Friday, March 22, 2024

Disagree with Joe Biden? He might send drones to your house.

If you're reading this email, the chances are you're probably not a revolutionary black nationalist.

That said, if you care about the idea of freedom in America, then you should be concerned about what the Biden administration is doing to members of that niche group.

Last spring, dozens of federal agents armed with drones, automatic weapons, and grenades raided an 82-year-old man named Omali Yeshitela's home in Florida. Did Yeshitela, the leader of the African People's Socialist Party, commit a legitimate crime to warrant that raid? No. Yeshitela's "grave offense" was having unfavorable opinions about Russia. And now he's being charged as some sort of Russian agent. 

Even if you're not a member of the African People's Socialist Party, it's easy to see why this is one of this century's most important criminal cases. Omali Yeshitela joined today's Tucker Carlson Uncensored to share his perspective on what’s happening and what it means for our country. 

Omali Yeshitela tells Tucker:

“The attack on my right to speak is also an attack on the right of the people to hear. So I have something to say. People may, as you said, agree or not agree with it, but at least they can have opinions that are informed opinions about agreeing or not agreeing with me. But when they use grenades and battering rams and armored vehicles and assault weapons and things like that to keep me from talking, and when they talk about putting me in prison for fifteen years, which is the equivalent of a life sentence for me, this is designed to keep the people from hearing what I have to say."

Click the link below to watch.