Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Inherently Destructive Uniparty Agenda

While wealthy elites have always exercised disproportionate influence in American politics, what is happening in 21st century America is unique.

It’s easy enough to blame Democrats for everything, but as a rapidly increasing percentage of American voters have realized, Republicans share the blame. These politicians are controlled by their donors, and in America today, the big donors are in agreement regardless of which party or which candidate gets their money.

This, then, is what has become dubbed America’s uniparty. And while wealthy elites have always exercised disproportionate influence in American politics, and, for that matter, the politics of virtually every nation that has ever existed, what is happening in 21st century America is unique.

To begin with, for most of American history, elites have competed for political power and influence, with the differing agenda and interests preventing one faction from acquiring absolute power. But today, on the issues that will have the most profound impact on our future, America’s elites are perfectly aligned. Also today and without precedent in American history, the goals of America’s elites are in conflict with the interests of the American people.

There are two broad, interrelated areas where the uniparty consensus currently aims to break the American people, destroying our coherence as a nation along with our prosperity and individual freedom. They both relate to how we are handling immigration. America’s de facto immigration policy is to invite millions of people per year to enter the United States. Because this policy also effectively excludes immigrants who have the means and the integrity to attempt legal entry, the millions who cross our borders each year are the most desperate people from the most failed nations.

America’s immigration policy, in practice, admits people whose life experience is to barely survive in nations ruled by thugs and fanatics. They are accustomed to endemic corruption and extreme poverty. As for the small fraction of immigrants who enter the United States legally, the criteria for their admission is more of a lottery than a merit-based criteria that might arguably be in the national interest.

But immigration—even the uncontrolled, meritless, flagrantly illegal, massive wave that Americans are now experiencing—would probably not be enough to break our unity and our freedom. It would be a challenge, but absent two other nihilistic factors, both driven by America’s elites, we might eventually assimilate the new arrivals and continue to thrive as a nation.

The first of these factors is the obsessive promotion of the climate “crisis.” Anyone even slightly skeptical of the alleged urgency of this crisis can immediately see what’s really happening: blatant propaganda being sold to the American people in a coordinated fear campaign. In every classroom, every newscast, every political speech, and every corporate marketing blitz, the message is the same: adapt or die. And adaptation, expressed in countless laws and regulations from the local city council to the U.S. Congress, the federal alphabet agencies, and even the U.S. Supreme Court, is almost invariably the same: stop developing land, depopulate rural areasdensify the cities, and engineer scarcity of every essential resource—land, water, energy, and food.

If America’s population were stable, this cramdown would be tough. But when we push our existing population out of rural areas and into cities at the same time as we’re also directing millions of immigrants every year into our cities, at the same time as we’re preventing our cities from expanding outwards and preventing construction of new, cost-effective sources of fresh water and cheap energy, what might have been merely tough is instead a recipe for disaster.

This engineered scarcity makes the second nihilistic factor all the more destructive because it puts the entire population under financial stress, which is a precondition for civil unrest. The second factor pushed by America’s elites is an obsession with race, and the incessant message on that theme—white Americans are oppressors, colonizers, purveyors of systemic racism, perpetrators of unconscious racism, beneficiaries of unwarranted privilege. Insofar as an estimated 85 percent of first generation immigrants living in the U.S. are nonwhite—it’s probably much higher in the last few years—training them all to view white people as the enemy is, again, a recipe for disaster.

These two factors, representing the consensus policy of America’s elites, are both inherently destructive. You can’t fill a nation with new arrivals at the same time as you make it nearly impossible to build any new housing or enabling infrastructure. You can’t fill a nation with nonwhite immigrants at the same time as you teach them to view all white people as their enemy. You can’t do this unless you are consciously trying to destroy a country. And that is exactly what America’s elites are doing.

For America to remain a successful nation, to the extent that immigrants are expanding the population, we must expand our cities, expand our production of energy, and expand our industry and infrastructure to guarantee abundant, affordable essentials. And to the extent that immigrants to America are nonwhite, we must invite them to adopt our culture and encourage them to assimilate, instead of feeding them a pernicious lie by telling them they are living in a hostile, racist society.

Why have America’s elites, for the first time in American history, decided it is in their interests to destroy the nation that gave them the opportunity to rise to positions of power and wealth? Some of the reasons are understandable, even if they’re fatally flawed. Some of them truly believe there are Malthusian and ecological limits that prevent global prosperity. Lacking faith in the power of innovation and free enterprise, they make the decision that managed decline is the only equitable path for America.

Others among America’s elites have concluded that the detriments of European colonization have outweighed the benefits and therefore feel ethically and morally bound to deconstruct European civilization and culture. These people are perhaps projecting personal guilt at having unearned or fortuitously earned personal wealth and privilege. Or perhaps they hold a suppressed personal vendetta against the culture that gave them everything. And some of them, perhaps, are simply overwhelmed by misplaced, hyper-emotional compassion for the less fortunate and lack the clarity necessary to realize that the only path to an equitable society is via the implacable gauntlet of immutable, colorblind standards, and the only culture that has ever come close to achieving that optimum ideal is European.

But there’s another reason for America’s elites to agree on policies designed to destroy America. Pure, naked, unmitigated greed. Masquerading as concern for the planet and compassion for people of color, America is being broken as part of what leftists—before they were blinded by green and woke corporate marketing campaigns—used to deride as “trickle up” economics. It’s fairly obvious once you take off the green blinders.

When resources are unaffordable, thanks to a punitive regulatory environment, only the wealthiest, most powerful corporations can still compete. Drive small farmers out of business, cut production, consolidate ownership, and make more profit. This is happening in every industry, and its justification is purportedly to save the planet. As for the woke element, the synergy is absolute. Fill the nation with people for whom the impoverishment they experience in America is undreamed of bounty compared to where they came from. If they nonetheless struggle to afford the essentials offer them government benefits, and encourage them to vote for those politicians who not only demonize the privileged whites but also promise to keep the government benefits coming.

That’s what America’s uniparty stands for. Political fights over other issues, while of genuine urgency, must be recognized in many respects as distractions peripheral to fighting the overall plan. The contradictions inherent in green and woke policies, institutionalized today in America, cannot stand. They will be discredited and broken, or they will break us.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- January 11


Democrats Hate Being Forced To Live Under Their Own Rules

The poem by Emma Lazarus on the base of the Statue of Liberty was gospel for the Democratic Party under President Donald Trump. Airhead CNN personality Jim Acosta made a name for himself quoting the “Give us your tired, your poor” lines like they were legally binding and not just part of an old fundraising pitch to the public to raise money to build the statue’s base. These Democrats were outraged any government impediments would be put in place to hinder the endless flow of illegal aliens into the country. Now that they’re getting a big dose of their own medicine, those Democrats are singing a different tune. 

Newly minted racist Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson told racist MSNBC personality and former mock civil rights leader Al Sharpton that, by bussing illegal aliens to Democrat-run cities, Texas Governor Greg Abbott “is attacking democratically-run cities, and particularly cities that are being led by Black leaders or leaders-of-color. This is unconscionable. I mean, it’s a very raggedy approach. And quite frankly, not only is it reckless and raggedy, but it is evil-spirited.”

It might be “evil-spirited” to send anyone to Chicago, considering what Democrats have done to that once-great city. But it is not evil or anything negative to send people quickly to where they want to go.

While it would be much better if the federal government kept these people out of the country or quickly deported them the second they were apprehended, Democrats won’t allow either of those. So, why not send them along to these left-wing paradises these illegal aliens broke into our country to go to in the first place?

Governor Abbott isn’t sweeping up random illegals at the border and putting them on buses, these are people who plan to go there on their own, either because they think they have work or have family there. Both of those options, by the way, could be fixed by enforcing the law – punishing companies that hire illegals and deporting others, therefore having no family to lure more there. 

No, these are people who are making their way to Chicago already or they’re too stupid to understand a basic question about where they want to go, in which case they will never even come close to contributing to society and should be deported twice as fast. 

Illegals arrived in Chicago every day, New York too. They just didn’t do it at a central location so people could notice like they do when they get off a charter bus. 

People noticing is the problem for the Democrat politicians, because if people notice they will next demand accountability from the people in charge, and nothing scares the hell out of an extremist progressive politician like people noticing what they’re doing.

That’s what upset Chicago’s Johnson.

For generations, Democrat politicians in major cities, usually minority politicians, operated without any oversight, aside from the occasional fight with the city council. The press didn’t hold them accountable, the party machine didn’t hold them accountable, and neither did the voters – you pretty much had to murder someone to be forced out of office. (I grew up in Detroit, where it took a series of scandals, including buying illegal gold coins from South Africa during apartheid, for Coleman Young to finally leave office after decades of destruction.)

Abbott busing illegals to these cities is shining a bright spotlight on these politicians and impact of their policies they’ve never had to defend before. They’d been releasing illegals who’d committed crimes without informing Immigration and Customs Enforcement because they were sanctuary cities for decades. It’s nothing new. What is new is people being aware. And Democrats hate that.

They’re content with small border towns being overrun and overwhelmed, not them. But when the buses empty, these illegals are greeted by media and activists, which means they also have to be greeted by government officials looking to “help” them. Government help is not free, it costs quite a bit, actually. To pay for the illegals, Americans have to be cut off, or at least shoved to the back of the line. Again, people notice.

Democrats love it when other places, places run by Republicans, are hurting from progressive policies, but when they get a big, steady dose of their own medicine they absolutely hate it. Well, pucker up, buttercup, you should continue to get a steady dose of your own medicine until you’re cured of the stupid or you’re no longer in power. Either option for your surrender is fine with me. 

The Fabricated Memory of January 6th

We in America have a collective memory of what slavery was like in the 19th century. And when I say we have a collective memory, I mean we share a fabricated collective memory. Slavery was real, but no one today has a real memory of it.

Our collective memory comes from television shows like Roots and movies like Speilberg’s Amistad and The Color Purple. It comes from every movie you've ever seen about slavery in the United States. And so, as a collective culture, we think that because we've seen these films, we have an authentic memory of what slavery was like when we are only remembering someone else’s portrayal -- someone else's idea of what they think happened. Whether it's Alex Haley or Quentin Tarantino, we have someone else's presentation.

The same thing is now happening with the Democrats when they're recalling January 6th. The Democrat Party has created a fake and fabricated memory of January 6th. They did it with the help of ABC News, with the editors, camera crews, and the post-production people to create a memory that would be played over and over in the media to create a collective memory of an insurrection.

We know the then-House Speaker invited her niece (a professional photographer) to come down to the Capitol and photograph the historic event. We also know that ABC producers were employed to produce the televised hearings of the January 6 Commission for several weeks, and had a hand in editing actual J6 footage. This was designed to create an altered, fabricated memory of what happened the day thousands of people came to Washington because they were concerned the election of 2020 had unanswered questions. Not necessarily unanswered by a non-asking media, but unanswered, nevertheless.

The people felt there were shenanigans in the 2020 elections, such as late-night voter drops caught on film, mail-in ballots counted at the last minute that all seemed to go for Biden, even from districts that previously had voted overwhelmingly for Trump in 2016. And what about the supposed water pipe explosion in Atlanta that forced the evacuation of a tallying center -- and then it turned out there was no pipe burst or flooding after all -- it was just a false alarm.

We now know, according to FBI Director Christopher Wray, they had dozens -- if not hundreds -- of embedded FBI agents in the crowd. It was like a Cecil B. DeMille movie production, and it was done for the specific purpose of being able to create and fabricate a memory of an insurrection that never occurred.

Yet, half the people in this country honestly believe we had a real insurrection because they have been given a memory. Even Joe Biden admitted last week we saw the tapes “played over and over, repeatedly.” Joe says we “saw it with our own eyes,” just like the Democrats wanted us to see it, like an Irwin Allen disaster movie from the 1970s.

At present, most of the video depositions have been erased or have disappeared according to FBI administrators; they've lost hours of video depositions of witness testimony; Liz Cheney says she doesn’t know what happened to the original tapes. Do you think Biden’s FBI will perform a serious search? After all, we already know what happened, right?

Now we all have a collective memory of what we saw on television -- and only that. History will forever give preference to the ABC-coordinated version of events.

But that is not what it was.

January 6th rioting was composed of a handful of (mostly unarmed) people who got stirred up, among over a hundred thousand otherwise peaceful protestors who were merely nearby. Frustrations were high due to a lack of law presence in the crowd. Unbeknownst to most, there were embedded FBI agents in the crowd, but their job was not to quell the crowd, but to stoke them, stirring up some of that commotion.

But then a fuse ignited when one of the Capitol police struck a protestor, and another fired shots that killed Ashli Babbitt, a veteran; barricades were being penetrated in one area of the Capitol building, but mostly everywhere else people were protesting peacefully. Those scenes of barricades and broken glass remain, but anything else from that day ended up on the cutting room floor, even Donald Trump calling for a peaceful rally.

And to further this lie, our Justice Department announced everyone at the Capitol is now subject to arrest for protesting, or for just showing up. This is the Biden administration going after people who protested their government on January 6th 2021, something we are entitled to do because of our protected First Amendment right to free speech.

But a fabricated memory of events is what persuades many to gloss over what is happening. This “insurrection memory” now blinds people who support the Biden administration, who don’t know that this has become a political witch hunt likely to continue for four more years if Biden does win re-election.  

You will recall that Jack Smith tried to access Tweets to round up people by geotagging anyone on the capital building grounds that day, an egregious violation of the right to privacy and “unlawful searches and seizure,” (4thAmendment), but this is what your government is doing under the guise of “saving our democracy.”

Biden’s Justice Department is greenlighting the hunting down of American citizens, deniers, MAGA extremists, or however else he refers to them; and Joe’s hatred for Trump has grown to become so intense, that even those who vote for Trump are now being marginalized as posing “a real threat to our democracy.”

Maybe what should terrify Michelle Obama is not Trump, but how the United States is becoming a Police State under Biden.

Biden will continue to act dictatorially as long as he is allowed to weaponize the media and Justice Department to go after his political enemies.

This is not the America you want, even if you hate Donald Trump.

Democrats’ ‘Sacred Cause’ Isn’t Democracy, It’s Power

While issuing remarks this past weekend at Valley Forge to commemorate the third anniversary of the Jan 6. Capitol kerfuffle, President Biden asked the public, “Is democracy still America’s sacred cause?”

It’s ironic, considering this question came moments after Biden went on about the sacrifices made by Gen. George Washington and the Continental Army, comparing himself to the nation’s first president and his Republican predecessor, former President Donald Trump, to a corrupt, power-obsessed King George III.

Set aside the heresy of our devout Catholic leader, the simple fact of the matter is that “democracy” never was, and still isn’t, “our sacred cause.” Of course, one could wax poetic about apples of gold and frames of silver to try to discern what “our sacred cause” might be, but that’s neither here nor there. The reality is that expansive appeals to national democracy have been made for decades to undermine local authority and consolidate power in an unaccountable bureaucratic managerial apparatus.

The bastardized quasi-democracy in which we currently find ourselves is the result of this. Sure, there are technically different branches of government that technically perform different functions, but at the federal level, the only thing that actually makes things happen is the bureaucracy. So now, the nation lives and dies at the outcome of a vote because the results determine just how much power will be relegated to the administrative apparatus and with how much impunity it will be allowed to operate. 

Ultimately, Democrats’ “sacred cause” is nothing less than their complete consolidation of institutional power.

This is, in large part, why political messaging has become so manic over the last decade and why stooges like Aaron Rupar uncritically amplified Biden’s faux-patriotic and onanistic attacks on Fox News.

“When the attack on Jan. 6 happened, there was no doubt about the truth. At the time, even Republican members of Congress and Fox News commentators publicly and privately condemned the attack. … Now those same people have changed their tune. … We’ll defend the truth,” an unusually lively, potentially stimulant-fueled Biden proclaimed while pledging to defend democracy.

It just so happens that effectively everything the public was told about Jan. 6 — much like the Russia hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop, and Biden’s involvement with his family’s overseas business dealings — was a lie parroted by tattletale accomplice media outlets like MSNBC and CNN. Dissent online to any of the regime’s preferred narratives regarding the above was summarily crushed by the fascistic joint efforts of Big Tech and the administrative apparatus. It wasn’t until Elon Musk acquired Twitter that Americans could once more speak somewhat freely about this en masse. 

Ignore how the intelligence apparatus worked to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story and deliberately undermined Trump with bogus intel in the Russia-collusion conspiracy theory. Don’t worry about the disproportionate and dishonest response to Jan. 6. If you’re concerned about the administrative apparatus conspiring with Big Tech to suppress information, go touch grass.

What matters is “democracy.”

The left’s constant subversion and erosion of democratic norms don’t matter. Because “democracy” just means “power.” The former is a pleasant-sounding means to a gruesome end.

That the Democrats Are Surprised at How Disliked They Are Says a Lot About Them

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

I've been spending a few articles analyzing the rise of former President Donald Trump and his constantly increasing popularity. It's not exactly a hard thing to understand when you stand back and look at the man and his journey from a distance. 

Trump is a person who spent a great deal of time being a popular media figure before his foray into politics. He became a well-recognized face and name, showing up in everything from people's favorite reality television shows to cameo appearances in everything from Home Alone 2 to Zoolander. 

Once he truly found himself in the political game, he became known as the outsider. Using his skills as a media figure, he made himself the center of the circus and proceeded to win the hearts and minds of many people, giving him a victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016 and sending him into the White House. From here, he's either the greatest president that ever graced the Oval Office or one of the worst depending on who you talk to, but his loss in 2020 is considered an illegitimate matter by a great deal of Americans. 

But one thing is for sure. Trump's popularity isn't all Trump's fault. A huge factor in his popularity is the Democrats and the left who will go to any length to destroy Trump and keep him from the White House, even if that includes false reports, the weaponization of federal agencies, and riots in the streets. 

As I wrote in greater detail, the left has generated the unmitigated growth of one of the most motivating emotions humans can experience; spite. They have given the American people a reason to spite them and they continue to make Trump more powerful as a result. 

Strikingly, the Democrats seem surprised by this. Watch Mika Brzezinski's reaction to Trump's seemingly untouchable popularity in Iowa with two key groups, one of which Trump lost in 2016. She seems close to tears from the shock and admits she has "no words." 

The surprising part of this is that the left seems surprised, but what part of any of this is surprising? 

You can read the front page of RedState right now and see a myriad of reasons why people are more or less done with the Democrat Party. Between the open borders, the economy sinking like a rock, the consistently rising crime rates, the embarrassment that is Joe Biden and his corrupt family, and the radical nonsense that comes out of the mouths of elected Democrat officials it's all too much, and that's just naming a few of the things America is having to endure at the hands of the Party. 

But it's deeper than a political party. It's the culture of the left that has gone way too far. 

The left has become openly and proudly tyrannical. They display no shame or remorse for their hypocrisy. They gather in the streets and cheer on terrorists to torture and kill innocent people. They openly want to sexualize and groom your children, by force if need be. They assault people in the streets and destroy and steal from people and call it a virtue. They take beloved works and pervert them until they're just carriers for their message. They embrace socio-economic philosophies and systems of government that haven't just failed but caused mass murder and the collapse of civilizations. 

Everyone who isn't them or doesn't think like them is guilty of some sort of modern social sin, be it racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, climate denialism, Islamaphobia, or xenophobia to name a few. 

There is no debate. They don't tolerate a difference of opinion. Everyone who isn't them must be shouted down, censored, silenced, or failing that, intimidated and/or attacked. There is no discussion. Any attempts are met with either complete silence or literal screaming. 

The endless flow of propaganda from corporate media sources is so tiresome and ridiculous that it's become a parody of itself. You can't flip on mainstream television without seeing the agenda in action in some way, shape, or form. Entertainment studios preoccupy themselves with integrating social messaging into their products instead of creating actual stories and characters people can get behind. 

And the people are getting sick of it all. The left's culture has gone so far to the left that most Americans are wholly unwilling to embrace it because they simply can't. 

When Democrats find that they're wildly unpopular with people they're surprised but they truly shouldn't be. If they'd stop and look at themselves in the mirror for a moment, shed their hubris, and look at themselves with humility for just a moment's time they may find that they've become something horrifying. They'd understand that they are the very thing they claim to hate. They'd find they have become their own brand of religious nutjob, tyrannical dictator, and intolerant and unaccepting bigot. 

This happens for individuals on the left from time to time, but the Democrats and the general left are a long way off from truly seeing themselves. They'll keep going until it collapses under its own weight. 

Joe Biden Loves ‘Democracy’ As Long As His Enemies Sit Behind Bars

While Biden often champions himself as the protector of democratic values, his actions clearly say otherwise.

Former President Donald Trump brought us peace and prosperity. President Joe Biden has brought us war and despair. Biden and his Democrat base in the media know this isn’t a winning record in a Trump-versus-Biden matchup.

So three years after the lawful protest on Jan. 6 devolved into a riot, apparently fueled in part by Capitol Police and the FBI, Biden is kicking off his 2024 campaign by simply erasing and rewriting history. Biden is falsely accusing Trump and his supporters of undermining democracy. This is classic projection. Biden, who pretends to serve as the “defender of democracy,” is the worst offender.

Promoting Violence and Lawfare

Joe Biden spent his Friday speech attacking the millions of Americans who support Trump. He said Trump and his “MAGA supporters … embrace political violence.” It wasn’t Trump’s running mate and campaign staff that donated to bail out violent rioters in the summer of 2020. That was the Biden team. As The Washington Times recently reported, the Biden administration has gone out of its way to help the far-left rioters whom police arrested in 2020. They have offered more than a dozen prosecution diversion agreements to those Antifa radicals, while offering none to those arrested due to actions on Jan. 6, 2021. 

One of the most glaring examples is the persistent lawfare against Trump. The Biden administration’s Justice Department and closely allied Democrat prosecutors across the country are fixated on throwing Trump in prison for the rest of his life for non-crimes. High-profile radical Democrat elected officials like New York Attorney General Letitia James and Fulton County DA Fani Willis in Georgia are openly targeting Trump. Biden’s Justice Department appointee, Jack Smith, is leading a partisan prosecution against Trump in Washington, D.C., and Florida.

And fearing the American people will elect Trump anyway — turning Trump into America’s Nelson Mandela — Democrat operatives simply want to take him off the ballot. Nothing screams “Democracy!” like disenfranchising half of the American electorate. We’re beyond speculation. Democrats in Colorado and Maine already removed Trump from the ballot. Similar attempts to disqualify Trump are in the works in other states. 

Russia Hoax and Docs Hoax

Biden and other Democrats started taking a sledgehammer to our democratic norms in 2016 when faced with the threat of a Trump presidency. The controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s private email server, which was illegal and compromised by Russian hackers, was widely dismissed in the corporate media until the final days of the election. The Clinton campaign, in tandem with the Obama administration, including then-Vice President Biden, concocted the Russia-collusion narrative, a story that continuously overshadowed Trump’s first term. This narrative not only misled the public but also served to delegitimize Trump’s electoral victory and presidency.

The 2020 election cycle brought its own controversies. The New York Post story of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which implicated the Biden family in questionable affairs, was effectively buried by Biden’s allies in the media, ensuring voters were left in the dark on a central story. Intelligence officials loyal to the Democrat Party dismissed it as a Russian disinformation campaign, a claim that’s now widely acknowledged as factually inaccurate. This suppression of crucial information speaks volumes about the Democrats’ approach to controlling narratives and the ability of citizens to participate in free and open elections to suit the party’s goals.

Targeting Parents and Pro-Life Justices

This isn’t just about Trump. Let’s not forget that Biden’s FBI targeted pro-lifers, practicing Catholics, and parents at school board meetings, portraying them as domestic terrorist threats. This weaponization of federal agencies against specific conservative-leaning demographics should deeply concern all Americans, partisanship aside. 

While Biden’s FBI went after pro-life activists, it sat on its hands and watched as radical left-wing protesters harassed Supreme Court justices and allegedly attempted to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his family while they slept. Biden’s attempt to establish a “disinformation czar” and collude with Big Tech to censor speech illustrated the Democrats’ hypocritical approach to free speech and open discourse. Such actions are not only contrary to the First Amendment but also indicative of an authoritarian approach to governance — exactly their accusation against Trump.

The treatment of conservative journalist James O’Keefe further illustrates this point. The FBI’s raid on O’Keefe’s home and the secretive access to Project Veritas’ emails were actions decried across the political spectrum and by honest free press advocates. The Biden DOJ took it upon itself to target a journalist for allegedly possessing the diary of the president’s daughter. Imagine if Trump had former Attorney General Bill Barr raid the home of a New York Times journalist in possession of Ivanka Trump’s dairy.

Jailing Trump to Defend ‘Democracy’

Like all authoritarians, Biden does not want to have to fairly face political opposition at the ballot box. Biden claimed the 2022 Mar-a-Lago raid on Trump was about retrieving classified records — which former presidents are allowed to possess under certain circumstances. This was not true for then-Vice President (and even then-Sen.) Biden, who got caught with at least four stashes of stolen classified records, unguarded for years, moved several times, accessible by his Chinese agent, and possibly used by Hunter to illegally secure millions in corrupt foreign payments. These included illegally held classified documents in his garage hidden with his Corvette.

Biden’s aggressive and authoritarian action against his chief political rival indicated the further politicization of federal agencies under the Biden administration. The point of the unprecedented, unnecessary, and unlawful raid on Trump was to smear Biden’s leading opponent as a criminal and eventually to put Trump behind bars so he couldn’t compete at the ballot box. 

Biden expressed his desire for the DOJ to prosecute Trump, particularly for his alleged role in the events of Jan. 6, 2021, where protesters — even women and the elderly — received similar sentences to violent criminals. Biden’s direct interference in the justice system to target his chief political rival and his supporters is antithetical to the principles of a fair and impartial judiciary and electoral process.

While Biden often champions himself as the protector of democratic values, his actions clearly say otherwise. From legal pursuits against political rivals to suppression of free speech and misuse of federal agencies, these practices are indicative of a president who is willing to compromise any and all democratic principles for political gain. The American public must recognize these actions and respond accordingly, as the true measure of a democracy lies in its adherence to principles and the ability of the voters to have their say.

Yet Another Trump VP Prediction: Elise Stefanik

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

Texan John Nance Garner, who served as Franklin Roosevelt's Vice President from 1933 to 1941, described the job as being "not worth a bucket of warm piss" (changed in the media as "warm spit" due to Depression-era sensitivities). For most of our nation's history, the federal government's Executive Branch has been like a big, complicated machine with one essential part, without which the entire machine grinds to a halt - and the VP is the replacement for that part. 

That explains why the Executive Branch isn't working very well right now; neither the part nor the replacement is a good fit for what needs to be done.

The 2024 election, though, is a bit different. Should Donald Trump win the GOP nomination - which looks likely - and go on to win the general election - not at all unlikely - his VP pick will be uniquely situated. Trump would enter his second, non-consecutive term as a lame duck, positioning his VP pick well to campaign for the 2028 GOP nomination. This may explain Elise Stefanik's (R-NY) apparent interest in the job, as the Washington Examiner's Conn Carroll points out.

When I first ranked former President Donald Trump’s top 10 vice presidential picks back in August, I had Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) at No. 3 behind Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Byron Donalds (R-FL).

But after Stefanik’s performance on Meet the Press this Sunday, I’m moving her to No. 1. 

She was poised, confident, and well prepared. Most importantly, she didn’t give an inch when defending Trump on any issue.

That last bit is key for Trump; the guy clearly puts personal loyalty to himself very, very high on the qualifications chart. And Mrs. Stefanik has, indeed, been raising her national profile quite a bit lately.

But the most important thing to note here is that she has been asked if she wants the job.

And then finally, and most importantly, if she would say “yes” if Trump asked her to be his vice president: “I’ve said for a year now I’d be honored to serve in the next Trump administration.”

Coming off of her huge victories over the presidents of Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania, Stefanik has significantly raised her profile among GOP voters. She’s young. She’s married. She’s a mother. She has ably served in House Republican leadership. She is a woman who has the potential to ease the fears of college-educated suburban women who abandoned Trump in droves in 2020.

There are, of course, other contenders who check off some of the same boxes - like South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.

Last week alone, the South Dakota governor sent out a dozen tweets praising Donald Trump. She went on Fox News’s Hannity to condemn attempts in Maine and Colorado to remove the former president from the ballot. And she hosted a get-out-the-caucus rally for him across the border in Iowa.

The name left out here, though, is the name of the guy who has been on the debate stage, the guy who has been hitting the speaking circuit, the guy who has been hitting the left hard as often as he can, and the guy who is lusting after the VP slot like a wolf lusts after a sheep: Vivek Ramaswamy. He, too, has been overtly deferential to Donald Trump; he, too, has been defensive of the former president's policies; he, too, checks a couple of "diversity" boxes, if anyone's interested in that sort of thing. 

Whoever wins the nomination will, if they follow the usual practice, announce the choice of running mate for the VP slot at the Republican National Convention in July. Until then, of course, all we can do is speculate, but the three people mentioned here sure look as though they are positioning themselves for consideration, and you can bet that all three of them have 2028 on their minds.

July, though, is a long way away. Yes, indeed, the game's afoot, but the VP slot isn't yet Trump's to offer.

German Railway Workers Join Farmer Protest – German and Polish Truckers Providing Additional Support

Keep watching this story as much as possible folks. It might be difficult to find the details because Western corporate media do not want to cover the specifics, but the pushback deep inside the EU is well organized, planned and strong.

On day one, the German farmers began their protest, and began blocking transport hubs, main arteries and government buildings around the country.

On day #2, a large number of Polish truckers crossed the border to provide additional support and block the roads and border crossings.

Today, on day #3 of the protest, the German railway workers have joined.

You might remember the “solidarity” movement from the 1980s when the general working class in Poland took to the streets and triggered mass protests – eventually forcing the collapse of the governing structure. Well, here we are 40 years later, and a multi-nation force is aligned in the effort to duplicate the outcome. This is massive pushback against the globalist and WEF system.

The railway strike forces transport companies to use trucking.  The truckers are supporting the farmers.  The farmers are blocking the roads.  This is a multidimensional approach, well thought out and well planned.  Do not disregard what is taking place and understand there are many EU politicians watching closely. Germany is by far the largest economy in the EU.

[MEANA] – […] One of the key elements of the protests involves farmers organizing blockades on motorways and participating in slow-moving convoys. The discontent within the farming community was previously demonstrated in a mass protest held in Berlin in mid-December, prompting the government to make partial concessions. In response to the outcry, Berlin agreed to retain the preferential tax treatment of agricultural vehicles and postponed the cuts to diesel tax breaks until 2026.

Despite these concessions, farmers argue that the government’s measures are insufficient, leading to the announcement of an ‘Action Week’ featuring daily protests nationwide, scheduled from January 8. The farmers, represented by Joachim Rukwied, head of the farmers association DBV, insist on a complete reversal of the proposed cuts without any conditions.

Rukwied anticipates widespread participation, with tens of thousands of tractors converging at rallies across Germany. (more)

GERMANY – Nationwide strikes brought German transport to a near standstill Wednesday, with railway workers on a three-day stoppage and farmers on tractors blocking autobahns in a bitter protest over subsidy cuts.

The ill-tempered sector disputes mark the start of what is expected to be a challenging year for Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s unwieldy three-way government as it struggles with a weak economy and sinking popularity.

The GDL train drivers union called the strike on cargo as well as passenger routes after talks with public rail operator Deutsche Bahn hit an impasse. The company said 80 percent of its long-distance trains weren’t running.

Deutsche Bahn warned of “massive” disruptions to service until Friday evening, urging travellers to “avoid any unnecessary journeys” during the strike.

At Berlin’s eerily deserted central station, student Philipp Kolb, 22, said the strike had complicated his travel plans.  “I was supposed to take the train to Hamburg at 6 am,” he told AFP. “Now I have to push the trip back by three hours.” However passenger Piotr Bulej said he sympathised with striking drivers in the face of high inflation eating into real wages. “People work a lot more hours with less money. The prices rise every day, every week,” he said. “One has to protest, one has to say that.” ‘Continue the fight’. (more)

GERMANY – The nationwide blockade being launched by angry German farmers has received the support of Polish truckers, with some driving across the border to express their solidarity.

Farmers in Germany are taking their anger to the streets over the economic and agricultural policies announced by Olaf Scholz’s government.  […] The protests, expected to last for the whole week, are being supported also by truckers coming from neighboring Poland, clips and reports emerging from social media suggest. (more)

Misplaced corrective action, regardless of motivation, is neither prudent nor wise.  This approach by the blue collar and white collar middle class is EXACTLY THE RIGHT APPROACH.   This is the way to bring the elite ruling class to their knees.  This is what they fear:

We are the workforce.

We are the backbone of industry, the people who keep it all functioning, the farmers, truckers, builders, diggers and blue-collar workforce that keeps everything functioning.

We are the people they will never fully control. We speak in languages they do not understand, and we absorb targeted ridicule as fuel.

We are the movers of goods, the truckers, the farmers, the nameless people behind the skilled trades that keep what they call American society moving.

We are the people who grow the food, pick the food, transport the food, stock the food, cook the food and facilitate the life they live.

We are a visible, yet disregarded, insurgent force within their sphere of life that is never considered, yet we control the outcomes of every moment they value.

We pick up the trash, answer the phones, run cables to their devices, mow their lawns, solve their problems, control the flow of essential services and keep our heads below the radar.

We are the majority.

We are a self-reliant, freedom loving, normally peaceful and God-fearing assembly.

We drive them to their destination; we are comfortably out of mind until needed, and yet we are irreplaceable for the things they require.

We are armed with gloves, tractors, trucks, tools, hammers, pens, rulers, mice, pickup trucks, laptops, post-it notes, stickers and alternate forms of messaging that circumvent the control mechanisms deployed to create our silence.

We are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of their existence – and we notice everything.

We have eyes of mice and ears of elephants. We are there when they do not expect, and we melt away before they notice our appearance.

We are smart, strategic, highly intelligent and carry a brutally obvious and pragmatic common sense that finds optimal solutions to everything.

We identify our tribe immediately and without conversation.

We see what they hide, we hear what they whisper, we decipher their codes, and we understand the complexity they create in their effort to conceal.

We control the physical world that operates around every element of society, and we value real and tangible assets.

We do not sit around pontificating eloquently about philosophic nuances; we get shit done.

We are the people who facilitate their ability to take us for granted, and we do so without issue, resentment or desire for recognition.

We are optimistic, affable, kind, generous, friendly, loyal, warm and quietly spiritual in purpose.

We are polite, considerate and slow to anger.

We prefer to be left alone. However, pushed entirely far enough, decisions are reached. Right now, we are tenuously staring with deepened gaze.

We are increasingly pissed off…. Big Time!

In every town, village and hamlet we are encountering the same conversation. On every porch, in every shop, at every event, the topic is the same.

Support every effort that begins!