Saturday, January 27, 2024

Is Biden Poison-Pilling Trump?

I am reminded of an important lesson I received as a kid, when a friend of my father spent weeks trying to help my dad figure out what was wrong with our family car.  For weeks on Saturdays, I would watch these two inexperienced men attempt to fix a jammed motor.  My dad would pay his friend for the help, but it wasn’t until later that a real mechanic informed my dad someone had poured syrup into the gas tank, which caused sugar to expand within the pistons of the engine, thereby disabling our already old VW station wagon.  The culprit was my dad’s friend.  Imagine that!  A guy shows up and helps fix something he caused, and takes money for doing so, even though he’d known all along what he’d done.

I never saw the friend after that, and his wife, who would often stop in and visit on occasion, was also never to be seen again.

The lesson I learned was that even your friends can screw you.  I also learned that people like to create failure for their opposition when they know they are going to lose.  Joe Biden is doing this right now, and what he is doing will most assuredly ail Trump if/when he wins the 2024 election.  Biden knows that Trump has a good shot at winning, so the president is using his time left and deliberately pouring syrup into the engine of the White House.

Within less than eleven months, and if nothing else goes wrong, Trump, as the newly (re-)elected president, will inherit no less than three wars, a flailing economy, a 34-trillion-dollar federal deficit, high crime rates across the country, a broken Southern border that has spilled at least nine million new people into the country without being vetted, and a Deep State that doesn’t want him to succeed.  If that isn’t pancake syrup gutting up an engine, then I don’t know what is.

I might even question Trump’s sanity — or his courage — to want to get anywhere near this calamitous effort of trying to fix what Biden has broken.

Biden is a disgrace.  No other president in history has done more to cripple a country than the former senator from Delaware: devaluing the dollar, raising energy prices, forcing people to stay home, firing workers who showed up because they wouldn’t take a government-mandated experimental vaccine, causing massive instability in Ukraine through failed diplomacy, leaving thousands of men, women, and children behind in Afghanistan, who, because of his failed policy, now live under tyranny and death.  Biden’s failure to protect Israel by doing business with Iran cannot be forgotten.  His encouragement of sanctions of immoral health practices — even encouraging and supporting genital mutilation among “trans” youth — is criminal.  Pandering to every progressive pipe dream, no matter the cost, including the inefficient desire to be carbon-neutral without any credible science or benefit to support his goals, is psychotic.  All of this adds up to a country that has been mortally wounded, with blow after blow of egregious and sociopathic leadership.  This is the legacy of the Biden presidency.

Can the Damage Be Repaired?

We call in the expert surgeon, Donald Trump, and expect him to work the miracle of reviving the patient.  We hope his surgical team is equally supportive of his desire to save the patient, but one cannot be too sure.  Sometimes you can be handed the wrong scalpel, the patient might lose oxygen, or perhaps your assistant despises you and will deliberately sabotage you just to make you look bad, just like the guy who poured syrup down my dad’s gas tank.

This is Trump’s reality.  He must not only prepare for the worst, but also be mindful that he is likely surrounded by people who want him to fail.

Trump’s team — his inner circle, if you will — must comprise competent members who truly share his vision of remedial care.  They must be consumed with but one desire: to get the machine running and to root out the impurities.  Javier Milei, the newly elected president of Argentina, has made headlines showing that it is possible to reduce the waste of big government, something Trump did not do in his first term.  He needs to make it a top priority this time around.

First Priorities

The Deep State are the people who have permanent government jobs, and who would never allow an elected executive to come in and dictate their careers.  And it is the largesse of the Deep State that has made our government inefficient; it is why the taxpayers are 33 trillion dollars in debt, a debt that will eventually destroy the U.S. economy.  Trump needs to bring a machete.

Next are reforms in the judicial and intelligence departments.  This is the slimy liquid that slowly creeps into the crevices of human life and rips away our constitutionally protected right to be left alone.  Biden and Obama have weaponized our justice and intelligence agencies to go after political opponents — even the American people who protest.  They may not be the original devisers of weaponized government, but this cancerous abuse of power has only metastasized over the last two decades with them in charge. 

What Hillary Clinton caused by her Steele dossier is exactly why Trump must gut these agencies and bring people to justice who abused the citizens of our county, many of whom remain in jail today because they showed up to a protest.  Americans will never again trust our justice and law-enforcement agencies unless they are reformed.  Trump was too nice the last time, and I believe most Americans would support him righting the wrongs of sociopathic leaders (and their henchmen) who turned our country into a banana republic.

I also have no doubt that Trump will reverse those energy policies Biden crippled in 2021 during his first days in office.  Once America regains its energy footing again, this will draw lifeblood from Putin, weakening his position in tearing Ukraine apart, and Trump will use our energy superiority to leverage peace in the region.  Trump will save Ukrainian men so they can go back home to their wives — men who do not share Biden’s zeal for destroying Russian leadership at any cost.

I also believe that American energy independence and production will weaken Iran.  By reinstating sanctions on countries who do business with Iran, Trump will rein in the ayatollahs’ ability to sponsor terrorism in the region.

We will see wars ending under a Trump presidency, and this will reduce European tensions.  In short, even those who disdain Trump today will benefit from his presidency, just as they experienced in his first term.  We must give no quarter to the ideologies (and idealogues) that work against the American people.  We must deny and defend against those who want to wokify this country into a socialist hellhole, run by demagogues and Marxists who use ESG and DIE to extort American resources and make us weaker as a nation in a world filled with tyrants.

Regarding fixing the immigration problem Biden created by putting Kamala in charge, it will be Trump bringing the hammer down on employers who hire people who are not U.S. citizens.  Nothing will send people packing more effectively than a lack of job opportunities.  And it will only take the strike of a pen to ensure that ten million asylum-seekers Joe let in don’t become permanent welfare recipients.  There are many ways to remove illegal aliens besides “rounding them up.”  Once communities become sick and tired of the crime and lack of affordable housing, Trump will have no trouble getting Congress to enact stringent immigration policy that will restore order to our borders. 

On reducing crime, once Trump is back in office and local law enforcement officers feel they have a system that has their back, recruitment will go up.  Police will be back on the streets fighting crime and putting criminals back in jail, something the Democrats hate but the people will love because they feel safe again.

The only question is how much the engine has been damaged by President Biden.  America is a resilient country.  I’d like to believe that no one person can do so much damage to a country as great as ours, but gosh darn it if Biden didn’t try like hell.  We don’t yet see the damage under the hood.

History will not be kind to Biden’s legacy, and that is why he becomes more dangerous with each passing day.  Don’t forget that Biden still has his hands on the levers.  Pray he takes more vacations in the coming months and not fewer, and that Trump doesn’t change his mind between now and November.

On the Fringe, Red Pill News, and more- January 27


The 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform' Scam

While President Joe Biden continues his dereliction of duty to secure the borders of the United States and defend the sovereignty of the country, his administration is desperately and dishonestly trying to pin the problem on Republicans. 

"The President has repeatedly said that the system, the immigration system is broken. He has said that on day one, from day one, when he put forward his first piece of legislation. His first big policy was to deal on the border. And it's been three years. We haven't seen any action. We're glad to see that there's conversation at the Senate," White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insists from the podium. "I'm just repeating myself here over and over again. He put forward a comprehensive immigration policy to Congress to deal with that broken system that has been around for decades."

There's that word. "Comprehensive" is just code or politician lingo for mass amnesty and lack of real border security. Not to mention the current and unprecedented flow as a result of Biden's open border policies has not "been around for decades." 

In conversations and negotiations in Washington, D.C., on the issue, Biden and Democrats are refusing to simply stop or blunt the flow. They insist on a massive, comprehensive piece of legislation to deal with illegal immigration issues separate from the immediate crisis. 

But does Biden really need Congress for this specific problem? The answer is no. Biden could fix this by resigning dozens of border security and asylum executive orders he rescinded from the Trump administration.

"You have clearly undermined America's sovereignty and security by ending the Remain in Mexico policy, reinstating catch-and-release, suspending asylum cooperative agreements with other nations, ignoring existing restraints on the abuse of parole, and halting border wall construction. You also undermined Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) core mission, and even used a smartphone app to facilitate the release of border crossers into the United States," House Speaker Mike Johnson wrote in a recent letter to Biden. 

"I urge you to immediately take executive actions available to you under existing immigration laws to stem the record tide of illegal immigration," he continued. "I also urge you to utilize Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act to regain operational control of the border. That provision empowers the President to 'suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate' if the President 'finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.'"

As illegal immigration becomes the top concern among voters ahead of a presidential election, Biden would score political points for taking action. Of course, he still refuses to do these things. They're available to him with the stroke of a pen. 

Instead, Biden falls back on the scam that a "comprehensive" bill is the only way to fix the current problem. It's just not true. 

Nikki Haley Wins Coveted Liz Cheney Support

Liz Cheney has come out in favor of Nikki Haley remaining in the race to represent the best foreign policy interests of those in DC who love using the military to kill people for profit.

(Via Daily Mail) – […] Cheney was asked about Haley’s bid during an interview with Pod Save America’s Daniel Pfeiffer and Jon Favreau, which was released Friday morning. 

‘I hope she stays in the race,’ Cheney said. ‘As long as she has to, certainly through Super Tuesday. I think that we’re in a situation where only two states have voted and you had something like 35 percent, I believe, of Republicans coming out of the voting in New Hampshire saying they would never vote for Donald Trump.’  (read more)

A devastating campaign ad against Joe Biden

On his first day in office, Joe Biden signed a so-called proclamation canceling Trump’s border wall projects on America’s southern border. The funding for the project was already in place and the materials had already been purchased.

That proclamation signaled to the world that, far from performing his sworn duty to secure our borders, Biden would ensure that America’s border would be thrown wide-open. Since that day, Biden has illegally “paroled” an unprecedented six to ten million foreign nationals into the U.S.

Rather than enforcing our laws and defending our border, Biden has turned our Border Patrol into an illegal migrant intake operation. Mexican cartels have predictably seized on Biden’s dereliction to traffic millions of humans, deadly drugs, and criminal gang members into the U.S. with documented catastrophic and deadly results.

Last Tuesday, Biden’s nominee for undersecretary of the Air Force, Melissa G. Dalton, testified before the Senate’s Armed Services Committee. In her prior role as the Pentagon's top homeland security official, Dalton had directed the liquidation of Trump’s border wall materials. 

To her credit, Ms. Dalton testified truthfully about this infuriating fiasco and her tale perfectly illustrates Biden’s criminal negligence and rank incompetence. Her testimony should be prominently featured in campaign ads against Biden’s ‘reelection’.

Rather than proceeding with the manifestly needed border wall construction, Biden’s proclamation resulted in paying hundreds of millions in liquidated damages to contractors and $130,000 a day to store the already purchased construction materials.

When Congress began drafting legislation to force Biden to use the materials, the Defense Department surreptitiously began auctioning off the rusting wall segments at 3 cents on the dollar. The steel bollards’ value as scrap metal would have been much higher.

Although you would never know it if you got your news from the legacy media, Biden is now sending his Department of Homeland Security to destroy border barriers installed by the State of Texas.

This story could be told in a 60-second ad and should be the centerpiece of Trump’s reelection campaign. Narrated over scenes of the massive invasion at our border, it would perfectly illustrate Biden’s incompetence and utter contempt for America.

Biden Forced to Stop Funding United Nations Relief Agency After Evidence of 12 UNRWA Agents Participating in Oct 7 Terrorist Attack Against Israel

Evidence has been shown to the Biden administration and the United Nations that 12 members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) were actual participants in the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel.

Yes, you read that correctly. The U.N. was an actual participant in the premeditated slaughter of Israeli citizens.

(Via Axios) The State Department on Friday said it is pausing additional funding for the UN Palestinian refugee agency after Israel alleged 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack.

The big picture: It’s the first step by the Biden administration against UNRWA since renewing U.S. funding to the agency after the Trump administration completely cut it off.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said the U.S. is “extremely troubled by the allegations” and the administration has “temporarily paused additional funding for UNRWA while we review these allegations and the steps the United Nations is taking to address them.”

State Dept – “The United States is extremely troubled by the allegations that twelve UNRWA employees may have been involved in the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.  The Department of State has temporarily paused additional funding for UNRWA while we review these allegations and the steps the United Nations is taking to address them.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke with United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres on January 25 to emphasize the necessity of a thorough and swift investigation of this matter.  We welcome the decision to conduct such an investigation and Secretary General Guterres’ pledge to take decisive action to respond, should the allegations prove accurate.  We also welcome the UN’s announcement of a “comprehensive and independent” review of UNRWA.  There must be complete accountability for anyone who participated in the heinous attacks of October 7. (LINK)

Driving the news: A senior Israeli official said the Shin Bet and Israeli military intelligence provided information that pointed to the active participation of UNRWA staffers and the use of the agency’s vehicles and facilities during the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.

“This was strong and corroborated intelligence,” the official said. “A lot of the intelligence is a result of interrogations of militants who were arrested during the Oct. 7 attack.”

State of play: UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said he has terminated the contracts of the accused staff members and launched an investigation to “establish the truth without delay.” (Axios More)

UNITED NATIONS – “The Israeli Authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on Israel on 7 October.

“To protect the Agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay.  Any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.

“UNRWA reiterates its condemnation in the strongest possible terms of the abhorrent attacks of 7 October and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all Israeli hostages and their safe return to their families.

“These shocking allegations come as more than 2 million people in Gaza depend on lifesaving assistance that the Agency has been providing since the war began. Anyone who betrays the fundamental values of the United Nations also betrays those whom we serve in Gaza, across the region and elsewhere around the world”. (LINK)

Biden's Third-Year Job Approval Is Shockingly Low, Surpassed Only by Jimmy Carter

Ben Kew reporting for RedState 

Perhaps as expected, Joe Biden's third-year job approval is the lowest seen by a president since Jimmy Carter in 1979.

According to the latest Gallup poll, Biden's overall approval rating from between January 20th, 2023, and January 19th, 2024 sits at just 39.8 percent, second only to the famously incompetent Jimmy Carter. 

Gallup explains:

Biden’s third-year average was lower than both his first-year (48.9%) and second-year (41.0%) averages. Though better than his third-year average, his first- and second-year ratings also ranked as the second lowest for recent presidents, ahead of only Trump in both years.

Biden registered new personal lows of 37% job approval in April, October and November 2023 surveys.

Gallup’s latest job approval rating for Biden, from a Jan. 2-22 survey, is 41%, while 54% disapprove of how he is performing his job. Since September 2021, after the troubled withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, Biden’s approval rating has ranged from the high 30s to low 40s. Before that, during the first six months of his presidency, he enjoyed majority-level approval ratings.

The pollster also notes that some presidents tend to see an increase in job approval over the course of their final year, although this is by no means guaranteed.

The likes of Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and Barack Obama all saw meaningful increases in their fourth year and all won re-election.

Others, including Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump, stayed roughly the same and went on to lose re-election. Both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush saw their popularity nosedive, although the younger Bush still managed to prevail in his re-election campaign. 

Gallup's analysis also notes that, unlike previous presidencies, both Trump and Biden have seen their approval ratings depend heavily on partisan identification. A staggering 89 percent of Republicans approved of Donald Trump's third year in office, while just seven percent of Democrats felt the same way.

Meanwhile, Democrats still overwhelmingly approve of Joe Biden's performance by 83 percent, while just five percent of Republicans agree he is performing well. The data therefore points to the importance of independents in this year's election. 

The pollster explains that Biden's job approval rating is well below the 50 percent that a president normally requires for successful re-election, meaning that it does not bode well for his chances this November.

Gallup notes: 

The president may see some modest gains in approval if the Democrats who disapprove of him come back into the fold. That pattern typically occurs in a presidential election year -- among prior presidents, all but the two Bushes saw higher ratings from their party’s supporters in their third than fourth year in office.

However, the key to Biden’s winning reelection may lie more in convincing a larger share of independents that he is doing a good job and is deserving of a second term. His approval rating among independents has mostly been below 40% since the fall of 2021 but was above 50% during the honeymoon phase of his presidency.

Of course, no one knows what will happen come November and whether Biden or Trump will even still be on their party's respective tickets. 

What we do know for sure, however, is that historically speaking Biden is an extremely unpopular president. 

The Immigration Crisis Shows Just How Much Contempt The Establishment Has For Democracy

America’s avoidable immigration crisis is now the No. 1 concern of voters, ahead of inflation and the economy. So why is no one in D.C. interested in holding Biden accountable?

On June 17, 1953, more than a million East Germans walked off the job and launched a massive strike in protest of unfair production demands imposed by the communist government. The playwright Bertolt Brecht, who was living in East Berlin, responded by composing a poem about the Soviet-installed government’s approach to the problem, “Die Lösung” (which translates into “The Solution”):

After the uprising of the 17th June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?

Anyway, you know things are bad in America when East Germany seems like a relevant historical analog, but here we are. Perusing the press these days, you’d think Brecht’s satirical joke about the government voting out the people was a real possibility. In fact, I’d dare say attempts to impose our rulers’ wishes on the electorate are now a prominent feature of American discourse.

The morning of the Iowa caucuses, The New York Times published a typically oblivious op-ed headlined “The Responsibility of Republican Voters,” essentially commanding them not to vote for Donald Trump. In reality, such a sentiment coming from the Times is tantamount to encouraging Republicans to support Trump, both as a result of its own sins and as a synecdoche for America’s utterly reviled journalistic establishment. Naturally, a guy the Times insists is “distinguished from the rest of the Republican candidates primarily by his contempt for the rule of law” went on to romp to victory later that day.

Anyway, speaking of contempt for the rule of law, just over a week after the Iowa caucuses, we launched headlong into what could be the biggest legitimacy crisis the federal government has faced since — well, perhaps comparing it to the Civil War overstates things. But to quote Biden, Texas’ standoff with the federal government over illegal immigration is “a big f-cking deal.” There’s a very solid argument that Texas is well within its rights to seize control of its border and enforce the laws Biden won’t, but please tell us more about which candidate is distinguished “primarily by his contempt for the rule of law.”

At a minimum, Biden’s complete disregard for border enforcement is a far bigger threat to America’s security and constitutional order than anything that happened on Trump’s watch, Jan. 6 included, an event the media and Democrats have been bleating about for three years. Yet how much discussion have you seen in The New York Times lately about Biden’s corrupt responsibility for America’s immigration disaster?

New York made kids go to class remotely so it could use their school as an immigrant shelter. (Though if you try to point out how outrageous this is, fact-checkers will tell you that any discussion of kicking taxpayers’ kids out of school for illegal immigrants “needs context,” and by “context,” they mean selective framing to mitigate the issue for the Democrats enabling this.) You have to provide ID, take off your belt and shoes, have your bags examined, and submit to a body scan to fly, but the government is flying planeloads of immigrants all over the country without any identification or due diligence to determine whether they are terrorists. Oh, and Boston is also literally housing illegal immigrants in Logan Airport, so no security threat there, I’m sure.

Even if arguments about maintaining the most basic level of national security and sovereignty don’t move Democrats, you’d think that the feds losing track of tens of thousands of kids and handing them over to sex traffickers would mean that the news wouldn’t be largely confined to the ghetto of local news affiliates and GOP press releases.

Aside from the lack of accountability for violating reams of immigration laws and imposing an avoidable economic and humanitarian crisis on entire states and communities, you’re definitely not allowed to talk about why Biden has allowed, by some estimates, 10 million people to cross the border illegally.

If you suggest that Democrats are counting on the fact that at some point in the future there will be some kind of amnesty or other mechanism to offer these illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship and voting, thereby achieving the literal fulfillment of Brecht’s joke about the government creating a new electorate, well, there’s an entire ideological infrastructure, one that the media are happy to parrot, dedicated to telling Americans that this common-sense concern is part of an elaborate neo-Nazi conspiracy theory.  

The only way you’re allowed to be concerned that a sudden and dramatic influx of immigrants will dramatically alter the political or cultural character of your community is if you’re the kind of disgustingly wealthy liberal who lives in Martha’s Vineyard. Then your concern suddenly merits days of news coverage. Fifty new migrants in Barack Obama’s backyard is a humanitarian crisis; 10,000 Haitians living under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, is a statistic.

Of course, polls now show immigration is the top concern for American voters, ahead of inflation and the broader economy. And near as I can tell, the White House and media strategy (but I repeat myself) seems to be ignoring the voting public’s grave concern and making the next 10 months about whether half the country should even be allowed to vote for Donald Trump.

This is not an exaggeration. On Thursday Politico ran a piece from a “professor of law and political science at Yale University,” arguing, “Trump’s Supreme Court Must Kick Him Off The Ballot.” This op-ed contains such modest proposals as saying the high court “should issue an injunction postponing Super Tuesday to early May” because nothing quite instills faith in American democracy like unelected jurists telling states where and how to hold their elections, never mind the author’s endorsement of a ridiculous interpretation of the 14th Amendment that says state officials can unilaterally kick someone off the ballot and disenfranchise millions of voters who support him.

Now, I do agree with the author’s sentiment that “a democracy can’t possibly function if presidents use force to remain in power after they have lost elections.” I just missed the part where there was any compelling evidence Trump organized or instigated the riot on Jan. 6, 2021, the riot itself was a serious attempt to keep Trump in power, and Trump was convicted in a court of law on any of these things. And this is emblematic of years of concocting fantasies about how the will of the voters can be overturned — recall this started before Trump was even president, with an organized attempt by Hillary Clinton and her allies to convince the Electoral College not to validate Trump’s victory at the ballot box — which strikes me as a far bigger threat to democracy than Trump has ever been.

It is truly amazing the lengths that America’s establishmentarians will go to avoid actually meeting voters where they are and entertaining persuasion and compromise. Along those lines, we can debate whether this was a planned strategy to ensure Trump got the GOP nomination, but it ought to be a far bigger concern that Trump got even more popular with the electorate after they brought a bunch of (admittedly dubious) criminal charges against him. Isn’t anyone concerned that tens of millions of Americans now think the Democrat Party isn’t above orchestrating the political prosecution of those that threaten to defeat them in elections? Or that once firmly established, this perception could have very harmful effects on “our democracy” long after Trump is gone?

The lack of concern here only seems to make sense if you fully expect that you can repress the opposition and/or remake the electorate so much that you eventually achieve uniparty control of the country. By then, elections, to the extent they are permitted and the problematic will of the people is not simply overruled by unelected bureaucrats and activist judges, are little more than a rubber stamp.

It’s not a crazy thought. It’s already happened in blue states such as California, where supermajorities mean that none of the elected leaders are particularly worried about voters holding them accountable for their obvious and many failures. The only problem for the rest of us is that once uniparty control of the entire country is achieved, the result won’t ultimately look like California and its present dysfunctions. Given enough time, they’ll turn America into something a lot more like East Germany.

The American People Just Demonstrated to Biden Why He'd Lose a Civil War

Biden loves to trot out the fact that he has F-35s under his command whenever the subject of an uprising or even the defense of the Second Amendment is brought out. It's one of the most tyrannical things he says that seems to be relatively ignored by the vast majority of corporate media, but any Americans paying attention have two reactions to it. 

Firstly, they feel a sickening revulsion to it. This is a U.S. president saying, with a smile on his face, that he'd be willing to use high-powered weapons against his own people, the people who bought and paid for these weapons to be made in the first place. 

Secondly, the ones who know better would laugh. 

Biden is under the impression that he'd have a military to back him up in his attempt to use force against the American people. Sure, he'd probably have a few troops at his disposal if he ordered an attack on America...but they'd be cut down by the overwhelming amount of his troops who went AWOL the moment his intentions were declared and went home to defend their friends and family from the military they just abandoned. 

How do I know this? Logic, for one, but now I have a solid example to back it up too. 

As Bonchie reported on Friday, the Border Patrol Union effectively shrugged off the idea that they would begin attempting to arrest Texas National Guard members for directly defying the Supreme Court and continuing to leave up the border defenses the state of Texas erected to stop illegal immigrants from flooding into the state and the country. They're not even going to try to remove the razor wire Texas set up to boot. 

Biden just had his teeth ripped out of his figurative mouth by his own men. Texas wins, and as such, America wins.

At least for now. 

But the signal just sent to Biden, and indeed the Democrats, should be very clear at this point: You don't have F-35s because there wouldn't be anyone there to fly them. Even if he did have a handful of pilots willing to commit treason against the American people, they'd be outnumbered by the pilots willing to protect them. 

Not that any of this matters either. As I wrote previously, Biden would lose a civil war even with his military intact by the time Biden starts ordering his generals to move against the American people: 

Let’s start with logistics. Biden’s fighting force is, as of this writing, somewhere around 1.3 million people. Now, not all of these are combat roles. In fact, only 1 out of around 10 people are actually combat-ready, the rest fall into support roles. So that leaves around 130,000 people to go out and fight…millions of gun owners in their own territory.

That’s a lot of territories to try to conquer and hold, and in the reality we currently inhabit, Biden doesn’t have the resources to do so.

If Biden can't even stop his own Border Patrol agents from turning on him, how does he think he's going to stop anyone from the Air Force, the Navy, the Army, or the Marines (oh, God...the Marines) from flipping him the bird before turning their guns in the opposite direction? 

Biden has now officially played his cards and his bluff was called. Texas wins...again. Moreover, the Democrats just got a really great lesson in how they're not as powerful as they think they are.