganda in a liberal democracy: 

GC: TikTok has been sending lobbyists into congressional offices, parroting Chinese Communist Party talking points. Michael Beckerman, TikTok’s top lobbyist, has been widely reported to echo these sentiments, even going as far as labeling Uyghurs as terrorists and advocating for censorship.

WK: That’s not censorship; that’s propaganda. That’s not censorship, it’s the perspective of the Chinese Communist Party, which is pushing its line much as we push our line globally. 

America is in a sad state. It can’t compete, so it resorts to expropriating from those who can. It’s a lot like nationalizing a railroad in a smaller country. The fact is that TikTok has not injected any single issue into the American conversation that could not have been there by other means. I challenge you to identify any issue or viewpoint TikTok is responsible for that wouldn’t exist otherwise.

GC: TikTok has been a bad-faith actor. They’ve been lying, they’ve been obstructing. They’re not being honest about what’s been happening in China and the fact that their parent company has been involved in serious human rights abuses in China. They’ve been spreading propaganda. We can’t have that in a democracy. 

WK: Oh yes, we can. In fact, we need that. In fact, the competition between different sorts of propaganda is exactly what Americans, with their free speech rights and their free press rights, are allowed to scrutinize and need to scrutinize.

Michael Moynihan: Geoff, would you support banning RT, which is a broadcaster and news website controlled by the Russian government, or Press TV, which is controlled by the Iranian government, two major abusers of human rights? Those are available to anybody that has cable access or an internet connection. Is this bill, as Walter suggests, something that is due mostly to TikTok’s phenomenal success? 

GC: I don’t think we should boot RT completely. I think that there should be restrictions on ownership. If RT is opening a subsidiary in America, it should not have full ownership by the Russian government, which is controlled by one of the world’s biggest thugs, who might start World War III. That’s becoming a real possibility. I wouldn’t support Xi Jinping or one of his cronies or Putin or one of his cronies having some kind of ownership over CNN or MSNBC or Fox News.

Yeah, the press in America does have our problems. There have been challenges in our democracy, but that doesn’t change the point that these are totalitarian, authoritarian regimes that exist on a different level from what exists in America.

On whether TikTok is a publisher or a platform:

WK: TikTok is not the press. That is the very essence of this. It is not a publisher. If you know about Section 230, you know that you’re comparing apples to oranges. TikTok is not a cable news channel. The content on TikTok is not produced by the Chinese government. It’s produced by American young people.

GC: But it’s a major communications network. We regulate this for TV, for radio. There’s a lot that we can do with Section 230 that would be separate from the TikTok bill, but this is comparable to a major outlet in which most people get all of their news. It fulfills that role. There have been calls to change Section 230. One proposal is to make it so that companies that use algorithms as the main source of sending out their news will lose their protections.

WK: That’s all of them! If we’re going to demonize algorithms, we’ve just thrown out the entire model for the distribution of internet information, including on Google. Google uses algorithms. What are you talking about?

GC: What I’m talking about is the fact that communication networks cannot be controlled by foreign adversaries. I think that you’re splitting hairs by trying to make it look like a social media network like TikTok does not fulfill a similar role to CNN in our society today. 

On the use of national security threats as a pretext to restrict civil liberties: 

WK: There are two components to this legislation. One refers specifically to TikTok. But the second part, Section B, refers to “a website, desktop application, mobile application, or augmented or immersive technology application” which could be controlled or directed by a foreign adversary.

Over the past few years, everyone from the president of the United States to my podcast partner, Matt Taibbi, to people tweeting inconvenient opinions about Covid have been portrayed as being somehow directed or influenced by foreign adversaries. 

We’re being assured that nothing bad will happen. It’s just this one instance, this emergency. However, if we look at history, we’ll see that this exact sort of legislation and legal precedence have consistently been bent beyond recognition. In fact, we could postulate that they exist in order to be broadened. And this one is ripe for broadening as it stands right now. It could be applied in so many ways. But of course, we’re assured it won’t be. 

Because TikTok is the social media “missile gap” between us and China, just as there was a missile gap between us and Russia once, we must catch up, we must stop them. I am tired of these so-called emergencies because despite the discussions we’ve had, no one has persuaded me that anything existentially threatening is actually happening.

On censorship double standards: 

WK: What distinguishes us from North Korea, which prohibits foreign influence that may corrupt its society? How far are we willing to erect this dome over the United States, in which our propaganda is allowed to run free while theirs is restricted? Is that how scared, insecure, threatened, and weak we are?

GC: Walter, I think you’ve got it backwards. Their propaganda runs rampant all over the world, while ours is blocked. Our apps are inaccessible in China. You can’t use Google, Facebook, or Snapchat there.

This narrative has been peddled to us by our elites over the past three decades in the age of globalization. The notion was that we could venture into China, Russia, Iran, invest, and proliferate our technologies and capitalist ideals. The belief was that these governments would realize that the liberal, globalist dream is great for them. The people will rise up and create a new liberal government that will resemble America’s. Our elites endorsed this idea because they profited from it. They saw China and other nations as lucrative markets.

What has unfolded is the reverse. These nations have become more authoritarian. China’s transformation is a travesty. You can’t move around there without being spied on, watched, or harassed. It’s become increasingly totalitarian over the past decade. Meanwhile, we’ve opened our markets to everybody. Anyone with money and investment prospects can come here, purchase land, even military bases, as you mentioned. They can set up a giant social media network. We’re open for business, but they’re not. And therein lies our vulnerability. We’ve absorbed all their products, yet we’re unable to exert influence in their direction.

On history repeating itself:

WK: I’m willing to stipulate that China is awful. I’m willing to stipulate that we’re better and that we have protections for behaviors that they don’t have protections against. But I am not willing to concede that the threat of TikTok, out of all the technologies and instruments of influence that they wield, poses such a unique threat that we need to use it as the pretext for a broad law which will allow the president of the United States, potentially based on vague assertions from intelligence agencies, to start banning websites and apps at his own discretion. 

I’m no fan of China. I’m a fan of the United States. I agree that we’re in a global competition that we must win. But by degrading our culture and constitutional system and by embracing a restrictive information regime, we lose the fight in another fashion. We lose without fighting because we’re becoming our enemy. It’s like a Bob Dylan song. You don’t want to become the monster by fighting the monster. I have confidence that the United States isn’t succumbing to Chinese propaganda or espionage to such a degree that poses an existential threat. 

No one has presented compelling evidence for this. Sure, there may be shenanigans. Sure, there may be more people supporting the Palestinian cause than there would be otherwise if TikTok had not existed. But the threat is negligible. On the other hand, the threat posed by bills like this one is clear as day. Our rights have been steadily eroded. Just a year ago, there was an attempt to pass the RESTRICT Act, which was essentially a censorship bill, and now we’re seeing a similar effort resurface. 

Anybody who criticizes things in America on Twitter is tarred to be Putin’s puppet. We can’t go on like that. We can’t go into a new Red Scare. I am a writer and a novelist. This is reminiscent of the early 1950s panic, the idea that the Chinese have a secret sauce to infiltrate American minds, especially those of kids. The TikTok debate often revolves around concerns about the porous nature of American youth. 

Somewhere out there is this zombie-like population being manipulated that needs protection from itself. That we’re falling for this again is indicative of some sort of generational amnesia.

On whether TikTok is brainwashing young Americans:  

GC: Critics of this bill get hung up on the data aspect. They’re saying: it’s videos of my cat. It’s videos of Keanu Reeves dancing to techno music. That’s low-quality data. The data is not the concern here. 

It’s the algorithmic power. President Xi Jinping himself says that this AI is core to national power, while he’s threatening Taiwan, the Philippines, and American allies with invasion. War is likely within the next decade. It’s not America that’s the guilty party. It’s what the Chinese Communist Party has done to its people. The fact that this company is run by people who have publicly said that they want to use TikTok to impose their “socialist core values.” 

That’s the threat. It’s the algorithmic power—the potential to use a service that millions of Americans are using as their sole source of news, in the event of a war, to really infiltrate and to mess with our democracy. 

WK: The Chinese government does not produce the content on TikTok. The algorithm you’re talking about is the thing that makes it addictive or sticky, the thing that keeps people swiping and watching. That algorithm, by some alchemy that no one has yet described to me, is advancing Chinese interests. How? By preferring certain kinds of American content over others? 

I would advance this notion: when the East Palestine train derailment happened, a lot of the reporting that people saw came from TikTok. TikTok is used in America for all sorts of citizen journalism, a lot of which is not convenient for any regime. It shows things like toxic spills that aren’t widely reported on otherwise. 

This algorithm does only one thing: give people what they’re interested in and addict them to the app. It does not somehow advance communist propaganda or secretly insert dialectical materialism into the minds of the youth. That is another bogeyman.

GC: Under their laws, the CCP sees this as part of their national objective to overtake American power. They don’t just see a funny cat video app. They see a peg in American society that they can use. This is their philosophy. 

It’s something Mao Zedong talked about: the importance of controlling the propaganda of spreading the revolution. It’s something the government talks about today: ensuring that Chinese tech companies have supremacy around the world for military purposes. 

X22, And we Know, and more- March 22


Biden’s Border Blowup ~ VDH

In the last 4 years, the Biden regime has violated every historical canon critical to ensuring legal immigration enriches the United States.

Some 8 to 10 million illegal aliens from all over the world, as expected, have flooded across the border since Joe Biden took office.

A demagogic candidate Biden, remember, in 2019 invited those massing at the southern border to “surge” into the United States without specifying they first needed legal sanction: “We immediately surge to the border all those seeking asylum.”

In contrast, we know legal immigration is America’s great strength, but it has always depended on a few key prerequisites.

Immigration must be legal and measured.

Why? Because only the host nation can adjudicate how many immigrants it can successfully accept and assimilate. It has no desire to encourage Balkanized tribalism so common in nations abroad torn apart by ethnic conflict.

America must have some knowledge of the background of immigrants, especially whether they have criminal records, belong to gangs, are importing drugs, carry infectious diseases, or can be self-supporting.

By contrast, if the first thing immigrants do is illegally cross the American border, and the second is to reside illegally in America, and the third is to obtain fraudulent identification to mask that illegality, then they will establish long patterns of illegal behavior and disrespect for their hosts.

In addition, immigration should be diverse so that large ethnic groups do not form permanent tribal sects in the fashion of the Balkans, the Middle East, or Latin America.

Ideally, the host should prefer immigrants who have some knowledge of the language and customs of the United States. And they should have some ability to be self-supporting so as not to burden American taxpayers or overtax and deprive social services from poorer U.S. citizens.

As for the host?

America must be confident enough in and knowledgeable enough about its values, customs, and traditions to demand immigrants integrate rapidly into the body politic of the United States.

Both the host and immigrants must agree on the basic facts of immigration.

Immigrants, not the host, have chosen to leave their native land to risk a new life and identity in America.

Therefore, the relationship is, by nature, asymmetrical. The host has a perfect right, indeed a responsibility, to impose its own values upon newcomers—not vice versa.

Otherwise, if immigrants do not absorb their newly adopted culture, why would they have left and, in some sense, rejected their homeland in the first place?

To replicate in the United States the very conditions and environment that they so eagerly fled from back home?

So the host must remind immigrants that they chose a completely different paradigm from their native country. And therefore, they must be helped to embrace an entirely new national identity.

Unfortunately, in the last four years, the Biden administration has violated every historical canon critical to ensuring legal immigration enriches the United States.

They have encouraged 8-10 million of the world’s poorest to flood the border and to enter and reside in America without legal sanction.

Most have no prior experience with American traditions, and few speak English.

Host Americans have no idea whether hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of the millions entering illegally have committed crimes in their native countries, or have any record of employment, or are sick, or are here to foment gangs and to import lethal, foreign-made drugs that kill some 100,000 Americans a year.

Worse, we, the hosts, no longer believe in the melting pot that once made America the world’s only successful multiracial democracy, united by the laws of the Constitution and the unique values that emanate from it.

The combination of mass illegal immigration, without audit, into a country beset with $35 trillion in national debt, an existing 50 million residents not born in the United States, and without confidence in rapid assimilation certainly explains the disaster of illegal immigration that now manifests daily.

Joe Biden may think nullifying federal immigration law is a smart political trick that, in the past, may have flipped southwestern states from red to blue or warped the census to give blue states more congressional districts.

Or he may assume that with 70 percent of the electorate now voting through poorly audited mail-in balloting, there is no real way to prevent foreign nationals from voting for those who neutered the law to let them in.

But in truth, Biden is unfortunately undermining support for all immigration, legal or otherwise. He is guaranteeing that more imported drugs and gang members will kill more Americans.

Ironically, Biden is also alienating from the Democratic Party its once loyal black and Latino voters. They, not the party elite, must deal concretely with the consequences of Biden’s callous and cynical, ideologically driven policies.

Perhaps the left will only cease destroying immigration law when it realizes that for each illegal alien it invites in, it will lose one or more once loyal Democratic voters.

How Many Millions of Illegal Aliens in the Country Does the Democrat Party Need to Destroy America?

A former Border Patrol agent explains why there are more migrants than the statistics say, and why the Democrats want to keep them coming in.

I entered duty with the U.S. Border Patrol in 1995, back when there were only 5,000 people (Agents and support personnel) in all of the USBP.  I was the Director of the Aircraft Maintenance Facility in Del Rio, Texas in the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector

My guys maintained Piper Super Cubs and Aerospatiale A-Star AS-350 helicopters for our cadre of pilots. Back then, the Chief Pilot and I collected daily Air Operations performance data.  The pilots annotated (after flight) on their flight logs how many aerial-assisted apprehensions (APPs) they performed as well as the number of GOT AWAYs pilots counted from the air.  Such as, Border Patrol Agents performing flying duties would detect and follow tracks in the desert, (called “cutting sign”) and when those tracks stopped or disappeared, such as at a paved road where a groups of illegal aliens were picked up, those tracks left in the desert were counted as GOT AWAYs.  

The Chief Patrol Agent of Air Operations at El Paso collected the data from each of the ten Border Patrol Sectors’ Air Operations and published the data as “Measures of Performance” as required by the Government Accountability Office.  Monthly and annual reports went to Congress, the Chief of the Border Patrol, the I&NS Commissioner, and because the Border Patrol was part of the DOJ at the time, the Attorney General. 

The annual report was fairly uniform across all of Border Patrol Air Ops - -Border Patrol Pilots conducted about a million aerial-assisted apprehensions per year and counted, across all Sectors, about two million GOT AWAYs. 

After 9-11, when the Department of Homeland Security was created and the Border Patrol was wrapped up with the U.S. Customs Service, I assumed the newly formed Customs and Border Patrol Air and Marine (CBP) still collected “Measures of Effectiveness” data or something similar under a new name. 

When I moved to Washington, D.C., no longer with the Border Patrol, every year I heard reports from the networks or in the Washington Times reports of the number of illegal aliens in the country, and every year I would say B.S. because I had been there in Del Rio, collecting annual performance data, where the numbers of APPs and GOT AWAYs remained fairly uniform, 1 million apprehensions and 2 million GOT AWAYs, even when the Border Patrol grew to 20,000 Agents. 

But noteworthy, every year the various media reported there were about 10 million illegal aliens in the country.  It was an anecdotal data point that could not be researched.

When President Trump came into office, and his efforts to secure the border were put into place, I assumed the number of apprehensions and GOT AWAYs would go down.  My 2018 American Thinker article, Real Walls Prevent Illegal Border Crossings discussed the different political strategies of “walls.” 

And I noticed something funny; that there were still magically 10 million illegal aliens in the country.  Every once in a while, someone on the news would say there were more, but never less and never citing a solid reference, like an annual “Measures of Effectiveness” report, it was a just a SWAG -- silly wild ass guess

But over the last three years, President Biden and the DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas assured America that there was no crisis and the “border was secure,” even when video after video of Del Rio Sector Stations (Del Rio and Eagle Pass, specifically) were massing on the Mexican border before overrunning Border Patrol Stations with countless numbers of illegal aliens crossing the Rio Grande and entering the U.S. through removed or opened border barriers.  

The Democrats and the media just engaged in military-grade propaganda.

It may be possible Trump’s policies and wall construction projects prevented millions of apprehensions and GOT AWAYs every year only to be reversed by Biden when he moved into the White House. 

In my October 2023 American Thinker article, Democrats Plot to Turn Texas Blue, the Democrats are welcoming foreign invaders into the country in violation of established law for a simple reason; to change the dynamics of the next election.  President Ulysses S. Grant would call their actions traitorous.  (From the Grant quote: There are now two parties, traitors and patriots.)

What is happening in America reminds me of the political situation in 1917 and the Russian Revolution; there was a schism between the Bolsheviks (majority party) and Mensheviks (minority party) where the Bolsheviks eventually crushed and outlawed the Mensheviks.  One party rule in Russia introduced the country to communism.

By my calculations, since 1995, the Border Patrol had probably performed as many as 25-30 million illegal alien apprehensions (where some were removed and some criminal aliens went to jail), and if you assume the number of GOT AWAYs was linear year over year, with the exception of the Trump years, there seems there may have been as many as 40 to 60 million GOT AWAYs; the actual number that are in the country isn’t known, ten million seems to be a farcical number, but however many are in the United States they are just a single signature away from getting amnesty.  Meaning today’s illegal alien is tomorrow’s Democrat voter.

Even if there isn’t an immediate amnesty, many of the illegal aliens being let in will have access to illegal weapons and can form terrorist cells.  Do not think illegal aliens are peaceful; that is Democrat and media propaganda.  Laken Riley is just the latest abduction/rape/murder by an illegal alien.  Only a moron would think her death was a unique occurrence.  As long as the border is unsecured, there will be many more illegal aliens committing rapes and murders. 

The full treachery of the Democrat party is now on display as some idiot Democrat members of Congress are suggesting, “let them into the military, let them become police, let them vote.”  Democrats must believe they have enough illegal aliens in the country now to ensure they will always remain in power.  Democrats have become the majority Bolshevik party; the neutralization of Republicans is nearly complete.  They are one signature away from making it impossible for Republicans to compete in any election, and one-party communist rule will dominate. 

Which means the Constitution and the Second Amendment will be shredded.  The hated NRA will be abolished and Republicans will be disarmed.  That’s the Democrats’ plan. 

Because, if you give illegal aliens money, schools, licenses, homes, hotel rooms, cell phones, and the vote, they will vote for the criminals who let them into the country.  It’s obvious when you have a critical mass of newly potential Democrat voters.

History will show that the Democrats' plan to destroy the Constitution, justice system and the military from within was on track until Donald Trump got elected.  Remember Obama’s “fundamentally transforming the country,” Hillary’s missing emails, Huma Abedin’s boxes of “Muslim Outreach” documents, as well as Joe’s boxes of classified documents he “willingly retained.”  Hundreds of articles were written on what Obama, Hillary, Huma, and Joe had done: sabotage, espionage, and treason, that is until the very compromised FBI running top cover for Democrats say it wasn’t. 

Washington and blue state Democrats, America’s domestic enemies, are stealing America.  Trump was supposed to be neutralized, but Democrats find themselves in a race to stop Trump’s second term.  If he is reelected, there will be a political bloodbath.  Trump will not allow domestic terrorists and criminals to run roughshod over the country. 

Trump has had to learn the hard way what triggered the Democrats response and what they were truly up to.  President Trump didn’t have the benefit of a war college education where he would have learned what Clausewitz observed: Politics is combat by other means.  Trump is being bombarded today with every bogus charge the Democrats can muster to stop him.

The governors of Texas and Florida recognized the federal government was attacking them with military-age invaders.  These deep red states are on the front lines and are doing what they can to protect their state; moving military-age illegal aliens out of those states where they can be welcomed in a blue sanctuary city and no longer a threat to Texas and Florida residents. 

The Democrat’s Ministry of Propaganda, the DHS-media complex, is trying to leverage every psychological operational trick in the book to influence the narrative: there is no invasion, the border is secure, and there are only a few million “climate refugees” in the country.  The liberal media has been disingenuous and hysterical; Fox News and the alternate media are reporting relentlessly, with live video from the border, essentially reverse engineering Democrat propaganda. 

Are Americans waking up to the fact that Washington Democrats are domestic terrorists who have not only lied to them on what is happening at the border but that there was another purpose to Biden opening the border to invaders?  Destroy the Republican Party, create one party rule, and welcome a communist government.