Saturday, January 27, 2024

The American People Just Demonstrated to Biden Why He'd Lose a Civil War

Biden loves to trot out the fact that he has F-35s under his command whenever the subject of an uprising or even the defense of the Second Amendment is brought out. It's one of the most tyrannical things he says that seems to be relatively ignored by the vast majority of corporate media, but any Americans paying attention have two reactions to it. 

Firstly, they feel a sickening revulsion to it. This is a U.S. president saying, with a smile on his face, that he'd be willing to use high-powered weapons against his own people, the people who bought and paid for these weapons to be made in the first place. 

Secondly, the ones who know better would laugh. 

Biden is under the impression that he'd have a military to back him up in his attempt to use force against the American people. Sure, he'd probably have a few troops at his disposal if he ordered an attack on America...but they'd be cut down by the overwhelming amount of his troops who went AWOL the moment his intentions were declared and went home to defend their friends and family from the military they just abandoned. 

How do I know this? Logic, for one, but now I have a solid example to back it up too. 

As Bonchie reported on Friday, the Border Patrol Union effectively shrugged off the idea that they would begin attempting to arrest Texas National Guard members for directly defying the Supreme Court and continuing to leave up the border defenses the state of Texas erected to stop illegal immigrants from flooding into the state and the country. They're not even going to try to remove the razor wire Texas set up to boot. 

Biden just had his teeth ripped out of his figurative mouth by his own men. Texas wins, and as such, America wins.

At least for now. 

But the signal just sent to Biden, and indeed the Democrats, should be very clear at this point: You don't have F-35s because there wouldn't be anyone there to fly them. Even if he did have a handful of pilots willing to commit treason against the American people, they'd be outnumbered by the pilots willing to protect them. 

Not that any of this matters either. As I wrote previously, Biden would lose a civil war even with his military intact by the time Biden starts ordering his generals to move against the American people: 

Let’s start with logistics. Biden’s fighting force is, as of this writing, somewhere around 1.3 million people. Now, not all of these are combat roles. In fact, only 1 out of around 10 people are actually combat-ready, the rest fall into support roles. So that leaves around 130,000 people to go out and fight…millions of gun owners in their own territory.

That’s a lot of territories to try to conquer and hold, and in the reality we currently inhabit, Biden doesn’t have the resources to do so.

If Biden can't even stop his own Border Patrol agents from turning on him, how does he think he's going to stop anyone from the Air Force, the Navy, the Army, or the Marines (oh, God...the Marines) from flipping him the bird before turning their guns in the opposite direction? 

Biden has now officially played his cards and his bluff was called. Texas wins...again. Moreover, the Democrats just got a really great lesson in how they're not as powerful as they think they are.