Sunday, October 20, 2024

Profound Implications – Trump Transition Team Likely to Refuse Federal Assistance and Transition Funding if President Trump Wins Election

This is an inside baseball story that will be overlooked by most, but it carries profound implications.

The winner of the presidential election usually merges the president-elect’s transition team with the federal transition system.  Current government bureaucrats then begin a process of briefings, agency/institutional transfer coordination and funding to assist the incoming president’s team.  However, as we saw in the aftermath of the 2016 election, the government side of the transition worked behind the scenes to impede Trump’s ascendency into office, and factually supported the corrupt government IC officials who were targeting Trump.

For election 2024, President Trump’s transition team is now saying they are likely to go it alone and skip any federal transition assistance in advance of inauguration day.  That decision is making the deepest parts of the Deep State apparatus very nervous. That decision has major ramifications and could, likely would, include the incoming Trump administration setting up offices outside Washington DC.

WASHINGTON DC – Former President Donald Trump is weighing a go-it-alone approach to presidential transition planning, which could dramatically slow his takeover of the federal government if he wins in November.

The Trump transition team has yet to sign two agreements with the federal government to receive transition funding and planning assistance and to share information — a break with modern precedent. Instead, transition co-chairs Linda McMahon, who served as small business administrator in the Trump administration, and investor and GOP mega-donor Howard Lutnick are plowing ahead with their own processes for vetting potential political appointees and preparing policy plans.

The decision not to take federal assistance allows them to raise unlimited funds without disclosing their donors, while avoiding oversight from federal bureaucrats, whom Trump and his advisers deeply distrust. But if Trump wins the election and continues to drag his feet on signing the agreement with the White House, it will limit the information he and his team can access to understand current federal operations and challenges.

While the Trump transition team insists it will be ready to hit the ground running if the former president wins, experts say it’s likely to further set back its preparations, already running well behind schedule, to take over the executive branch and its millions of employees.

[…] Beyond simply planning the future president’s policy agenda, a presidential transition is charged with identifying candidates to fill thousands of vacancies, readying plans to run the federal government’s voluminous agencies, and applying for security clearances for staff to receive sensitive information.

The Presidential Transition Act aims to facilitate a smooth transfer of power between administrations, establishing guidelines for the sitting government’s transition planning and designating various forms of assistance that the General Services Administration can provide to the presidential transitions and, post-election, the president-elect. By Sept. 1, the General Services Administration is expected to reach an agreement with the candidates’ teams regarding what kind of support and facilities it will provide before the election. By Oct. 1, the White House is expected to reach an agreement with the candidates’ teams around access to agencies, post-election, which includes an ethics plan for its staff. (KEEP READING)

Most readers are aware of my position. I do not think the Trump team should engage with the corrupt silo administrators at all, specifically because of their conduct in 2017 – which included the GSA giving all of the Trump transition material, emails, documents, text messages, cell phones etc. to Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann. The GSA even gave the IC and DOJ privileged information from President Trump’s lawyers on the transition team. In short, the DC system cannot be trusted.


This is a background issue of big importance that we should watch closely.  I predict the U.S Intelligence Community, FBI and DOJ will be conducting wholesale surveillance of the Trump transition team. They are likely doing that already.

The General Services Administration (GSA) was the originating institution used by the IC in coordination with the FBI/DOJ to set up the framing of the Mar-a-Lago documents case.  Every part of the GSA cannot be trusted.

President Trump’s transition team needs to keep distance from the Obama/Biden/Harris network that operates and controls the functionaries who manipulate the DC bureaucracy as instructed by the Intelligence Community.

We will keep watching.