Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Kill Your Fetus Cohort Could Decide the 2024 Election

 Among unmarried women, Harris is out front by a whopping 68-31 percent. And the most important issue for single women in this election? Abortion.

A political cartoon that’s gone viral perfectly captures what may be the most decisive factor in our upcoming election, impacting competitive races across the nation from state legislative seats all the way up to the presidency. That factor is, sadly, abortion, expressed in the form of nonstop ads reminding women that their right to kill their fetuses faces an existential threat from Republicans.

The cartoon, which only has two frames, begins by depicting the Democrat donkey as an abusive drunk, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth and an open whiskey bottle labeled “Debt” in his hand. Shirtless, his tattoos include “Open Border,” “Cost-of-Living,” “War,” “Crime,” and logos for BLM and Antifa. The bubble caption reads, “B**ch you ain’t gonna leave me, right?” Cowering in the background is the abused wife, wearing a blue T-shirt that has “Vote Blue” written on the front. The second frame is a closeup of the wife, her shirt torn, bruises on her exposed shoulder, her jaw, and her forehead, blood dripping from her nose, and a black eye. And the bubble caption for her reads, “As long as I can have abortions.”

That says it all.

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party mainstream, for which she is merely a figurehead, are counting on a few million American women to vote for open borders, shortages and high prices, unchecked crime, and escalating wars, just so long as they can retain the right to kill their fetuses. These women are being tapped for votes all the way down the ballot, with ads so infantile you might think they were satire. But apparently, they’re working, as campaigns for Democrat candidates saturate households with “Reproductive Healthcare Voter Guides” to promote “the only candidate you can trust to protect our reproductive rights.”

There’s quite an irony there since it would be reasonable to assume a “reproductive right” would be the right to reproduce, not to abort.

Watching Harris field questions or deliver speeches at rallies, it’s easy to tell when she becomes authentic. It’s not when she’s talking about her economic plan or foreign policy. In those instances, she struggles to be articulate, much less persuasive. For those issues, she stays on script. But when her topic segues into “reproductive rights,” she comes to life. Her face contorts with genuine passion and she stops trying to moderate her tone. Ignoring the teleprompter, she will decry the cruelty of Republican men and Christian extremists who want to “turn back the clock.”

Her feelings of righteous indignation are genuine and shared by the millions of women who agree with her, but these feelings are horribly misplaced. What is extreme are late-term abortions, which even according to Roe v. Wade hinged on “viability.” That’s a slippery slope to hell. Notwithstanding the fact that many states now permit abortion beyond viability, that threshold is generally set at 24 weeks. The earliest a baby was born and survived was reportedly at 22 weeks. That’s the earliest time of “viability.”

So what? The “viability” argument suggests that in the womb you don’t have an aware, living being prior to 24 weeks. It suggests you don’t have an unborn human already able to think and feel. If that’s what you think, then take a good, long look at the photo posted here. That’s a baby at 20 weeks of development. Have a look, and then explain how “terminating” this fetus isn’t murder.

“Pro-choice” activists claim that late-term abortions are rare. They’re only right insofar as about 80 percent of all abortions are performed in the first 10 weeks. A CDC study in 2005 collected data on reported legal abortions by known weeks of gestation for 40 states. The study found that 1.4 percent of all abortions, or 8,172 babies, were aborted after 21 weeks of gestation. It found that another 3.8 percent of babies were aborted after between 16-20 weeks of gestation, or 22,242.

This is hideous. You don’t have to believe life begins at conception to find it horrifying that 5 percent of the millions of abortions performed in the last two decades were to destroy babies that had been maturing for more than 16 weeks. Because these are not “lumps of cells.” These are beings with beating hearts and active brains. Watch an ultrasound video of a baby at this point in its fetal maturity trying to dodge the knife that a “reproductive health provider” is using to dismember it. If you have an ounce of compassion and more than half a brain, it is something you will remember with revulsion and sadness for the rest of your life.

As for women who have died because they couldn’t get access to reproductive health care? So far in 2024, allegedly, two. That’s right. Maybe, Two. That’s tragic, but extremely rare. We may rest assured that if 30,000 women had died this year because they couldn’t get access to reproductive health care, pro-choice activists would be burning down state capitol buildings, as perhaps in that case they should. But that’s not the case. The reality is more like this: at least 30,000 babies who are able to think and feel are being slaughtered alive each year.

Late-term abortions are not extremely rare, and it isn’t a stretch to call them a moral abomination. By the numbers, therefore, it is pro-choice Democrats who are the extremists, not pro-life Republicans.

What underlies the kill-your-fetus movement, however, is not genuine moral outrage. It’s the broader misandry of Democrat women, nurtured by a political machine and its media allies, that have found the leftist trope of oppressed women a productive form of political manipulation. It is no surprise that the people most susceptible to pro-choice fanaticism in particular and misandrist resentment in general are unmarried women. And thanks to the abortion issue, they represent the only majority anti-Trump cohort in the electorate.

Estimates according to recent polling show an incredible disparity. Among married men, Trump leads 59-39 percent, among married women, Trump is up 56-42 percent, and among unmarried men, Trump leads 52-45 percent. But among unmarried women, Harris is out front by a whopping 68-31 percent. And the most important issue for single women in this election? Abortion.

The entire social agenda of Democrats is bizarre, and that’s the nicest way to describe it. The obsession with gender pronouns, the mandatory celebrations of unconventional sexuality, the sudden explosion of transsexualism, laws that actually permit the state to take custody of “trans” minors to chemically castrate them against the wishes of their parents. We may forgive anyone who calls this evil, because unchecked, it is the twisted trajectory of a society bent on suicide.

This is no exaggeration. In none of these trends do we find people replacing themselves. “Reproductive health care,” transsexualism, and same-sex partnerships all have one thing in common. No new babies. Pour on a little climate doom rhetoric, an engineered unaffordable cost-of-living, cultural disparagement of stay-at-home moms, and, of course, that great and all-consuming career for Karen in marketing, and even the straights are choosing to be barren. America’s birthrate has plummeted in the last 20 years, and thanks to “reproductive health care,” a million babies a year were not born. That is another context, not moral but demographic, with which to view this catastrophe.

So bravo to Kamala Harris and the entire machine that propels her campaign and her party. She may win, but it will be for all the wrong reasons. And if she wins, the abuse the drunken donkey inflicts—the wars, high prices and shortages, crime and unrest, and porous borders—will pummel us all. But a champion of “reproductive health care” will occupy the White House, and that’s all that matters.