Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Democrat-to-English Dictionary — updated for 2024

In this era of hoaxes, euphemisms, obfuscation, and lies, I once again offer the following as a public service. Here are more (mostly new!) selections from…

The Democrat-to-English Dictionary

*Ableism: the unfounded and bigoted belief that people who are capable of doing a certain job should be hired over those who are not.

*Baby: non-viable tissue mass.

*California: a Golden State and Land of Milk and Honey with almost perfectly progressive government … that thousands of people flee every year.

*Christian: a radical religionist characterized by intolerance and a fanciful belief in a “Sky Daddy.”

*Democracy: any political system, no matter how authoritarian, that allows Democrats to attain and retain power.

*Democrat: a member of the One True Political Party who has only others’ best interest in mind. Salt of the earth. Honest to a fault.

*Evil: good.

*Far-right extremist: 1) anyone to the right of Mao Zedong. 2) traditional Christian. 3) anyone who loves America.

*Group: a collective body of people sharing certain characteristics. Much more important than individuals, and therefore to be granted more rights.

*Hamas: a misunderstood group that is well-intentioned, but sadly abused by Jews.   

*Intersectionality: the interconnected social categorizations that create overlapping systems of discrimination. Also, the only thing that gives an individual any worth.

*Jew: Nazi.

*Knowledge: state-approved information, often given an imprimatur by “science.”

*Law: a system of rules which regulate the actions of anyone opposed to Democrats. Does not apply to Democrats.

*Merit: a pernicious word reflecting the belief that some thoughts and actions are somehow better than others, and that therefore some accomplishments — and even people — are more worthy of respect than others.

*Non-viable tissue mass: any human or other being that does not agree with Democrats and/or threatens their power.

*Ours: as in, “what’s yours is ours.”

*Penis: something that people with penises have. Has no relation to sex or gender.

*Queer: normal, respected, beloved.

*Republican: evildoer.

*Sanctuary City: a place where callous Republicans send undocumented immigrants for no valid reason.

*Taxes: like spending, something we always need more of.

*United States: a place beset with rampant racism, bigotry, misogyny, and classism … that millions of people risk their lives to try to enter each year.

*Vagina: something that people with vaginas have. Has no relation to sex or gender.

*Woman: a man who says he is a woman. (Remember, one must always believe all women, at least the ones with penises.)

*Xenophobe: 1) anyone who puts the welfare of American citizens above that of undocumented aliens. 2) certain Republicans.

*Youngster: likely future Democratic voter. Should be allowed to vote now.

*Zoning: the process of creating voting districts/precincts guaranteed to elect Democrats in perpetuity. 

And one from the original Democrat-to-English Dictionary:

*Disinformation: any information that would tend to discredit Democrats’ agenda. (see also, “the truth.”)

X22, And we Know, and more- January 14


To all the brave people in Iowa who will be braving beyond frigid temps tomorrow to vote for Trump:

I salute all of you.

We Are in an Abusive Relationship with Our Government

California is now covering the costs of genital-mutilating surgeries for illegal aliens.  Leftism’s slippery slope invariably leads to depraved absurdity.  Consider how Governor (receding) Hairdo and the Pyrite State’s other communist saboteurs have greased the shifting ground under Californians’ feet:

(1) There is no illegal immigration crisis.

(2) There may be a crisis, but California taxpayers won’t be paying for it.

(3) Taxpayers may have to foot the bill for the illegal immigration crisis, but California will do nothing to incentivize illegal immigration.

(4) After further review, these aliens aren’t “illegal,” but rather “undocumented.”

(5) Health care is a human right.

(6) California must provide “undocumented” aliens healthcare.

(7) Mutilating the genitals to make them look like the opposite sex is health care.

(8) California taxpayers must pay for “undocumented” aliens’ genital surgery.

(9) Californians who object to paying for undocumented aliens’ genital surgery may be guilty of “hate” crimes and will be prosecuted. 

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Why punish the people who illegally enter the United States when you can punish the people who do not want to subsidize immigration crimes while canceling their votes with the votes of those here illegally?  Why should “health care” stop with free genital mutilation for the whole planet?  Why not label spacious split-level homes with at least one electric vehicle in each garage “health care” as well?  Why shouldn’t California taxpayers be on the hook for each new illegal alien’s  “green energy” lifestyle?  The absurdity will never end.

As Sundance frequently reminds readers over at The Conservative Treehouse, “We are in an abusive relationship with our government.”  And in California, where the Marxist globalists rule with absolute power, the government never gets tired of slapping American citizens around and telling them it’s for their own good.

California’s decision to become a Mecca for foreign men who want to chop off their willies and hang out in women’s restrooms is just the latest example of government insanity promoted as “progress.”  While foreign nationals are invading the United States in unprecedented numbers, Department of Homeland (in)Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to claim that (1) there is no crisis of any kind, and (2) if there is a crisis, Congress should just allocate more money for DHS to quickly bus the invaders into small towns throughout the country.  Hear that, American citizens?  The problem isn’t that tens of millions of foreigners are illegally entering the country; the problem is that people are noticing the problem — which would quickly disappear if DHS had the funds to hide the invaders more effectively and seed them into the counties where illegal votes from illegal aliens will do Democrats the most good.  Canceling American votes one invader at a time — yet none dare call it election-rigging on a massive scale!

Mayorkas’s admission that his plan to tackle illegal immigration consists of (1) making it worse but (2) hiding it more effectively is another infuriating example of why governments (of any kind!) can never, ever be trusted.  The best that any civilized society can do is shackle government power so severely that its agents feel as if they are rotting away in a dark dungeon without any prospect of public glory.  That’s why our Founders worked so hard to write a Constitution that limits the powers of all the miscreants who inevitably end up running things.  After all, at its core, government is nothing more than a collection of unethical people given legal immunity for performing otherwise criminal acts.  

In exchange for a little law and order, prosperity, and peace, the people look the other way while government bureaucrats steal their property (taxes), intimidate them with threats of force (FBI-Gestapo), and occasionally sacrifice their children for the greater good (war).  As soon as government is celebrated as something wonderful (instead of something that should always be dreaded and despised), those same bureaucrats break free from their dungeons, anoint themselves as unaccountable kings, and devise the most elaborate schemes to pillage, plunder, and endanger the citizenry without remorse.  No tax is too high!  No government mandate or regulatory fiat is too grotesque!  No life is too precious for the spoils of endless, needless war!  In Mayorkas’s world, bureaucrats bark orders, citizens comply, the government tells you what you may own, and armed IRS agents confiscate the rest!

How has the freest nation on Earth been reduced to a population of citizen-slaves begging for government scraps?  America’s tyrants use the same two-pronged approach that all totalitarian regimes do: the U.S. government (1) lies about everything, while (2) intentionally inflicting emotional harm on its citizens.  Everything that unscrupulous government agents such as Mayorkas shove down Americans’ throats is part of a psychological war meant to enfeeble, confuse, dispirit, and infantilize the adult population while indoctrinating younger generations to accept absurdities, surrender to “woke” ideology, and refrain from ever questioning authoritarian “elites.”

That’s why popular actors, musicians, and athletes must all believe the same thing — lest they be summarily “canceled.”  It is absolutely essential that young minds see intellectual conformity as something to celebrate and dissent as something to abhor.  It is why presidential puppet Joe Biden likes to say, “We’re all in this together,” while simultaneously stigmatizing half the electorate as “domestic terrorists” who “threaten democracy.”  Critical thinking, artistic individualism, philosophical disagreement, and public debate are not tolerated in totalitarian regimes.

In an essay for the Brownstone Institute, Jeffrey Tucker describes his experience at a train station where prominent warning signs still command travelers to obey COVID’s strict social distancing requirements.  For the most part, people just ignored the government’s orders and went about their lives.  After pondering the “enormous disjunction ... between what we are told to do and what we actually do,” Tucker concludes that the “edicts to which no one complies serve a certain purpose.  They are a visual reminder of who is in charge, what those people believe, and the presence of a Sword of Damocles hanging above the whole population: at any point, anyone can be snatched away from normal life, made a criminal, and be forced to pay a price.”  In a psychological war meant to obtain total control over citizen behavior, “the nuttier the edicts, the more effective the message.”

Writer Kit Knightly aptly describes these nutty edicts as part of the government’s broader propaganda campaign to “cultivate” a “perfidious unreality,” where our “authoritarian ruling elite” promulgate “insane narratives” that “serve as both loyalty test and humiliation ritual.”  When government agents say something that is “impossible to believe” and people accept it as true nonetheless, then citizens demonstrate “greater loyalty” to the government’s absurd fabrications than to reality.  “Humiliation is the ultimate demonstration of control” because under a system “where nothing is true, anything could be.”  Knightly concludes that the government engages in psychopathic behavior meant to do one thing: break every citizen’s spirit and mind.

What this means is that fighting for human liberty against the government’s encroaching totalitarianism requires more than civil disobedience; it requires an acceptance that everything our government says is a lie and everything our government does is destructive.  The U.S. government — along with most Western governments that have been captured by central banks, spy agencies, and an international cabal of Marxist “elites” — is dedicated to destroying any notion of “objective truth.”  That is why we are told that biological sex is a social construct, that private property causes “climate change,” and that popular political movements are “undemocratic.”  To free our bodies, we must free our minds.  And to free our countries, we must work to free the minds of as many of our fellow citizens as we can.

When the battlefield is the human brain, revolutionary ideas are more important than bullets.

Are Intact Airplanes Too Much For The Shrinking Middle Class To Ask For?

Things we once enjoyed have suddenly gotten so much worse. Not just a little worse, but way worse. You pay more, you get less, and it sucks.

Social media was on fire this week in the wake of the Claudine Gay incompetence scandal at Harvard, the 737 IKEA MAX airplane scandal at Boeing, and the ongoing scandal of fanatic, destructive DEI hiring rules at airlines, air traffic control towers, colleges, corporate America, and everywhere else that matters. Things got so wild that Elon Musk replied positively to one of my anti-DEI screeds, and Matt Walsh credited me for some of my airline tweets on his show. Thanks, guys!

All of these stories are closely related. They’re downstream from the source of everything that is ailing us, and that is the on-purpose, going-according-to-plan vanishing of the middle-class American family. All the viral news stories, especially the plane stuff, reminded me how lots of things I grew up enjoying, even taking for granted, have suddenly gotten so much worse. Not just a little worse. But like, way, way worse. You pay more, you get less, it sucks, and it’s scarce. Old woman yells at cloud? Guilty.

Decline Is Our Strength

Flying is a perfect analogy for the decline, as many have discussed. I remember cross-country flights home from college where I would be relatively comfortable in coach for six straight hours on a plane flown by a former Top Gun pilot who sounded and looked like Chuck Yeager, and who always got on the intercom to let me know he was doing his best to find some smooth air for me. American Dad Guy was in control, and I was going to get home safe.

I got to sit in a big cushy leather seat — in coach! — wrap myself in a cozy fleece blanket and pillow, and enjoy a hot, three-course meal, served on a tray with real silverware, plus dessert. In coach!

Grown-ups used to bitterly complain about the free hot meals they served on planes. Airplane food jokes made up 99 percent of all comedy routines in the 1980s and ’90s.

You really don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone. I regret rolling my eyes at all those coach dinners of breaded chicken cutlets with gravy, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Please come back! We’re sorry!

As I tweeted this week, the hollowing out of commercial air travel mirrors the hollowing out of everything else the middle class once got to enjoy with relative ease and safety: pleasant towns, nice neighbors, good public schools, and wholesome children’s entertainment. 

Middle-class things are vanishing as fast as the actual middle class. But as many times as you read an article about “the shrinking middle class,” watching it happen in real-time is quite something.

Goodbye, Middle Class America

In my case, the middle-class lifestyle of my childhood was not replaced by indigent illegal immigrants. It was replaced by the super-rich. Those of you born in sleepy burgs that later “got discovered” by hedge fund managers and A-list celebrities may have similar tales of woe. 

I grew up in an unspoiled little hamlet just north of Santa Monica called Pacific Palisades. In the mid-1970s, it was unfashionable, a vintage backwater frozen in time. The main drag was lined with mom-and-pop stores, greasy spoons, and geriatric clothing shops that sold frilly nightgowns and polyester golf pants. The hippest café in town was Baskin Robbins. It was Mayberry by the Sea. My parents had only been married a few years when they scraped together a down payment on a 1,300-square-foot, three-bedroom, single-story ranch house that cost something like $40,000 in mid-1970s dollars. 

Our next-door neighbor was a Mexican-American LAPD officer married to a white lady named Linda, who chain-smoked Pall Malls and barked at her kids from a Barcalounger.

My local preschool was run by kindly grandmas. They would make you open your mouth and say “ahhh” when you walked in the door and look in your throat with a flashlight each morning to make sure you weren’t sick. 

Once, the town was abuzz over the grand opening of a brand-new upscale grocery store. My mother, bless her heart, took me to the ribbon-cutting ceremony. What we didn’t know was that Gelson’s Market moving into town marked the beginning of the end. Now Ben Affleck sends his kids to my old preschool. The mom-and-pop stores on Main Street got torn down a few years ago, along with Baskin Robbins, so that billionaire developer Rick Caruso could build another gleaming Southern California outdoor mall like the Grove and the Americana. The old main drag is now filled with super-luxury stores I can’t afford to shop in or even park near. 

The Great Hollowing Out

I live far from the Palisades now, having fled to a more affordable, more out-of-the-way suburban corner of this crumbling metropolis. Nearby is a charming local public library, one of the neighborhood’s selling points. I have only been there exactly once. The time we went, three reeking homeless men were sitting at tables staring into space — and at my toddler daughter. That was the end of our enriching local library experience.

I once drove past it and there was a man unconscious, face down on the sidewalk outside. I called 3-1-1 to report this like a good neighbor and the female desk officer scolded me. “Ma’am, he has the same right as you to be on the sidewalk. How dare you assume he’s on drugs?” 

Close to this library is a beautiful public elementary school, built 100 years ago when it served hundreds of local children who lived within walking distance. No one in my neighborhood sends their children to this school now. This isn’t saying much, of course, because my neighborhood, like most blue-city suburbs, has suffered a Rapture of small children. In other words, they’re gone. My kids make up at least 50 percent of all school-age children within a four-block radius. Plenty of dogs, though.

One neighbor, a chubby white dude who still wears his Bernie T-shirt and who volunteered at the school, warned me not to go near it. “It’s like a prison,” he said, shuddering.  

None of the students who attend this local “prison” live within walking distance. The school is rated a six on the hilariously misnamed website. The student body is 85 percent low-income and 79 percent Hispanic. Representation may be a cornerstone of the new regime, but the local school my property taxes fund is not representative of the local community at all. 

Hey, at least its politics are correct! Every time I drive by the school, there’s a new mural or poster affixed to the fence with some lazy motto like “All Are Welcome” (in a dozen languages), plus bright illustrations of a BLM fist, the Earth, and a trans flag. Our Woke Trifecta. This is a red flag warning you to hide your kids from this place.

I could go on. Wholesome children’s entertainment? I grew up going to Disneyland and used to take the whole family once a year. Now only the people who live in Pacific Palisades are rich enough and have enough transgender children to enjoy Disneyland.

What about my old childhood cottage, you ask? The one my parents sold six years later for a mere pittance? When I cyber stalked my old house on Zillow, it still looked pretty much the same as it did when we owned it — oh, except for the price.

It’s now worth $4.4 million.

Things are so screwy that the black schizophrenic homeless guy who has lived at the corner bus stop for two years just got replaced by a white schizophrenic homeless guy.

I guess gentrification comes for us all in the end.

American Citizen Dies in Ukrainian Custody

The U.S. State Department reportedly confirmed the death of Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira, who had been imprisoned in Ukraine for criticizing the country's government.

"We can confirm the death of a U.S. citizen in Ukraine. We offer our sincerest condolences to the family on their loss," a State Department official told Russian news agency TASS. 

"We stand ready to provide all appropriate consular assistance. Out of respect to the family during this difficult time, we have no further comment," the official added.

The statement came after Tucker Carlson announced his death, per Lira's father. 

"Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments," Carlson wrote, linking to his story about the commentator last month. "Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed."

Chilean-American war commentator Gonzalo Lira died shortly before noon on January, 11, 2024 at a hospital in Kharkiv, where he had been imprisoned for eight months since he was accused of justifying Russian war efforts in Ukraine.

Lira came to prominence in 2022 when he emerged as a critical voice in an increasingly dictatorial Ukraine. His arrest in May 2023 on charges of “production and dissemination of materials justifying Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine” helped to galvanize domestic opposition to US funding for the war and led to calls for his release by tech baron Elon Musk and American political commentator Tucker Carlson.

A note written by Lira and provided by his father to The Grayzone indicates his death came after a nearly three-month battle with pneumonia, a condition which was apparently ignored by his Ukrainian jailers until just weeks before his death. (The Grayzone)

Lira's father reportedly urged the U.S. Embassy to get involved after learning his son was hospitalized, but to no avail. He blames both Washington and Kiev for his son's death.

“I cannot accept the way my son has died. He was tortured, extorted, incommunicado for 8 months and 11 days and the US Embassy did nothing to help my son,” Lira Sr. said in an email announcing his son's death, reports The Grayzone.

“The responsibility of this tragedy is [with] the dictator Zelensky with the concurrence of a senile American President, Joe Biden,” he continued: “My pain is unbearable. The world must know what is going on in Ukraine with that inhuman dictator Zelensky.”

After Carlson's initial report last month, Elon Musk tried to get answers from Ukrainian President Zelensky. 

Following news of Lira's death, many conservatives argued Washington should not send any more money to Ukraine. 

Here's What 2023 Taught Me About the Importance of Local Politics

Two thousand and twenty-three was a pivotal year for me as a journalist, writer, and political commentator. For years, I had been preaching about the importance of focusing on local politics instead of hyper-focusing on the goings on in Washington, D.C.

But in 2023, I set out to focus a substantial chunk of my platform on stories highlighting how local and state governments can be the most vicious violators of our rights. Throughout this journey, I have traveled across the country and met several individuals and families who have been wronged by their local and state politicians and I learned quite a bit.

In San Antonio, Texas, I covered the story of Vince Cantu, a bar owner who was being threatened with eminent domain by the city and state. In this case, I saw how the state colluded with the city to steal this man’s property to make room for an addition to the Alamo.

This was a story of how eminent domain is increasingly used to benefit commercial interests instead of respecting people’s property rights.

The issue began about six years ago when the city first approached Cantu about buying his bar. “I got an offer from [former Texas Land Commissioner] George P. Bush in 2016, and it was a real estate contract with all the earnest money stuff in it,” he told RedState.

Cantu continued:

“So I asked an attorney about it, and they said, ‘Do you want to sell your property?’ I said, ‘Well, no, and especially not for that amount.’ So I just ignored it. And then, I guess two weeks later, the title company called me and said, ‘Hey, we’re scheduled for a closing. Are you coming in?’ And I’m like, ‘Hold on a minute. What?’ I had no idea. I didn’t know what eminent domain was. And I thought, ‘Wow, I better get a whole other attorney. It looks like I’m getting eminent domained.’ This could be the first step towards that, as far as I knew.”

To be clear, Cantu was open to selling his bar to the government but was unwilling to accept the GLO’s initial offer, which was only a little less than $1 million. He explained that the next attorney he worked with “was somebody that the government had worked with before” and that this person “went through this whole ruse about” scaring Cantu into agreeing to the government’s offer.

The ongoing struggle between Cantu and the state culminated in a protest at which I had the pleasure of speaking out against the city’s underhanded tactics.  

Not long after, another case took me to Hot Springs County, Arkansas, where I met Jose Gudino-Barragan, who had been mistreated by local law enforcement who came onto his property and stole his dogs and chickens, falsely accusing him of cockfighting and dog fighting despite having absolutely no evidence indicating he was engaged in either of these activities.

The authorities threatened to arrest him for a crime he clearly did not commit. After stealing his animals, law enforcement gave them to a local “animal rescue,” which did not waste time in using the dogs to raise funds on Facebook. Unfortunately, Jose was not able to receive justice and is still without his animals.

Later in the year, I heard about a case in Gastonia, North Carolina, in which the city was hassling a pastor named Moses Colbert for housing, clothing, and feeding the homeless in his church. What struck me about this case was the utter callousness shown by local officials. They constantly worked to stop him from doing what the Bible says when it comes to caring for the needy.

These government officials would have rather seen the homeless languishing and dying on the streets in the cold of winter rather than allow Pastor Moses to take care of them. Indeed, this actually happened.

The situation began around the conclusion of 2019, just before the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Colbert noted that things “got really intense” at this time and he decided he needed “to really step up and try to do some things to help preserve human life.”

His church opened a shelter in Gastonia in late 2019 called “Uptown Shelter.” He heard from another pastor how dire the situation had become for people in the community. This is when he decided to expand his efforts to feed, clothe, and house the homeless.

Colbert said “….it took a while for the [shelter to] catch on, but it did work and everything. Then after we got everything going good…I believe we were keeping about 60 in the brment of the church in the fellowship hall.”

The problems arose when an older homeless man became ill, and they had to call emergency services to help. “The fire marshal came in and took pictures saying, ‘you don’t have a proper sprinkler system and such.’”

Colbert explained that the building was 100 years old, which is why it did not have a sprinkler system. The marshal told him he would not be allowed to keep homeless people in there, even after the pastor noted that “it’s freezing outside, and these people are going to freeze to death.”

In the same city, I also covered the story of Joshua Rohrer, a homeless veteran who was roughed up by police officers for allegedly panhandling. The reality is that he was not asking anyone for money, but people would approach him and give him food and cash. The bodycam footage shows the officers throwing him to the ground even though he did not commit a crime. The officers went so far as to use a taser on his service dog, who later died.

The last story I covered in 2023 was the most heartbreaking so far. I learned about the plight of Matt and Takki Hernandez, a family ripped apart by Georgia’s bureaucracy after the couple was falsely accused of abusing their three-month-old daughter Emma, who was placed into foster care with her four-year-old sister Arya.

Matt and his wife have been forcibly separated since June due to the condition of Takki’s bail after she was arrested. They have not been allowed to contact one another. Takki was only able to start seeing her daughters again a few weeks ago, but visitation for both parents is limited. As it stands today, the parents are locked in a battle with the state to be reunited with their children, who have suffered the most from this ordeal.

Each of these stories serves as a powerful reminder of why none of us should ignore local politics. Yes, focusing on the swamp in D.C. is important, but I guarantee that you already have a swamp and a Deep State right in your backyard. The government that is closest to you is the one that can hurt you the most.

These stories, along with the others I have covered, have further impressed upon me the urgency of fixing our local communities and ensuring we are electing people who actually value liberty. I have seen how valuable a liberty-loving official can be when it comes to pushing back against the overreach of the federal government -- but I have also seen what happens when the wrong people are allowed to wield power locally.

In 2024, I am going to be focusing even more on local issues and bringing to light the corruption that prevails when good people are not paying attention. My objective is to convince as many people as possible to pay as much attention to their mayors as they do to the White House. Next, I want people to activate in their communities and work to affect change in their environment. With the federal government having become irredeemably corrupt, I believe focusing locally is the only way we can have a chance at liberty in America.

Democrats Talk About Illegal Immigrants The Same Way They Used To Talk About Slaves

“We need immigrants in this country,” Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler said Thursday during a House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement hearing. “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants.” 

“The fact is, the birth rate in this country is way below replacement level,” he continued. Nadler is adamantly anti-life, and given that abortion is responsible for the deaths of millions of unborn American children, it’s unlikely that he’s sincerely concerned about the United States’ replacement rates.

Nadler’s remarks recall the Democratic party’s past reasoning for supporting slavery. Federalist Senior Editor Mark Hemingway pointed out that Democrats in 1823 were backing slavery because if there were no slaves, “Who would pick our cotton?” Today, Democrats are making the argument that low-wage working illegal migrants are necessary to pick “our vegetables.”

Another striking comparison is the Democrats’ past support of slave traders and their current aiding of human trafficking at the southern border. As Federalist CEO Sean Davis explained, “Before the Civil War, Democrats bought their slaves from human traffickers who kidnapped them and then shipped them across the Atlantic. In 2023, they use cartels to smuggle illegal immigrants across a border Democrats refuse to close.”

Indeed, human trafficking at our southern border is now a multi-billion dollar business, and Democrats have no plan to stop the abuse. In December alone, over 300,000 illegal immigrants crossed into the United States.

Now, illegal immigration isn’t just a problem for border states but the entire nation. Massive influxes of aliens are now invading places like New York City and Chicago, putting massive strain on city resources. Meanwhile, the fentanyl crisis created by the open southern border is taking countless American lives in all corners of the country — both urban and rural. 

This week, citizens were given some hope after the Texas Military Department took over a 2.5-mile long stretch along the Rio Grande River, supposedly to stop illegal immigration in the high-traffic crossing area and keep out federal border officials who “perpetuate illegal immigrant crossings in the park and greater Eagle Pass area.”

However, as my colleague Jordan Boyd explained, the move appears to be nothing more than political theater. “Yet despite the addition of personnel, barriers, gates, concertina wire, and military Humvees’ to the area,” Boyd wrote, Texas Gov. “Abbott has not authorized the Texas National Guard to detain and deport illegal immigrants, who are still being turned over to Border Patrol for processing and, in most cases, release.”

“So, while the move prompted an outcry from the Biden administration and federal border officials who say the state’s interference prevents them from doing their jobs,” she added, “Abbott’s move won’t fundamentally change the dynamic at the border.”

In other words, the border remains open, and the drug and human trafficking crises caused by it rage on. But, according to Nadler, it’s all worth it because the vegetable industry needs people to pick produce for exploitative slave wages.

Check Out Adam Schiff's 'Democracy' Plan to Destroy Our Constitutional Republic

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

There are a lot of reasons not to vote for Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Ca) for Senate, not the least of which is how he has consistently tried to lie to the American people when it came to the Russian collusion hoax, claiming he had "evidence" he never managed to produce. 

But he just offered up another reason why he should be defeated: his "pro-democracy" plan.

So what is in this "Defending Democracy" plan?

California Senate candidate and Congressmember Adam Schiff is calling for a major overhaul of American institutions, including getting rid of the Electoral College, expanding the Supreme Court and eliminating the filibuster. [....]

Other elements of Schiff’s proposal include:

— Eliminating gerrymandered congressional districts

— Making voting easier by designating Election Day a federal holiday, expanding automatic voter registration through government agencies like the Department of Motor Vehicles and universal vote-by-mail access

— Restoring voting rights to felons who have served their time

— Reforming the judiciary by instituting term limits for Supreme Court justices, creating an enforceable ethics code and banning stock trading for judges

It is definitely a pro-"pure democracy," i.e. mob rule. An overhaul of American institutions? It would take a sledgehammer to our Constitutional Republic and what the Founders intended. The very reason we have an Electoral College is to make sure we are not controlled by the states that might have huge populations, like California and New York. We have a Supreme Court that is supposed to be independent and not neutered by the politicians, yet he wants to destroy that as well because it's the one thing that the Democrats don't think they can control at this point.  

Schiff's "Defending Democracy" isn't about defending the Constitution, it's about increasing Democratic control and undermining our institutions. 

This is the plan. This is how the Democrats want to turn our county away from its intent. The basis of the country is built on individual rights, the rule of law, and the Constitution. It's not built on the tyranny of the majority. It was to limit the power of the government and its intrusions into the lives of Americans, not to rip away all those protections. 

Even the filibuster is about protecting the rights of the minority in the Senate, but he wants to do away with that as well. Anything that inhibits their power. 

“If we’re going to make significant reforms to protect a democracy, we’re going to have to get rid of the filibuster,” Schiff said. “And I would trade wild swings in policy because the majority in the Senate can actually get things passed over the democracy-defeating stalemate that we have with the filibuster.”

There he tells on himself again, the tyranny of the majority. 

But that will come back to bite them when the GOP takes over the Senate, which is very likely in this next election. 

We're suddenly seeing this everywhere, as Joe Biden and the Democrats don't have a lot to run on, so they're making up this "threat to democracy" from the right. But the real threat is to our Constitutional Republic -- from the Democrats who wouldn't even acknowledge or seem to want to do in our institutions and our Constitution. 

Proposed GOP Immigration Deal Will Have Your Blood Boiling

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Just when you thought the Republican Party couldn't fail any harder, they go off and surprise you. That's the story after the details of a tentative immigration deal between Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) were released. Lankford has been appointed by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to negotiate the terms.

Fox News put them up on a graphic that hits all the key points, and it's a horror show of bad policy. 

Going through this piece by piece, it's hard to find one thing that would be constituted as a "win" for anyone who believes in securing the Southern Border. To start, an increase of 50,000 green cards a year represents a large spike in legal immigration amid the worst illegal immigration crisis in the nation's history. How does that make sense? The goal should be to lower the total number to get the situation under control, not simply provide for more legal immigration. 

The second bullet point is also simply another increase in legal immigration. Why do the adult children of H1-B holders need to be automatically granted legal status? If we were talking about minor children, then the policy would at least make sense. Again, why do we need to increase legal immigration during an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis? 

Things only get worse from there. Under this deal, every single person who is released from custody into the interior would receive a work permit. That would escalate the number of people rushing to the border because the chances of not only getting in illegally but also being given work authorization would be greatly increased compared to the current situation. Yes, this "deal" would actually have the opposite effect of slowing the crisis at the border. It is literally putting the carrot on the stick and waving it around.

Next, there's spending for lawyers for mentally incompetent illegal aliens, which you get to pay for, and then we get to the supposed "wins" for border hawks. The administration would be able to release 5,000 illegal immigrants into the interior a day while also giving them work permits as mentioned above. Again, we might as well start running ads in Central America telling people to come cross the border. 5,000 entries a day is 150,000 people a month, which is far more than historical norms without these new limits. 

The only possible improvement comes last, which would be restricting parole (i.e. being released into the interior) for those who don't cross at a port of entry. What does "restrict" mean in this context? We don't know, and you can bet there are a myriad of loopholes that could be taken advantage of. But it doesn't really matter when you are already going to let 150,000 people a month in while giving them work permits. Most illegal immigrants would simply start showing up at ports of entry knowing if they wait long enough, they'll get in. 

This is one of the dumbest, most counter-productive immigration deals I've ever seen, which means is absolutely a perfect representation of the modern GOP. What is the point of voting for this?