Thursday, January 11, 2024

That the Democrats Are Surprised at How Disliked They Are Says a Lot About Them

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

I've been spending a few articles analyzing the rise of former President Donald Trump and his constantly increasing popularity. It's not exactly a hard thing to understand when you stand back and look at the man and his journey from a distance. 

Trump is a person who spent a great deal of time being a popular media figure before his foray into politics. He became a well-recognized face and name, showing up in everything from people's favorite reality television shows to cameo appearances in everything from Home Alone 2 to Zoolander. 

Once he truly found himself in the political game, he became known as the outsider. Using his skills as a media figure, he made himself the center of the circus and proceeded to win the hearts and minds of many people, giving him a victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016 and sending him into the White House. From here, he's either the greatest president that ever graced the Oval Office or one of the worst depending on who you talk to, but his loss in 2020 is considered an illegitimate matter by a great deal of Americans. 

But one thing is for sure. Trump's popularity isn't all Trump's fault. A huge factor in his popularity is the Democrats and the left who will go to any length to destroy Trump and keep him from the White House, even if that includes false reports, the weaponization of federal agencies, and riots in the streets. 

As I wrote in greater detail, the left has generated the unmitigated growth of one of the most motivating emotions humans can experience; spite. They have given the American people a reason to spite them and they continue to make Trump more powerful as a result. 

Strikingly, the Democrats seem surprised by this. Watch Mika Brzezinski's reaction to Trump's seemingly untouchable popularity in Iowa with two key groups, one of which Trump lost in 2016. She seems close to tears from the shock and admits she has "no words." 

The surprising part of this is that the left seems surprised, but what part of any of this is surprising? 

You can read the front page of RedState right now and see a myriad of reasons why people are more or less done with the Democrat Party. Between the open borders, the economy sinking like a rock, the consistently rising crime rates, the embarrassment that is Joe Biden and his corrupt family, and the radical nonsense that comes out of the mouths of elected Democrat officials it's all too much, and that's just naming a few of the things America is having to endure at the hands of the Party. 

But it's deeper than a political party. It's the culture of the left that has gone way too far. 

The left has become openly and proudly tyrannical. They display no shame or remorse for their hypocrisy. They gather in the streets and cheer on terrorists to torture and kill innocent people. They openly want to sexualize and groom your children, by force if need be. They assault people in the streets and destroy and steal from people and call it a virtue. They take beloved works and pervert them until they're just carriers for their message. They embrace socio-economic philosophies and systems of government that haven't just failed but caused mass murder and the collapse of civilizations. 

Everyone who isn't them or doesn't think like them is guilty of some sort of modern social sin, be it racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, climate denialism, Islamaphobia, or xenophobia to name a few. 

There is no debate. They don't tolerate a difference of opinion. Everyone who isn't them must be shouted down, censored, silenced, or failing that, intimidated and/or attacked. There is no discussion. Any attempts are met with either complete silence or literal screaming. 

The endless flow of propaganda from corporate media sources is so tiresome and ridiculous that it's become a parody of itself. You can't flip on mainstream television without seeing the agenda in action in some way, shape, or form. Entertainment studios preoccupy themselves with integrating social messaging into their products instead of creating actual stories and characters people can get behind. 

And the people are getting sick of it all. The left's culture has gone so far to the left that most Americans are wholly unwilling to embrace it because they simply can't. 

When Democrats find that they're wildly unpopular with people they're surprised but they truly shouldn't be. If they'd stop and look at themselves in the mirror for a moment, shed their hubris, and look at themselves with humility for just a moment's time they may find that they've become something horrifying. They'd understand that they are the very thing they claim to hate. They'd find they have become their own brand of religious nutjob, tyrannical dictator, and intolerant and unaccepting bigot. 

This happens for individuals on the left from time to time, but the Democrats and the general left are a long way off from truly seeing themselves. They'll keep going until it collapses under its own weight.